Ant Man vs Wasp

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Requested by HLLiNZ

Love comes in all shapes and sizes. And I mean sizes

Ant Man

Electrical Engineer

Master Thief


Ant-Man Suit

Ant-Man Helmet- Enables him to communicate with ants

Magnetic field canisters containing Pym Particles




Wrist Gaunlets- fires bio electric blasts


Surprise attacks Spiderman

Defeats and embarasses Falcon

Kills Yellowjacket

Was asked to lead the Fantastic Four when Mr. Fantastic is absent

Held his own against Black Widow

Distracts Iron Man's team long enough to let Captain America and Bucky escape

Beat Doctor Doom to an inch of his life

Broke into Iron Man's house


Disappoints those he cares about

Will resort to stealing if he desperately need money

Can only remain giant for a short amount of time

Still a mortal man


Assistant and business partner for Ant Man


Wasp Suit

Repulser Belt- Enables her to shrink and grow

Wings- Enables her to fly at super speed

Stingers- Enables her to fire lasers powrful enough to knock out enemies


Founding member of the Avengers

Has contended with various super powered enemies

Holds two Phds, one for Molecular Biology

Moderately fluent in German


If damaged, the regulators on her belt would cause her to shrink indefinitely into the quantum universe and eventually oblivion

Just a normal human

Considered to be the most underpowered member of the Avengers



Scott sat at the table, reading his newspaper when all of a sudden, Janet walks in greeting in a singsong tone.

Janet: Good morning Scott😙

Deadpool and Pinkie Pie peers out from the window and Deadpool pouts.

Deadpool: Hey, how come Wasp can have an emoji on her dialogue while I don't?!

Pinkie Pie agrees

Pinkie Pie: Yeah.

Scott looks at Janet and he greets her back nonchantly.

Scott: Hey.

Janet approaches the table holding a plate of pancakes when all of a sudden, she tripped onto a sponge, causing her to slide.

Janet screams as she falls forward, spilling pancakes all over Scott's shirt.

Scotts yelps in shock and he shouts.

Scott: What's your problem?!

Janet looks up and she shouts back at him.

Janet: What's your problem?! Why are you shouting at me?!

Scott: Why did you spill pancakes on my shirt?!

Janet: It was an accident!

Scott: You're an accident!

Pinkie Pie and Deadpool watches and Pinkie Pie said.

Pinkie Pie: Uh oh! Better get out of here.

As Pinkie Pie and Deadpool slips away, Janet challenges Scott.

Janet: Fine! Outside! Ten minutes. Full suit!

Scott narrows his eyes and he growls.

Scott: You're on!

With that, both Scott and Janet storms off.


Deadpool and Pinkie Pie peers out of the bush when they heard a voice saying.

???: Hi.

Both Deadpool and Pinkie Pie jumps up and they turn around.

Deadpool groans and he questions in annoyance..

Deadpool: Argh! Can you stop scaring us Shizuka?

Shizuka chuckles to herself.

Pinkie Pie notices a tall African American man wearing a green and black suit and she questions.

Pinkie Pie: Uh who's that?

Shizuka turns and she introduces him.

Shizuka: Oh, he's a friend of mine. He calls himself Green Lantern.

John Stewart nods.

John: Please to meet you.

Shizuka said to him.

Shizuka: You know Hal. You can drop the disguise now.

John Stewart's ring brightens and almost immediately, the African American Green Lantern reverts back into a young man named Hal Jordon.

Hal Jordon apologizes.

Hal: Sorry. Just kinda like using John as a disguise. Don't even know who he is anyway.

Author's note: I don't hate the John Stewart Green Lantern for racial reasons. I dislike him because he is a backup Lantern. I also do not like Kyle Rayner and Guy Gardner too

Shizuka then questions.

Shizuka: So what are you up to?

Deadpool looks out excitely and he explains.

Deadpool: Oh you're just in time to watch the greatest couple fight ever!

Shizuka and Green Lantern looks out as Wasp and Ant Man faces each other.

Ant Man questions.

Ant Man: Ready to rumble?

Wasp nods.

Wasp: Whenever you're ready.

Both Ant Man and Wasp charges towards each other, screaming in anger.

As the two jumps forward, suddenly, both Ant Man and Wasp shrunk and the two began trading blows with each other.

Wasp punches Ant Man in the face while Ant Man kicks her in the stomach.

Wasp flies down and she slams into Ant Man, knocking him down.

Ant Man fires several electrical charges from his gaunlet.

Wasp flies through the air, dodging the attack before firing lasers at him.

Ant Man sprints across the floor, dodging the attack.


Deadpool stares at the yard and he complains.

Deadpool: What's going on? I can't see anything!

Pinkie Pie agrees.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah. Me neither.

However, Deadpool, Pinkie Pie and Shizuka turns as Green Lantern cheers out while looking through his binoculars construct.

Green Lantern: Hell yeah! Give him a punch! Yes! Give her a punch! Oh yeah!

Shizuka quietly said.

Shizuka: Well at least someone's not missing out. Hey Hal, can you give us those binoculars as well?


Both Ant Man and Wasp zips through the sub atomic field, battling each other.

Wasp fires several laser blasts at Ant Man and she shouts.

Wasp: You know, you could have acted more nicely!

Ant Man punches her and he shouts.

Ant Man: Maybe you should have acted better!

Wasp throws an uppercut, sending Ant Nan flying back.

Wasp: Speak for yourself!

Ant Man uses his helmet to summon three soldier ants towards him.

He orders them to attack Wasp and he said.

Ant Man: Even my ants acts better than you.

Wasp launches a powerful laser blast at the ant, causing them to explode.

Wasp then shouts.

Wasp: Don't compare me with those creepy junk eaters!

Ant Man: Don't you call my friends junk eaters!

Both Wasp and Ant Man launches themselves forward and the two throws a punch, striking each other in the face.

Both Ant Man and Wasp flies back, panting in exhaustion.

Wasp smirks and she questions.

Wasp: Ready to take this up a notch?

Ant Man nods.

Ant Man: Bring it on sister.

Both Ant Man and Wasp began activating their Repulser Belts, causing them to grow larger.


Deadpool, Pinkie Pe, Shizuka and Green Lantern widens their eyes in shock as a giant Ant Man and Wasp stood towering over everything.

Deadpool and Pinkie Pie screams and the two runs away.

Shizuka widens her eyes in shock and Green Lantern warns.

Green Lantern: Be careful. Things are about to get ugly.

Both Ant Man and Wasp charges towards each other and the two throws a punch.

The impact of their collision created a massive shockwave, causing the entire city to shake.

Ant Man strikes Wasp in the face while Wasp punches Ant Man.

Both Ant Man and Wasp began trading blows, knocking down buildings in the process.

Terrified civilians screams in terror and they ran as both Ant Man and Wasp continues their squabble.

As the two continues to clash, Green Lantern grits his teeth and he growls.

Green Lantern: Okay. This has gone far enough!

Green Lantern flies up, hoping to stop them.

However, Wasp swung her palm across, smacking Green Lantern away.

Shizuka watches as Green Lantern was sent flying through the air, screaming Goofy style.

Green Lantern: YAH WOO WOO WOO WOO!!!!

Shizuka flinches as Green Lantern crashes into a hot dog cart.

Meanwhile Wasp punches Ant Man in the face and she fires her laser blast.

However, Ant Man ducks underneath and he throws an uppercut, sending her flying up.

As Wasp crashes into a building, Ant Man shouts.

Ant Man: You know. You are such a nagging bitch!

Wasp gasps in shock and Ant Man's face fell.

Guilt overwhelms him and he apologizes.

Ant Man: Look, I'm sorry Janet. I can be quite an @sshole sometimes. Honestly, there are a lot of things you can't control. But the truth is, I still love you.

Wasp sighs and she nods.

Wasp: Yeah. I'm sorry too. I guess I got a little carried away.

Ant Man nods and he agrees.

Ant Man: Yeah. So did I.

Both of them shrunk down into normal size and Ant Man asks.

Ant Man: So, you wanna get something to eat?

Wasp nods in delight.

Wasp: Certainly. I'm starved.

Ant Man: Great! Let's go.

With that, both Ant Man and Wasp gave each other a kiss before they  left, happy to be able to settle their argument.

Meanwhile, Tomoe enters the scene and she questions Shizuka.

Tomoe: What has happened here Shizuka?

Shizuka answers.

Shizuka: Giant Adam and Eve fought each other and someone should go help Hal.

Tomoe nods.

Tomoe: Right.

Botb Tomoe and Shizuka rushes forward and the two began pulling Green Lantern out.


The winner is

Ant Man

Advantages and disadvantages

Ant Man



Cannot fly




Able to fly

Physically weaker

Not as smart

Victory quote:

Ant Man: Nailed it

Up Next

FrostWing, Mine and Towa vs Injustice Superman, Deathstroke and Loki

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