Crystal Gems vs Powerpuff Girls

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Requested by choyfider

Three powerful girls in cartoon history, the smartest, the cheerful and the brawler goes all out to see which trio is the strongest

Crystal Gems


Manifest an armlet over her right hand.

Involuntary Pyrokinesis, emitting heat from her body when upset.

Could fuse with her Ruby sisters to become a larger version of herself.


None notable


Can be thick sometimes and lose her cool easily.

Not good at keeping a straight face while lying.


"Future Vision", looks into the future for the most likely outcome. But Sapphire can rely too much on it and fail to focus on the present.

Involuntary Cyrokinesis, lowering the temperature of her surroundings.

Able to glide down from any height.


Made the winning homerun in a game of baseball.


Can focus too much on possible futures that she may ignore everything else.


Superhuman strength 

Superhuman durability

Manifest gauntlets that are heavy enough to break stone and can be fired off like rockets.


Extreme pain resistance

Casting holograms

Heightened senses


Can sense structural instability

Future Vision


First Crystal Gem fusion.

Her body can adapt to any planetary body's gravity.

Defeated stronger Gems.

Can swim in lava.

Deflected a lightning bolt with her wrist.

Played Meat Beat Mania for 24 hours straight

Punched a shark


Retreat into her component gems if taken too much damage, requiring Ruby and Sapphire to refuse once reconstituted.

Normally preferring stay unified, Garnet's fusion can be undone if faced with something that disrupts the harmony between Ruby and Sapphire, like inner conflict over a matter where they not in agreement. Intense fear and horror, like her first encounter of a Cluster prototype which is the antithesis of her ideology on fusion, can also be a trigger.

In their separate state, Ruby and Sapphire can be easily distracted by each other.

Utterly fearful of Blue Diamond due to their past history.


Expert Swordmanship


Able to create up to two pearlescent short spears as her usual weapons

Sand and Cloud Manipulation

Gem Core can be used as a flashlight



Battle Axe


Her body can adapt to any planetary body's gravity.

Standing apart from her fellow Pearl-type Gem sisters with her personal achievements.

Trained Connie to use a sword.

Defeated Sugilite on her own, despite being badly out-matched in strength and durability.

Endured being blasted by Amethyst's whips.

Strong enough to injure Peridot (The same Peridot who can endure So much Damage that Its practically toon force).

Built a rocket From scraps from a Barn, though ultimately unsucessive

Punched Amethyst over 180 meters into the air.

Is the most experienced Crystal gem currently.


Has a bit of an inferiority complex from being dependent on others for approval, but eventually overcame it.

By far the most fragile Crystal Gem, having been easily lost her physical form via a simple stab to the chest.

Can becomes obsessed with her goals.

Condescending towards many humans, though she gradually outgrew that part of herself.


Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Endurance


Able to create two whips out of energy


Energy Whips

Her standard gear but thanks to the upgrades made by Bismuth, they are capable of causing explosions with each strike


Her body can adapt to any planetary body's gravity.

She held her own against Garnet (which is no easy task).

Defeated Pearl on her own.

Survived a hit from Garnet which sent her on fire (3,200 Degrees F at minimum),Falling 181 meters,and when landing she Spiked the Beach without Poofing or Shattering.

Endured being blasted through a solid wall.

Regularly fights Corrupted Gems day in and day out.

Had enough Stamina to hold on To a shapeshifting form all the way to the moon.

Bends metal like its nothing.

Her whip attacks are so fast that Its almost impposible to track with the human eye.


Despite her outlook, she had issues with being purposeless and was conscious of her appearance.

Out of the main Crystal Gems, Amethyst was forced to recreate physical form three times after being reduced to her gemstone state.

Suffered a humiliating defeat by Jasper, who nearly killed her while playing on her inferiority complex.

Was almost defeated by Steven in close quarters combat Despite having much much much more experience than Steven.

Is very reckless in Combat and almost never relies on a strategy which can leave her wide open to attacks.


Super Strength

Superhuman Durability

Great Intelligience


Opal's bow

Sugilite's flail  

Sardonyx's war hammer/drill


Defeated Malachite


Not good at being a dinner guest.

Unable to defeat Malachite on her own.

Easily captured by Aquamarine's ensnarement beam.

Powerpuff Girls


Super Strength

Super Speed

Advanced Intelligience

Eye Lasers

Power Punches

Hand Blasts

Lightning Bolts

Ice Breath

Microscopic Vision


Destroyed a planet busting meteors

Saved the world on many occasions

Townsville's heroes

One of the strongest superheroes in their universe

The smartest out of the three Powerpuff Girls

Have taken down the likes of Him, Mojo Jojo, Fuzzy Lumpkins, Princess, and The Rowdyruff Boys

Faster than the Speed of Light

Can breath in outer space

Saved Santa's presents from not being delivered on time

Can tank hits from The Rowdyruff Boys who are as strong as if not stronger than the girls

Don't seem to be particularly vulnerable to any kind of brute force attacks


Townsville volcano and diving through the lava all the way down to Earth's molten planetary core

taking direct hits from giant monsters and the like

Can tank a nuke

Dipped in acid and Blossom comments "What do you know? Acid can't hurt us!"

Traveled so fast they went back in time

Flew to the nearest asteroid belt in a few seconds

Runs so fast, can create earthquakes

Delivered all of Santa's presents in part of a night

Dodged Lasers

Casually reacts to thing being thrown at her

Beaten giant monsters all the time


All of the Powerpuff Girls have shown a complete weaknesses to fly-paper

While can endure extreme temperatures, such as lava. But they are still vulnerable to extreme exposure of sunlight, which affects them similar to how ordinary people are affected. They can handle much greater exposure than regular humans though.

Blossom is afraid of not being there enough for everyone, not showing good enough leadership qualities, failing in class, etc. This can make her self confidence quite vulnerable at times.

Antidote X

Neat freak

Seasons 5-6

Can have trouble adapting to new changes in the fight

Usually relies on teamwork


Super Strength

Super Speed

Advanced Intelligience

Eye Lasers

Power Punches

Hand Blasts

Sonic Scream



Destroyed a planet busting meteors

Saved the world on many occasions

Townsville's heroes

One of the strongest superheroes in their universe

The smartest out of the three Powerpuff Girls

Have taken down the likes of Him, Mojo Jojo, Fuzzy Lumpkins, Princess, and The Rowdyruff Boys

Faster than the Speed of Light

Can breath in outer space

Saved Santa's presents from not being delivered on time

Inflitrated the Rowdy Rough Boys

While being "Bubblevicious" Bubbles was able to complete a training simulation on level 11.

Able to understand different languages better than the others. She's even been shown to read a Japanese manga without much issue.


All of the Powerpuff Girls have shown a complete weaknesses to fly-paper

While can endure extreme temperatures, such as lava. But they are still vulnerable to extreme exposure of sunlight, which affects them similar to how ordinary people are affected. They can handle much greater exposure than regular humans though.



Tend to cry a lot, even by minor means

Tends to throw tantrums

Seasons 5-6

Can have trouble adapting to new changes in the fight

Usually relies on teamwork

Antidote X


Super Strength

Super Speed

Advanced Intelligience

Eye Lasers

Power Punches

Hand Blasts

Tongue Rolling


Physically the strongest of the Powerpuff Girls

Destroyed a planet busting meteors

Saved the world on many occasions

Townsville's heroes

One of the strongest superheroes in their universe

The smartest out of the three Powerpuff Girls

Have taken down the likes of Him, Mojo Jojo, Fuzzy Lumpkins, Princess, and The Rowdyruff Boys

Faster than the Speed of Light

Can breath in outer space

Saved Santa's presents from not being delivered on time

Able to roll her tongue, something which nobody in Townsville is capable of achieving

While Buttercup may be known for being the most hot headed member, but she did eventually learn inner peace and keep her cool.


Hot Headed

Bad Tempered

All of the Powerpuff Girls have shown a complete weaknesses to fly-paper

While can endure extreme temperatures, such as lava. But they are still vulnerable to extreme exposure of sunlight, which affects them similar to how ordinary people are affected. They can handle much greater exposure than regular humans though.


Not very intelligient

Seasons 5-6

Can have trouble adapting to new changes in the fight

Usually relies on teamwork

Antidote X


Dynamic Nanotechtronic Monobot or Dynamo for short 

Super Strength




Bow which can be used as scissors

Can curl up into a ball for defense


Capable of defeating many monsters

Destroyed the city of Townsville


Despite being capable of beating any monsters, Dynamo is also capable of causing huge collacteral damage

The Mayor once used it to destroy the city because he did not know how to pilot it



It is a peaceful afternoon in the city

Cars drove across the road while the streets are bustling in activity

Just as the people are busy with their activities, just then, a huge explosion rings across the city.



Up in the air, The Powerpuff Girls, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup are flying in the sky when all of a sudden, Blossom heard the explosion, causing her to freeze in her tracks.

Confused, Bubbles and Buttercup halts in midair and Bubbles questions her sister.

Bubbles: What's wrong?

Blossom answers.

Blossom: I heard an explosion. Something's happening down there.

Buttercup: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Blossom: Right!

With that, the trio swoops down from the air to investigate the cause of the explosion.



Trio de Danger: Whoa!!!

Basil, Lavenda and Bergamo screams out as he flies across the city before crashing into a building.


As the three passes out from the attack, Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst jumps in and Amethyst cheers out.

Amethyst: Aw yeah! Take that you tin head!

Pearl: We're the Crystal Gems and we will save the day.


Just then, the Crystal Gems heard a sound from behind, causing them to turn.

Three little girls cladded in a red, blue and green dress stood behind them, glaring at the trio.

Blossom: Not so fast!

Bubbles: Whoever!

Buttercup: You are!

Garnet equips herself with her gaunlet and she said to the three.

Garnet: I have no idea who you are but if you want to attack us, trust me, it won't end well.

Buttercup chuckles and she said.

Buttercup: Oh yeah? Let's get with it sister!

Bubbles turns to her sisters and she said in a rather timid tone.

Bubble: Guys, I'm....not sure we can handle them.

However, Blossom said to her optimistically.

Blossom: No worries Bubbles. We can handle those three.

At the same time, Pearl turns to Garnet and she said nervously.

Pearl: Garnet. I don't think challenging them is such a good idea.

However, Amethyst laughs out and she said to Pearl.

Amethyst: C'mon Pearl. They're just a bunch of little girls.

Garnet: And besides, the Crystal Gems always find a way.

Upon hearing Garnet's words, Pearl's confidence grew and she agrees.

Pearl: Yeah. We can take them.

Pearl and Amethyst summons their spear and whips and the two groups got into a fighting stance.

Almost immediately, the Powerpuff Girls and the Crystal Gems launches towards each other, raising up their fists.


As the two groups struck each other, a massive shockwave rings across the city, shattering the glass.


Garnet swung her arms up, blocking as Buttercup throws a punch.


At the same time, Bubbles flies up into the air as Amethyst swung her whip.


While the four are battling, Pearl throws an energy spear at Blossom.

However, Blossom throws a punch, shattering the spear.


Pearl then launches herself up into the air and she throws a kick, striking right across Blossom's cheek.


Blossom: Whoa!!!

Blossom screams out as she was sent flying back.


Pearl lands on the ground and she sprints towards Blossom.

Meanwhile, Amethyst swung her whip at Bubbles.

As Bubbles flies up, just then, the whips warps itself around Bubbles, causing her to yelp in shock.

Bubbles: Yelp!

Amethyst swung her arms down, smashing Bubbles right into the ground.


Amethyst withdraws her whip back and she curls herself into a ball before launching herself forward.

However, Bubbles pushes herself up and she opens her mouth, emitting out a loud shrill sonic scream.

Bubbles: AHHHHHHH!!!!!

Amethyst: Whoa!!!

Amethyst screams out as the sonic waves struck her, sending her tumbling back.

Bubbles then swoops forward.

However, Amethyst cracks her whip at a car, wrapping it around.


Amethyst swung her whip across, pulling the car around before tossing it towards Bubbles.

However, Bubbles throws her hand forward, striking the car with a single punch.


Amethyst: Uh oh!

Amethyst curses as Bubbles slams arm first into Amethyst, sending her tumbling back.


As Bubbles and Amethyst continues to battle, Garnet and Buttercup are up in the air, exchanging blows with each other.

BAM!!! BAM!!! BAM!!! BAM!!!

Buttercup ducks underneath Garnet's punch before throwing a punch, striking her right across the cheek.


Garnet: Ugh!

Garnet grunts as she falls across the air.

Buttercup swoops down in persuit.

However, Garnet flips across the air before landing feet first onto the wall of a building.


Buttercup grabs a huge chuck of concrete from a building and she chucks it at Garnet.

Garnet launches herself upwards, landing feetfirst onto the concrete before launching herself off the projectile.

Buttercup widens her eyes in shock as Garnet throws one powerful punch, striking Buttercup right in the face.


Buttercup: Argh! 

Buttercup screams out in pain and she flies back.

But as Garnet falls forward, Buttercup recoils back before throwing a powerful punch right into her face, sending Garnet tumbling down.


At the same time, Blossom ducks down, dodging as Pearl swung her spear at her.

Blossom then throws a punch right into Pearl's stomach before throwing an uppercut.

BAM!!! POW!!!

Pearl: Yahhh!!!! 

Pearl screams out as she was sent flying upwards.

As Garnet lands onto the ground, just then, she heard Pearl's scream, causing her to turn around.

Just as Pearl is about to hit the ground, Garnet reaches her arms out, catching Pearl in midfall.


Garnet: I've got you!

As Buttercup and Blossom launches themselves towards her, Garnet grabs onto Pearl and she spun her around, striking both Blossom and Buttercup back.


Blossom and Buttercup: Whoa!!!!

Both Blossom and Buttercup screams out as the two falls back before landing onto the ground.


Both Pearl and Garnet watches as Amethyst lands right next to them.


At the same time, Bubbles flies towards her sisters and she questions.

Bubbles: Blossom, Buttercup, are you alright?

Blossom nods and Buttercup answers.

Buttercup: Never felt better.

The trio turns just as Pearl pulls Amethyst up.

Amethyst said to both Pearl and Garnet.

Amethyst: Man. That girl's tough.

Garnet: Alright, let's put an end to this.

The Crystal Gems nods and the three began dancing.

Amethyst swerves her body around while Pearl twirls in a ballerina fashion.

Snap! Snap!

Garnet snaps her fingers as Amethyst and Pearl closes in onto her.

Garnet then struck a couple of poses before rotating her arms in a clockwise direction.

Just as Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet completes their dance, all of a sudden, a bright light shines, causing the Powerpuff Girls to widen their eyes in shock.

Blossom: Whoa!

Bubbles: What's happening to them?

Buttercup: I don't know but something about that doesn't look good.

The three gems then morphs into one being as the fusion grows larger, transforming into a huge six arm massive hybrid.

Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst has fused into Alexandrite!

Alexandrite: ROAR!!!!

Alexandrite lets out a loud roar and she said to the Powerpuff Girls.

Alexandrite: Alright girls. Let's get this show on the roll!

Alexandrite swung her arms down, causing the Powerpuff Girls to fly up.


Blossom flies above Alexandrite and she exhales her Ice Breath at the fusion.



Ice began encasing around Alexandrite's arm as Blossom exhales her Ice Breath.

At the same time, Buttercup swoops down and she throws a power punch, striking Alexandrite hard in the face.


As Alexandrite staggers back, Bubbles flies up and she lets out a loud shrill scream.

Bubbles: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Alexandrite swung her arm up, shielding herself from the sonic scream.

Alexandrite opens up her palm and almost immediately, Sardonyx's War Hammer pops right into her hand.

Alexandrite held onto the War Hammer and she swings it at Bubbles.


Bubbles: Yee!!!

Bubbles cries out as she was sent flying back from the attack.

Blossom flies up and she catches Bubbles, questioning in concern.

Blossom: Are you okay Bubbles?

Bubbles: Yeah.

Buttercup angrily growls and she swoops downwards.

Alexandrite then summons Sugilite's Flail and she swung it across.


Buttercup: Argh!!!

Buttercup grunts as she was sent flying back.

Blossom narrows her eyes and she launches an eye laser at Alexandrite.


Alexandrite: Argh!!!

Alexandrite grunts as she swung her arms upwards, shielding herself from the burning heat of the eye laser.

Blossom flies up just as Buttercup questions

Buttercup: What can we do? That thing's too big for us?

As Blossom thought of a plan, all of a sudden, an idea struck her.

Blossom: I've got it. Come on girls!

Blossom then flies away from the city, leaving both Bubbles and Buttercup staring at each other before they took off into the air as well.

As the Powerpuff Girls flies far from the city, Alexandrite watches them and she questions to herself.

Alexandrite: Huh? Where are they going?

As Alexandrite stood dumbfounded, just then, a loud thud booms across the city.


Alexandrite: What was that?

Alexandrite questions herself as she looks around.


As the sounds gotten closer, Alexandrite turns around and what she saw causes her eyes to widen.

A giant robotic Powerpuff Girl storms towards her.

Astounded, Alexandrite questions herself.

Alexandrite: What kind of sorcery did those girls cooked up?!

As the robot storms towards her, Alexandrite heard a familiar voice saying.

Blossom: I want you to meet Dynamo. The Professor's greatest invention.

Inside Dynamo

Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup sat inside the robot, typing on it's computer just as the robot stood in front of Alexandrite.


Dynamo stabs her fist into her palm and she bows at Alexandrite respectfully before raising her arms up, getting into a fighting stance.

Alexandrite growls and she summons Opal's bow.

Alexandrite: That tin can's not gonna stop me.

Alexandrite aims the bow at Dynamo before launching several energy arrows at her.

Dynamo however, activates her missile launchers from her arm and she launches them.



The arrows explodes as each missile comes into contact with the arrows, destroying them.

Alexandrite: ROAR!!!

Alexandrite lets out a loud bloodcurling roar and she launches herself forward.


Alexandrite pounces onto Dynamo, throwing punches at the robot.

POW!!! POW!!!

However, Dynamo latches onto Alexandrite, pulling her off of her before throwing her into a building.


As Alexandrite crashes backfirst into a building, Dynamo launches a powerful eye laser from her visor.


The blast struck onto Alexandrite, causing her to go off in a massive explosion.


Inside Dynamo

Powerpuff Girls: Whoo hoo!!!

Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup cheers out as they watches the explosion from inside the robot.


As the smoke clears, Alexandrite pushes herself up, her body severely weakened from the attack.

Just then, Alexandrite felt a sharp pain, causing her to grunt.

Alexandrite: Ugh!!! Not now. Keep it together.

Knowing that she is unable to keep her fused form for long, Alexandrite knew she has to end the fight quickly.

Alexandrite pushes herself up and she summons Amethyst's whip.

Alexandrite spun around and she swung the whip at Dynamo.


Dynamo stumbles back as the whips cracks into her armour.

Alexandrite opens her second jaw and she exhales a stream of fire at Dynamo.


Dynamo swerves to the side, dodging the fire breath before firing several missiles at her.



Alexandrite roars as the missiles struck onto her.

Alexandrite: ROAR!!!!


Dynamo then flies up into the air before launching herself forward.

As Alexandrite looks up, without warning, Dynamo rams right into her, knocking the air out of Alexandrite.


Alexandrite: OOF!!!!

Dynamo brought up her fist and she throws it down, striking Alexandrite right in the face.


Alexandrite: Ugh!!!

Dynamo throws another punch right across Alexandrite's face.


Alexandrite: Argh!!!

Just as Dynamo prepares to throw another punch, all of a sudden, Alexandrite opens up her second jaw, spewing fire at her.


Dynamo flies across the air before crashing backfirst onto the ground.

Alexandrite jumps up before landing crouched onto the ground.


Dynamo pushes herself up just as Alexandrite charges forward.

Alexandrite summons her War Hammer and she wields it, roaring at Dynamo.

Alexandrite: ROAR!!!! You're done!

However, before Alexandrite could land a blow, all of a sudden, Dynamo grabs her bow tie and she swung it across her.


Alexandrite: Argh!!!

As Alexandrite staggers back from the attack, Dynamo pushes herself up and she activate her missiles.

Inside Dynamo

Blossom aims the missiles towards Alexandrite and she asks her sisters.

Blossom: Ready girls?

Bubbles and Buttercup: Ready.

Both Bubbles and Buttercup answers in unison.

As the missiles are within range, Blossom presses a button, activating them.



Alexandrite widens her eyes in horror as the missiles began flying towards her.

Alexandrite: Oh snap!

The missiles struck Alexandrite repeatly, causing her to scream in agony.

Alexandrite: Argh!!!!

The missiles explodes around her, just then, Alexandrite's body began glowing brightly and her entire body began shrinking.

As Alexandrite shrinks, her body began splitting into three, defusing back into the physically inferior Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst.

Realizing their chance, Dynamo aims her visor before unleashing a powerful Eye Laser at them.



The blast struck the Crystal Gems hard, causing the three to scream in unspeakable agony.

Crystal Gems: AHHHHHHH!!!!


The gems on their chests began crack from the sheer impact of the blast before shattering into smithereens.


As the gems shatters, Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst's entire body began disintergrating before going off in a massive explosion.


The explosion rings across the city, blowing back cars and flyers.


Dynamo watches the explosion die down before a huge massive celebration broke out inside her control room.

Inside Dynamo

Blossom: Whoo hoo!!!

Bubbles: We did it!

Buttercup: Alright! That teached them.

Blossom turns to her sisters and she suggest.

Blossom: Now let's get home, the Professor must be worried about us.

Bubbles: Yeah.

Buttercup: Let's go.


Dynamo activates her jet boosters and she took off into the air, ready to return herself and the girls back home.


Once again the day is safe and three gems were shattered, thanks to....the Powerpuff Girls


The winner is

The Powerpuff Girls

Advantages and disadvantages

Crystal Gems

More experienced

Better martial arts skills

Able to tank everything the Powerpuff Girls throw at them

Physically weaker

Fusion cannot remain fused for very long

Alexandrite is not immune to normal firearms

Powerpuff Girls




Able to tank everything the Crystal Gems throw at them

Dynamo has taken down monsters similar to Alexandrite

Not very experienced

Lacks martial arts skills

Victory quote:

Blossom: We're the Powerpuff Girls.

Buttercup: We fight crime.

Blossom: That's what we do.

Bubbles: Duh. 

Up Next

Jiren vs Saitama

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