Avengers(EMH) vs Justice League(JLU)

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Requested by choyfider

Both Marvel and DC have always been rivaling comic book companies that has made very good comics and characters for us to enjoy. And to commemorate the Justice League movie, we will be pitting the two most iconic team against each other

The Avengers

Captain America

Adept in all fighting styles

Master tactician


Proficient in all weapons, though he typically only uses his shield

Expert acrobat

Capable of chi manipulation

Can resist all forms of mind control

Proficient in driving all kinds of vehicles

Bench Presses 1100ibs

Runs a mile in 73 seconds

Cap's Shield

2.5 feet in diameter, weighs 12 lbs

An unrepeatable combination of Proto-Adamantium and Vibranium

This combination makes the shield even stronger than regular Adamantium and possesses fewer exploitable weaknesses.

Easily blocks Wolverine's Adamantium claws.

Vibranium makeup allows it to cut through any other metals; including Adamantium [1]

Absorbs the full blow of any impact

Cap can use this ability to land onto the shield and eliminate any fall damage.

Conducts neither electricity nor heat

Highly aerodynamic projectile that can bounce off multiple targets

Most normal humans are knocked out cold by a single throw of the shield

Sharp edge can decapitate vampires

Certain attacks, blasts, beams and projectiles can bounce back towards the attacker.

Resistant to Magneto's magnetic attacks despite being metallic.

Can only be damaged by tampering with its molecular bonding, godlike magicians or from reality warpers.

It is a frisbee (according to Ultron)


Defeated Nazi Armies on multiple occasions.

Defeated some of the most skilled martial artists in Marvel.

Survived being frozen in ice for 70 years

Can run almost 50 mph / 80.5 kph

Threw the Hulk off his feet

Jumps 20-30 feet high

Drops from airplanes at cruising altitute into water without a parachute no problem.

Fought his way out from being surrounded by 16 S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, all locked and loaded

To shown to be worthy of mjolnir... three times.

Defeated the Hydra Supreme, a villain that was practically equal to the in any physical sense.


Dependent on his shield 

Ironman proved that Cap's legs are relatively vulnerable compared to his upper-body; as his shield is too small to protect them.

His shield has been destroyed by Molecule Man, Thanos (with the Infinity Gauntlet), Dr. Doom (with the powers of the Beyonder), Thor (with the Thor Force) and The Serpent (strengthen by the fear of the Earth).

Body armor is very light; sometimes depicted as having little to no resistance against bullets or knives

Can be overpowered easily, as his physique is relatively more limited compared to other superhumans

While his martial art skills are impressive, Cap can still lose to martial artists who are on-par or superior to him; like Taskmaster 

His Patriotic colors are terrible at camouflage

Needs to steal cars for long distance travel

Iron Man

Iron Man Armor

Composed of gold-titanium alloy

Adds 5 inches to Tony's height, yet only weighs 25 lbs

Capable of high-speed flight, super strength, and enhanced durability

Standard Weaponry

Repulsor Rays

Smart Missiles

Anti-tank Missiles



Downed She-Hulk with one punch

Can hold his own against Captain America in hand-to-hand

Can achieve warp speed flight

Tanks hits from Mjolnir

Strong enough to bend metal girders with his suit's hands

Lifts up cars with one hand

First human to possess the reality-warping Infinity Gauntlet


Dependent on RT node

Without it, Tony suffers potential heart damage due to shrapnel imbedded into his chest.

Override can lead to system failure if left unchecked

Certain armors have failed in the past

Has no superpowers without his suit.

Technomancers (like Dr. Doom) or magnetic superhumans (like Magneto) have effortlessly ripped apart Ironman's suit. 

However Ironman can 'demagnetize' some of his suits to compensate dueling Magneto.

Suits have limitations in their durability

Superior metals exist throughout Marvel; Adamantium, Vibranium and Uru just to name a few.

Suits have little to no resistance against reality warping gods.


Incredible strength

Enhanced durability

Rapid healing factor

Super speed

Power increases via anger


Destroyed asteroid twice earth's size

Regenerated half his body in 18 minutes

Pulled two continental plates together

Created earthquakes with his footsteps

Destroyed a planet

Escaped Earth's orbit in one jump

Withstood Fin Fang Foom's fire breath


Struggles against opponents with superior skill or speed.

Vulnerable to gamma radiation draining

Reality warpers like the Silver Surfer can drain Hulk's radiation instantly. Lesser characters can still do this but at a slower pace.

Hulk's power is dependent on his rage.

Anger fluctuates and is difficult to control or maintain. This is especially the case if Hulk has no excuse to be angered or if his allies attempt to calm him down.

It is very common for female characters to be the ones that calm Hulk down, as Hulk rarely wants to hurt them. 

Has been reverted back by puppies and one of Spider-Man's jokes (not kidding)

Anger also makes someone more impulsive, irrational and violent: making an angry Hulk a threat to his allies.

Anger requires time to build up, meaning Hulk doesn't start his transformation at peak strength and durability.

If Hulk takes to much damage or stays angry for too long; his anger becomes apathetic and thus his power fades.

Requires anger to remain in Hulk form as being calm reverts him to Bruce Banner.

Hulk's durability weakens as he calms down.

If Hulk is calm, exhausted or injured: he can easily be taken out by sleeping gas/darts. 

Despite his defensive and healing feats; Hulk is still defeatable (even when he's at his angriest) as his durability and healing factor has limits; sometimes his healing factor 'burns out' entirely if he takes too much damage.

Vibranium and adamantium can pierce Hulk's skin

Can't regenerate/heal if decapitated

Can be defeated if anyone attacks Hulk's pressure points.

Cosmic or godlike beings can overpower the Hulk

Defeated by Zeus

Defeated by Galactus

Defeated by Thanos

Hulk has yet to defeat Thor in a fair canonical fight in the comics; (although most of their duels are stalemates)


Super Strength

Supersonic Speeds

Self Sustenance

Inexhaustible Stamina

Superhuman Durability

Super Breath

Immunity to Ailments


Bound to Thor

Literally means 'Crusher'

Forged from a Starcore

Momentum Based Flight


Anti-Force Energy Blasts

God Blast

Summons Asgardian Power into a beam capable of slaying immortals

Godly Powers

Weather Manipulation

Wind-Powered Flight

Earthquake Control


Warrior's Madness Berserk State

Healing Powers


Master Marksman

Top Flight Speed: Mach 32

Martial Arts Master

Viking, Celtic, Saxon, German, & American fighting styles

Overpowered the Hulk

Can Destroy Adamantium

Escaped a Black Hole

Strongest Asgardian, aside Od

Lifted the Midgard Serpent

Tagged Quicksilver

KO'd the Phoenix Force

Shattered planets

Survived a planet busting bomb

Endured 17 days of torture

Destroyed a helicopter while depowered

Defeated Juggernaut, Silver Surfer, Iron Man, & Hulk


Is powered by the Odin-Force. If he loses connection with this magic; he becomes mortal and loses his powers.

Since Odin controls the Odin-Force: Odin can easily take away his power.

Despite being a god; Thor can still die in combat.


Black Widow

Peak Human Strength

Peak Human Speed

Peak Human Agility

Peak Human Reflexes

Peak Human Senses

Peak Mental Resistance

Peak Human Immune System


Master Martial Artist

Expert Acrobat

Expert Marksman

Multilingual (Can speak English and Russian)

Gifted Intellect

Graceful Dancer

Expert Tactician

Talanted Hacker

Master Seductress

Expert Spy


Black Widow's Bite


Various automatic weapons and firearms

Combat knives



Has dodged automatic turret fire from six sources at once

Dodges laser fire

Outmaneuvers the Hulk

She was the only Avenger that suspected something was wrong with Jessica Drew

Blocks a point blank shot

Reacted to a sneak attack from Spider-Man without him able to respond, despite his Spider Sense.

Takes out two armed people while handcuffed

She was drugged during surgery, wasnt able to talk and remained conscious as doctors perform abdominal surgery on her and held still during the entire thing

Survives a trip from a tall building, bounce off a sign, and landing on a car with nothing to soften her fall and is perfectly fine

Takes down a bloodthristy Captain America

Her skill is so renowned that Wolverine considers it a joke to be her bodyguard

Was able to shrug of multiple blows to the heart

Fought Elektra to a standstill days after undergoing surgery.

Fights the Punisher more or less to a stalemate

Crippled multiple people while holding a cup of coffee.

Fought 100 armed men alone.

Singlehandedly defeated X-Force.


Same weaknesses as any mortal human

Currently, she is dead (or at least presumably), after receiving a strong hit in the neck with the shield of Captain America during the event, Secret Empire.


Trick Arrows

Putty Arrows

T.N.T Arrows

Bola Arrows

Acid Arrows

Boomerang Arrows

Freezing Arrows

Parachute Arrows

Pym Particle Arrows

Adamantium Arrows

Vibranium Arrows

Net Arrows

Rocket Arrows


Can fire as many as nine arrows at once and hit all targets

Caught an arrow in his bare hand while blind

Once had a marathon 42 hour target practice session with no breaks

Infiltrated Dark Avengers HQ and took on Bullseye, Daken, and Venom

Strung a bow and fired an arrow before enemy could release his bowstring


Still a normal human

Hates to admit that he sometimes misses

Ant Man


Ant-Man Suit

Ant-Man Helmet

Magnetic field "canisters" containing Pym Particles


Surprise attacks Spider-man

Defeats and embarrasses Falcon

Kills Yellowjacket

Was asked to lead the Fantastic Four in Richard's absence

Holds his own against Black Widow

Distracts Iron Man's team long enough to let Captain America and Bucky escape

Beats Doctor Doom to an inch of his life


Surprise attacks Spider-man

Defeats and embarrasses Falcon

Kills Yellowjacket

Was asked to lead the Fantastic Four in Richard's absence

Holds his own against Black Widow

Distracts Iron Man's team long enough to let Captain America and Bucky escape

Beats Doctor Doom to an inch of his life


The Wasp Suit is an advanced Pym Particle-based suit, similar to the Ant-Man Suit as it allows the user to change size. While Wasp retains the strength of her normal size in shrunken state, she gains super human strength as a giant. Any damage to the regulator on the belt would result with the wearer shrinking indefinitely into the quantum universe and eventually oblivion. But compared to the Ant-Man Suit, the Wasp suit is equipped with four artificial insect-like wings, able to be compressed inside a backpack within seconds, that allow the user fly at impressive speeds and maneuver with great ease and agility. The suit is outfitted with Stingers, specially made lasers that uses one's bio energy to fire shots strong enough to knock opponents unconscious. When shrunk, Wasp can use her Stingers to hurt superhuman beings and melt most heavy metals.


Founding Avenger member.

Has contended with various super powered enemies despite being the most underpowered member of the Avengers.

Holds two Ph.D.s, one of which is molecular biology

Moderately fluent in German.


Suit still has limits


Mockingbird is a trained S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who graduated at the top of her class, apt at keeping secrets and working undercover while maintaining her cover. A skilled acrobat, she is proficient in several forms of hand-to-hand combat and familiar with a wide range of weapons that include using blunt objects and fire arms. Mockingbird also has expert interrogation skills, able to figure out a person's entire past and personality with only eight words. She also possesses a PhD in biology and can speak Japanese, Portuguese, and Mandarin Chinese.

Battle Staves - Mockingbird's weapons of choice are a pair of batons that function as a blunt weapon that are capable of electro-shocking an enemy. They can also be interlocked to form a long staff. She carries her staves in batons on her back.

Smith & Wesson M&P9 – This is the standard sidearm carried by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. It is a semi-automatic pistol that fires 9x9mm ammunition, and has a 10- or 17-round magazine.

Glock 17 - Before it's replacement by the Smith & Wesson M&P, the Glock 17 was S.H.I.E.L.D.'s standard sidearm. It is a semi-automatic pistol that fires 9mm Luger ammunition, and has an 18-round magazine.


Fluent in several languages

Got a PHd


Her identity was once stolen by the Skrull Queen Veranke.

Captain Marvel 


Super Strength

Super Speed

Photon & Light Energy Blasts

Energy Field Creation

Energy Absorption

Binary Form

Power of white hole

Star-level energy


Absorbed the energy of a nuke

Recorded hit of 92 tons of force

Flew from earth to atom in 118 seconds

Overcame Venom symbiote

Saved the sun

Punched Iron Man out of his armor

Started 2nd superhero Civil War

Obliterated a planet as Binary

Survived two hits from Destructor's beam

Defeated Vision, Traveler, Stature, & Hulk


Absorbing massive amounts of energy may overload her and cause her pain.

Once ended up in a deep coma after being attacked by Rogue.

The Thing

After being subjected to cosmic rays, S.H.I.E.L.D. classifying him as a level 8, Ben's body was the most altered of the Fantastic Four as his entire body composed of an organic rock-like material with greatly increased toughness and density. It also gave Ben Superhuman Strength (lifting a 100 ton fire truck), Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Durability (surviving being hit by a truck while virtually immune to fire), Superhuman Sensory Adaptation, and his aging ceased.

In a fight, before becoming the Thing, Ben is uniquely gifted in the art of hand-to-hand combat that tends to be a rather loose brawling technique consisting of collegiate wrestling techniques, boxing and jujutsu. Ben also has extreme willpower and will not back down from a fight. Ben's military training made him an exceptionally skilled and experienced pilot as well as an astronaut.


One of Hulk's sparring partners.

While a member of the Fantastic Four, Ben has also been in the West Coast Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy.


Not indestructible

Limited durability

Can be harmed by Adamantium

Black Panther

Hyper-Cosmic Awareness due to being exposed to Galactus' mind

Other Current Powers (granted by the Bast as King of the Dead)

Previous Black Panther Knowledge

Superhumanly Acute Senses

Superhuman Strength (between 800 lbs and 2 tons)

Superhuman Speed (about 40 mph)

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Durability

Superhuman Healing

Superhuman Agility

Superhuman Reflexes

Commanding the dead

Former Powers

Alchemy and ancient magic gave him resistance to magical attacks

Clairvoyance due to exposure to the Vibranium Mound

Granted by the Heart-Shaped Herb

Peak Human Strength

Peak Human Speed

Peak Human Stamina

Peak Human Agility

Super-Genius Intelligence

Master Martial Artist

Weapons Master

Master Acrobat

Expert Marksman

Master Tactician

Expert Tracker & Hunter


Master Inventor

Highly Influential Connections

Diplomatic Immunit

Black Panther Suit/Panther Habit

Vibranium microweave mesh

Anti-metal claws

Energy-dampening boots

Cloaking technology

Teleportation device

Hard-light shielding

Vibranium energy daggers


First African superhero in Marvel Comics history.

Stole Silver Surfer's board.

Effortlessly dodged gunfire.

Scaled to the top of a building while pulling a man by his hair in less than 10 seconds. Also doubles as a strength feat.

Beat Wolverine and Captain America.

Caught Spider-Man off guard twice.

Outmaneuvered the Human Torch.

Deflected energy daggers.

Throws a spear through solid stone while weakened and injured.

Lifts his throne chair (which is speculated to weighing a ton) that 3 men together couldn't lift.

Panther destroys a water mill by bracing himself against the ground underwater and flexing his muscles.

Literally almost knocked the Red Skull's jaw off.

Stopped the charge of a moving elephant. Elephants on average weigh about 8 tons.

Bulldogged a 1.5 ton rhino and then snaps its neck.

Ripped a man in half.

Fights, defeats, and kills a Super-Skrull that has Luke Cage's strength and durability, Iron Fist's chi manipulation, Wolverine's claws, Bullseye's accuracy, and the combined fighting skills of Captain America, Daredevil, Elektra, Shang-Chi, Moon Knight, and T'Challa himself. He holds his own until the Skrull's weakness was revealed in the form of tells, which are the significant changes in weight and body posture. This also shows Panther's exceptionally keen strategic and tactical genius.

Black Panther fights Killmonger without his vibranium suit for 13 hours with only 1 hour breaks in between each battle. This also doubles as a skill feat. Killmonger has studied Black Panther's fighting style, and has shown skill enough to stalemate Deadpool. In this fight Killmonger had been upgraded physically. Black Panther loses only because he gets distracted.

Was able to survive, endure, and absorb the magics from Wakanda's most powerful acolytes.

Gains the upper hand against the Fantastic Four in his debut.

Defeats a super powered Nazi.

Defeated Doctor Doom (who was powered with magic and Vibranium at the time)

Defeats Iron Man when both had prep time.

Came up with a device in "ten minutes" that dampens telekinetic and telepathic abilities.

Redirected Storm's lightning to her through his gauntlets.


Still a mortal man under the armor. And his senses can be overwhelmed.

Almost killed by Doctor Doom.

The Justice League


Solar Radiation

Constant Power Absorption

Healing Factor

Yellow Sunlight increases power (2700x-5500x)

Red Sunlight has no effect (2700x)

Blue Sunlight doubles increase (5500x; adds new abilities)

Super Sense:

Super Hearing

X-Ray Vision (with the exception of lead)

Telescopic Vision

Microscopic Vision

Electro Magnetic Spectrum Vision

Theta Vision (can see a person's aura)



Super Strength

Super Speed

Healing Factor

Super Breath

Arctic Breath

Heat Vision:

Hotter than the sun.

Maximum Temperature: unknown.

Drains solar power quickly.

Heat Vision Lobotomy (Superman drills through his enemy's skull or eyes to cause precise damage to their brain).

Used by an unrestrained Superman against Manchester Black: destroying the mutated section of his brain to disable his superhuman powers.

Used by Justice Lord Superman against all the villains of Gotham and Doomsday to disable their villainous mentalities (Doomsday later regenerated his 'brain' and became immune to this attack)

Used by DC Online alternate future Superman to kill Black Adam.

Used by Hernan Guerra (Superman from Justice League: Gods and Monsters) to mercy-kill an infant Brainiac.

Used by Injustice Superman to kill Shazam.

Used by a Superman Clone on himself to remove a kryptonite pellet inserted into his brain by Lex Luthor (Superman: Doomsday the DVD film).

Solar Flare

Infinite Mass Punch:

Acceleration to near light speed creates relativistic mass

Impact Equivalent to 10 Octillion Megatons

Uses a lot of energy

Planet busting

Theoretically capable of outputting an impact of infinite power if Superman fully unrestrained himself.

Genius Intellect:

Super Brain

Perfect Photographic Memory

Technological Genius

Master Tactician

Can read and memorize DNA

Taught all remaining Kryptonian knowledge by Jor-El

Martial Arts:

Pressure Points with Batman

Hand to Hand with Wonder Woman

Boxing with Wildcat

Psychic Barrier with J'onn J'onzz

With Morgol II (worked to uncover full potential)

Torquasm-Rao and Torquasm-Vo (enhances and protectsbody and mind)


Considered one of the strongest characters in DC history;

Took down The Prophecy, alongside all other versions of Supermans together (DC Rebirth: Multiplicity) 

Shattered the boundaries of spacetime (altering reality) with his Post-Crisis counterpart [5]

Broke the world and timelines with a punch 

Punched Brainiac so hard that his previous depictions felt the same punch 

Moved multiple planets out of their dying galaxy and has moved or destroyed other planets on multiple occasions.

Bench press the weight of the Earth for 5 days without sun absorption; breaking a sweat only once.

Lifted Specter, who is made out of eternity. (It should be noted that Wonder Woman assisted him and Specter was lifted for only a short while, but the fact that this feat was even possible is still impressive).

Communist Superman punched out of infinite boxes before defeating 500 Green Lanterns.

Saved California from falling into the Pacific Ocean

Crushed diamonds

Can create diamonds by crushing coal 

Ripped Adult Doomsday in half 

Lifted a book of infinite pages (with Shazam's assistance); with the contents of the book originating across endless multiverses.

Famous for his nigh indestructibility

Withstood supernovas on multiple occasions

Survived a supernova filled with 50 red suns that decrease his powers

Flew through a red sun

Survived solar radiation powerful enough to 'destroy half a galaxy'

Strong enough to resist the gravitational pull of a Black Hole on multiple occasions. 

Held a miniature Black Hole that threatened to destroy the solar system.

Communist Superman survived an explosion created by 6 black holes which produced a blast radius of at least 15 million miles 

Completely unharmed from getting shot into his eye by a bullet.

Survived atmospheric reentry and being slammed into moons or planets with enough force to cause significant damage to the moon/planet. 

Survived attacks from hundreds of different gods of the DC universe; some of whom claim to be galactic/universal/multiversal/infinite in their power.

Fought and took hits from other absurdly powerful kryptonians including Superboy Prime 

Survived the death of the universe: caused by the literal personification of Death 

Doomsday-Rex broke his spikes by trying to punch Superman 

As a boy: survived having nuclear explosions go off in his stomach

Drank a sword 

As a baby: Overman (Superman from the 'Nazi-universe') survived Nazi experimentation and gunfire without any discomfort or damage 

Frequently flies faster than light (travel, reaction and combat speed)

Arrived on Earth from Vega star (25-26 light years) in a matter of minutes and also heard Jimmy's signal while in the vacuum of space 

Flew faster than infinity; ACCIDENTALLY 

Can move and react at an Femto-second (equal to 1,000 attoseconds) 

Can move so fast that time looks likes it slows down around him 

Vibrates fast enough to phase through attacks (Intangibility) 

Flew from endless space back to Earth's solar system in 60 days straight without any sunlight (New 52)

Communist Superman flew over 15 million miles within 57 seconds (950,000,000 mph) [

On par with Flash's speed (who is officially faster of the two depends on the writer)

Tagged Flash  and Professor Zoom 

Reacted to Flash's speed and moves while time slows down 

Injustice Superman destroyed millions of Parademons (scattered across planet Earth) in a blink of an eye.

Moves fast enough to negate the effects of time manipulation 

Reacting to Ruin's teleportation

Can still fight and use heat vision at super speed 

Saved the universe and multiverse hundreds of times.

Defeated Zone-Child Lex Luthor: a god of infinite power who's 'reach extends across the universe'.

Went through Emperor Joker [34] and took a hit from him 

Defeated Imperiex: a god 'as powerful as the big bang'.

Earth 2 Superman finished off the Anti-Monitor; a cosmic devil that was destroying the multiverse.

Phase and punched through Soulfire Darkseid 

Killed Darkseid's omnipresent form with a shriek 

Defeated the Sun-Eater Solaris.

Contrary to popular belief, defeated Batman in most of their duels

Defeated the entire justice league on multiple occasions; including Batman 

In Action 52; dominated both Batman and Green Lantern in their first duel .

Destroyed the Justice-Buster, which was designed to fight the entire Justice League INCLUDING Superman

Once use the power of Shazam and after turns back, he tells Shazam that there as "equals"

Frequently depicted with the ability to block and repelled lasers, beams and energy blasts with his hands [40]

Using his Super-Breath; was able to extinguish  or propel stars 

His own blood droplets are powerful enough to damage holy or magical weapons 

Sealed Tears in Time-Space with his Heat Vision 

Withstood the mental trauma Batman endured from Emperor Joker 

Perfectly engraved a man's name in fine print into a stone slab with his x-ray vision... from miles away

Considered one of the most iconic superheroes and fictional characters in history and the inspiration of literally thousands of other characters; including characters within DC and Marvel.

Inspired other heroes outside of comicbooks; including Sloth from The Goonies and The Iron Giant [48].

Sold 600 million comics; more than any other superhero.

Stopped and saved multiple people from committing suicide.




Soft heartness


Heat vision

Super Strength

Healing Factor 

Artic breath


Graduated from Stanhope College

Has an internship at CatCo Worldwide Media.

Punched Superman on two occasions

Made Wonder Woman bleed from a punch

Able sustain an internal body temperature of 2400 degrees Fehrenheit.

Managed to blitz the Flash twice despite him holding back.

Vaporizes a tidal wave with a Red blast

Can read DNA

Served with the Red Lanterns

Survived taking a Red Lantern ring off

Super-Breath must be at least 124.8 mph, which means it's force is that of about 40 psf

Heat Vision has nuclear capabilities

Saved Lex Luthor's life (though Lex tried to shoot her in retaliation; despite her clearly being bulletproof)


Relatively weaker than Superman due to not having the same time of sunlight exposure or experience as he has.

Can be prejudiced towards others like Superboy and Mon-El, though she eventually overcomes that flaw.

Vulnerable to Kryptonite and all other Kryptonian weaknesses.

Briefly brainwashed by Darkseid

Prone to the attitude of a teenage girl.


Knows 127 Martial Arts

Peak Human Conditioning (Bench Press: 1,000 lbs.; Leg Press: 2,500 lbs.; Master Acrobat & Athlete; Can survive in a vacuum for 27 seconds)

Genius Intellect & Strategist

Master Escape Artist


Expert Detective

Bat Suit

Weight: 200 lbs.

Nomex Reinforced Fabric

Fire Resistant Memory Cloth Cape

Blade Guantlets

Steel Toed Boots

Nose Piece Gas Filter

200,000 volt electrode network

Designed to evoke fear

Utility Belt

Grapple Gun

Gas Mask

Tear Gas

Smoke Pellets



Transponder that summons bats



Solved Numerous Unsolvable Crimes

Invites Near-Death Experiences

Can Best Metahumans in Combat

Does not use firearms

Single Handedly deafeated Superman & the Justice League

Only Non-Powered Founder of the Justice League


No Exploitable Physical Weaknesses

Has to be rescued more than any other Justice League member

Mental Stability barely in check

Wonder Woman

Master Combatant

Trained since childhood

Skilled at armed & unarmed combat

Prefers fists over blades

Best of the Amazons

Powers from Demeter

Superhuman Strength (easily overpower Kyrptonians)

Superhuman durability (resists all but blades & bullets, not life threatening)

Magic Resistance

Enhanced Healing Factor

Powers from Hermes


Superhuman reflexes (faster than Superman)

Superhuman speed (Faster than light, even faster than Superman)

Other Powers

Enhanced sight, smell, hearing, touch, & taste


Increased wisdom

Superior Empathy

Animal rapport

'Other useless stuff'

Lasso of Truth

Forged by Hephaestus


Infinitely elastic

Forces the prisoners to tell the truth

Boomerang Tiara

Returns after each use

Razor-sharp edges

Can cut through most substances

Bracelets of Submission


Formed from the Aegis of Zeus

Blocks blades, bullets, beams, & other attacks

Can discharge lightning


Broke into Fortress of Solitude

Tanked a nuclear warhead

Helped move the Earth

Survived and artificial blackhole

Held back Superdoom

Withstood multiple Infinite Mass Punches

Blocked pieces of the Shattered God

Defeated Ares, Zoom, Mongol, & Supergirl

Destroyed Doctor Julian Lazarus's clone of Doomsday by shattering it with a punch.


While her strength is absurd, she can still be overpowered.

Has been overpowered by Darkseid, Doomsday, Aquaman, Bizarro , Mongul and Superman on multiple occasions

She is not immune to her own Lasso

As a Demigod, she still has normal human weaknesses. Her durability feats are inconsistent.

Can still be harmed by sharp weapons and ordinary bullets. She admits that she and Superman have huge differences in durability. 

Still susceptible to poisons and toxins, such as Scarecrow's Fear Gas and the Joker's Venom.

Usually wears her skimpy outfit for combat rather than switching it for a full protective overall even when she knows that her skin is vulnerable.

While the Sword of Athena is a powerful holy weapon; it has been destroyed or damaged multiple times. 

Susceptible to mind control.

Relatively more brutal compared to other Justice League characters.[4] Her warrior background means she is sometimes willing to kill.

Batman concluded that with her warrior mentality, Wonder Woman can be tricked into fighting non-stop until she dies of exhaustion. 

Prefers close combat; her Tiara is her only projectile weapon and is one of her weakest tools.

Like Superman, she does pull her punches sometimes

Initially had trouble fitting into American society.

Green Lantern

Green Lantern Ring

Needs to charge every once in a while

Gives Hal his Green Lantern powers

No clear limit to its power so long as Hal fuels it with enough willpower.

Energy Manipulation

Creates constructs

Fires blasts

Absorbs multiple different forms of energy

Can levitate, lift or pull heavy objects

Automatic Powers



Cosmic Abilities

Travels through time

Moves through dimensions

Reality warping

Creates portals to other universes

Controls time and dimensions

Other Powers


Speed (Can easily fly faster than light)



Breathing in space

Translation of languages

Minor telepathy



Can summon the Lantern Battery to refuel his ring


Arguably the most powerful of the Green Lanterns; defeating enemies and armies that the rest of the Green Lanterns combined could not defeat.

Killed all other Green Lanterns other than Kyle Rayner (Hal temporarily became a villain)

Literally the first thing he did with the ring was lift up a cliff as a test

Power beam can snipe multiple bullets from out of the air

He and Sinestro's clash nearly bend reality

Battles cosmic entities on regular basis

One shooted Amazo, who had Superman's durability

KOs Batman with a single punch

Can use planetary constructs

Accidentally destroyed an entire planet

Generated 1/3 of force needed to pull the earth

Flies across galaxies relatively quickly

Travelled to a neighbouring solar system and back in just less than 24 hours, clocking in at almost 200 000 times the speed of light.

Can block nuclear explosions

Intercepted an atomic bomb blast before the explosion could grow larger than a foot in diameter

Travels through black holes

Caught Zoom with his chains

Tanks punches from Superboy Prime

Resists control from Parallax, the embodiment and entity of fear itself

Broke out of a nightmare that Martian Manhunter couldn't

Constructs can block, slowdown or stop some of the strongest DC characters; including gods.

Took down Mandrakk, who is a threat to the entire multiverse (Alongside other Green Lantern corps and heroes)


If Green Lantern's willpower is affected, his power can decrease.

Fear is the best way to weaken willpower

Ring battery can drain

Constructs are easily overwhelmed by anything colored yellow (however enough willpower can negate this weakness)

Constructs can still be overpowered and broken through

Communist Superman broke out of infinite boxes constructed by the entire green-lantern corp.

Relies heavily on ring; which can be stolen even in battle

He can still summon his ring from a distance if this does happen 

Darkseid and other powerful characters have destroyed Hal's ring.

Green Lantern rings refuse to kill and will not function if the user attempts to kill (this handicap is removed if the Guardians allow it).

Once became a supervillain after Cyborg Superman destroyed Coast City

The Flash


Superhuman speed

Accelerated healing

Increased perceptions

Phasing through objects

Sharing the Speed Force

Speed Force aura

Can steal kinetic energy

Supercharged brain activity

Superhuman stamina


Can clear entire population of Tokyo in 30 seconds

Repaired part of Central City while talking to his therapist

Can react within a femtosecond

Can run on clouds

Rebooted the entire DC universe by running too fast

Can use a Green Lantern ring

Beat Superman in a race


Despite his speed he can still be hit by slower opponents or with his guard is down

Endurance and healing factor have clear limitations. Heavyweights like Doomsday and Superman have defeated the Flash quickly after landing only a few blows.

Younger depictions of Flash are slower than light speed as Barry didn't initially perfect his powers.

Has died in the Crisis on Infinite Earths

Screwed up the DC Universe in Flashpoint


Like her father, Zatanna has magical abilities which she channels by speaking backwards. She can also lay enchantments on objects. When saying a magic spell, Zatanna must concentrate fully in order to say and perform it correctly or else the spell simply won't work. Sometimes making small errors will interfere with the performance.


Founding member of Justice League Dark.

Annataz Arataz (Zatanna's evil twin from another universe) disabled Mister Mxyzptlk's magic; making him mortal and vulnerable.

Zatanna was temporarily chosen as Dr. Fate's avatar.

Took down Superman, Lobo, Darkseid, Talia Al Ghul, Wonder Woman, Shazam


Has to say out her own spells in order for them to work

Green Arrow

Trick Arrows

Acid Arrows

Explosive Arrows

Boomerang Arrows

Kryptonite Arrows

Boxing Glove Arrows

Diamond-Tipped Arrows

Tornado Arrows

Buzzsaw Arrows

...Chimney Sweep Arrows?


Held his drawn bow for half an hour

Shot the safety of a gun

Can pin a person's hand with an arrow from the bottom of a dam

Has the willpower to resist a Black Lantern ring

Can send arrows down gun barrels with ease

Shoots other arrows out of the sky

Wrestled an alligator


Can feel guilt if someone dies because of his actions.


Trained under her cousin Sal to be a very formidable hand-to-hand combatant, Huntress is an unpredictable fighter at top physical condition. Her fighting style uses a variety of grappling moves, able to snap a man's neck and has demonstrated very good reflexes. She is skilled with crossbows, firearms, and sticks. She is also very intuitive, repeatedly anticipating her enemy's plans and deceive with miss directions.


Crossbow: Helena uses a High-powered Cobra 80lb Self Cocking crossbow.


Member of the Birds of Prey.

Caught an Green Arrow shot at her.

Held her own against Lady Shiva


Still a normal human

Has no experience in taking on cunning, coniving and powerful enemies


Having body of someone who engages in frequent and strenuous exercise, Ray has an IQ of 140 and three PhDs along with some experience in unarmed combat and a mastery in engineering.


As Atom, Ray wears an exosuit designated Advanced Technology Operating Mechanism that is made of dwarf star alloy, giving resistance to several forms of damage while enabling it to miniaturize selected targets, especially its wearer who is neutrally connected. It has high powered propulsion jets on the back, shoulders, upper arms, and in the legs, allowing the wearer to fly with great speed. The suit can also enhance the user's strength and has a build-in radiograph in the viser to see everything at all angles. The suit also has built-in weapons like a compressed hard light blaster on the right forearm, gloves that project arcs of high voltage electricity via the fingertips.


Can create nuclear fission or fusion by manipulating molecules; even at regular human size.

Killed Darkseid


The main power source is on the left hip of the suit and can be taken out easily.

Few long ranged options.

Rarely depicted with significant superhuman durability; especially when at regular human size.

Martian Manhunter

As a martian, besides being stronger and denser than a human, Martian Manhunter's primary ability is shape-shifting. This includes altering his physical appearance to assume another's identity, camouflage himself around her surroundings, and adapting to an environment. He also possess the ability to shift his density to move through solid objects, telepathy that allows him to understand any language, and telekinesis that he can use to propel himself into the air. As the product of an advanced civilization with years of wisdom a strategic thinking, Martian Manhunter also possesses a wealth of scientific knowledge and technological expertize that make him a great counselor.


Martian Manhunter wears organic clothing that can change size, shape and color in response to his mental commands.


Can become on par with Superman's power if he wanted, being out of the few to actually harm a Kryptonian bare-handed; including Superman [1], Doomsday and Superboy-Prime .

Superman himself admitted that he is 'afraid to face him in combat' and that when it comes to the most powerful characters in DC; he's 'at the top of that list. He is the most powerful being on the face of the Earth'. Batman agreed as he concluded that Manhunter's psychic abilities could have easily killed most or all of the Justice League with a thought. 

Having assumed the identity of the deceased Hank Henshaw, he becomes the leaders of the Department of Extranormal Operations to ensure humane treatment of alien prisoners.

Took on the Justice League by himself

Assisted the Justice League in moving the Earth.

Fast enough to fight kryptonians and speedsters like Superman and Flash.

Regenerated from a severed arm.

Read the minds of everyone on Earth.

Read the mind of Spectre.


His Telepathy won't work in the likes of Black Adam 

As a martian, he is weak against direct heat or fire and his physiology is susceptible to pressure, shrinking a bit at underwater depths.

Guilt of his role in the Martian Holocaust.

Choco Cookies.

Unable to mentally translate Krolotean.

Was briefly a Black Lantern.

Once traumatized when he tries to read the Joker's twisted mind


Like all Thanagarians, along with physical strength, endurance and durability that noticeably much greater than those of humans, Hawkgirl can manifest a pair of bird like wings that allow her to fly while using their size to enhance her strength and overpower and knock down people who are larger and heavier than herself. Though her past life experiences, Hawkgirl has extensive training in tactics, military science, and personal combat skills. Additionally, her focus in espionage could make her a difficult opponent to track, and provided her teammates with an advantage when tracking villains. Hawkgirl was incredibly skilled in martial arts. Despite her short fuse and use of brute force, Hawkgirl has a keen mind.


Hawkgirl carries a mace made of Nth metal, which is disruptive to magical energies and harmful to spiritual entities. She was skilled at wielding and throwing the mace accurately. Her mastery over the mace was shown when she was able to revive one's stopped heart using electrical currents from the mace. Hawkgirl also possesses the Aman Dagger, a weapon from her first life that was used to kill her as it was forged from a fragment of the meteor that gave Vandal Savage his immortality.


Regularly defeated Batman at chess

Single-handedly defeated four Green Lantern Corps members in hand-to-hand combat


Cannot fly if her wings are broken

Limited durability


Thor and Iron Man flies down while Hawkeye swung down from the top of a building.

Black Widow and Mockingbird jumps off their motorbikes while Black Panther leaps into the battlefield like a panther.

Captain Marvel flies in and she lands on the ground while Ant Man and Wasp grew into human size and they stood behind her.

The Thing steps into the battlefield and the Hulk crashes into the battlefield.

Captain America jumps down a S.H.I.E.L.D chopper and he lands on the ground before raising his shield up and shouting.

Captain America: Avengers Assemble!

Hawkgirl and Supergirl swoops down just as Zatanna teleports into the battle field.

Detective John Jones steps into the battlefield before morphing into Martian Manhunter.

Batman leaps out of the speeding Batmobile and he lands on the ground while the Flash runs in and he stops next to him.

Green Lantern hovers down and Wonder Woman lands on the ground and she got into a fighting stance.

Huntress cocks her crossbow and she steps in while Green Arrow slides down from the top of the building.

Superman crashes down and he said.

Superman: Let's play!

Both teams began charging forward and the two team clashes.

Batman kicks Hawkeye back while Captain America knocks Huntress back by throwing his shield.

Hulk knocks Supergirl aside only to get punches back by Superman.

Black Panther kicks Green Arrow while Hawkgirl smacks Captain Marvel back with her mace.

Thor fires his lightning at Martian Manhunter while Iron Man blasts Green Lantern back.

As Captain America punches Huntress back, Wonder Woman swoops in and she throws an uppercut, sending Captain America flying back.

Supergirl grits her teeth and she charges forward, slamming fistfirst into Thor.

Black Widow and Batman stood in front of each other before the two began trading blows.

Black Widow whips out her pistol and she fires at him.

However, Batman dodges the bullets and he throws a batarang at her, causing Black Widow to scream in pain.

But Black Panther leaps in and he kicks Batman back.

Black Panther slashes his claws at Batman, pushing Batman back.

Batman dodges his attacks before he kicks Black Panther back.

Batman said to him.

Batman: You don't stand a chance.

Black Panther: You seem pretty confident of yourself. But I am superior.

Batman: Prove it to me.

Black Panther leaps forward, but Batman ducks and he throws Black Panther into a car.

Batman then fires a grappling hook at Black Panther and he tugs it, pulling the humanoid cat towards him.

Batman then attacks Black Panther with a series of punches before punching him back.

Black Panther growls and he faces Batman, only to realize he has bombs planted all over him.

The bombs explodes and Black Panther fell back, unconscious.

Batman then throws a tiny device next to Black Panther and almost immediately, the device transforms into an air balloon and it began pulling Black Panther up into the air.

As Black Panther thrashes, an autopilot controlled Batwing swoops down and it fires a barrage of bullets at Black Panther, causing him to scream in pain.

The Batwing then fires several heat seeking missiles towards Black Panther, exploding upon collision.

Batman folds his arms and as Black Panthers' organs rains down, Batman said to himself.

Batman: You need more training.


All of a sudden, Batman felt an arrow struck him, causing him to scream in pain.

Hawkeye jumps down and he said to him.

Hawkeye: Give up.

???: You leave him alone.

All of a sudden, an arrow struck the ground and both Batman and Hawkeye looks up.

Green Arrow slides down and he said.

Green Arrow: Now that is what I call an entrance.

Both Hawkeye and Green Arrow aims their bow and arrows at each other and within minutes, both sides began firing arrows at each other.

At the same time, both Thor and Wonder Woman are engaged in battle.

Thor swung Mjonir but Wonder Woman dodges and she punches Thor back.

Thor knocks Wonder Woman back and he swung down his hammer, but Wonder Woman shields herself with her bracelets and she delivers an uppercut, sending Thor flying up.

Both Thor and Wonder Woman flies up and the two continues to trade blows with each other.

Meanwhile, Green Arrow and Hawkeye are engaged in an archery battle, firing arrows at each other.

Green Arrow fires a bomb arrow, however, Hawkeye dodges and the arrow ends up hitting Superman instead.

However, Superman is unaffected by the explosion thanks to his invulnerablilty.

Superman then flies up and he fires a heat vision at the Thing.

The Thing turns and he shouts to Superman.

Thing: It's clobberin' time!

The Thing charges forward and he throws a punch.

However, Superman caught The Thing by his fist and he slams him down repeatly before firing a heat vision at him.

Meanwhile, Green Lantern faces Mockingbird and he said.

Green Lantern: Come at me!

Mockingbird screams and she jumps forward.

However, Green lantern smiles as he easily dodges her blows before punching her back with a fist construct.

Huntress jumps in and she kicks Mockingbird back. 

Huntress turns to Green Lantern and she said.

Huntress: Hal! Go help the others.

Green Lantern nods and he flies off to assist the others.

Superman grabs The Thing and he throws him into a building.

At the same time, Superman screams in pain as Supergirl slams into him.

Both of them recovers and Superman questions.

Superman: You alright?

Supergirl: Yeah. Just fighting a green monster.

Superman looked and he saw the Hulk roaring at them.

Superman then turns to her and he questions.

Superman: Wanna switch partners?

Supergirl nods and the two flies off.

Superman and Hulk trades blows while Supergirl blasts The Thing back.

Meanwhile, Iron Man and Hawkgirl are up in the air, trading blows.

Hawkgirl swung her mace, but Iron Man flies back and he activates his jet booster, firing a blast at her.

As Hawkgirl falls back, Iron Man punches her several times before firing a missile at her.

Iron Man then charges up a proton cannon and he fires it at Hawkgirl.

Iron Man: Proton Cannon!!!

The Proton Cannon launches a powerful blast towards Hawkgirl.

Hawkgirl screams in agony as the blast struck her.

As Iron Man increases the power, Hawkgirl screams as she felt her entire body incinerated from the blast.

Hawkgirl's entire body explodes and Iron Man said to himself.

Iron Man: Huh. That's too bad, she's kinda hot though.


As Iron Man flies down to continue the battle, all of a sudden, a green blast struck him by the back, knocking him down.

Iron Man pushes himself up and he saw Green Lantern howering down.

Green Lantern: You're no match for a Green Lantern.

Iron Man: Oh yeah? We'll see about that.

Both Green Lantern and Iron Man flies up and the two began trading blows with each other.

Meanwhile, Green Arrow fires a diamond arrow at Hawkeye while Hawkeye fires an adamantium arrow.

The adamantium arrow broke the diamond arrow into two and the arrow struck Green Arrow by the side.

Hawkeye sprints forward and he swung his bow at him.

Green Arrow blocks the blows before stabbing an arrow into Hawkeye's knee.

Green Arrow knocks Hawkeye back and he fires an arrow at him.

Hawkeye rolls on the ground and he hides behind a car.

As Green Arrow fires his arrows at him, all of a sudden, Green Arrow felt an electrical rod strikes him by the sides of his neck, causing him to scream in pain.

Green Arrow turns, only to get punched in the face by Black Widow.

Green Arrow wipes his nose and as he readies an arrow, he said to her.

Green Arrow: Lady, you've picked the wrong day to piss me off.

Green Arrow then fires an arrow at her.

The arrow them transform into a net and it traps Black Widow inside it.

As Black Widow angrily struggles to free herself, Green Arrow fires an explosive arrow at her.

The arrow explodes around Black Widow, killing her.


Green Arrow looks around and he questions himself.

Green Arrow: Just where is that guy?

All of a sudden, an arrow struck Green Arrow in the chest, causing him to freeze.

Hawkeye then jumps up and he swung his bow across Green Arrow's head, shattering it.

Hawkeye jumps back and he fires an explosive arrow, causing Green Arrow's frozen headless body to explode.

Hawkeye lowers his bow and he remarks.

Hawkeye: There. That settles him.


Hawkeye then ran through the battlefield, firing arrows at the opposing team.

As he fires an arrow, all of a sudden, Zatanna appears in front of him and she fires a magic blast, knocking him back.

Hawkeye stood up and he fires an arrow at her but Zatanna shouts out.

Zatanna: Ylf kcab ot mih!

The arrows then began flying back and before Hawkeye knew it, the arrow struck him by the neck.

Hawkeye coughs out blood before he collapses onto the ground, dead.

Zatanna wipes her gloves and she remarks.

Zatanna: This is for you ollie.


Just then, Zatanna felt a sharp sting from her neck, causing her to yell out in pain.

Wasp flies around her and she fires continuous lasers at her.

Zatanna then summons a bug spray and she sprays it at Wasp, causing her to cough.

Zatanna then uses her hand to smack Wasp back.

Wasp flies up and all of a sudden, she grew to human size and she throws an uppercut, knocking Zatanna back.

Zatanna wipes the blood off her mouth and she fires a magic blast, but Wasp shrunk down and she punches Zatanna several times before growing into a giantess.

Now larger in size, Wasp screams out as she punches Zatanna down, crushing the magician's ribs.

Zatanna coughs out blood and she lay sprawled on the ground as the Wasp crushes her with her feet.

Wasp looks down at Zatanna and she mockingly jeers.

Wasp: Who's the bug now?


Wonder Woman suddenly flies down and she said to Wasp.

Wonder Woman: Fight me.

Wasp then turns and she fires a yellow blast at her.

But Wonder Woman dodges and she throws a punch, knocking Wasp back.

Meanwhile, Supergirl punches The Thing several times in the face before she throws him into a wall.

The Thing grabs a car and he throws it at her, knocking her back.

The Thing charges forward, but Supergirl grabs a lamp post and she swung it, knocking him back.

Supergirl then swoops forward and she slams The Thing several times before freezing him by exhaling a breath of artric breath at him.

Supergirl then grabs The Thing and she launches him into space.

As she flies in front of the sun, Supergirl screams as she fires a powerful heat vision blast at The Thing.

The blast pushes the Thing down and the The Thing explodes into a million rocks.

Supergirl flies down and she said.

Supergirl: That's what you get for underestimating me. Now I better go help Kal.


Meanwhile, Superman and Hulk grits their teeth as the two wrestles each other.

The Hulk raises his fist and he slams it down on top of Superman.

But Superman flies up and he punches Hulk twice in the face before knocking him back with an uppercut.

Superman swoops forward and he punches Hulk.

Hulk recovers and he slams his palms together, creating a massive sonic boom.

Superman screams in pain as he was knocked back by the attack.

Hulk sprints forward and he punches Superman repeatly in the face.

Hulk then grabs him by the leg and he slams Superman down onto the ground repeatly before throwing an uppercut, sending Superman flying up.

Hulk roars in anger and he leaps up into a building.

Hulk latches on and he began scaling up the building.

Superman musters his strength and he swoops down.

Both Hulk and Superman slams into each other, creating a shockwave powerful enough to shatter all the glass in the surrounding building.

Superman grabs Hulk and he punches him, sending him flying back.

Superman then punches Hulk across the sky before flying forward.

As Hulk screams in pain, Superman catches Hulk in the face before flying up into space.

Up in space, Superman releases Hulk and he began flying around Hulk at super speed, knocking Hulk back and forth before slamming both his feet onto the Hulk's back, snapping his spine.

Superman's eyes began glowing red and he fires a powerful heat vision at him.

Hulk screams in pain as he crashes onto the ground.

Superman then swoops down and he slams on top of Hulk. creating a hole in his chest.

Hulk pushes himself up despite his injury and he slams both palms over Superman's head.

Hulk then throws a punch, knocking back Superman.

But Superman punches Hulk three times before he grabs him by the neck.

Superman then concentrates as his eyes glows red.

Superman uses his microscopic vision to melt Hulk's brains before he throws him up and he throws an uppercut.

As Hulk flies up, Supergirl lands next to Superman and the two fires their heat vision at him.

The heat vision began pushing Hulk into the sun where the giant green monster burns to death as he reverts back into Bruce Banner before his entire body completely burns out.


Superman turns to Supergirl and he thanked her.

Superman: Thanks for the assist.

Meanwhile, Huntress and Mockingbird are busy trading blows with each other.

Huntress punches Mockingbird back but Mockingbird swung her staff, knocking Huntress back.

The two women continues to trade blows before Mockingbird kicks Huntress back.

Mockingbird ducks as Huntress fires her crossbow at her.

Mockingbird then swung her staff down, striking at her legs.

Huntress screams out in agony as Mockingbird swung her staff at both her legs, breaking them.

Mockingbird then raises her staff and she slams it on top of Huntress, shattering her skull, instantly killing her.

Mockingbird then said.

Mockingbird: Better go help the others. Can't let the same thing Clint suffered happen to rest.


Meanwhile, both Batman and Captain America faces each other.

Batman: You don't stand a chance.

Captain America: You think I will lose to a pampered fool like you?

Batman: Prove it to me.

Both Batman and Captain America charges forward and the two began trading blows with each other.

Batman throws a punch, but Captain America blocks it and he slams his shield forward, knocking Batman back.

Captain America throws his shield, knocking Batman back.

He then charges forward and he punches Batman several times before knocking him back.

Batman throws a batarang at his leg, causing Captain America to scream in pain.

Batman charges forward and he punches Captain America in the face.

Batman struck Captain America in the guts with his knee before he slashes his gaunlet blades across Captain America, creating a gash.

Captain America wipes the blood off his face and he throws his shield, knocking Batman back.

Captain America punches Batman before grabbing him and throwing him into a wall.

Batman kicks Captain America back and he throws a bomb at him.

As the bomb latches onto the shield, Captain America throws the shield towards Batman, causing it to detonate at Batman instead.

As Batman backs off in pain, Captain America rams his shield into Batman and he knocks the caped crusader down onto the ground.

Captain America raises his shield and he slams it onto Batman's neck, instantly decapitating him.


Captain America then smiles and he does a thumbs up and he said to the viewers.

Captain America: Remember kids, Superheroes don't do drugs.

All of a sudden, a red streak sped past Captain America, knocking him aside.

Confused, Captain America looks around and he questions.

Captain America: What?

The Flash suddenly appears and he said.

Flash: Hey buddy, come catch me if you can.

Captain America throws his shield, but the Flash teleports past the attack and he punches Captain America repeatly with rapid punches in the chest.

The Flash then runs across the city, smacking Captain America back and forth.

The Flash then sped forward and he punches Captain America hard in the face, instantly decapitating him.


The Flash then runs through the city, knocking aside Mockingbird and Ant Man.

Ant Man grew into a giant and he throws a punch, but the Flash runs up and he punches Ant Man in the face.

Ant man shrunk and he attacks The Flash by punching him repeatly before growing into human size and punching him back.

Ant Man shrunk  down into insect size and he launches himself forward, but before he could even strike the Flash, all of a sudden, a man suddenly grew out of nowhere and he punches him in the face, knocking Ant Man back.

As Ant Man grew back into human size, the newcomer grew into human size as well, revealing himself to be the Atom.

Ant Man: So you can shrink too huh?

Atom: I still got small advantage.

Ant Man then summons a colony of ants and the ants began swarming towards Atom.

Atom shrunk down and he punches the ants back with his fists.

As the ants began overwhelming him, Atom grew back into human size, knocking the ants back.

Ant Man and Atom began growing giant and the two men began trading blows with each other.

Ant Man punches Atom in the face, but Atom spun back and he struck an elbow right into Ant Man's face.

Ant Man punches Atom back but Atom grabs him and he slams his head right into his knee.

Atom then punches Ant Man down and he jumps up.

Atom shrunk down and he knocks Ant Man out.

But Ant Man shrunk down and he strikes Atom repeatly before growing back and punching him.

At the same time, Wasp blasts Wonder Woman back and she swoops down to assist Ant Man.

Wasp shrunk down and she fires a yellow blast, causing Atom to scream in pain.

Both Ant Man and Wasp shrunk down and the two began teaming up on Atom.

However, Atom shrunk down and he uppercuts Wasp into the air before kicking her in the stomach.

Both Atom and Ant Man shrunk down and the two continues to trade blows.

However, Atom shrunk below the size of an atom and he enters Ant Man's mouth.

As he enters Ant Man's system, Atom began growing, causing Ant Man to scream in pain.

Atom the bursts out of Ant Man's body, completely killing him.

Atom then slam both his palms onto Wasp, instantly crushing her.

Atom then opens up his palm and he watches as Wasp crumbles onto the ground, dead.

Double KO!

The Flash runs up to Atom just as he was shrinking back to human size and he said.

Flash: Thanks Ryan. 

Atom: No problem Barry.

All of a suddenly, a hammer suddenly flew in the air and it slams right into Atom's face.

Atom fell back, his skull fractured from the blow

The Flash turned and he watches in shock as Thor flies down.


Angered, The Flash shouts to him.

Flash: You! You'll pay for that!

Thor: You dare best a god?

The Flash sped forward and he punches Thor in the face, but Thor swung his hammer, knocking the Flash back.

Thor then slams his hammer onto The Flash and he punches him before firing a bolt of lightning at him, sending the Flash crashing into a building.

Meanwhile, Wonder Woman turns and she faces Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel: You will feel my power!

Wonder Woman: To Hades with you!

Both Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman charges forward and the two began trading blows.

Captain Marvel fires an energy blast at Wonder Woman, but Wonder Woman blocks the blast with her bracelets and she flies up.

Wonder Woman kicks Captain Marvel back but Captain Marvel launches herself forward and she delivers a punch, knocking Wonder Woman back.

Wonder Woman throws her lasso at Captain Marvel, constricting her.

As Captain Marvel struggles to break free, Wonder Woman sped around, knocking Captain Marvel back and forth before throwing an uppercut, knocking Captain Marvel up into the air.

Wonder Woman then removes her tiara and she throws it at Captain Marvel, severing her head.

Captain Marvel screams in pain as she falls down onto the ground, dead.


Wonder Woman looks down and she said.

Wonder Woman: You're no match for an Amazon.

Meanwhile, Iron Man and Green Lantern are still locked in battle while Thor and Martian Manhunter are busy fighting.

Iron Man blasts Green Lantern back.

But Green Lantern recovers and he smacks Iron Man back by swinging a bus construct at him.

Green Lantern creates five missile constructs and he launches them at Iron Man.

Iron Man fires a barrage of missiles at them.

Missiles from both sides explodes as the they collides into each other.

Iron Man raises his eyes and Green Lantern charges forward and he punches him.

Iron Man charges up a chest beam and he fires it at green Lantern.

Green Lantern quickly creates a shield around him, shielding himself from the attack.

As the attack die down, Green Lantern creates a spear construct and he launches it at Iron Man.

The construct struck Iron Man by the chest, causing him to scream in pain.

Green Lantern: For the Guardians!

Green Lantern charges up a powerful blast and he fires it at Iron Man.

Iron Man screams in pain as the blast incinerates him.

Iron Man explodes and Green Lantern said.

Green Lantern: Once a Green Lantern, always a Green Lantern.


Green Lantern looks up only to face a hammer smash into his face.

Green Lantern clutches his face and he screams in agony.

Thor flies down and he punches Green Lantern several times before firing lightning at him.

Green Lantern crashes onto the ground and Thor slams down onto him, instantly killing him.


Superman sped forward and he strikes Thor hard by the back, sending him tumbling through the air.

Supergirl punches Thor while Wonder Woman kicks him down.

Martian Manhunter phases through the ground and he punches Thor several times before throwing an uppercut, sending Thor flying back.

Thor throws Mjonir at Martian Manhunter, but the Martian turns himself invisible, causing the hammer to fly through him instead.

Martian Manhunter morphs into a serpent and he began wrapping himself around Thor.

Thor screams in anger and a lightning strikes him, causing Martian Manhunter to scream in agony

Martian Manhunter releases his grip and he morphs back into his original form.

Thor and Martian Manhunter flies up and the two continues to trade blows.

Martian Manhunter fires an eye beam at Thor before morphing into Superman and he began punching him repeatly.

Martian Manhunter then grows larger and he slams his fist down onto Thor, causing him to scream in pain.

But Thor throws Mjonir at him, knocking him back.

Thor then fire a bolt of lightning at Martian Manhunter, staggering the Martian.

Thor began attacking Martian Manhunter with a combination of punches before he throws his hammer, knocking Martian Manhunter back.

Thor then charges up his lightning and he screams out.

Thor: Feel Heaven's Wrath!

Thor fires a powerful blast of lightning at Martian Manhunter, causing the ground to explode.

However, Martian Manhunter suddenly flies past the attack, causing Thor to widen his eyes in horror.

Thor: What?!

Martian Manhunter punches Thor in the face before he phases through Thor, tearing his heart out.

Thor coughs out blood and as he began tumbling down, Martian Manhunter grabs him and he slams him down, instantly killing him.

Martian Manhunter stood back and he said to the rest.

Martian Mahunter: There's still one more to deal with.


Mockingbird jumps up and she swung her staff at Martian Manhunter.

But Martian Manhunter phases through the attack and he pushes her back.

As Mockingbird stumbles back, the Flash sped past her, knocking her up.

As Mockingbird flies up, both Supergirl and Wonder Woman strikes Mockingbird by both sides, causing her to cough out blood.

As Mockingbird fell onto the ground, Superman lands on top of her with a loud thud, instantly killing her.

The Flash then said to the rest.

The Flash: We've won.

Supergirl: Too bad all our friends are dead.

Superman: I agree. Let's go rebuild the city before we mourn our friends.

The five remaining members of the Justice League began moving out while Martian Mahunter cleans out the huge mass of corpses everywhere.


The winner is 

The Justice League

Advantages and disadvanatages


More money

More prep time

Strong weapons

Weaker members

Still mortal

Hulk and Thor's healing factors are always inconsistent

Relies mostly on prep time

Justice League

Stronger members

More versatile powers

More durable

More powerful

Batman, Zatanna, Atom, Hawkgirl, Huntress and Green Arrow lacks superhuman durability

Lacks money due to having an edgy relationship with the government

Victory quote

Superman: The real test of honor isn't how you die, it's how you live.

Up next

Yang vs Leone

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