Nero vs Rias

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Requested by Glitchtale_Sans

Devil May Cry vs Highschool DXD, two demons offsprings from a bloodline of powerful demons goes out a rather demonic battle

<Cue: Invader Theme>

Toomi: Demons, creatures of malice and are certainly extremely powerful

Megumi: And these two are children to some of the strongest demons ever.

Toomi: Like Nero, The Blood Relative of Sparda,

Megumi: And Rias Gremory, next heiress of the Gremory Clan. She's Sachi-san, Toomi-san and I'm Megumi-san

Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

Nero brings the Devil into What if Battles

<Cue: Awake and Alive by Skillet>

Toomi: Born to unknown parents and left on the doorstep of an orphanage, Nero was given his name because of the black blanket he was found in. Sometime later he would meet Kyrie and Credo

Sachi: And together the three of them were raised in the city of Fortuna however for Nero it wasn't easy. Throughout his childhood life he would be constantly accused of being a child of a prostitute because no one knew who his mother was and during this time he would grow close to Kyrie and Kyrie's Parents.

Megumi: Throughout his life, Nero would be taught in swordsmanship by Kyrie's older brother Credo and sometime later joined the Order of the Sword in order to protect the City of Fortuna.

Toomi: However this also caused most of the members to dislike him mostly because of Nero's lone wolf nature and because of the fact that Nero uses a gun.

Megumi: Can you blame him?! And besides Nero's gun is fucking amazing! Nero's Gun is called the Blue Rose. And to make things better, it's a double-barrel revolver!

Sachi: Until day an expected visitor literally dropped into the church for a visit, and no, it wasn't to donate to the church's roof, but to stop a conspiracy to engulf the world in demons, and allow the Order to rise to power.

Megumi: But it took a while for Dante to convince Nero of this, and he did so with the best present ever; the legendary sword Yamato.

Toomi: With Nero on his side, Dante was able to bring down the Order of the Sword, and with the organization finished, Nero went on to forge his own path as a demon hunter.

Megumi: And thanks to being the grandson of one of the most powerful demons around, Nero has superhuman levels of speed and strength, and a healing factor that lets him shrug off getting stabbed through the chest. And hell, even losing his arm didn't lessen his overall awesome rating.

Toomi: Sure enough though, a chance encounter with a mysterious figure resulted in the loss of his arm and most beneficial power, the Devil Bringer, a demonic left arm that manifests a giant arm.

<Shows footages of Nero throwing multiple strikes with Devil Bringer>

Sachi:  Bet he wins, or at least won, a lot of arm wrestles, with that thing. But thanks to his friend and mechanic Nico, Nero got himself a whole collection of brand new cyborg arms.


Superhuman strength

Superhuman speed

Healing factor

Devil Trigger


Increases physical abilities

Empowers healing

Use of spectral arms

Red Queen

Blue Rose

Devil Breakers


Punch Line


Helter Skelter


Buster Arm



Toomi: With Overture, he can fire surges of electricity, pulverize foes with Helter Skelter, and Ragtime can be used to slow down time in a single place for a short period.

Megumi: There's the Red Queen, a sword with a build in gas throttle that spews the blade with flames, enabling it to deliver more powerful attacks. And what's a demon hunter without a long range option, so he also has on hand the Blue Rose gun.

Sachi: But that all pales in comparison to Nero's ultimate replacement to the Devil Bringer; a new and improved Devil Trigger.

<Shows footages of Nero using his Devil Trigger>

Megumi: And to find the capabilities of his Devil Trigger, we knew exactly who to scale him to; his uncle Dante having awakened his own Devil Trigger.

Toomi:  Just to prove this scaling is justified, both Nero and Dante experienced boosts in power of their base forms after obtaining their Devil Triggers, which themselves offer similar abilities of boosting their healing factors.

Megumi: Plus, he's capable of lifting gigantic demons over his head like balloons and even a giant stone sword, which ought to weigh at least a ton or two.

Sachi: Nero's fought demons such as Echidna, Urizen and even his own father Vergil, managing to claim victories over them. 


Killed Countless Demons throughout Fortuna, Redgrave City, and The Qliphoth

Defeated and Killed a Group of Scarecrows by Himself without the User of his Weapons or Devil Bringer

Overpowered and defeated by Dante in their First Encounter

Dante admits that he underestimated Nero

Defeated Berial, Bael, and Echidna

Effortlessly Overpowered and Defeated Agnus

Defeated Credo while the later was in a Demon Ranger

Destroyed the Savior's Head resulting in getting Destroyed in the Process

Trusted with the Yamato by Dante

Defeated Sanctus after he had becomed Sanctus Diablico and was Wielding the Sword of Sparda

Defeated Goliath, Gilgamesh, Artemis, and Malphas

Managed to land a Single-Slash along Urizen's Hand leaving a Cut

Unfazed by the Van driven by Nico nearly slamming into him

In the Novel of Devil May Cry 4, Dante claims that Nero may surpass him in Brute Strength

Megumi: The thing is though, we're not sure if Nero is comparable to Dante or Vergil at their peaks of power, considering it's never been demonstrated that Nero can fight them at their strongest.

Toomi: Not only that but Nero is also very cocky and ill-tempered and was easily defeated by Urizen


Cocky and ill-tempered

Easily Overpowered and Nearly Killed by Urizen Twice

Nearly died from Blood-Loss as a Result of Vergil severing the Devil Bringer from his arm

Overpowered and likely could've been killed by Dante in their Second Encounter when he took the fight seriously

Blue Rose needs to reload

Red Queen and Blue Rose can be destroyed

Sachi: And Blue Rose like any ordinary gun, needs to be reloaded constantly and are not indestructible.

Megumi: But who cares if Nero is nothing more than a third generation demon, he has shown countless times to be more than capable of becoming a powerful demon himself.

Nero: I'm back in this bitch!

Rias Gremory Oppa Beams into What if Battles

<Cue: Pretty Girl by KARA>

Toomi: Rias is the daughter and second child of the Gremory Family. She became the heir after her brother, Sirzechs, became the Satan Lucifer, losing his right as heir to the house

Megumi: After being announced as the heiress of the Gremory Clan, Rias was eventually placed into engagement with Riser Phenex.

Sachi: Rias has reincarnated Akeno Himejima, Koneko Toujou, Yuuto Kiba, and Gasper Vladi as members of her peerage. 

Toomi: Rias met Akeno, her Queen, first servant, and best friend, in Japan, saving Akeno from being killed by her fellow Himejima Clan members after Akeno accidentally entered Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa's territory. She then met Koneko, her second servant, after her brother rescued Koneko from being executed, leaving Koneko under Rias' care

Sachi:  She later reincarnated both Yuuto and Gasper, the former who died after being a part of the "Holy Sword Project" and the latter killed by Vampire hunters.

Megumi: She entered Kuoh Academy two years before the series along with Akeno, Sona, and Tsubaki, reviving the abolished Occult Research Club which is used as a base for her servants and became its president

Toomi: Rias and Akeno went to the Kyoto trip during their second year, Rias enjoyed every moment of it, however, they didn't plan a proper scheduled and therefore there were places that she wasn't able to visit like the Nijou-jou, Rias was so upset that she stomped her feet at the railway station

Sachi:  Also during their second year, Rias and her club organized a haunted house for the school festival, she even used real ghosts as she requested friendly Youkai looking for jobs to plan the decorations

Megumi: This, however, got them in a lot of trouble with Sona who scolded them for using the real thing.

Toomi:  Rias has exceptional demonic power even for a High-Class Devil. Azazel has noted that even without training, she has the potential to become a Devil of the highest class relying solely on natural talent alone

Megumi: She has the Power of Destruction, a unique form of demonic power that allows her to release energies that can disintegrate matter, both living and inanimate, with relative ease

Sachi: Rias is also shown to be proficient in using magic such as the ritual to drain the dragon aura from Issei's left hand to let it appear human again, teleportation magic, healing spells with the most fatal being restored after making skin to skin contact, defensive magic to protect herself and her servants from powerful attacks, and create several layers of defensive barriers to protect from the explosive aftershock of Katerea self-destruct spell. Rias can also use magic communication circles.

Rias Gremory

Power of Destruction

Extinguished Star

Expert Magician

Memory Alteration

Enhanced Durability

Oppai Beam

Expert Tactician

Stealth Expert


Forbidden Invade Balor the Princes

Crimson Extinct Dragonar

Megumi: And she does my most favourite attack of all, the Oppai Beam.

Toomi: Oppai Beam?

<Shows footages of Rias flashing a bright red light from her chest>

Toomi: Wait? So she charged up Issei  just by letting her touch her boobs?!

Megumi: Yup! They don't call him the grabbing dragon for nothing.

Sachi: She also has the Crimson Extinct Dragonar, which is a combination technique between Rias and Issei, where he uses his Red Wyverns and they sync both of their auras and the Wyverns attach themselves to Rias to create her own female version of Issei's Scale Mail. The armor acts just like Issei's, boosting Rias's abilities and giving her the ability to utilize Boost, Transfer, and Penetrate until she reaches her limit

Toomi: In Volume 1, she and Akeno are able to defeat three Fallen Angels with relative ease.

Sachi: ith a 8-time boost from Issei, she is able to force Kokabiel on the defensive. Although it is blocked, Kokabiel is not completely unharmed either.

Megumi: And she can restore her own breast size. Lucky girl


Perfected a special one-hit kill move which is described as a compression of unimaginable amounts of demonic power.

Can disintergrate both living and inanimated matter

Being the sister of Satan makes her powers comparable to him

Healed Issei's hand

Defeated three fallen angels

Recharged Issei's energy 

Able to restore her breast size

Regarded to be so talented that she can reach the highest grade of devils without any sort of training.

Megumi: But you know what's the worst thing about the Oppai Beam? Well, it turns out the more she uses it, the more her breasts shrink. Just imagine how low her chances of dating other guys will go

Dee Kosh: But do you have boobs? I don't think so!

Toomi: Not only that but being a demon, Rias is weak against light and holy weapons and she cannot use Crimson Extinct Dragonar and Forbidden Invade Balor the Princess without help from Issei and Gasper respectively.


Holybased abilities and weaponry

Extinguished Star takes some time to charge

She is possibly susceptible to dragon slaying abilities and weaponry in Crimson Extinct Dragonar

She cannot maintain both that form and Forbidden Invade Balor the Princess for too long, although the exact timeframe is unknown

Her breast size shrinks the more she uses her Oppai Beam though she can regrow them

Megumi: But regardless of that, I can see why Issei would want a chick like that in his harem.

Rias: Issei. I love you. I love you more than anything else.

Toomi: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.

Sachi: Don't forget to vote, comment what you think of the fight.

Megumi: Yeah, but right now, it's time for a Death Battle!



Inside a large and wide cathedral, Issei, Rias, Raynare, Xenovia, Akeno, Ravel and Yuuto sat around a large round table, discussing amongst themselves.

Unknown to them up on the rooftop, Nero lands feetfirst onto the platform, staring down at them.

Nero: Well well, I can sense some demonic energy within them. This is gonna be interesting.

Nero then jumps down from the roof, landing right in front of the group.

Issei turns around and he questions.

Issei: Huh? Who are you.

Upon laying eyes on the girls around Issei, Nero raises an eyebrow and he says.

Nero: Damn. How come I'm never this lucky when it comes to demons?

Rias then pushes Issei back and she says to him in an assuring tone.

Rias: Don't worry Issei, I've got this.

Nero: All fuck this shit. Let's go!

<Cue: Clap, Smile, Dance! by BananaLemon>

Announcer: Fight!

Nero pulls out Blue Rose and he points it at Rias, opening fire at her.


Rias flies across the air, dodging the projectiles before closing in onto Nero.

Nero pulls out Red Queen, shielding himself from a blow from Rias.


As Rias flies back, Nero jumps up and he swings his blade across, cutting into the demon.



Nero: Take this!


Nero throws a single punch from his Devil Bringer, sending Rias flying across the air.


As Rias crashes into the wall, Issei cries out to her.

Issei: Rias!

Rias pushes herself up and she calls out to Issei.

Rias: Issei! I need you!

A bright light flashes around her just as a red armour covers her completely.

Rias has transformed into Crimson Extinct Dragonar!


Rias swoops forward, striking right into Nero.


As Rias dives back down, Nero jumps up into the air, dodging the blows from her before swinging Red Queen down.


Rias shields herself from the blow and she trusts out her hand, firing several magical blasts at him.

PIU!!! PIU!!! PIU!!!

Nero raises his Spectral Arm, swinging Red Queen across as he deflects the projectiles with a single swing.


Nero races across the battlefield, pointing Blue Rose at her before opening fire onto Rias.


Rias swerves her body to the side, dodging the projectiles before pointing her hands at him,  her entire body disappearing in the process.


Nero: What?!

Nero looks around, left and right before Rias reappears from behind, screaming out.

Rias: Extinguished Star!



Nero screams out in agony just as the Extinguished Star struck onto him, creating a massive explosion around him.


Rias faces the large crater on the floor, saying.

Rias: That's what you get jerk.

Nero: Heh! Is that the best you can do?

Rias: What?!

Before Rias could react, a powerful streak of electricity cracks across the air, striking onto her.



As Rias drops onto the floor, the rest of her friends moves back just as Nero lunges out, striking her with Helter Skelter.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!

Nero then pulls out Red Queen and he screams out.

Nero: This ends here demon!

However, right at that moment, a powerful red surge envelops around Rias just as she lets out a loud devilish scream.



Nero: What?!

Nero screams out in shock as the impact of the explosion sends him screeching back, causing him to look up.

Rias looks down, her entire body surging with red destructive energy as she says to him.

Rias: I don't care who you are or why you are here, but know this, you're a fool to think if I'm gonna let you kill my friends!


Rias swoops across the air, throwing her fist right into Nero's cheek.



As Nero is sent flying from the blow, Rias swoops across the air, striking him repeatly.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!

Rias then points her hands at Nero, a large surge of energy forming from her hands as she screams.

Rias: Extinguished Star!


Rias launches the projectile right towards Nero, determined to finish him off once and for all. 

But right as the projectile closes in, Nero's mouth twists into a smirk as he equips Ragtime, causing everything around him to slow down.


Nero: Nice try. Let me show you what a true demon form is. HAAAHHHHH!!!

Nero lets out a loud scream, activating his Devil Trigger.


Now in his Devil Trigger form, Nero dives forward, swinging Red Queen across Rias body.


Nero halts right behind Rias, sliding Red Queen back into his hilt just as Rias's entire body exploded into a burst of blood and gore.



Issei: No!

Issei could only watch helpless just as Rias's entire body went off in a fiery explosion, sending chunks of debris flying everywhere.


As Issei and his friends watches the entire scene in horror, Nero turns around, reverting back into his base form before saying.

Nero: You know, it was a shame though, I kinda like that one.


<Cue: New Earth by Bruce Falconer>

Megumi: Sigh, looks like Issei has just lost the love of his life.

Toomi: Rias demonic ability certainly does make her a formidable opponent but unfortunately for her, her demonic abilities are nothing compared to Nero's.

Megumi: Yeah, though Rias is mentioned to rival that of Lucifer, Lucifer is nothing compared to Dante who can fight against a universal level threat like Vergil.

Sachi: And while Rias certainly has moves like her Extinguished Star that can potentially one shot Nero, none of that really matters as with Ragtime, Nero can not only slow down time, but his Red Queen is more than capable of cutting right through Rias's armour and even kill her before she could even react.

Toomi: And one of the most vital factors is Nero's choice of weaponary. Being a demon, Rias is weak against holy weapons which unfortunately for her, many of Nero's weapons are holy weapons.

Sachi: And the fact that Nero has spent more time fighting demons while Rias mostly leaves the fight to Issei just proves he has much better experience fighting than her.

Toomi: Dominating Rias completely in terms of speed, power, durability and skills, Nero surely takes the win of this battle

Megumi: Looks like Issei is Nero gonna have sex with Rias ever again.

Sachi: The winner is Nero.

Nero: Without strength, you can't protect anything.... I know that.

Toomi: Hey guys, thank you so much for checking out our battle in What if Battles 2.

Sachi: If you want more content like this, don't forget to add this in your library and comment if you have any idea for a fight.

Megumi: Until then, next time on What if Battles....

Up Next




Thor vs Vegeta


* The connections between Nero and Rias is that both combatants are heirs to powerful demons who uses their powers to slay other demons.

* This is the first time a Devil May Cry character fights a Highschool DXD in a  What if Battle

* This is the first time a Devil May Cry character wins a What if Battle

* This is the first time a Highschool DxD character loses a What if Battle

* The part where Nero reacted to Issei's group is a reference to one of the comments Laura_Hollis received in her previous chapter

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