Elsa vs Jack Frost

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Requested by choyfider

Ice. One of the coldest element in the world and to celebrate Choyfider's birthday, we are pitting two of the most popular and the most good looking ice user against each other


Control over ice, snow, and cold

Can create sculptures out of ice, from mere icicles to complete castles

Can create living snowmen

Immune to cold


Immune to extreme coldness

Nearly caused an eternal winter

Nearly killed Anna just by throwing an ice blast at her

Able to bring Olaf to life and create a giant snow monster strong enough to send fully grown men flying with just a swing of it's arms

Beaten Prince Hans

She can visualise and construct complex ice structures.


Just a normal human with no superhuman durability

Power comes at a cost of control, and vice-versa

Jack Frost

Superhuman strength

Superhuman Speed

Greats Reactions

Peak Human Durability,


Ice, frost, and snow manipulation 

Ice resistance 


Magic of fun



Capable of controlling ice 

Can be used as a battle staff


Survived falling into ice cold water 

Able to freeze things over with a mere wave of his staff, can shoot energy bolts of ice

Defeated several of Pitch's nightmare monsters 

Saved the Guardians and the world


A huge slacker

No superhuman invulnerability

Weak without his staff

Before the fight let's wish choyfider happy birthday



Ice mountains

The snow glows light on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen.

Jack Frost sprints across the cold winter mountains, questioning himself.

Jack: Geez, why is it so cold here? What even caused this eternal winter anyway?

As Jack treks along the icy cold peaks, just then a tall crystal castle stood at the peak of the mountain, attracting the attention of Jack Frost.

Jack stares at the complex structure of the castle and his eyes widens in awe.

Jack: Wow. That castle sure looks beautiful. Maybe there must be someone in there.

Jack Frost races up towards the castle, elated to find a safe and warm sanctuary from the death cold winter.

Jack stops in front of the door and he raises his hand up before giving it a knock on the door.

Knock! Knock!

As Jack waits, a tall beautiful woman wearing a blue dress and snowy white hair answers the door.

Jack stares at the woman in awe as he thought to himself.

Jack: Wow. That girl sure is beautiful.

Elsa stares at Jack's face and she felt her cheeks redden slightly.

Elsa: That boy sure is cute.

Elsa questions Jack Frost inquisitively

Elsa: Um....who are you? What do you want?

Jack Frost requested politely.

Jack: Hey....you know...it's really cold here. Is it okay if I can stay in there?

However, to Jack's surprise, Elsa politely declines.

Elsa: I'm sorry mister but I must decline.

Confused and shocked, Jack asks.

Jack: Why? I just want to stay in there.

Elsa pushes the door forward and she tries to shoo him off, in a begging tone.

Elsa: Please, I can't let you stay next to me!

Jack: Why not?

An idea struck Jack Frost and his face brightens as he suggested.

Jack: Ooh! How about I sing you a song?

Jack whips out a guitar out of nowhere and he began strumming it as he sang Sam Tsui's Let it Go and Let you Go mashup.

Jack: Let it go, let it go, You only need the light when it's burning low, Let it go, let it go, You only miss the sun when it starts to snow.

As Jack continues to sing, Elsa grits her teeth and she shouts.

Elsa: Enough!!!


Without warning, Elsa swung her arm across and almost immediately, an ice wave travels across the air, pushing Jack Frost back.

As Jack regains his footing, what he saw causes his eyes to widen.


Jack gasps in horror as he saw the edges of his staff freezing.

Elsa gasps in shock and she cupped her mouth with her hands, apologizing purposely.

Elsa: I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry....

Jack Frost puts up his hand, conjuring a snow flake with his hand and he said to her.

Jack: Hey, that's cool. You're an ice user like me. 

Jack points his staff at her and he challenges her.

Jack: Now show me what you can do.


Jack throws an ice blast at Elsa, forcing Elsa to raise an ice shield by waving her hands upwards.


Elsa backs away into her castle and she launches several ice blasts towards Jack Frost.

Jack acrobatically back flips across the room as he launches several ice blasts back to Elsa.


Ice began encasing the furniture as each ice blast strikes the furniture.


Elsa ducks just as Jack launches an ice blast towards her.


Jack lands onto the ground and he sprints forward.

Realizing her predicament, Elsa swung her hands upwards, conjuring several ice monsters as she shouts in a warning tone.

Elsa: Stay back.

Almost immediately, the Snow Golems sprung to life and they let out a loud mighty roar.


Jack widens his eyes in shock and he exclaims.

Jack: Holy! She could do that?


As a Snow Golem swung it's arm downwards, Jack leaps back, dodging the attack.



Jack skids across the ground before launching an ice blast at the monster.


However, as the ice blast struck the Snow Golem, the ice simply diminishes as it touches the monster, seemingly entering the Snow Golem and becoming part of it.

Jack widens his eyes and he curses.

Jack: Snap!


The Snow Golem roars as it sprints forward, raising it's fist.

However, Jack launches himself upwards before swinging his staff across the monster's head.


The Snow Golem's decapitated head crashes onto the ground and the beast's body collapses into a pile of snow.


Jack lands feet first onto the ground, held his staff, rests it on his back and he questions.

Jack: Anybody else?


The Snow Golems lets out a loud unison roar as they sprint forward, determine to take down the ice user.

Jack held his staff up and he launches himself up into the air.

As the Snow Golems swung their arms, Jack swerves across the air, flying past the attacks.

BAM!!!! BAM!!!

Jack swung his staff across the Snow Golems heads, decapitating the monsters as he flies around the castle.

Realizing that she is losing ground, Elsa turns towards the stairs and she races upwards, determine to escape from Jack.


Jack: Argh!!!

Jack grunts as a Snow Golem struck him by the back, sending him crashing onto the crystal floor.


The Snow Golem lets out a victorious roar before sprinting forward.

However, Jack pushes himself up and he swung his staff upwards, launching a large snowball towards the Snow Golem.



The Snow Golem roars in agony as the snowball slams right into the monster, smashing it right through the wall.


With the monster incapacitated, Jack races up the stairs, persueing Elsa.


Elsa pants in exhaustion as she stood in the middle of the room, catching her breath.

Just then, her blood froze as she heard a familiar voice saying.

Jack: Hey miss.

Elsa spun around and she gasps upon laying eyes on Jack.

Jack narrows his eyes and he said.

Jack: There's nowhere for you to run.

Jack launches himself up into the air and he raises his staff upwards, ready to finish Elsa off.

However, before Jack could even swing his staff down, Elsa screams pulls her hands out and she screams out in terror.

Elsa: NOOOO!!!!!

Without warning, an ice blast launches out of Elsa's hands, striking Jack in the chest.


Jack: Argh!!!!

Jack grunts as he falls back onto the ground, severly injured by the attack. 

Elsa pants as and she watches as Jack pushes himself up.

However, to his horror, Jack stares at his hands and his eyes widens as he saw his hands freezing.


Jack: What?

Jack stares at his entire body, horrified as ice began encasing around him.

Jack: No....no...no..!!!!

Jack screams out in terror as his entire body encases into an ice prison, turning him into a human ice scupture.

Elsa stares at Jack and she said to him coldly.

Elsa: You should have left me alone when you had the chance.

Elsa walks towards the frozen Jack and she lightly taps it.

Jack's body fell forward and...


Jack's entire body shatters as it crashes onto the ground.

Elsa stares at him and she sang out.

Elsa: Let the storm rage onnnnnn...the cold never bothered me anyway


The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages


Stronger ice power


Lacks martial arts skills

Jack Frost


Better combat abilities

Weaker ice attacks

Not immortal or immune to Elsa's attacks

Victory quote:

Elsa: The cold never bothered me anyway


Up Next

Esdeath vs Killer Frost

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