Darkseid vs Apocalypse

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Requested by MothGoji

When two Gods of Destruction go to war, there shall be chaos as these two titan's wrath reigns across the universe


Super Strength

Near-limitless Stamina


Healing Factor

Great Intelligience

Cosmic Awareness

Astral Projection


Omega Beams

Able to Transverse through time and space



Matter and Energy Manipulation


The Anti-Life Equation

A power to manipulate the wills of others, Darkseid spend eternity to find the equation to make everyone in the universe like those on Apokolips. Darkseid would eventually obtain the equation while traversing the multiverse: "loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding × guilt × shame × failure × judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side." This allows him to turn anyone into a mindless slave devoid of free will and personal identity, save those who could resist it like Static.


Agony Matrix

An energy-field-based weapon that causes direct neural stimulation of every pain receptor in a person, causing unfathomable torture. Darkseid claims its 'the worst possible pain you can imagine, times 1000'. While it would kill an average person within minutes, a super-powered being like Superman would only lay on the ground while writhing. [1]

Apokolips' Power Feed

 Whenever he needs to replenish his lost strength, Darkseid seals himself in the heart of Apokolips and syphon the planet's life energy. But it can be a dangerous risk since Darkseid must remain until the replenishment is complete and effect the drain has on Apokolips' unstable mass.

Boom Tubes

Portals that allow Darkseid to travel across dimensions. Depending on the story; these are either summoned by technology (normally a remote control) or by Darkseid's magic.

Occasionally uses Kryptonite weapons


Destroyed a planet while fighting Highfather. 

Has overpowered Superman on numerous occasions, able to subdue him with the utmost of ease.

Strong enough to hold open a hole in reality.

Transforms Cyborg Superman into a metal ball. 

Capable of hurting The Spectre and surviving hits from him. 

Can alter his size at will. 

Defeats Orion and Mr. Miracle with a simple wave of his hand, he also illustrates he has control over the firestorm matrix. 

Telekinetically froze the entire Legion of Superheroes.

Breaks a Green Lantern Ring. 

His true form made space-time across the entire multiverse collapse. 

One-shots Silver Surfer.( Non-Canon)

Destroys missiles that Superman can't stop.

Conquers 3 billion daxamite minds. 

Solos a team of Darkstars (Darkstars have comparable power to Green Lanterns). 

Takes hits from Pre-Crisis Superman and Supergirl. 

Easily survives a combined attack from the Legion of Super-Heroes. 

Incinerates Cyborg Superman. 

Reacts in a microsecond.

Omega Beams are fast enough to tag Superman and The Flash


Darkseid is vulnerable to Radion (a lethal substance to New Gods, conceptually similar to Kryptonite for Kryptonians).

Omega Beams can be stopped if it hits a different target during its initial pursuit. For example Batman and Flash using Parademons as human shields.

Omega Beams have been proven ineffective against the likes of Wonder Woman's bracelets.

Omega Beams were unable to harm Galactus, Doomsday and Mxyzptlk.

Can be pushed into his own Boom Tubes; temporarily banishing him

He is often overconfident and does not use his powers to their fullest extent.

Was once a McDonalds employee.

Failed to defeat High Father; agreeing to a peace treaty instead of finishing the war

Has lost in battles against Superman multiple times (especially since Superman is willing to go all out against Darkseid).

His Omnipresent true form was killed by Superman's shriek. 

Was easily defeated by Doomsday.

Was shot by Batman (Batman was okay with this). The bullet was made out of Radion and so was fatal to Darkseid.

Was once mugged by ordinary humans.

Author's Note: Darkseid's face was inspired by Jack Palance; who has a large face, small eyes and frequently played the role of merciless villains. Darkseid's personality was inspired by military dictators like Hitler.

Darkseid apparently has agents in even the least expected places, one of these achievement get a porn video of Superman and Big Barda And if you ask, no, I am not joking.


Super-Genius Intelligence



Superhuman Strength (over 100 tons)

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Druability

Psionic Manipulation




Telepathic Control & Manipulation


Self-Molecular Manipulation


Regenerative Healing Factor

Size Alteration

Self-Power Bestowal

Energy Manipulation

Energy Blasts

Energy Absorption



Rejuvenation chambers in several of his bases

Celestial genetic-engineering technology


Teleportation Device

Various Celestial-tech. based ships


Celestial-tech. based weaponry


Sired the ancestors of Clan Akkaba]

His conquests throughout the ancient past

Has been rivals with Dracula for centuries

Restrained the Hulk, making him his Horseman of War.

Can withstand a scream from Black Bolt, as well the combined attacks of the Inhumans and X-Factor

Using Professor X as a medium, Apocalypse disarmed the world's nuclear weapons.


His arrogance.

Somehow died despite being rejuvinated and taken away by the Celestials to recollect the debt they make with him when he first discovered their technology in Ancient Egypt

When resurrected as a child, he was killed, then cloned by Fantomex



In the heart depths of the planet Apokolips, creatures of all shapes and sizes growls as the trod along the land.

Up in the throne of Apokolips, Darkseid, the God of the planet sat on his throne, brooding to himself.

Ever since his last encounter with Superman, Darkseid knew that he has to be extremely cautious the next time he faces his adversary.

Just as he was planning however, all of a sudden, something blazes across the sky, flying like a shooting star.

Darkseid opened his crimson red eyes.

There's an intruder on his domain.



Apokoliptic sentients growls menacingly as the spun around.

Soldiers marches towards the crash site, determine to investigate and end whatever potential threat that object has posed.

As the smoke billows from the crater, the soldiers notices a tall menacingky figure cloaked within the darkness of the smoke.

Nervous, one of the soldiers demanded.

Soldier: Who are you? What are you doing in Lord Darkseid's domain.

The figure didn't answer.

Instead, he whispers out.

???: You have absolutely no idea of who you are dealing with.

Before any of the soldiers could comprehend what happened, the figure waves his hand across.

Almost immediately the soldiers feet suddenly sank down into the ground, causing them to scream in agony.

Soldiers: AHHHHH!!!!!

In a matter of seconds, the soldiers were completely buried underneath the surface.

The figure then steps out of the smoke, his feet causing the ground to crack under the sheer impact of his weight.


Apokolitic drones growls menacingly as a tall blue menacing figure steps out of the smoke.

As the drones growls, all of a sudden, they heard the sound of thundering footsteps from behind, causing them to freeze.

Thud! Thud!

The drones immediately backs away in fear as Darkseid looms over them.

With his arms behind his back, Darkseid stares at the newcomer and he questions.

Darkseid: Who are you stranger?

The figure answers in a deep menacing voice.

???: I am known as Apocolypse.

Darkseid narrows his eyes in disgust and he questions Apocalypes with a hint of contempt within his voice.

Darkseid: Do you know who you are dealing with?

Apocalypse: I care not about your identity. All I care about is your throne.

Darkseid growls at Apocalypse.

Darkseid: For your insolence, you shall face the wrath of a God!

Without warning, Darkseid eyes began glowing red as he unleashes his Omega Beams towards Apocalypse.


The Omega Beams flies towards Apocalypse in a zig zag manner, flying closer towards it's intended target.

However, Apocalypse's body immediately vanishes, teleporting himself out of harmsway.

The Omega Beams however, ends up flying towards a helpless drone unfortunate enough to be in the way.


Drone: EEEEEE!!!!!

The drone roars in agony as the Omega Beams struck it, it's entire body instantly incinerated by the blast.

Darkseid instantly halts his attack and he looks around in an attempt to track down Apocalypse.

Just then, Apocalypse suddenly appears right in front of Darkseid and he throws a punch.


However, to Apocalypse's horror, Darkseid caught his fist with his bare palm, barely flinching from the attack.

Darkseid spat.

Darkseid: Useless.

Darkseid raises up his arm and he throws one powerful punch, striking Apocalypse in the face.


Apocalypse: Argh!!!

Apocalypse grunts as he staggers back from the attack.

Darkseid edges himself closer and he throws another punch.


Apocalypse: ARGH!!!!

Apocalypse screams out agony as he was sent flying back by the attack.

Apocalypse halts himself in midair and he growls.

Darkseid launches himself up into the air and he throws a punch.

However, Apocalypse swerves aside before throwing a punch.


Darkseid grunts as Apocalypse struck him in the gut.

Darkseid narrows his eyes and he slams his forehead forward, slamming headfirst right into Apocalypse's head in retaliation.


Apocalypse: Ngh!!!

Apocalypse grunts as he staggers back from the attack.

Apocalypse throws a punch, only for Darkseid to throw another punch at him.


The entire planet shook just as Apocalypse and Darkseid's fists collides, causing the buildings to crack from the sheer impact.


BAM!!!! BAM!!! BAM!!!! BAM!!!!

Both Darkseid and Apocalypse grits their teeth as the two soars across the air, exchanging blows with each other.


Darkseid launches an Omega Beam at Apocalypse, causing the God to scream in agony.

In retaliation, Apocalypse spun around and he returns the fvour by launching a blue energy blast at Darkseid.


Darkseid grits his teeth as he was sent flying back from the attack.

Smoke billows out of his body as Darkseid halts in midair, regaining his footing.

Apocalypse ran his hand against his cheek, his eyes widens in shock as he felt the skeletal insides of his face.


As Apocalypse's flesh began growing over his skeleton, Apocalypse compliments Darkseid.

Apocalypse: Impressive. It seems those mortals did not fear you for nothing.

Darkseid: I am the Ultimate Being. I was not deemed a God by mere mortals.

Apocalypse: Unfortunately....

Darkseid looks down as rocks began flying up into the air, surrounding Apocalypse in a barrier fashion.

Apocalypse narrows his eyes and he concludes his sentence.

Apocalypse: Your reign ends here!!!

Apocalypse points his finger at Darkseid and without warning, rocks suddenly began speeding towards Darkseid at lightning quick speed.

However, Darkseid simply spun around, turning his back towards Apocalypse.

Without turning back, Darkseid suddenly launches his Omega Beams, causing it to swerve back and fly towards the boulders.

ZSSST!!!! BUSH!!! BUSH!!!!

As the Omega Beams blitz through the air, the rocks instantly disintergrates into nothingness upon making contact with the Omega Beams.

Apocalypse widens his eyes in sheer horror as the Omega Beams struck him, causing him to scream in agony.


Apocalypse: ARGH!!!!

Apocalypse screams as he tumbles down from the sky.

Just then, Darkseid suddenly dives down and he slams fist first into Apocalypse, striking him by the back.


Darkseid swoops down, slamming Apocalypse through the buildings.



As Darkseid flies out of the building, Apocalypse looks down and he raises up his arms before slamming them downwards, striking Darkseid by the back.


Darkseid grits his teeth in agony as he felt the sharp bruising impact from his back.

However, Darkseid suddenly flies up before holding onto Apocalypse.

Darkseid: Drop dead!!!

Darkseid roars as he throws Apocalypse down, causing Apocalypse to scream in terror.

Apocalypse: AHHH!!!!

As Apocalypse falls, Darkseid clenches his fists and he grits his teeth, causing his size to increase simultenously.

VOOM!!!! VOOM!!! VOOM!!!!

Now completely gigantic in size, Darkseid slams his fist downwards, striking Apocalypse onto the ground.


A huge massive crater forms as Darkseid throws another punch.


Apocalypse: Hurk!!!

Darkseid then throws another punch, this time, causing all the surrounding buildings to crumble under the sheer impact.


Darkseid pulls himself back as his entire body shrinks, returning him back to his original size.

Darkseid stares in contempt as Apocalypse pushes himself up, gasping in agony.

Apocalypse has never faced an opponent that powerful.

Darkseid narrows his eyes and he said to Apocalypse.

Darkseid: Surrender.

Apocalypse: Never.

Apocalypse pushes himself up and he charges up an energy sphere before launching an energy blast towards Darkseid.


Apocalypse pants in exhaustion as he stood his ground.

However, as the smoke clears, what Apocalypse saw made his eyes widen in terror.

Darkseid simply stood there, barely fazed by the attack.

Apocalypse backs away, shaking in terror before protesting in disbelief.

Apocalypse: Impossible! How....how is that possible?!

Darkseid took a step forward before taking another step, slowly approaching the quaking Apocalypse.

As Darkseid steps forward, he spoke.

Darkseid: Have you forgotten your place mortal? I am a God and your defiance, spells your erasure!!!

Darkseid swung his palm forward, slapping right across Apocalypse's face.


Apocalypse: ARGH!!!!

Apocalypse screams out in agony as he was sent flying back, crashing into a building.


Darkseid clenches his fist and he grits his teeth, channeling his energy as his height began increasing simultenously.

VOUM!!! VOUM!!!! VOUM!!!!

As Apocalypse looks up, gasping weakly, he could hear the sound of thunderous footsteps approaching him.

THUD!!! THUD!!!!

Apocalypse widens his eyes in terror as Darkseid stood over him, his large size towering over every building and inhabitant in the district.

Darkseid's eyes began glowing crimson before he recoils back, charging up his Omega Beams.

Realizing his fate, Apocolypse began begging for mercy.

Apocolpyse: Please.....have mercy on me....

However, Apocolypse's prays for mercy was turned a deaf ear as Darkseid's loud thunderous voice booms across Apokolips.



Darkseid screams out in anger as he unleashes a powerful Omega Beam at Apocolypse.

Apocolypse: No....no! No! AHHHH!!!!

The Omega Beams struck Apocolypse hard, causing the entire ground below him to cave in.


Apocolypse's entire body convulves and contrasts before his entire body began to slowly break apart, disintergrating to nothingness.

Apocolypse: NNOOOOO!!!.....


A massive explosion rings across the entire planet, shaking the whole of Apokolips.

Frightened inhabitants screams and runs as the wrath of Darkseid spreads across the globe.

As the inhabitants flees for their lives, Darkseid's entire body began shrinking down as he returns to his original size.

Darkseid stares down at the black spot on the ground in contempt, disgusted at Apocolypse's earlier ego.

Darkseid spun around and he said coldly.

Darkseid: Now you know the fury of a God!


The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages



More destructive power

More powerful

More experienced





More experienced


Not very powerful

Has never done anything Darkseid has done

Victory quote:

Darkseid: Are you sure you can win against me? You know what I am. You know the doubt in your heart. You so-called heroes are false gods, all of you. And when people stop believing in you, you'll shatter like glass.

Up Next

Athius vs Karen

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