Gaara vs Toph

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Requested by oreokeeyoungs

Earth, an element in which only the strong can control



Earth compression





Defeated 7 Earth Benders effortlessly; despite being outnumbered and her enemies being older and more experienced.

Invented Metal-Bending in hours.

Got plenty of money outscamming conmen with her bending

Stalemated with King Bumi.

Reigning champ of Earth Rumble

Held up Wan Shi Tong's library

Trained the Avatar in Earthbending

Destroyed several Fire Nation Blimps

Created the Metalbending Police Force

Mastered how to sandbend, even creating a perfect sculpture of the entire Ba Sing Se with a perfect sculpture of the Earth King and his pet bear Bosco inside


Completely blind. Her Seismic Sense normally compensates this but Toph's senses are still limited.

Is completely blind if she is not connected to Earth; like if she is airborne or in deep water.

Cannot detect airborne objects, animals or people (unless the airborne object is Earth or the person is standing on the aforementioned airborne Earth).

Cannot read or see drawings.

Earth-Bending requires Earth; meaning Toph cannot Bend if she is airborne, in deep water

Most of her Earth Bending and require her feet.

If her feet are injured or cannot be used; she cannot fight properly.

Metal Bending doesn't work on highly purified metals like Platinum.

No defenses against Blood-Benders.

Blood-Benders and Energy-Benders can disable her Earth-Bending permanently if they contact her.

Without her Bending powers; Toph is just an ordinary girl.

No superhuman strength, durability or running-speed; although her Earth-Bending compensates for this.





Initially did not know how to properly bend sand or Metal Bend; however she has quickly mastered these techniques.



Sand Gourd

Johyo rope dart

Gold Dust Jutsu

Sealing Tag


Armor of Sand

Shield of Sand

Third Eye

Desert Wave

Sand Binding Coffin

Sand Binding Prison

Sand Binding Prison

Sand Clone

Sand Hail

Sand Shuriken


Achieved Kazekage rank at 15

Protected Sunagakune from Deidara's C3 bomb

Sand is faster than the eye can see

Held up a falling meteor

Defeated Rock Lee & Sasuke

Defeated his father, Rasa

Regimental Commander of the Allied Shinobi Forces


Sand Armour requires a huge amount of Chakra

Sand Jutsu depends on how much energy he has

Has used his sand to cheat in an exam once


Egyptian desert, Kingdom of Amara

Queen Menace, a beautiful Egyptian woman with tan skin cladded in a blue striped bikini and Egyptian garb lay on her bed, relaxing as Black Adam, her newly hypnotised slave, massages her.

Just then, Setra, her attendant, a spectre with a cat head flies in and he said hurriedly.

Setra: My lady! My lady! I have some bad news.

Menace slowly opened her eyes and she questions indifferently.

Menace: What could be so much more important than my oil massage?

Setra answers.

Setra: There are two intruders not far from your castle.

Upon hearing that, Menace pushes herself up and she questions.

Menace: Huh? Intruders?


Gaara growls as he faces Toph, a short blind girl cladded in a green Earth Kingdom garment.

Gaara points an accusing finger at her and he shouts.

Gaara: You have stolen enough Runaway! I shall end you!

Toph made an indifferent 'meh' sound and she said.

Toph: Geez, that was so long ago. Why are you after me anyway?

Gaara shouts at her.

Gaara: I don't care. You must pay for your crimes.

Toph got into a fighting stance and she said.

Toph: Sure. Let's rumble.

Gaara opems up his gourd and he launches his sand at Toph.

Toph quickly lifts up her arms, creating a samd shield.

The sand struck the shield, sending Toph flying back.

Gaara jumps up and he throws a punch right into Toph's face.

Toph grunts as she was sent flying through the sky.

Gaara lands onto the ground and he gave chase.

Outside the Kingdom of Amara

As Toph flies through the air, she slams backfirst into a rock pillar before falling onto a rock, her most familiar element!

Upon realizing the advantage she has Toph cheers to herself.

Toph: Yes!

Toph pushes herself up and she waves up her hands, causing several rocks to fly up into the sky.

As Gaara races closer, Toph unleashes the hail of rocks at Gaara.

The ninja swung his arms, using his sand to break apart several rocks.

However, as he jumps up, Toph swung up her hand, causing tje sand to suddenly rise up, striking Gaara in midair.

As Gaara falls back, Toph slams her feet onto the ground, pushing a small boulder up into the air.

Toph throws a kick, sending the boulder right towards Gaara.

The rock struck Gaara hard in the chest, sending him flying back.

Gaara grunts as he tumbles across the ground before jumping back up.

Gaara lands on his feet and he compliments Toph.

Gaara: Impressive. I can see why those bounty hunters have trouble taking you down.

Toph rubs the back of her head and she said.

Toph: The feelings mutual.

Toph then lifts up a boulder and she launches it towards Gaara.

Gaara jumps up, dodging the projectile.

Gaara began creating several sand spikes onto the ground, moving them towards Toph.

Toph immediately senses the danger and she yelps as she falls back, narrowingly dodging the spikes.

Toph uses her Earthbending to lift several rocks and she throws them towards Gaara.

Gaara: Gold Dust Jutsu!

Gaara uses his Gold Dust Jutsu and he sends the golden dust towards the rocks.

The rocks crumbles upon making contact with the dust.

As Toph senses the gold dust, she concentrates, attempting to Metalbend the Gold back towards Gaara.

However, the gold simply resists Toph's control and it zips towards her.

Toph widens her eyes as she jumps back, dodging the Gold Dust.

Shocked, Toph questions Gaara.

Toph: What kind of gold is this? I can't even bend it?

Gaara smirks and he said.

Gaara: This is no ordinary gold. My chakra binds them all.

Gaara then uses his sand and he closes his eyes, concentrating.

The sand shapes themselves into shurikens and Gaara launches them towards Toph.

Toph quickly creates a rock wall, shielding herself from the attack.

As the Sand Shurikens struck the rock wall, the rocks exploded into smithereens, blasting Toph back.

The Blind Bandit grunts in pain as she crashes into the castle.

As Toph groans in agony, Menace peers out of her castle and she shouts.

Menace: Hey you! Whoever you are, you are trespassing into the Land of Amara. Pledge yourself to me or else you shall perish.

However, Toph said to Menace snarkly.

Toph: Ah. Shut your mouth lady.

Using the rocks from the castle walls, Toph began forging herself a rock armour around her body.

Gaara notices this and he remarks.

Gaara: Interesting. Let's even the odds shall we? Armour of Sand!

Gaara's sand began encasing itself around Gaara, equiping Gaara in a sand armour.

Setra flies next to Menace and he said.

Setra: My lady, it seems those two are now wearing rock armour.

Black Adam questions Menace.

Black Adam: Should I stop them mistress?

However, Menace stops him and she answers.

Menace: No. Let them go. I want to see where this is going.

Black Adam: As you wish.

Menace, Black Adam and Setra watches from above as both armoured Earthbenders launches themselves towards each other.

Toph launches several rocks at Gaara.

Gaara swung his arms, shattering the rocks with his strength before closing in onto Toph.

Gaara swung his legs, delivering a kick right into Toph's face.

Toph screams as she was sent flying up.

Gaara struck her twice with his sand before jumping up.

Gaara attacks Toph with a combination of kicks and punches before throwing one powerful strike.

Toph's rock armour shatters as Toph was sent flying back.

Toph screams in pain as she crashes into Menace's castle.

Horrified, Menace screams out.

Menace: My castle!

Toph grunts in pain and she said to herself.

Toph: Can't....give....up. He's covered in sand, I should use it against him.

As Gaara closes in, Toph narrows her eyes and she grits her teeth, attempting to use Sandbending on Gaara.

However, it was ineffective as Gaara closes in and he launches a sand clone towards her.

The sand clone strikes Toph in her face, knocking her down.

The sand clone crumbles into dust and Gaara approaches the wounded Toph.

Horrified, Toph questions in disbelief.

Toph: What kind of sand is that? How come I cannot bend it?

Gaara explains.

Gaara: This sand is the essence of my mother. I control it with my chakra. It's nothing like the sand around us. Which means, you're going to die!

Gaara launches a sand hail at Toph, striking her back.

Toph screams in agony as the sand strikes her repeatly.

Gaara launches himself forward and he throws one powerful punch.


Toph's head flies up as Gaara held his hand up in an uppercut position, seemingly decapitated Toph.

Toph's head fell down, shocking the trio.

Menace looks down and she questions.

Menace: What is that? What happened here?

Black Adam offers.

Black Adam: I'll check it out.

Black Adam flies up, only to see Gaara standing alone.

As Black Adam notices Toph's headless body lying on the ground, Black Adam said.

Black Adam: So you killed her.

Gaara turns and he said.

Gaara: Yes.

Black Adam flies down and he said to Gaara.

Black Adam: Why don't you come pledge your allegience. My mistress is willing to welcome any new attendance.

However, Gaara refuses.

Gaara: I'm sorry, but I refuse.

Gaara then disappears as his entire body dissolves into sand, flying with the wind.

Black Adam watches solemnly before he heard Menace calls out.

Menace: My servant! It's time for my bath.

Black Adam: Yes mistress.

Black Adam flies into the castle to prepare Queen Menace's bath.


The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages



Better martial arts skills


Sand is controlled by his Chakra, meaning no other Sandbenders can manipulate his sand

Gold Dust is also immune to Metalbending

Not very smart






Not experienced in hand to hand combat, making her vulnerable in close combat

Metalbending is useless against Gaara's Gold Dust

Contary to popular beliefs, Toph cannot bend Gaara's Sand as Gaara's sand is not ordinary sand

Victory quote:

Gaara: We have walked through the darkness of this world, that's why we are able to see even a sliver of light.

Up Next

Knuckles vs Rock Lee

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