Kirito vs Zeratul

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Requested by ACAssassin

When Kirito enters the world of Starcraft, he is faced against a formidable warrior with abilities far beyond his understandings.


Blade Throwing

Parry Mastery

Hide Mastery

Battle Healing

Search Mastery


Martial arts skills- Flash hit, Embracer, Meteor Break, Escape

One Handed Sword Skill- Horizontal, Horizontal Square, Rage Spike, Slant, Spinning Shield, Sonic Leap, Vertical Square

Dual Blades Sword Skills- Double Circular, Starburst Stream, The Eclipse

Knife Throwing Skills

Arms Blast

Hyper Sense

Mislead- Tricking a monster's learning function to burden them



Elucidator: A sword with a blade slightly less than 4 feet long and able to break other swords. The sword was later tempered by Master Blacksmith Lisbeth

Dark Repulser: A Heavy Sword that is longer than Elucidator but less durable

Throwing Pick: A small easily concealed weapon


Only character capable of dual wielding

Survived about a year of SAO solo, forced to kill three people during his time in the game

Defeated an evil Santa boss on his own

Broke Lisbeth's strongest sword with Elucidator

Defeated Skullreaper and Akihiko Kayabo

Willed himself from dying in SAO

Strong enough to single-handedly slaughter thousands of "word tree" sentients faries

Kicked a minotaur several feet away


Little experience with Illusion Magic




Prone to acting in rage

Wears impratical battle clothing

Some of his greatest feats are credited to those who helped him

Only fights his best when the game is no longer just a game

Photon Sword cannot cut through all metals

Aside from Kendo training, Kirito is just as average teen in the real world


Superhuman Physical Characteristics

Energy Manipulation



Mild Precognition

Forcefield Creation

Durability Negation via Warp Blade

Permanent Invisibility

Warp Blade Mastery


Perception Manipulation (Can alter perception by touch)


Void Armor

Warp Blade Emitter

Notable attacks

Blink: Zeratul can stride through the shadows, moving to a target location instantly.

Void Armor: Grants a shield to Zeratul and his allies.

Shadow Strike: Zeratul brutally strikes his target, dealing an incredible amount of damage.

Void Prison: Imprisons the target in Void energies, stunning it and removing its ability to see invisible units for 12 seconds.


Able to harm Maar, a Pre-LotV Destroyer

Is comparable to Alarak and Artanis; fought and killed Maar

Able to outpace and react to Zerglings, comparable to Sarah Kerrigan

Physically as strong as Artanis

Able to fight with Queen of Blades Sarah Kerrigan and break free of her Telekinesis, enduring her power the whole time

Can take hits from Artanis and Maar, a Hybrid Destroyer

Able to fight for long periods of time with very little sign of tiring

Has lead his people many times, lived as a warrior and assassin for many hundreds of years


An outcast, as he is believed to be a deceiver, insane, or both

He is the servant to the Xel'naga Ouros, and makes his desires a reality despite the hatred it earns him from his people.

Was killed


Space prison barge

In a dark depths of space, a lone prison barge is seen floating aimlessly in the dark void of stars.



The door bursts open and Kirito, the Blackswordsman jumps into the corridor.

The entire barge is barely litted by blue emitting light, leaving a huge mass of space in total darkness.

A cold shiver ran down Kirito's spine and he whispers nervously to himself.

Kirito: Damn. Why did I pick this map in the first place? This place gives me the chills.

Kirito steps foot into the corridor, exploring the ship's entire structure.

As Kirito enters the darkness of the barge, he is unaware of a shadowy figure lurking in the dark.

Kirito steps into a room and what he saw causes his eyes to widen.

Bodies of fallen prisoners and guards were littered across the floor.

As Kirito studies one of the bodies, he notices a huge massive hole on the chest.

Kirito narrows his eyes and he looks around vigilently.

Something or someone is in the barge.

Kirito lifts up his arms, wrapping his fingers around the hilt of his sword.

Sweat pours down his forehead and Kirito shifts his eyes around.

All of a sudden, something crashes onto the ground behind him.


Kirito spun around and he saw a huge muscular brute growling at him.

Zeratul: Your life has been forfeit!

Zeratul picks up a damaged security drone and he throws it towards Kirito.


Kirito draws out Elucidator and he swung it across.


The security drone splits into two and all of a sudden, Zeratul sprints towards Kirito at lightning quick speed.

Kirito lifts up his sword, shielding himself just as Zeratul throws a punch.


Kirito: Ngn!

Kirito grunts as he was sent back by the attack.

Zeratul draws out his warp blade, the green energy emitting in the darkness.

Zeratul swung his blade at Kirito, forcing the Blackswordsman onto the defensive.


Kirito and Zeraltu spun around in the hallway, exchanging blows with each other.

As Kirito swung his sword, Zeraltu blocks the attack with his warp blade before throwing a punch.


The punch struck Kirito right in the cheek, sending him tumbling back.

Zeratul smirks underneath his mask and he storms towards Kirito.

Kirito pushes himself up and he jumps up before throwing an attack.

Kirito: Flash Hit!!!


The strike struck Zeratul right in the face, causing him to stagger back.

Kirito draws out his blade and he slashes Zeraltu with his sword.


Zeratul narrows his eyes and he swung his warp blade.

However, Kirito spun his sword around, creating a Spinning Shield out of his technique.

Kirito: Spinning Shield!!


Zeratul: Nn!

Zeratul growls as he recoils back from the attack.

As Kirito got into a defensive stance, Zeratul nods approvingly and he compliments Kirito.

Zeratul: Impressive. Why not join my people child?

Kirito shook his head and he declines.

Kirito: I won't join you, you monster.

Zeratul narrows his eyes and he growls at Kirito menacingly.

Zeratul: You must be in a hurry to die.


Zeratul suddenly vanishes from sight, causing Kirito to jump back and look around.

Kirito narrows his eyes and he raises his sword, wary of Zeratul's presence.


Something struck Kirito by the back, causing him to grunt in agony.

Kirito: Argh!!!


Kirito: Argh!!!

Kirito grunts and he jumps back, trying to flee from Zeratul.

Kirito could hear Zeratul's mocking laughter as he jumps through the barge.

Zeratul deactivates his invisibility and he sprints after Kirito.

Zeratul: Come back you coward!


Zeratul bursts through a wall and he looks around.

Zeratul found himself staring into a huge barren cafeteria.

Zeratul draws out his warp blade and he stalks around, searching for his opponent.

Zeratul: You would dare run child?

As Zetatul searches, just then, je saw a figure standing up.

Zeratul narrows his eyes and he sprints forward before swinging his warp blade.


However, his eyes widens upon laying eyes on the figure.

It was a just random corpse!

As Zeratul looks around, all of a sudden, something began flying towards him at lightning quick speed.

Zeratul spun around and he raises his shield.


The projectile bounces off uselessly.

Zeratul looks down and his eyes widens in shock.

The projectile is a pick!

Zeratul compliments as he heard footsteps approaching him.

Zeratul: A pick. An interesting choice for a weapon.

Kirito draws out Dark Repulser, holding it with one hand while Elucidator in the other.

Kirito got into a fighting stance and he said.

Kirito: Let's see how you handle this!

Both Kirito and Zeratul races forward and both their blades clashes.


Zeratul raises his shield just as Kirito throws his attack.

Kirito: Starburst Stream!!!


Both Kirito and Zeratul were blasted back by the attack.

Kirito charges up his arm blast and he opens fire at Zeratul.


Zeratul raises his shield, racing towards Kirito.

Kirito jumps back just as Zeratul throws a punch.

Kirito readies both his swords and he shouts.

Kirito: The Eclipse!!!!

Kirito charges up his attack and he launches himsekf forward.

However, Zeratul still has a trick up his sleeve.

Just as Kirito closes in, Zeratul charges up his energy and he launches it towards Kirito.

As the blast struck Kirito, all of a sudden, the blast exploded into a huge energy surge, causing Kirito to scream in agony.

Kirito: AAAHHHHHH!!!!

Zeratul sprints forward and he throws his Shadow Strike.

Zeratul: You're finished!


The attack struck Kirito hard, sending Kirito flying back.


Kirito: Argh!!!!

Kirito grunts as he crashes through a wall.

Zeratul narrows his eyes and he follows suit.

The alien stares down as Kirito struggles to rise, weakly attempting to push himself up.

Zeratul charges up another Shadow Strike and he shouts.

Zeratul: This ends now!!!

Zeratul screams as he throws his attack, striking Kirito hard in the chest.


Blood spews onto the floor as Kirito's entire body fell limp.


Both swords fell from Kirito's hands as Kirito fell plop onto the floor.


Zeratul stares down at Kirito's body before turning around, walking away.

As Zeratul heads towards the exit, he turns back and he said

Zeratul: It's too bad you were a foe because if it were any other circumstances, you would have made a fine pupil.

Zeratul enters a escape pod where the pod door slides shut before jettisoning him into space.



The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages


More weapons

More resourceful



Weaker durability


Better martial arts skills

More strategic


More experience

More stealthy

Has no notable weaknesses

Not very resouceful

Up Next

Nergigante vs Hannibal

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