Kiryu vs Gypsy Danger

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Requested by Primeval64

When giant monsters terrorizes the world, the humans have one solution in dealing with such threats. By creating their own monsters to fight monsters



Two Type 90 Maser Cannons (Main weapon located in maw)

Twin Laser Cannons (Mounted on each arm)

Can morph its hand into a drill

Two shoulder-mounted Rocket Launchers (Each one is capable of firing six rockets in the front and eight heat seeking missiles from the sides and back, able to fire off each of it's two shoulder-mounted rocket launchers which will cause huge explosions on impact)

Able to extend some of its wires through ports on its neck to latch onto objects

Large Wrist-Mounted Blades (Able to conduct electricity)

Thrusters (Used for flight at Mach 2..5 - Mach 4.5)

Hyper Maser-Cannon

Can charge itself with energy after gaining speed and ram the opponent with tremendous force

Absolute Zero Cannon

Super Kiryu

Combining with the Garuda gives Kiryu a boost in power and speed

Kiryu can now fly at speeds of Mach 5 (3,806 mph)

Doubles as a charging port for Kiryu

Can use the Garuda's dual shoulder mounted laser cannons


Defeated Godzilla

Is basically a cyborg Godzilla

Able to fight against life-wipers such as King Ghidorah, MechaGodzilla (Showa) and Gigan

Curbstomped Baragon

Killed SpaceGodzilla and Destoroyah

Awakened Kiryu allows the Godzilla of 1954 to take control of it and take it past what Mechanical limits it had, becoming actually sentient and ''living''

Held it's own against a handful of trilopod hybrids

Survived an onslaught against Hedorah

Absolute Zero Cannon enables it to harm monsters like Monster X


Limited durability

Limited amount of power

Whenever Godzilla roars in pain or is defeated, Kiryu's "Godzilla side" takes over (Can also be a bad thing in certain situations)

Absolute Zero Cannon drains 40% of Kiryu's energy

Gypsy Danger


I-19 Plasmacaster

GD6 Chain Sword

Self Destruct

Nuclear Turbine Beam


Jet Boosters


Killed 9 Kaiju( The highest kaiju kill count in Pacific Rim history)

Killed Slattern, the only Catagory 5 kaiju

Lifted and used an ocean liner as a sword

Survived a fall from 50,000 feet from the atmosphere without significant damage.

Survived nuke and Striker Eureka's reactor destruct in the ocean with no visible damage despite already missing and arm, then surviving the ocean fall on it right after

Chest ray burned through Slattern

Killed Raiju with just one slice


Will malfunction if pilots are taken out

Can be pierced with enough force

It was almost destroyed by Knifehead.


Burning city

A wounded kaiju limps away from the battlefield, injured from it's fight against the Jaeger.

Gypsy Danger stomps towards the kaiju, readying it's Plasmacaster.

Inside, Raleigh said to Mako.

Raleigh: Alright Mako. Ready for some cookin'?

Mako: Yes sir!

Raleigh: I can't hear you!

Mako: Yes sir!

Mako loudly repeats her answer.

Raleigh: Alright! Let her rip!

Gypsy Danger fires a plasma shot from it's cannon, instantly killing the kaiju.

Raleigh cheers out and he complimented Mako.

Raleigh: Great job Mako. Alright, let's go back.

Gypsy Danger then turns around and it began walking away, victorious from another kaiju battle.

All of a sudden, without warning, something burst out of the water, causing the two to look.

To their surprise, a giant robot resembling Godzilla with two blue turrets on it's shoulder steps out of the water and it began approaching them.

Raleigh recognizes the robot.

The robot is the third generation of Mechagodzilla, named Kiryu by the scientists.

Kiryu's vocabulator began blaring out a loud texan accent and a voice could be heard saying.

???: Oi! You two just stole my kill.

Confused, Mako turns to Raleigh and she questions.

Mako: Raleigh, who is he?

Raleigh: I don't know, let me ask.

Raleigh then questions the pilot.

Raleigh: Who are you? What do you want?

???: I am Daniel Malmon and I am here to put your little Jaeger project out of business with my new gen Mechagozilla! But since you stole my kill, itsa time I put yer little tin can down!

Without warning, Kiryu activates it's Hyper-Maser Cannon and it fires it at Gypsy Danger, knocking the robot back.

Both Raleigh and Mako stumbles as the impact of the blast shook Gypsy Danger's armour.

As they recovers, Raleigh glares at the mech and he said to it.

Raleigh: Alright fine. If you want to play, then let's play!

Gypsy Danger sprints forward and it throws a punch, knocking Kiryu back.

Kiryu fires a laser blast at Gypsy, but Gypsy Danger dodges and it punches Kiryu two times before throwing an uppercut, knocking Kiryu back.

Daniel grunts in anger before he activates Kiryu's jet boosters.

Kiryu swoops forward and it smashes into Gypsy Danger, causing it to fall back.

Kiryu then aims it's cannons at Gypsy and Daniel screams out.

Daniel: Aw yeah baby! Time for some barbie!

Kiryu began firing a barrage of lasers at Gypsy Danger, damaging it.

Raleigh and Mako activates Gypsy's plasmacaster and Gypsy fires a plasma blast at Kiryu, damaging it.

As Kiryu stumbles back, Gypsy Danger pushes itself up and it began moving closer towards Kiryu.

Kiryu activates it's vibroblade and it got into a fighting stance.

Raleigh and Mako activates Gypsy Danger's vibroblade and the two charges forward.

The two robots clashes and the two began exchanging blows with each other.

Gypsy Danger parries Kiryu's blows and it swung against it's chest, damaging it.

Kiryu swung back and it stabs it's vibroblade forward.

But Gypsy Danger jumps aside and it slashes it's vibroblade upwards, damaging Kiryu.

Gypsy Danger punches Kiryu three times before firing a plasma blast at the mecha, knocking it back.

Daniel Malmon growls in anger and he activates Kiryu's jet boosters, causing Kiryu to fly towards Gypsy Danger.

Kiryu rams into Gypsy Danger and it began carrying it up into the air as Malmon screams out.

Daniel: Yeehaw!!!!

Kiryu then smashes Gypsy Danger into a building, causing the robot to fall onto the ground.

Both Raleigh and Mako screams as they crashes onto the ground.

Kiryu then grabs Gypsy Danger and it throws Gypsy Danger into a building before firing a barrage of missiles from Garuda.

The buildings explodes as Kiryu fires at Gypsy.

Raleigh and Mako recovers and the two began activating Gypsy Danger's cannon.

Gypsy Danger fires a blast at Kiryu, damaging Garuda on it's shoulder.

Growling, Daniel detaches Garuda and he screams out in rage.

Daniel: Bah! I don't need no super weapon to assist me!

As Kiryu detaches Garuda, Daniel smirks and he fires the Absolute Zero Cannon.

Realizing that they are in danger, Raleigh and Mako swerves aside, their movement forcing Gypsy Danger to swerve.

However, the blast struck Gypsy Danger hard on it's arm, freezing it.

Raleigh curses out.

Raleigh: Damn it! The right arm's frozen.

Daniel smirks as he laughs out.

Daniel: Hah! 

Daniel then moves Kiryu forward, causing Kiryu to slam into Gypsy Danger's arm, shattering it.

Red sirens began blaring and Mako screams out in distress.

Mako: Raleigh!

Raleigh curses and he assures her.

Raleigh: Don't worry Mako. Everything will be fine.

Raleigh then activates Gypsy Danger's jet boosters and it began propelling itself towards Kiryu.

As Kiryu turns to face it, Gypsy Danger then throw one massive punch, damaging Kiryu's left eye.

Gypsy Danger then brandishes it's vibroblade and it transforms it into a whip.

Gypsy Danger and swung the whips at Kiryu, tearing apart it's armour.

Kiryu then flies back and Daniel began activating it's Absolute Zero Cannon.

Gypsy Danger then rears back and both Raleigh and Mako began activating Gypsy Danger's chest beam.

Both robots fires their chest beams at each other, resulting in a beam clash.

Daniel grunts as sweat began beading from his forehead.

The Absolute Zero Cannon is overheating Kiryu's systems and despite his confidence, Daniel is now unsure of how much more Kiryu can take.

On the other hand, Gypsy Danger isn't faring any better either.

Raleigh and Mako's body suits are getting drenched in sweat as the Jaeger's systems began overheating.

Gypsy Danger has sustained a large amount of damage and the chest beam is not helping at all.

The beam clash resulted in a massive explosion, knocking both Kiryu and Gypsy Danger back.

The pilots in both robots screams in agony as they were blasted back from the attack.

Raleigh and Mako shook their heads and they got into a fighting stance.

Kiryu is already seriously damaged from the explosion, it's mechanical parts distorting and sparking.

However, the fight isn't over yet.

As Daniel attempts to activate his microphone to speak to the pilots, the mecha's speakers began sparking, creating a rather distinct sound resembling Godzilla's signature roar.

Upon hearing it, Kiryu's eyes began glowing red and the mecha pushes itself up.

Kiryu roars at Gypsy Danger and it fires a Hyper Maser blast at Gypsy, damaging the robot.

Kiryu roars and it began unleashing a deadly arsenal of weapons, firing missiles and lasers at everything in sight.

Gypsy Danger was forced to flee as Kiryu began going on an uncontrollable rampage.

Inside, Daniel tries his regain control over the mecha, but was unsuccessful.

Kiryu's inner controls overheats and it explodes, killing Daniel Malmon in the process.

Gypsy Danger dodges Kiryu's attacks and it fires a plasma blast at it, damaging Kiryu.

Gypsy Danger then sprints forward and it strikes Kiryu in the head before punching it repeatly in the chest.

However, Kiryu morphs it's arms into drills and it stabs it right into Gypsy Danger's chest.

Gypsy Danger retaliates by punching Kiryu in the face.

Kiryu roars and it fires a chest beam, blasting Gypsy Danger back.

Gypsy Danger lay sprawled on the ground, it's systems seriously damaged from the attack.

Kiryu approaches the Jaeger and it roars at it.

However, Gypsy Danger still has one more attack.

Gypsy Danger then latches onto Kiryu and it fires a chest beam, damaging Kiryu greatly.

Kiryu roars and it fires a maser blast at Gypsy Danger's shoulder, damaging the Jaeger.

Realizing that they are out of options, Raleigh began typing on the Jaeger's computer and he activates Gypsy Danger's jet boosters.

Confused,  Mako questions.

Mako: Raleigh. What are you doing?

Raleigh: Activating the self-destruct mode. The old girls may be greatly damaged, but we can at least end this threat by self destructing it.

Horrified, Mako questioned in disbelief.

Mako: Are you crazy?

Raleigh: I don't like it like you do but trust me, it's the only way. Now let's go! 

Both Mako and Raleigh races towards the escape pod and the two jettisons out of the exploding Jaeger.

Gypsy Danger began flying into the air, dragging the thrashing Kiryu with it.

Kiryu roars, thrashes and it fires it's maser beams but it was futile.

Gypsy Danger then explodes into the air, destroying both Kiryu and itself.

As the explosion dies down, Kiryu's headpiece crashes onto the ground and it's eyes blinks twice before it dies out.

Raleigh and Mako watches in shock, surprised from the outcome of the battle. As they recover, all of a sudden, both Mako and Raleigh heard a loud roar coming from the ocean, causing them to look.

A giant theropod dinosaur resembling the mecha bursts out of the water, and it faces the burning city before letting out one mighty roar.

The monster is no other that Godzilla, the King of the Monsters!

As Mako and Raleigh watches in horror, all of a sudden, the two heard a loud splash from the other side.

Godzilla turns to look.

A giant monster with a large cephalopod head rose from the water and the creature roars at Godzilla.

Both Raleigh and Mako widens their eyes in shock and recognition.

The monster is Cthulhu, the cosmic entity.

Apparently, the battle has attracted both monsters into the same area.

Both Godzilla and Cthulhu roars at each other before the two charges towards each other.


Ladies and gentlemen, we have...

A tie

Advantages and disadvantages


Better arsenal of weapons

Absolute Zero Cannon is a dangerous weapon

Surprisingly evenly matched with Gypsy Danger


Goes berserk at the sound of Godzilla's roar

Gypsy Danger



Only requires two human brains and movements to control it

Better durability

Surprisingly evenly matched with Kiryu

Not many weapons

Not immune to absolute zero temperature

Up Next

Cthulhu vs Godzilla

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