Blaze vs Azula

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Requested by PhoenixMason

SEGA vs Avatar, two pyromancers born from royalty goes out in the flaming duel of the century

<Cue: Invader Theme>

Toomi: Fire, one of the most powerful, useful and dangerous element in the world has often times been used as a weapon in combat

Megumi: And nobody can wield them better than these two smoking hot chicks.

Toomi: Like Blaze the Cat, princess of the Sol Dimension,

Megumi: And Azula, the Princess of the Fire Nation, she's Sachi-san, Toomi-san and I'm Megumi-san.

Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a Death Batle

Blaze flames into What if Battles

<Cue: You're my only Shawty by Ariana Grande feat Iyaz>

Megumi: The world of Sonic is quit weird. Hedgehog's run a mach speed, an Echidna who can punch moons, you know the drift.

Toomi: However, there exists a parallel dimension known as the Sol Dimension.

Megumi: Don't you mean Soul?

Toomi: No. I mean Sol, deprived from the Greek word Sol, which translates into Solar. As such, Solar Dimension is a more accurate translation. Anyways, the Sol dimension is a interesting Parallel to Sonic's, even having it's own protector: Blaze the cat.

<Shows footages of Blaze transforming her dress into her costume>

Sachi: Blaze the Cat is a 14 year old anthropomorphic cat and a princess hailing from an alternate dimension of Sonic the Hedgehog. Her soul purpose in life is to protect and guard the sol emeralds.

Toomi: Sonic and Blaze's dimension are in flux with one another, allowing anyone to travel from one dimension to the other through a tear in the space-time continuum.

Megumi: Which basically spells trouble.

Sachi: It does. Dr. Eggman came to her world and stole the Sol emeralds causing Blaze to be summoned into Sonic's world to retrieve them. While in Sonic's world she ran into Cream the Rabbit, who soon became Blaze's close friend.

Toomi: Blaze was born with power of pyrokinesis which gives her the ability to control and create fire as she pleases. She can also conjure up large fire columns of fire from the ground. Her soul is literally alit with flames....somehow

Sachi: This gives Blaze heat resistance, making her invulnerable to certain types of flames, such as the flames found in the environment. She can turn herself into a burning projectile by conjuring up fire all over her body.

Megumi: She can also fly for a short amount of time. Oh and fun fact, she can also pierce flames as well. How can she do that exactly?

Blaze the Cat

Superhuman physical attributes

Homing attack


Axel Jump

Burst Dash

Burst Hover

Fire Boost

Spinning claw

Toomi: She's also incredibly agile, able to regularly flip and jump around, and she does has some hand to hand combat. Blaze also has the ability to preform a homing attack, where she jumps into the air and slams into an enemy full force.

Megumi:  Finally, the Spinning Claw. While on the ground, Blaze pirouette's around while releasing flames around her.

Sachi: And with the 7 Sol Emeralds, Blaze can use their power to transform into Burning Blaze.

<Shows footages of Blaze transforming into Burning Blaze>

Megumi: As Burning Blaze, Blaze can fly, grows in powers immensely, and is completely invulnerable. She's only capable to reaching Light Speed flight, evidenced by that fact that she can keep up with Super Sonic.

Sachi: She has fought him to a draw,  defeated Doctor Eggman in his Egg King Mecha, and was strong enough to ram into and destroy an asteroid in her burning form.

Toomi: The Asteroid in question was rather small, likely only around 590 miles in diameter, and assuming that said asteroid is highly silicon based, as many spatial entities are, Burning Blaze would be impacting with the force of 40% of what a nuclear warhead would do.


Sealed Iblis, the monster of Silver's dimension, inside herself.

Defeated the robotic pirate Whisker, his lieutenant Johnny and defeated a lot of huge robots.

Destroyed an Egg Eagle with an Axel Jump

Able to jump in the very top of the building in two second

Fast enough to keep up with Sonic

Destroyed an Egg Wizard, a machine powerful enough to destroy planets

Destroyed an Egg Salamander powerful enough to harm invulnerable Super Forms

Effortlessly destroyed an asteroid

Toomi: It's also impressive to note that Blaze is powerful enough to destroy an Egg Wizard, a device powerful enough to destroy planets.

Megumi: Damn. Now I know why she was considered to be Sonic's rival.

Sachi: What do you mean considered?

Megumi: Didn't you know Sachi? Blaze the Cat was originally planned to be Sonic's rival but she was replaced by Shadow the Hedgehog.

Sachi: Well I understood why, I mean, it makes more sense to have a hedgehog to be a hedgehog rival instead of a cat.

Toomi: Anyways, while Blaze sure is a pretty strong cat, that doesn't mean she has no weaknesses. Her fire has limits, and it can't burn through everything

Megumi: And while she certainly is fast, she is still nowhere near Sonic's best speed.


Overlay reliant on working alone

Super Form only last's a couple minuets

Fire obviously cannot burn through everything

Scarred of heights

Sometimes rash

Sachi: She's also afraid of heights, and can act pretty rash at times. 

Megumi: But with her power and potential, who's to say SEGA should have went ahead of their original plan instead?

Blaze: Didn't we already through this? We agreed to save the world at any price!

Azula returns into What if Battles

<Cue: Bad Girl by Hyori>

Megumi: Well, would you look at that, another returning combatant.

Toomi: A long time ago, my mother Ursa was bethroth to my step-father, the former Fire Lord Ozai by my grandfather, giving him a real daughter by the name of Azula.

Ozai: Iroh's a traitor and Zuko's a failure, I have a task for you.

<Azula looks up to her father, an evil smirk plastered on her face>    

Megumi: Damn. She looks really scary already.

Sachi: Nobody could blame you. Everyone feared her. And using that to her advantage, she was able to get her two life long friends, Mai and Ty Lee to go after the Avatar, even managing to track him down several times.

Toomi: And she did succeeded in almost killing him and restoring Zuko's lost honor, though the betrayal of her friends and her insecurities caused her to lose her sanity.

Megumi: And if you guys think that's the end of it, it's not. After helping Zuko track down her mother, Azula managed to gain back her sanity and lead a squad of firebending women in hopes of overthrowing her brother.

Sachi: Being from the Fire Nation, Azula possesses natural talent in Fire Bending, being able to reach a level high enough for her fire to become blue, thus making her a fourteen year old prodigy.

Toomi: But her most deadliest technique is her ability to bend lightning, a much higher state of firebending that can potentially kills it's victims. I mean sure, it can be redirected but it's not one hundred percent guaranteed a success.



Martial Arts Skills


Lightning Bending

Peak Human Strength

Peak Human Speed

Peak Human Durability

Great Intelligience


Expert Markswoman

Toomi: Azula is extremely dangerous, capable of matching against the likes of Zuko, Iroh, Katara and Aang. Defeated two Kyoshi warriors effortlessly and even severely injured Iroh.

Megumi: She was easily able to track both me and my uncle without any leads and even outmaneurvered most of Aang's traps. Even utilizing his own skills as her own.

Sachi: She even led the order of the Kemurikage/Fire Warriors. A bunch of looney firebending women in hopes of overthrowing her brother. But nothing can match her greatest feat, electrocuting the Avatar while he's in the Avatar State.


Crushed shells with her fingers.

Halted her track at a slope.

Blocked Aang's airbending with her hands.

Blocked Zuko's strikes.

Kicked rocks being thrown at her.

Broke free from Toph's earth-binding bending technique.

Broke free from Katara's ice-binding bending technique.

Casually dodged Zuko's strikes.

Leaped through wood, and quickly kicked blue flames at Aang.

Balanced herself standing on a pole.

Dodged obstacles made by Aang.

Fired consecutive blue flames at a fast rate.

Dodged earthbending strikes.

Easily leaped high places.

Landed safely from falling.

Quickly escaped the gangs assault.

Deflected Aangs' strikes.

Dodged falling rocks from above.

Slides off a drill and landed safely on the ground.

Dodged a charging flying Appa.

Dodged Suki's strike.

Dodged a Kyoshi warrior's fan strike.

Stick to rocks and walls.

Dodged Katara's water strike.

Dodged Toph's attack.

Dodged both Zuko's and Sokka's strikes.

Dodged Zuko's powered flames during Sozen's comet.

Escaped from a straitjacket after recovering from a Chi block.

Swiftly dodged Katara's ice shards at point blank range.

Quickly deflected Sokka's boomerang with her bracer.

Quickly disappeared from the gang as soon as she saw the identity of her mother.

Dodged Ty Lee's chi blocking technique.

Tanked a shockwave from Aang.

Tanked Katara's water strike.

Tanked a redirect lightning from Zuko.

At a young age, she already mastered fourteen forms of firebending.

Easily tracked down and found Zuko and her uncle Iroh, without any leads.

Intimidated the Ringmaster.

Successfully forced her best friend, Ty Lee into joining her.

Traumatized Zuko.

One step ahead of the plan during the day of the invasion.

Easily saw through Aang's plan to lead them into a false path, and halted the invasion during the Day of the Black Sun.

Adapted and copied Aang's moves and added it to her own.

Disarmed Suki of her weapon.

Infiltrated the Earth Kingdom disguised as Kyoshi Warriors.

Outsmarted the Dai Li.

Coup with the Dai Li and successfully overthrow the Earth King.

Used her flames as thrusters to fly.

Boosted herself on the air with her flames.

Redirected Zuko's flames.

Managed on the air and saved herself from falling off to her death.

Almost crowned the Fire Lord if not for Zuko's intervention.

Successful in her plot. Used Mai and Iroh as leverage in persuading Zuko to come back with them to the Fire Nation.

Beaten kids at an arcade.

Acts when there's an opening.

Managed to fire lightning while in a straitjacket.

Masqueraded as the Kemurikage/Scary Ladies.

Orchestrated the kidnappings from the shadows.

Redirected back a redirect lightning to Zuko.

Came back better and stronger.

Recovered from her mental illness, but still a retained a bit of it.

Appears to have studied Ninjutsu.

The ringleader of the Shadowy Kemurikage.

Fought Zuko, Aang and both of them.

When she was young, perfectly hit's an apple on Mai's head.

Destroyed a wall of earth with her lightning.

Knocked out Zuko with a fire blast.

Flames are strong enough to slice solid concrete.

Blocked a combined elemental attack from Aang, Katara, Toph & Zuko.

Fatally injured Iroh with her attack.

Led the siege to Ba Sing Ce.

Battled Aang on top of the giant drill while avoiding falling boulders from above.

Knocked out Aang with a fire blast.

Managed to broke through Aang's defenses with a fire blast.

Took down a huge tree with her flames.

Bested Suki in close quarters combat.

Defeated the Kyoshi Warriors with her small team.

Commanded the Dai Li.

Fought Katara.

Created huge flames to protect her from Katara's huge water wave.

Created flames as thrusters to boost herself towards the enemy.

Knocked Katara out with a flame strike.

Briefly killed an awakened Avatar Aang in his avatar state with a bolt of lightning.

Gave Aang a memorable scar with her lightning.

Conquered the impenetrable city of Ba Sing Ce.

Dominates in beach volleyball.

Pissed off Sokka.

Caught up to Sokka and gang on the gondola.

Fought a handicap against Zuko & Sokka on top a gondola.

Fought Zuko on top of an airship.

She and Zuko caused an explosion when their fiery fist collides.

Briefly became Princess Regent of the Fire Nation.

Fought Zuko in an Agni Kai.

Grabbed the tray with her mouth and knocked down Zuko with it, while strapped in a straitjacket.

Knocked down Sokka with just a spark of lightning.

Aided Team Avatar on finding her mother.

Saved the gang from spirit moth-wasps by firing a ball lightning.

Overwhelmed Zuko in a fire fight.

Set fire to half the landscape and escaped Katara and Sokka's custody.

Carved out a path on Forgetful Valley by burning down huge trees with her flames.

Disturbed the undisturbed spiritual pool on Forgetful Valley.

Saved Sokka from the vines by punching it with her fiery fist.

Led the order of the Kemurikage/Fire Warriors.

Defeated two Kyoshi Warriors in close quarters combat.

Successfully ruined the peoples trust on their new Fire Lord, resulting of diminishing his reputation as ruler.

Got over her insanity

<Shows footage of Azula firing a streak of lightning on Aang's back while he's in the Avatar State>

Megumi: Damn.

Toomi: She was even able to know about the Water Tribe and the Earth Kingdom's invasion, stalling until the Solar Eclipse ends and even trapping the army within the pincers of the Fire Nation.

Sachi: And remember when Toomi mentioned that she lost her sanity, well, a straightjacket doesn't holds her back, she can even lightning bend even without her arms. And plus, she even got over her insanity

Toomi: However, as tough and intelligent as she is, Azula is very unstable. Her insanity may have been caused by guilt, lonliness and even sadness.

Megumi: Sounds like she needs family therapy. She makes the Jackson Five look like a Family Circus.

Sachi: Not only that, but she kinda lacks social skills too.

Ty Lee: Okay, look. If you want a boy to like you, just look at him and smile alot and laugh at everything he says even if it's not funny.

Azula: Well that sounds really shallow and stupid. Let's try it!

Ty Lee: Okay.

<Ty Lee then began imitating a flirtacous party guest>

Ty Lee: Hey there sweet sugar cakes, how you likin' this party?

Azula: Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!

<Azula bursts in a fit of loud and awkard laughter, attracting the attention of the other party guests>


Still a bit unhinged.

A natural sadist.

Lack social skills.

In need of a family therapy.

Perfectionist, have trouble when things don't go her way.

Can't bend if she can't move her body.

Lost against Katara

Has her lightning redirected by Zuko

Despite her hatred for Ursa, deep down, Azula still loves her mother

Almost lost against Zuko despite being stronger than him

Toomi: Not only that but Azula's an extreme perfectionist, tending to lose her cool if things doesn't go her way.

Sachi: And despite possessing superior firebending over Zuko, Zuko has managed to counter her Lightning bending and even bested her in combat, which she would have lost if Zuko hadn't sacrificed his own body to protect Katara

Megumi: But one things for sure, she's extremely unpredicatble and up until now, we can never know when will she ever strike again.

Azula: Yes! We defeated you for all time! You will never rise from the ashes from your shame and humilitation! Ah. That was fun.

Toomi: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.

Sachi: Don't forget to vote, comment what you think of the fight.

Megumi: Yeah, but right now, it's time for a Death Battle!


Green Hill, random Fire Nation outpost

In the lust green hill, two random Fire Nation guards sat idly at the outpost, sighing out in boredom.

Fire Nation guard: Man, why would the Fire Lord even wanna put us here? The Avatar won't even come here.

Fire Nation guard: I know right. Man, this is the worst job we ever had.

Just then, a feline figure steps up towards the guards, questioning out.

???: Uh hum! What are you doing here?

Fire Nation guards: What?!

Both guards stood up, their eyes widens upon laying eyes on a short purple anthropomorphic cat.

Fire Nation guard: Who are you?

Blaze: I am Blaze, Princess of the Sol Dimension and you two are trespassing in my friend's property.

Both guards pushes themselves up, drawing their spears as they closes in onto Blaze menacingly.

Fire Nation Guard: Heh heh! You and what army?

Blaze didn't reply. Instead, she simply waves her hands lightly, watching just as the guards immediately lights up on fire.


Fire Nation guards: AAAHHHHHHHH!!!

As the two guards are running around frantically, desperately trying to douse the scorching flames on their bodies, Blaze simply shrugs, saying.

Blaze: Hm. I don't even need an army to deal with losers like you.

However, right at that moment, Blaze heard the sound of a loud explosion from behind.


Blaze: Hm?

Blaze spun around, watching just as a small figure jumps out of the cloud of smoke, landing foot first in front of her.


Blaze raises an eyebrow, questioning the newcomer.

Blaze: And who are you exactly?

The woman scrowls in fury, introducing herself to Blaze.

Azula: Don't you know who I am? I am Princess Azula, daughter of Fire Lord Ozai and you should bow to me!

Blaze: I don't know who this Ozai guy is, but I sure won't bow to the likes of you.

Azula crouches down, raising her hands as she said to Blaze.

Azula: Once I'm through with you, you're gonna wished you did!

Announcer: Fight!

<Cue: Fire by BTS>


Azula thrusts her arm out, launching a powerful stream of blue fire at Blaze.

Blaze rushes forward, running through the fire before jumping up to Azula, throwing a powerful punch square in her face.


Azula: ARGHHHHH!!!


Blaze spun her body into a speeding purple blur before thrusting herself forward, slamming into Azula repeatly.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!

Just as Azula drops down from the air, Blaze thrusts her hand out, sending a blast of fire right into her.


Azula: ARGHHHH!!!

Azula grunts out in agony before slamming her heel into the ground, screeching across the floor before facing Blaze.

Blaze: Is that all?

Azula: Hardly.


Azula thrusts her hands out, sending a powerful blue burst of fire at Blaze.

Blaze throws her hand out, launching a blast of fire at her.



Loud explosions booms across the field as the two pyromancers exchange blasts of fire amongst each other.

Azula jumps back, a powerful burst of blue fire trailing behind her.


Blaze simply curls into a ball and she launches herself up, striking into Azula.



Blaze lands feetfirst onto the ground, watching just as Azula spun around in the air, throwing a kick square in her face.


Blaze: YAHHHHH!!!

Just as Blaze is sent flying, Azula lunges forward, throwing a single punch of fire at her, forcing Blaze to raise her arms up, shielding herself from the blow.


As both Blaze and Azula faces each other, Azula places her fingers across, electricity crackles along her hand as she screams out.

Azula: This is where you die!


Lightning crackles across Azula's body just as the Princess of the Fire Nation thrusts her arm out, sending a powerful blast of lightning at Blaze.

Just as the lightning closes onto her, Blaze simply jumps up, narrowingly dodging the lightning blast.

Azula: What?!

Before Azula could react, Blaze's entire body engulfs completely in flames just as the cat lunges forward, slamming right into the Fire Nation Princess.



Azula lets out a bloodcurling scream, flying backwards just as her entire body engulfs completely in flames.

Blaze sprints forward, her entire body ignites into burning blaze before slamming right into Azula, causing her entire body to go off in a massive explosion.


As the flames slowly dies down, Blaze pats the dust off her body, scoffing out.

Blaze: That should teach you.


<Cue:  New Earth by Bruce Falconer>

Megumi: Oh look! A returning combatant who just became Yang 2.0!

Toomi: Azula may have the advantage in strategy and quick thinking but Blaze really exceeds her in every category.

Megumi: Blaze has literally moved fast enough to the point Sonic the Hedgehog even complimented her, and that is coming from a blue hedgehog who can run at the speed of light in his base form.

Sachi: Azula sure is fast enough to react against opponents as powerful as Aang but she herself has never even reached speed of that level.

Toomi: What's more, Blaze is resistant to heat, which means that Azula's fire is pretty much useless against her. But the same could not really be said about lightning.

Sachi: But considering how Blaze can survive and defeat enemies of planetary level, who's to say that lightning bending won't change the results either way.

Toomi: Having dominated Azula in strength, speed, power and durability, this is what gives Blaze the win over Azula. Heck, she don't even need Burning Blaze to defeat her.

Megumi: Looks like Azula's just got burned purrfectly!

Sachi: The winner is Blaze the Cat

Blaze: My skills are superior.

Toomi: Hey guys, thank you so much for checking out our battle in What if Battles 2.

Sachi: If you want more content like this, don't forget to add this in your library and comment if you have any idea for a fight.

Megumi: Until then, next time on What if Battles....

Up Next




Dracula vs Alucard


* The connections between Blaze and Azula is that both combatants are of royalty and they can manipulate fire as well. The two are also rivals to the main protagonist, Sonic for Blaze and Aang for Azula

* This is the first time a SEGA character fights an Avatar character

* This is the third time a SEGA character wins a What if Battle, the first being Yang vs Knuckles and Alien X vs Sonic

* This is the fourth time an Avatar character loses a What if Battle, the first being Goku vs Aang, Antagonistic Women Battle Royale and Katara vs Juvia

* Azula is by far the second returning character to be featured in the series with Yang Xiao Long being first

* Azula is the second returning character to lose in another What if Battle, the first being Yang who has lost three times in Yang vs Knuckles, Hakufu vs Yang and Pyrrha vs Yang

* Megumi even made a reference to it by nicknaming her "Yang 2.0"

* Despite Blazing Blaze being mentioned in the analysis, Blaze has never used the transformation at all, probably due to the fact that she don't need it to defeat Azula

* This is the sixteenth battle to be a female vs female battle, the first being Antagonistic Women battle Royale, Hakufu vs Yang, Mercy vs Hawkgirl, Emma Swan vs Skye, Android 21 vs Towa, Pyrrha vs Yang, Gwenpool vs Spider-Gwen, Weiss vs Asuna, Toph vs Terra, Katara vs Juvia, Rogue vs Poison Ivy, Ms. America vs Supergirl, Catwoman vs Cassie Cage, Kimi vs Elena and Sakura vs Rukia

* This is the eighteenth battle where a female combatant won a What if Battle, the first being Power Girl vs Cooler, Nonon Jakuzure vs Squidward Tentacles, Antagonistic Women Battle Royale, Hakufu vs Yang, Mercy vs Hawkgirl, Emma Swan vs Skye, Reimu Hakurei vs Godzilla, Android 21 vs Towa, Pyrrha vs Yang, Gwenpool vs Spider-Gwen, Weiss vs Asuna, Toph vs Terra, Katara vs Juvia, Ms. America vs Supergirl, Catwoman vs Cassie Cage and Kimi vs Elena

* This is the eighteenth battle where a female combatant lost a What if Battle, the first being Yang vs Knuckles, Mimicry Battle Royale, Hakufu vs Yang, Mercy vs Hawkgirl, Emma Swan vs Skye, Android 21 vs Towa, Pyrrha vs Yang, Gwenpool vs Spider-Gwen, Weiss vs Asuna, Toph vs Terra, Katara vs Juvia, Genos vs Seryu, Rogue vs Poison Ivy, Ms. America vs Supergirl, Catwoman vs Cassie Cage and Kimi vs Elena

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