Dark Magician and Sunset Shimmer vs Deadpool and Pinkie Pie

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Requested by Epona2 

In a date, which couple is the best?

Dark Magician

Weapons Expert

Master Blacksmith

Oblivion Walker

Soul Absorbing



Dragonborn Sword

Dragonborn Shield


Capable of mastering any weapons he picks up

The only one capable of killing dragons by absorbing their souls


Major trust issues

Hates others that wastes his time

Quick to anger

Sunset Shimmer




Raging She-Demon

The form increases her strength, power and even gave her the ability to fly


Able to get back Twilight's crown after losing it

Capable of turning people into demons

Defeated Midnight Sparkle with the help of Spike the Dog


Has a fear of losing her friends and failing them

Most of her notable victories are with outside help

Whenever she deals with problems she cannot understand, she is quick to snap in anger


Superhuman Body

Exceptionally skilled with swords and all forms of guns

Mastery in assassination techniques and numberous martial arts

Superb healing factor

Magic satchel

Contains various items, regardless of continuity

Includes teleportation belt, machine guns, katanas, pistols and other things

Fourth wall awareness


Deadpool can also break the fourth wall.


Teleporter Belt

Allows Deadpool to teleport short distances

Occasionally prone to malfunction

Magic Satchel

Holds unlimited weapons and ammo

Bends laws of physics and space





Powerful enough to decapitate a human using just blunt force


Submachine Guns


Flashbang Grenades

Frag Grenades

Bear Traps


Pulse Rifles

Chargable: allowing them to instantly vaporise a human at full charge.

Degeneration Beam

Insect Swarm Grenades

Carbondanium katana

Universal Acid


His own dismembered arm, Arm-Fall-Off-Boy would be proud


Navigated an obstacle course meant for Iron Man-like suits unscathed

Completely regenerated from a single hand

Sole person to outwith Taskmaster

Can dodge point-blank machine guns

Casually battled Red Hulk

Once became a Herald of Galactus


Regularly shrugs off wounds

Infiltrated Latveria & defeated 12 Doombots

Defeated 100 ninjas while on the phone

Pulled a rogue midair helicopter

Defeated Wolverine, Taskmaster, & the Hulk

Biggest opening weekend for an R-rated film ever ($132.7 million!)


Healing factor is not perfect

Head requires reattachment

Claims that regeneration is slow and painful.

Killable by drowning, suffocation and destroying, vaporizing or incinerating all his cells.

His cells also regenerate the cancer cells so he always has it

If someone takes away the cancer then his healing factor will cause him to explode

The depiction of his healing factor attributes, limits and speed is inconsistent. The Movie canon requires at least an hour to regrow an entire hand.

According to Mistress Death, his healing factor is linked to his subconscious so he sometimes doesn't bother regenerating

Mental stability sometimes creates problems

Deadpool is constantly distracted by the voices in his head.

Frequently allows himself to be in harms way.

Does not take any given situation seriously.

Tends to forget his sachet, either leaving it at home or in the cab he rode in.

Deadpool attacks or betrays his allies frequently and has the reputation of being very annoying. Even his most iconic sidekicks despise him.

Hallucinates frequently

Frequently suffers from amnesia.

Incredibly impulsive

Even if immortal, Deadpool can still be overpowered; especially by opponents with superhuman durability

Has been defeated by the Hulk easily and painfully multiple times.

Had a strict no killing rule for a good while before changing it to not killing innocent bystanders

Cannot decide on a spouse

Was knocked out by Captain America with a single punch

His teleporter doesn't work half the time

He risks going back in time if he teleports at the sametime someone else teleports

Once took too long getting into his outfit in a phone booth, resulting in the death of an old man he was about to save.

Is defeated by Daredevil in a majority of their encounters mostly due to pure skill alone

Has been easily defeated by The Punisher

Pinkie Pie

3 Z&R Party Cannons

Streamer & Confetti Ammo

Bubblegum Cake Batter Ammo

Live Cannon Ammunition

Can launch herself

Assorted pies, cakes, cupcakes



​Powers & Abilities

Pinkie Sense

Predicts immediate future

Super speed & strength

Toon Logic

Enhanced memory

Comic stretchability

Limb duplication

Breaks physics and reality

Enhanced durability

Can resemble herself


Prevented Yaks & Pony war

Defeated the Changelings

Resisted hallucinations with laughter

Survived Nightmare Moon's magic blast

Only survivor of trail to Yakyakistan

Keeps Windigos away by keeping everypony happy

Defeated Nightmare Moon, Discord, & Lord Tirek


Lacks martial arts skills

No combat experience

Tends to become sad when she's unable to make others happy

Before the fight, let's all wish Epona2 a happy birthday




Outside in the tranquil darkness of the night, all seems to be quiet.

Deep in the depth of the black forest, Sunset Shimmer sprints across the forest, panting for breath as she looks back.

Sunset Shimmer: Pant! Pant!

As she runs across the grassy floor, all of a sudden, something slams into her, causing her to scream out.


Sunset Shimmer: AHHHHHHHH!!!!


Sunset Shimmer falls backfirst onto the ground and she looks up.

As she found herself staring into a familiar face, Sunset bursts in a fit of laughter.

Sunset Shimmer: Heh ha ha ha ha ha!

Just as Sunset Shimmer pushes herself up, she admits to Dark Magician.

Sunset Shimmer: Okay okay, you've got me Darkie.

Dark Magician smirks and he said to her.

Dark: You aren't such a bad runner yourself.

Sunset Shimmer: Hee hee.

Sunset Shimmer giggles out as she smiles at Dark Magician.

Dark Magician smiles back before he said to her.

Dark: C'mon. Let's go get something to eat.

Sunset Shimmer: Sure!

Both Dark Magician and Sunset Shimmer held hands as they walk forward, heading towards a nearby restaurant.

However, at that moment, Dark Magician bumps into another person.


Dark: Hey!

Dark Magician turns and he angrily shouts at the man.

Dark: Hey! Watch where you're going!

The person turns around, revealing himself to be a man cladded in a red and black spandex suit.

He is no other than Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth.

Standing next to him is a pink pony named Pinkie Pie.

Deadpool points a finger at Dark Magician and he said to him.

Deadpool: Watch your tone pal. Do you have any idea who you're talking to?

Dark: No, do you?

Pinkie Pie shouts at him.

Pinkie Pie: Hey! That's not very nice.

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah. Well you weren't very nice either.

Sunset Shimmer retorts.

Deadpool: Alright! That's it!


Deadpool whips out a couple of machine guns and he loudly declares out.

Deadpool: You two are going down!


Dark Magician whips out his shield and he shouts out.

Dark: Bring it!


Deadpool opens fire at him.

At the same time, Dark Magician sprints forward, raising up his shield.


The bullets bounces off Dark Magician's shield just as he jumps up.


Dark Magician draws out his sword and he swings it downwards.

At that moment....



Dark: What?!

Dark Magician widens his eyes in shock as he found his sword clashing into Deadpool's twin katana.

Deadpool smirks and he said.

Deadpool: Gotcha.


Deadpool throws out a kick, striking Dark Magician right in the chest.

Dark: ARGHHH!!!

Dark Magician screams out as he was sent tumbling back.

At the same time, Pinkie Pie leans in towards Sunset Shimmer and she questions her eagerly.

Pinkie Pie: Ooh ooh! Show me what you can do Sunset Shimmer.


Sunset Shimmer points her palms at Pinkie Pie, creating a small fiery sphere within it.

Sunset Shimmer: Here goes!


Sunset Shimmer launches the fiery projectile at Pinkie Pie.

However, the pink pony simply pulls out a cannon out of nowhere and she points it at the projectile, opening fire at it.


A slab of cake batter flies across the air, striking right into the fiery sphere with a loud deafening splat.


Sunset Shimmer sprints forward and she throws a kick at her.

However, Pinkie Pie ducks underneath the attack and she spun around, throwing out her back hoofs right into her stomach.


Sunset Shimmer: ARGHHHH!!!

Sunset Shimmer screams out as she falls back from the attack.

Upon realizing that his waifu is hurt, Dark Magician screams out in horror.

Dark: Sunset Shimmer!


A sphere of magic forms within Dark Magician's hand and he launches it at Pinkie Pie.


As Pinkie Pie spun around, all of a sudden, she felt a strong wave of magic strike right into her.


Pinkie Pie: WHOAAA!!!

Pinkie Pie screams out as she was sent tumbling back.

As Dark Magician sprints towards her, just then, he saw someone suddenly appear in front of him.


At that moment, he felt a foot strike him right in the face.


Dark: ARGHHHH!!!!

As Dark Magician staggers back from the attack, Deadpool jumps up and he swung down his sword, cutting right across Dark Magician's body.


Dark Magician: ARGHHHH!!!

Dark Magician screams out as Deadpool throws a kick, striking right in beneath his chin.


As Dark Magician falls onto the ground, he looks up, only to find a sharp tip of a sword pointing right beneath his chin.

Deadpool looks down at him and he commanded sternly.

Deadpool: Yield.

At the same time, Sunset Shimmer pulls out a tiara, causing Pinkie Pie to widen her eyes in shock and recognition.

Pinkie Pie: Wait. Isn't that Twilight's tiara? 

Sunset Shimmer: Yes. In fact....

As Sunset Shimmer slips the tiara over her head, at that moment....


The girl's entire body bursts in a huge burst of flame, causing Pinkie Pie to raise up her hoove, shielding herself from the fire.

Pinkie Pie: WHOAA!!!

As the pink pony looks up, her eyes widens in surprise.

Pinkie Pie: WHOAAA!!!

Across where she is, both Deadpool and Dark Magician's jaws drops in shock as the two said in unison.

Deadpool and Dark: No.....freaking.....way....

Sunset Shimmer flies up in the air, her entire body covered in fire along with two demonic wings flapping by her back.

Sunset Shimmer has transformed into Demon Sunset Shimmer!

Overwhelmed by her newfound power, Sunset Shimmer cackles out in delight.

Sunset Shimmer: Ha ha ha ha! With this power, I am unstoppable!


Sunset Shimmer swung her arm across, launching a burst of fire downwards.

Pinkie Pie: Uh oh.


Pinkie Pie jumps back, dodging the attack just as the fire explodes onto the ground.



As Pinkie Pie lands on the ground, at that moment, Sunset Shimmer swoops down and she slams right into her.



Pinkie Pie screams out as she was sent flying across the sky.

Sunset Shimmer folds her arms and she scoffs.

Sunset Shimmer: Hm. You are nothing but just a pony Pinkie.

How wrong she was.

Just then, Sunset Shimmer heard loud incessant chanting coming from in front of her.

Pinkie Pie: Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!

Sunset Shimmer turns and her eyes widens in sheer shock and terror.

Sunset Shimmer: What in the...

Sunset Shimmer watches as she found herself staring at a massive army of Pinkie Pies leaping towards her, chanting out.

Pinkie Pies: Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!

Shocked at the sight before him, Dark Magician questions out.

Dark: How in the world did she do that?

Deadpool didn't answer.

Instead, he points up at the screen, revealing a Y7 on the top right side, signalling the show's episode airing.

Dark: Oh.


Sunset Shimmer launches a huge stream of fire right at the clones, causing all of them to vanish immediately.

Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof!

However, at that moment, Sunset Shimmer felt something whip across her hair.

Sunset Shimmer: What?!

As the demon reaches out on her head, she realizes that her tiara is missing.

Sunset Shimmer: Uh oh!


At that moment, a magic cloud poofs around Demon Sunset Shimmer, reverting her back into her original form.

Sunset Shimmer falls downward, only for Pinkie Pie to jump up and catch her right with her hoofs.

Pinkie Pie: Gotcha!

As Pinkie Pie falls onto the ground, she dug her hooves into the dirt, scratching across the floor.


Pinkie Pie then lowers Sunset Shimmer down and she said.

Pinkie Pie: There you go.

Sunset Shimmer looks at her and she smiles, thanking Pinkie Pie.

Sunset Shimmer: Thanks Pinkie.

Deadpool then pulls back his sword and he lowers down his hand, offering it to Dark Magician.

Deadpool: C'mon you big buddy, get up.

Dark Magician grabs Deadpool's hand and the mercenary pulls it back, lifting Dark Magician off the ground.

Dark Magician looks at both Deadpool and Pinkie Pie and he said to them apologetically.

Dark Magician: Look. We're sorry for the way we act.

Deadpool however, simply waves his hands and he shrugs the apology.

Deadpool: Hey come on, it's nothing.

Sunset Shimmer then offers.

Sunset Shimmer: Tell you what, how about you two join us for dinner tonight.

Upon hearing that, both Deadpool and Pinkie Pie cheers out in unison.

Deadpool and Pinkie Pie: That sounds great!

Dark Magician: Alright. Come on, I'm starved.

With that, the group began walking towards the restaurant, ready for their date.

As they walk, Sunset Shimmer felt her cheeks flush as she said to Dark Magician.

Sunset Shimmer: Hey Dark.

Dark: What is it?

At that moment, Sunset Shimmer grabs Dark and she pulls him closer, planting a kiss on his cheek.


Dark Magician felt his cheeks flush and he said.

Dark: Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer smiles and she said to him.

Sunset Shimmer: I love you Dark Magician.

Dark Magician: I love you Sunset Shimmer.

With that, both leans in for a kiss.



The winners are

Deadpool and Pinkie Pie

Advantages and disadvantages

Dark Magician and Sunset Shimmer

Stronger magic

Demon form Sunset Shimmer enhances her abilities


Lacks that many feats

No healing factors

Deadpool and Pinkie Pie



Better fighters

Lacks magic

Victory quote:

Deadpool: See, you don't need to be a superhero to get the girl, the right girl will bring out the hero in you.

Pinkie Pie: I'm not giving him cake, I'm assaulting him with cake!

Up Next

Ash and Gary vs Izuku and Katsuki

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