Vega vs Baraka

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Requested by daleketchup

Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat, Shadaloo vs Outworld, Human vs Tarkartan, Beauty vs Ugly, Blades vs Claws, Spanish Ninjutsu vs Silat, two bladed fighters of rivalling video games clashes in a battle between Beauty and the Beast, will Vega slice Baraka into half or will Baraka cut down Vega into pieces?

<Cue: Invader Theme>

Toomi: Vega, the Spanish Ninja of Shadaloo,

Megumi: And Baraka, the Tarkartan Warrior of Outworld,

Toomi: Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat has never failed to deliver a diverse cast of fighters of different origins and fighting style.

Megumi: But unlike most fighters who uses their fist and legs, these two clashes well with blades. She's Sachi, Toomi and I'm Megumi.

Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

Vega Sky High Claws into What if Battles

<Cue: Senorita by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello>

Toomi: Known not only for his obsession with beauty, but also for the claw he wields and his unique fighting techniques.

Megumi: Tell me where he got that mask!

Toomi: Born to a privileged noble family in Spain, their status dwindled, causing Vega's mother to remarry for financial security.

Sachi: Vega studied bullfighting, a cultural tradition. He then went to Japan and learned ninjutsu, a style he believed meshed well with his natural grace and agility.

Toomi: Combining bullfighting with ninjutsu, Vega went into an underground cage fighting circuit, and quickly became one of the best. But things didn't go so well for him later on.

Megumi: Damn straight. His gargoyle of a step dad murdered his mom all because is that he thought she had no respect for him.

Sachi: Returning the favor, Vega murdered his step dad. The incident warped his mind, and he developed a dual personality: honorable nobleman during the day, sadistic murderer during the night. It also triggered Vega's obsession with beauty as a wonderful trait, as well as his belief that ugliness is something evil that should be purged.


Peak Level Strength

Peak Level Speed


Spanish Bullfighting


Peak Level Durability

Spanish Ninjutsu



Rolling Crystal Flash

Scarlet Terror

Sky High Claw

Flying Barcelona Attack

Izuna Drop

Matador Turn

Blood Kiss

Bloody High Claw

Toomi: Being one of Shadaloo's top assassins, Vega is arguably strong, shown to be capable of kicking grown men across the air and suplexing the likes of E. Honda, a Sumo who weighs about 302 lbs.

Sachi: Being trained in ninjutsu who makes Vega very stealthy as he was able to sneak into Chun Li's apartment and ambush her while she is taking a shower.

Megumi: Being considered one of the fastest Street Fighter, Vega has shown to speed blitz many characters, defeating two police officers, fought on par with Chun Li, evaded Guile's Sonic Boom and moves so fast Dan Hibiki and E. Honda can't even touch him.


Top assassin of Shadaloo

One of the "Four Heavenly Kings"

The champion of an underground fighting circuit

Was tasked with bringing Cammy White back to Shadaloo

Came back with empty hands, though this was because he allowed her to escape

Has beaten Cammy time and time again

Gave Cammy her signature scar

Saved Cammy from the burning Shadaloo base

Easily defeated E. Honda

Brutally slaughtered Dan Hibiki

Fought multiple times with Chun-Li on an even footing

Even put her in a coma once

Clashed with Ken Masters time and time again

At one point nearly killed him

Kept up with Juri Han

Toomi: And Vega is also very durable, having taken blows from fighters as strong as Balrog and Ken, continued fighting even suffering a broken rib from Chun Li.

Megumi: Including the fact he survived getting thrown several stories down from Chun Li's apartment

Toomi: However, Vega actually has one notable weakness, and it is his obsession of beauty.

Sachi: And his signature mask is not to mask his identity as most people might think but to protect his face which is ironic when Chun Li shattered his mask and beaten him to the point she "ruined" his "beautiful face"

Megumi: And his obsession of beauty also sticks to the fact that he will spare beautiful women but will not hesitate to torture anybody he deems as ugly. Which is ironically reality in a nutshell


Rather low defense

Focuses on dodging attacks instead of tanking them
No actual armor aside from his mask

Goes completely nuts when his face is damaged

Torturing the opponent unnecessarily prolongs the fight

Apparently can't decide between brown and blonde hair

A Narcissist

Extremely vain and convinced of himself

Though a gentleman at the same time
Believes that everything beautiful is good, while everything ugly is evil

Caused by a childhood trauma of seeing his ugly stepfather killing his beautiful mother

Incredibly sadistic, if not outright bloodthirsty

Pleasured by seeing the ones he calls ugly being harmed and murdered preferably by himself

Attracted to beautiful and strong women, like Cammy or Chun-Li

At the same time looks down on the ugly

Sometimes shows mercy towards beautiful women

If his opponent is ugly, he shows no mercy at all
that he tries to give them a long and painful death

Immediately filled with rage when his face is damaged

Won't stop fighting until his opponent his dead

Toomi: But in fighting, though Vega is fast, he has pretty low defense, having no protection other than his mask

Sachi: Especially when most of his fighting style requires him to dodge rather than take a hit

Megumi: But overall, the pretty boy's standard of beauty is what makes him dangerous, and in his mind, his looks and his hatred for all things ugly is what makes him beautiful

Vega: Let my beauty intoxicate you.

Baraka Chop Chops into What if Battles

<Cue: Torn in Two by Breaking Benjamin>

Toomi: Cruel and unpredictable, Baraka comes from the dimension Outworld. He belongs to a race of nomadic mutants called the Tarkata.

Megumi: Yeah, the Tarkartans, you know those ugly sharp teeth creatures that eats your flesh.

Sachi: Just like the Shokans and Centaurs, the Tarkartans are servants of Shao Kahn, serving as his minions with Baraka being one of his top warriors.

Megumi: I don't know about top when all Baraka does is get his ass kicked all the time.

Toomi: Though he and Kitana began serving each other as equals after Kotal Kahn declares Kitana as Kitana Kahn where Edanians and Tarkartans fought side by side with everyone to storm Outworld and help Fire God Liu Kang defeat Kronika

Megumi: Too bad it is all undone when Shang Tsung ruined it all.

Toomi: Baraka has high strength, speed, and stamina. Not to mention, his senses are much better than an ordinary human. His sense of smell is incredibly strong.

Megumi: Like most members of his race, Baraka possesses long blades extending from his forearms.

Sachi: Though he is a fine warrior with his fists, he prefers to use his blade over his hands.

Megumi: I mean who can blame him, there is something effective about killing people with blades.

Toomi: Baraka is also well adapted to Silat and Hung Gar. His metal claws can cut through the human flesh so easily.

Sachi: So vicious and cruel, he once had a fatality that was announced to gory for Mortal Kombat.

Megumi: I can only imagine what...

Sachi: He sliced through his opponents stomach and watched them spill their innings.

Megumi: Oh God gross!


Super Strength


Hung Gar

Tarkatan Blades

Tarkatan Teeth

Back & Shoulder Spikes

War Banner

Razor Cane

Flying Shard

Triple Flying Shard

Chop Chop Blades

Blade Swipe

Blade Spin

Air Blade Spin

Blade Charge

Scrape Kick

Baraka Barrage

Blood Lunge

Spine Burst

Leg Kabob



War Banner Charge

War Banner Bash


Nail and Impale


Blade Decapitation

Blade Lift

Mutant Dissection

Chest Stab

Up the Middle

Take a Spin

Food For Thought

Rock, Paper, Baraka

Toomi: Baraka is nothing more than a natural fighter, leader, and expert brawler, which is probably why Kahn picked him as one of his many minions to carry out his deeds.

Megumi: His moves and blades make it clear he is not one to be messed with, especially when he doesn't hold back.

Sachi: He can shatter bones with a kick, smell out Shang Tsung while he was disguised, and...

Megumi: Eat the flesh off a person's leg like he is eating a damn chicken bone!

Sachi: Right, Baraka is powerful, deadly, and by no means a push-over, keeping up with the best of the best, even being able to match Mileena, a being made from his own blood mixed with Kitana's.


Jumped in mid-air while fighting Kung Lao

Killed the Kuai Liang of the original timeline in the Battle of Armageddon

Fought on par with Mileena.

Could sniff out Shang Tsung while he was disguised

The sorcerer's disguises have fooled the likes of Fujin

Can easily lift opponents impaled on his spikes

Can easily bite through a human skull

Assisted Kitana in overthrowing Shao Kahn

Toomi: And he is not as stupid as people make him out to be as he is able to smell out a disguised Shang Tsung

Megumi: And Shang Tsung's shapeshifting has fooled the likes of Gods like Fujin

Toomi: With all the skill and power Baraka holds, he is certainly worthy of being the leader of his race, but in the end, he is still a mortal being, and like any other, has his flaws.

Sachi: His win-loss record isn't as scary as he looks, he is strong, but even the strongest can meet their match.

Megumi: And if by "their match" you mean a washed up actor who has no former training in martial arts, then yeah, he's been beaten by his match


Has been beaten many times by others less trained than himself

Beaten by Johnny Cage, Jade, Raiden, Stryker and Jax

Killed by Kung Lao in the original timeline

Most attacks are close ranged

Was killed by D'Vorah easily

Was unable to beat Cyrax, despite Sheeva helping

Toomi: Those blades are sharp, but even they have limited options for range, so Baraka relies on being up close often.

Sachi: Not to mention that he died in two timelines, killed by Kung Lao in the original and killed by D'Vorah in the current timeline

Megumi: When you look at him though, you don't want to be anywhere near those blades, that is for sure as a fact, as he will slice you up with them, and eat your brain.

Baraka: Nay aka ratakka tahar kombat.

Kung Lao: All I understood from that was 'kombat'.

Baraka: Then you understand enough.

Toomi: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.

Sachi: Don't forget to vote, comment what you think of the fight.

Megumi: Yeah, but right now, it's time for a Death Battle!


Earth, Outworld Invasion

In the middle of the city of New Yorks, alien creatures of various shapes and sizes storms out of a portal as they began attacking the civilians

As horrified civilians flees the scene, only one person is seen seated on a chair, oblivious to his surroundings.

Combing back his long blonde hair and admiring his handsome face, Vega smirks as he expresses to himself

Vega: I am beautiful

However, right at that moment, Baraka steps up to him and he growls.

Baraka: Hey you!

Vega looks up, his eyes gleaming in anger as Baraka growls

Baraka: Bow before the might of Outworld Earthrealmer or you shall face the night of Tarkata!

Vega: You disgust me you foul creature. That face, those teeth, too ugly.

Vega jumps up onto the top of the table, donning his mask as he declares out.

Vega: I shall vanquish you ugly creature!

Baraka growls and he clenched his fist, unsheathing his blades and gets into a fighting stance

Baraka: I shall delight in feasting on your flesh Earthrealmer!

Announcer: Fight!

<Cue: Don Omar by Danza Kuduro>

Baraka sprints forward, swinging his claw down only for Vega to leap over him, easily dodging the attack.


Baraka shattered the table with one blow as Vega lands opposite of him.

Vega then lunges forward, thrusting his blade up only for Baraka to parry with one swipe.



Both Vega and Baraka's blades clashes against each other, sparks flies as the two slams their blades together.


Baraka: Your hubris will be your downfall!

Vega: You ugly creature have no place in this world!

Vega thrusts his leg out, delivering a kick into Baraka.


As Baraka staffers back, Vega thrusts his arm out, cutting into the Tarkartan.


Baraka notices the blood seeping from his wound he grows, brandishing both blades as he sprints forward.

Vega flips his legs over his back, grabbing a chair before hurling it at Baraka whom the latter simply shatter with a swipe.


Vega raises up his claw, parrying slash after slash from Baraka only for Baraka to swipe his blade across, cutting Vega across his chest.



Baraka then bends down, swiping his claws up and down into Vega'a torso, cutting into him.


Vega drops down onto the ground, injured as Baraka snarls.

Baraka: You're done Earthrealmer!

Baraka then grabs onto Vega only for the Spanish Ninja to put his legs up before delivering a kick.


Just as Baraka staggers back, Vega swings his claw across, cutting into Baraka.


Blood drops from Baraka's wounds, angering the Tarkartan as he lets out a loud roar.

Baraka: RAHHHH!!!

Baraka notices a flag protruding a corpse before grabbing it and hurling at Vega whom the latter swerved to the side, dodging the weapon.

Vega then raises up his arm, blocking a swing from Baraka before somersaulting over him.

Baraka then clashes his blades together before firing a spark of projectile at Vega, striking into him.


Vega: ARGHHHH!!!

Vega drops down into the floor, dazed just as Baraka slams his blade down, narrowingly hitting Vega's face.


The blade however, cuts into Vega's mask, splitting it into two as it exposes his face.

Vega rolls over Baraka before swinging his leg out, delivering a kick into his side.


Baraka growls and he swings his claw across Vega's face, cutting into him.


Vega: What?!

Vega touched the scar on his face, looking at the blood staining his fingertips before a look of horror flashes on his face.

Vega: face! You've ruined my beautiful face!

Baraka cackles in sadistic delight and he growls.

Baraka: Yeah, and I shall enjoy feasting on it next!

Angered, Vega screams out.

Vega: You ugly creature shall pay for tainting such a beautiful man as myself!

Vega began sprinting forward, jumping up as he spins around, cutting into Baraka.


Baraka: AAARGHHHH!!!

Angered, both Baraka and Vega charges towards each other, their blades clashing at blurring speeds.


Vega plunges his claw into Baraka's chest, stabbing right into him.


Baraka retaliates by swinging his other blade out, slicing Vega across his chest.


Vega then jumps up, wrapping his feet around Baraka before suplexing him over his legs.

As Baraka falls over, Vega swings his claw down, cutting right into Baraka.


Baraka: HUARGHHHH!!!

Baraka coughs out blood as Vega's blade slices through his torso.

Vega leaps toward the wall, knocking his opponent in the air whilst passing through them.

After flipping back to the center of the stage, Vega dives into Baraka, performing a back flip and kicking him into the air.

He then plunges his claw into Baraka's midsection, stabbing him into.


Vega then leaps upwards with the opponent, ending the Critical Art with a vertical slash as he laughs maniacally.


The one clean cut instantly causes Baraka to split into two, causing blood to spill everywhere.

As what left of Baraka drops onto the floor, Vega gracefully falls on his feet and sadistically bows in victory.


<Cue: Island Song by Ashley Erikkson>

Megumi: Wow, the very first time a Street Fighter defeated a Mortal Kombat character. I've got to take note of such a historic moment

Toomi: Baraka may have held the strength advantage in this fight but Vega's speed and skills is what won out in the end.

Sachi: Due to him specialising in dodging attacks, it's not really difficult for Vega to dodge Baraka's attacks as characters of similar speed caliber like Kitana, Jade and Liu Kang have defeated him with similar tactics.

Toomi: And while you can argue that Vega is much weaker since he is an ordinary human and Baraka has shown capabilities of tearing through human flesh, you might be right except for the fact Vega has supplex the likes of E.Honda, a Sumo wrestler much heavier than Baraka.

Megumi: Also while both fighters have lost many fights, Vega has actually won some legit victories against notable fighters while Baraka on the other hand, aside from killing Sub-Zero, has no notable victories of any kind.

Sachi: Vega may have far weaker durability given that he is not a strength based fighter, but once Baraka scratches his face, Vega will fly into a fit of rage that will pretty much seal the fight in the end.

Megumi: Also not helping that Baraka is pretty ugly which gives Vega all the more reason to kill him.

Toomi: Holding the edge in speed, skills and overall, better win loss records, we can conclude that though Baraka is much stronger than Vega, Vega still holds more than one ways to put the fight in his favour.

Megumi: Looks like Vega has a clear cut of victory

Sachi: The winner is Vega

Vega: You shall die as you lived... sad, weak, and UGLY!

Toomi: Hey guys, thank you so much for checking out our battle in What if Battles 2.

Sachi: If you want more content like this, don't forget to add this in your library and comment if you have any idea for a fight.

Megumi: Until then, next time on What if Battles...

Up Next

YoRha 2B



2B vs Alita


* The connections between Vega and Baraka is that both combatants are warriors armed with blades from rivaling video games that serves as minions for an evil villain, M. Bison for Vega and Shao Kahn for Baraka. The two have constantly clashed with the heroes from their respective series and even worked with a female character, Cammy for Vega and Mileena for Baraka while having a rivalry with a blue cladded female character, Chun Li for Vega and Kitana for Baraka

* Though the two can be seen as polar opposites as Vega is a handsome human man who uses an attachable claw on his hand while Baraka is seen as ugly by most species due to his Tarkartan heritage while having retractable claws protruding from his arms

* This is the second time a Street Fighter character fights a Mortal Kombat character, the first being Cammy vs Jade

* This is the third time a Street Fighter character wins a What if Battle, the first being Rainbow Mika vs Sakura Hagiwara and Videl vs Sakura

* This is the fourth time a Mortal Kombat character loses a What if Battle, the first being Scorpion vs Ghost Rider, RoboCop vs Stryker and Johnny Cage vs Joseph Joestar

* This fight is most likely created to commemorate the upcoming Street Fighter 6

* During the battle, the invasion of Outworld into Earthrealm is a reference to Shao Kahn's invasion in the game Mortal Kombat 9

* The way how Vega throws Baraka over with his legs before cutting into him is a reference to his fight with Dan Hibiki

* The way how Vega killed Baraka is based off his Critical Art Bloody Rain from the game Street Fighter V

* During the post fight analysis, Megumi's remark over a Street Fighter character defeating a Mortal Kombat character is a reference to Tech's dialogue from Season 2 Episode 13 of Star Wars The Bad Batch

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