Atom vs Wasp

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Requested by EnKiduTheSinslayingB

Sometimes being small can be extremely advantageous in a fight, especially for DC and Marvel's two top shrinkers

The Atom

Peak Human Endurance

Super Speed (When Shrunken)

Expert Martial Artist

Weapon Mastery


Size Manipulation


Body Control

Resistance to electricity


Multiversal Travel


Atom Suit

Allows Ray Palmer to shrink and grow. Also comes with two Proton Blasters at the side arms along with a pair of jet boosters for flight and tough bullet proof armour capable of taking almost any form of punishment


Graduated with 4 PHds

Survived an encounter with Kuasa who almost drowned him

Built the Atom Suit

Capable of retaining full speed and strength while shrunken

By shrinking below the quantum level, he is able to travel to other universes

He can ride phone lines and electrical/photonic signals to a target

Can personally rearrange molecules and atoms to affect transmutation

Killed Darkseid

Was the first man on the moon on Apollo 9 

Disabled the bomb inside Harley Quinn (Injustice)


Too Compassionate

Willing to take a beating for literally anybody

Gave his company to Felicity who simply ran the entire company down to the ground (Arrowverse)

Despite his highly lethal powers, Atom will never resort to going inside someone to attack them unless absolutely necessary

Just a normal human without his suit

Killed by Reverse Flash (Legends of Tomorrow)

Killed by Amazo (Injustice)

The Wasp

Peak Human Endurance

Super Strength (While Giant)


Size Manipulation

Bio-Electrical Blasts


Wasp Suit

Repulser Belt- Enables her to shrink and grow

Wings- Enables her to fly at super speed

Stingers- Enables her to fire lasers powerful enough to knock out enemies


Able to keep up with an AIM hover-vehicle alongside Thor

Able to cut cargo containers in half

Founding member of the Avengers

Has contended with various super powered enemies

Holds two Phds, one for Molecular Biology

Moderately fluent in German


Growing to enormous height can exhaust her

If damaged, the regulators on her belt would cause her to shrink indefinitely into the quantum universe and eventually oblivion

Just a normal human without the suit

Considered to be the most underpowered member of the Avengers



Inside the Time Travelling ship known as the Waverider, Sara Lance peers through a panel and she questions out.

Sara: Hey Ray, have you finished patching Gideon up?



Ray Palmer, also known as the Atom connects both wires together and he calls back to Sara.

Atom: Almost done Captain.

Sara: Hurry up. It won't be long before Kuasa finds us.

Atom: No worries. It won't take long.

Little does the Atom know that his mission is about to become a very eventful one.


Deep in the Waverider's circuitries, a slender feminine figure cladded in a yellow and black suit glides across the engines, exploring the ship's engines.

Amazed at the ship's diverse engine circuits, Wasp widens her eyes in intrigue and she remarks.

Wasp: Whoa! This is amazing. Hank has absolutely no idea what he is missing.

Just as Wasp flutters across, just then, something caught her eye, causing her to turn.

Below her, a small figure cladded in armour stood at the bottom of the core, studying the structure of the engine.

Wasp: Huh. Who is that guy? And how come he's so small?

Curious, Wasp flies down to investigate.



The engine's lights brightens and Atom said to Sara.

Atom: Alright Captain. Gideon's all set.

Sara: Alright Ray. Just get out of here.

However, right at that moment, Atom heard a voice calling out from behind.

???: HEEEYYYY!!!

Shocked, Atom spun around and he demands.

Atom: Who are you? What are you doing here?

Wasp: Hey. Just passing by pal.

Wasp casually said to Atom.

However, Atom was not convinced.


He activates his Proton Blasters just as he heard Sara's voice from the comn.

Sara: Ray? What's going on?

Atom: Well Captain, Imma have to deal with our later stowaway here.

Atom points his Proton Blaster and he opens fire right at Wasp.


Wasp: WHOAAA!!!

Wasp screams out in alarm as she flies back, narrowingly dodging the projectile.


Atom points his Proton Blaster, firing at the shrinker.

Wasp swoops down and she slams shoulder first right into Atom.


Atom: ARGHHHH!!!

Atom screams out as he falls onto the ground.

Wasp places both hands on her hips and she said to him.

Wasp: Sorry pal, but since you started it, I'm gonna fix you the hard way.

Wasp points her stingers at the Atom and she opens fire at him.



Atom activates his jet boosters and he jumps up, flying right towards her.


Both Atom and Wasp flies across the circuits, opening fire at each other.

Wasp swoops down and she fires her stinger.


However, Atom swerves to the side, dodging the projectile before throwing a punch.


Wasp: ARGHHHH!!!

Wasp screams out as she was sent flying back from the attack.

Atom points both Proton Blasters at her and he opens fire.




Wasp screams out in agony as the projectiles struck her right in the chest.


Atom launches himself upwards, flying right towards her.

However, Wasp looks down and she throws a kick, striking Atom right in the face.


Angered, Atom looks up and he throws a right hook across her cheek.


Wasp looks down and she throws a punch at Atom.



Atom flies back away from Wasp, looking up just as she opens fire at him.


Atom ducks underneath the attack before launching himself upwards.

Before Wasp could even react, she felt two hard fists striking right in her gut.



Wasp screams out as she was sent flying out by the attack.


Meanwhile, Sara sat alone, wondering to herself.

Just how long is it taking Ray?

Sara looks up and she questions the ship's artificial intelligience.

Sara: Gideon. Just what is Ray up to.

Sara listens just as Gideon answers.

Gideon: According to my scanners Captain Lance, Professor Palmer is outside fighting that Wasp lady.

Sara: Wait what?

Sara stood up and she walks towards the window, peeking out of it.

Surprising, there's nothing outside.

Sara looks back and she questions out.

Sara: Gideon. Are you sure he's outside?

Gideon: I am Captain. He's just too small for you to see.


Out in the open, both Atom and Wasp flies across the air, exchanging blows with each other.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!

Wasp flutters past Atom and she points her stingers at him, opening fire.


Atom ducks to the side, narrowingly dodging the attack before pointing his Proton Blaster at her, firing a blast.

Wasp swoops down and she activates her Repulsor Belt.



Atom: Huh?

Atom widens his eyes just as Wasp grew slightly larger than before.

Before he could even react, Wasp throws a punch right at him, striking him right in the body.


Atom: HOUGHH!!!

Atom coughs out just as he falls onto the ground.


Wasp looks down and she points her stingers downwards, opening fire at him.


Atom rolls across the ground, narrowingly dodging the fire just as the ground explodes.


Atom pushes himself up and he activates his jet boosters, flying up into the air.


Just as Atom closes in, he activates the growth function on his suit.


Before Wasp could even react, Atom's size grew slighrly just as he throws a punch, striking her across the cheek.


Atom then reaches out, grabbing Wasp by her arm before pulling her over his shoulder.

Wasp: WHOAAA!!!

Wasp screams out just as Atom throws her down, slamming her backfirst onto the ground.


Wasp: ARGHHH!!!

Just as Wasp landed backfirst onto the floor, Atom points his Proton Blaster at her, saying.


Atom: Give up.

Wasp pushes herself up and her mouth twists into a smirk.

Wasp: Heh.

Atom: What's so funny?

Wasp: Nothing. But a puny man like you do not stand a chance with a giant woman like me.

Atom: Giant woman?

Atom questions out, confused.


At that moment, Wasp began growing larger, her body expanding as she looms over the tiny armoured shrinker.

Waverider's interior

Just as Wasp continues to grow larger by the second, Sara's jaws drops, watching in sheer shock and terror.

As she stares at the growing woman, Gideon says to her casually.

Gideon: Maybe this song may help Captain.


Gideon activates the radio in her systems and the next minute, the radio began playing out the song "Giant Woman"

" All I want to do,

Is see you turn into

A Giant Woman

Giant Woman"


Atom: Holy crap.

Atom exclaims as he found himself staring right into the now giant Wasp.

The gigantess stares down at the still shrunken Atom and she questions him mockingly.

Wasp: Watcha gonna do now little man? You're too small to even touch me.

Wasp raises up a hand and she swings it down, forcing the Atom to fly back.



Just as Atom flies back, he taps at his gaunlet and he says.

Atom: Hm. Let's try and even out the odds.



At that moment, Atom's body began growing, his size expanding out just as he closes in onto Wasp.

Wasp: What?!

Wasp gasps out in shock just as Atom began growing closer to her height.

Within seconds, Wasp found herself staring right back at the now giant Atom.

Atom smiles beneath his helmet and he said to himself excitedly.

Atom: Kaiju fight. This is gonna be exciting.

Wasp clenches her fist and she throws a punch right at Atom.

Atom ducks his head back and he throws a left hook across.

Wasp ducks underneath the attack and she throws an uppercut.

Atom ducks his head back and he throws a straight punch, jabbing Wasp right in the face.



Atom clenches his fist and he throws a downwards punch, striking her right in the face.


Wasp looks up, wiping the blood on her mouth with her arm.

Just as Atom closes in, she ducks down and she throws up an uppercut, strikimg him under the chin.


Atom: ARGGHHH!!!

Wasp then throws a punch, striking him right in the gut.


Just as Atom staggers back, he looks and he points his Proton Blaster at her.

Wasp raises up her stinger, pointing it at him.


Both Atom and Wasp opens fire right at each other, causing the projectiles from both sides to go off in an explosion.


Wasp turns her head to look up, only to suddenly find Atom sprinting right towards her.


Wasp: What?!

Before Wasp could even react, Atom throws a punch right at her.


Wasp: ARGHHHH!!!

Just as Wasp staggers back, Atom sprints forward and he throws three hooks, striking Wasp across her cheek.



Atom began shrinking down just as he sprints right towards Wasp.


Wasp looks down and she points her stinger downwards, opening fire right at him.


Atom swerves his head to the side, dodging the attack before throwing one powerful punch.


Wasp widens her eyes in shock just as Atom punches right into her belt.


Wasp: Oh no!

Wasp gasps out as she backs away, tapping at her damaged repulsor belt.

Atom points his Proton Blaster at Wasp and he said to her.

Atom: Bon vonyage yellow jacket.


Atom fires a laser blast right at her, striking Wasp right in the body.


However, instead of feeling pain, Wasp felt her entire body shrinking.

Wasp: No.....

Wasp gasps out as she felt herself disappearing into a dimension of molecules, slowly shrinking just as her belt began beeping out urgently.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Realizing that she's in trouble, Wasp desperately struggles to unbuckle her belt just as she screams out.

Wasp: NNNOOOO!!!

However, right at that moment, the bomb went off, completely going out in a massive explosion.




Wasp screams out in agony as she felt the flames singing her flesh, burning just as her entire body disappears, shrinking into nothingness.




Atom grows back to his ordinary size and he sighs to himself.

Atom: Whoo. Glad that's over.


At that moment, Atom heard his comn beep and he listens just as Sara's voice booms across the comn.

Sara: Ray. Are you alright?

Atom: Yeah. I'm fine Captain.

Sara: That wasp lady?

Atom: Dead. Burning and shrinking.

Atom replies.

Sara: Good. Now get on. We're leaving.

Atom: Yes Captain.


Atom flies right into the Waverider's hangar just as Sara began preparing the ship for take off.


The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages





Tougher armour

Has accomplished more than what Wasp has achieved

Not as quick

Armour can explode if he remains shrunken for too long



More versatile weaponary



Lacks much armour

Has never accomplished what the Atom has accomplished

Victory quote:

Atom: Champions come in all sizes

Up Next

Star Lord vs Boba Fett

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