Mercy vs Moira

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Requested by FURRY_M3RCY

Two healers from Overwatch and Blackwatch goes against each other to see who is the best healer


Excellent medical knowledge

Expert Sharpshooter

Human Resurrection 



Revives 1 team-mate (originally revives the entire team but this was nerfed).

Can only be done at point blank range (originally can be down at mid-range).

30 seconds cooldown.


Mercy's new Ult

Lasts 20 seconds.

Unrestricted flight.

Healing output increased.

Healing/Damage stream has longer range and links with multiple characters.

Self-Healing no longer interrupted by taking damage.

Range and speed of Guardian Angel doubled.

Refreshes Resurrect.

If Mercy already has Resurrect available, the Ult gives her an additional one.


Valkyrie Suit

Allows her to fly

Cadeceus Staff

Mercy's primary weapon that fires two types of energy

Tethers to teammates

One beam regenerates their health and the other boosts their damage

Cadeceus Blaster

A blaster that fires fast moving energy projectiles

Holds twenty rounds in it but has infinite reloads

Can be used as a melee weapon


Received a prominent position in the Swiss hospital

Pioneered a break through in the medical field

One of the founding members of Overwatch

Survived the Omnic crisis

Best single target healer in Overwatch

Able to resurrect dead people

Saved Genji from dying

Gave Genji and Reaper a second chance of life


One of the worst Overwatch characters for combat: dependent on her teammates for self defense.

Guardian Angel only works if she has a teammate to lock onto.

Self Healing is interrupted if Mercy takes damage.

Cannot revive someone who has been dead for more than 45 seconds (according to Uprising event).

Cannot revive herself.


Healing powers

Great Intelligience

Expert Sharpshooter

Superhuman Physical Characteristics

Energy Manipulation, Projection, and Absorption



Temporary Invulnerability


Biotic Grasp

Moira placed cybernetic enhancements into her hands to fire her Biotic energy from her palms.

Healing Grasp

Fires a spray that heals allies.

The spray is one of the fastest healing abilities in the game that isn't an Ult.

The spray has ammo; which can be recharged when Moira damages opponents with her Decay Grasp and Coalescence attacks.

Decaying Grasp

Drains the lifeforce from her opponent

This replenishes her Left Hand Boitic Grasp

This heals Moira herself

Locks onto enemies as a beam; akin to Symmetra's Photon Projector.

Infinite Ammo

Biotic Orb

Orbs that affect targets that are within a few feet of it

Bounces off of walls

This bouncing gets faster after each bounce

Expires once it runs out of energy or after a few seconds

Healing Orb

Also heals Moira.

Does not need any fuel; unlike the Healing Grasp.

Decaying Orb

Bypasses Barriers.


A short yet fast teleport.

Designed to outflank or to flee from enemies.

Is temporarily invisible and invincible.

6 second cooldown.

Goes through enemies


Creates a beam from her palm that simultaneously heals allies and damages enemies.

Moira is still able to move while firing the beam.

Has the same 'life absorbing' ability as her Decaying Grasp; allowing Moira to heal herself and replenish her Healing Grasp.


Directly involved in giving Reaper his superpowers.

Implied to have been involved in brainwashing Widowmaker and turning her purple.

Capable of harming characters like Reinhardt, Winston, Roadhog, and Junkrat, 

Comparable to other Blackwatch members such as Genji, McCree, and Reaper

Can fight Overwatch's fastest on even ground


Average health. Characters with high DPS can take Moira out quickly.

Doomfist and Reaper can quickly kill Moira and have defensive abilities to outlast Moira in 1 on 1 combat.

Her Healing Biotic Grasp runs out of ammo quickly. Moira is dependent on constantly attacking her enemies in order to recharge; which makes Moira a high risk-high reward Support. Moira overall needs to balance her damage output and healing output as she doesn't excel in either category by itself.

Her DPS is relatively low, making her ineffective against Tanks.

Dive or Flanking Tanks like Roadhog and D. Va are her counters.

Moira is designed for close-range to mid-range combat. She has few options fighting or defending against Snipers.

The Biotic Orbs bounce off of surfaces, they are best used indoors. If fired outside, they will quickly fly away from the battlefield if in an open space.

Fade cannot teleport to locations above Moira: only on level or below Moira.

Since the Biotic Orbs are always moving, they are not designed for firing precisely or at long distances.

Moira can only heal herself (outside of battle) with her own Biotic Orb; which can be wasteful if she only uses it on herself.

D. Va's Defense Matrix and Genji's Deflect can affect Moira's Biotic Orbs.

Moira cannot use both Biotic Orbs at the same time.

As a Support, Moira is somewhat dependent on fighting within a team.

Moira's right hand has been deformed by her self-injected experiments. She has experimented on herself in many different ways; with varying side-effects.

Moira is an extreme risk-taker: willing to take the most extreme and dangerous methods to achieve her goals. She is frequently breaking the law and risking the lives of her allies and herself to fuel her scientific research.

Moira despises anyone she considers ignorant or stupid; which reflects her obsession with knowledge and her history of being rejected by other scientists.

Extremely self-obsessed to the point where she will completely disregard the outcomes of her experiments in her thirst for knowledge

Has a superiority complex, Can be overly sadistic.


Scuence lab

In side the white clean room of the science lab, Angela Ziegler, also known as Mercy sat up from her chair, fumbling through her notes.

Mercy: Let's see. Those chemicals must be around here somewhere.

As Mercy searches for her chemicals, little does she know that her day is about to become eventful.

Outside Overwatch Headquarters

Moira snuck in accompanied by Doomfist.

Doomfist looks down and he questions.

Doomfist: Should I start the attack?

Moira: Not yet.

Moira puts her hand up and she waits just as the guards began entering the base.

Moira: Now!

Moira shouts out and Doomfist throws a punch.



Mercy jumps up upon hearing thr explosion.

She looks out the window and she gasps in shock.

Outside, Doomfist grabs a metal structure and he swung it across, sending two security guards flying back.


Mercy: Doomfist is here?!

Mercy shouts out.

Mercy: This is terrible, I must do something quick!

Mercy then rushes into her room to change into her battle gear.


As the door slides shut, just then, the window slides itself open.


Moira walks across the lab, looking through Mercy's documents.


As Moira pushes away a stack of paper, what she saw causes her eyes to widen in intrigue.

Moira: Hm. Interesting.

Moira picks up what looks like a book.

Moira: Hmmm.....

As Moira browses through the book, her eyes widens.

Moira: Seems I have found Dr. Ziegler's secret stash.

Mercy: Hold it right there Moira!

Moira spun around, only to find Mercy pointing her Cadeceus Blaster at her.

Moira chuckles and she held up the book, saying.

Moira: Well, such nice stuff you have there Dr. Ziegler!

Upon seeing the manga in her hand, Mercy's face reddens in embarassment and she shouts.

Mercy: Hands off Moira!

Moira tosses the book aside and she points her Bionic Arm at Mercy saying.

Moira: You're going down Dr. Ziegler!


Mercy ducks as she dodges the attack, causing the Bionic Blast to strike the wall instead.


Mercy got up and she opens fire at her.


Moira backs away and she fires several Bionic Balls at Mercy.


As Mercy dodges the attack, the balls bounces off the wall.


Without warning, one of them struck Mercy by the back, causing her to scream out

Mercy: ARGH!!!!

Mercy falls over and she lands on the ground with a loud thud.


Moira looks down at Mercy and she insults her.

Moira: Tch tch. Stupid girl.

However, Mercy grabs her Cadeceus Staff and she flies upwards.


Mercy slams right into Moira, sending her crashing through the wall.


Moira: AHHHHH!!!!

Moira screams out as she crashes back first onto the ground.


Moira pushes herself up and she watches just as Mercy flies down.

Moira: Not bad Dr. Ziegler. But let's see how you handle this.


Moira activates her Fade and without warning, she disappears out of sight.

Mercy: What?!

Suddenly, Moira pops out of nowhere and she grasp onto Mercy with her Bionic Arm.

Mercy: ARGHHHH!!!!

Mercy screams out as she felt her lifeforce draining away.

Moira laughs out evily.

Moira: Yes! Give me your energy!

However, Mercy throws her leg outward, striking right into Moira's chest.


Moira: AHH!!!

Moira screams out as she was sent back by the healing.

Mercy closes her eyes as she waves her hand upwards.


Almost immediately, Mercy's wounds began closing as she regenerates from the damage she had sustained.

Mercy points her Cadeceus Blaster at Moira and she opens fire at her.


Moira activates her Fade and she disappears, dodging the gunfire.


Moira appears right behind Mercy and she launches several Bionic Orbs at her.


However, Mercy launches herself into the air, flying out of the range of fire.

Moira looks up and she narrows her eyes in anger.

Moira: That little bitch!

Mercy flies across the air before swooping downwards, flying right towards Moira.

Mercy points her Cadeceus Blaster and she opens fire.



Moira: AHHH!!!

Moira screams out as the blast struck her in the shoulder.

Mercy halts in the air and she points her Cadeceus Blaster at Moira, opening fire.


Moira backs away from the blast, swerving to the side before ducking into the building.

Mercy narrows her eyes and she swoops down to find her.


Moira hid behind a wall and she places a Bionic Orb onto her wound.


Almost immediately, Moira's wounds began closing up, regenerating from the damage.

Moira looks back and she moves out of her hiding spot.


Moira launches several Bionic Orbs at Mercy.

Mercy swoops across the air, dodging the orbs before swooping downwards.

Before Moira could even react, Mercy slams her staff tip right across her face.


Mercy grabs her Cadeceus Blaster and she swung it across her cheek.


Moira: ARGHH!!!

Moira backs away and she growls at Mercy.

Mercy points her Cadeceus Blaster at Moira and she said to her.

Mercy: Surrender Blackwatch, you're outgunned!

Moira: No.....

Moira puts her hands back she charges up a powerful energy blast.

She is preparing to use Coalescence, her Ultimate!

Mercy gasps as Moira sprints forward before launching it right towards her.

Moira: You're mine!


Moira launches the blast right towards Mercy.

However, at the same time Mercy activates Valkyrie, her Ultimate!

Mercy: I will watch over you!

Mercy then flies upwards, dodging the blast.

Moira: What?!

Moira grits her teeth and she moves the blast upwards.


As the blast struck Mercy, she grits her teeth and she flies through the attack.

Mercy's wounds closes simulteneously as she closes in onto Moira.

Moira widens her eyes in horror as Mercy flies right in front of her.

Moira: Impossible!

Mercy then swung her Cadeceus Staff right across Moira's face.


As Moira backs away, Mercy points her Cadeceus Blaster and she launches a blast right into Moira's face.


Moira widens her eyes in terror as the blast struck her right in the face.


Blood splatters across the ground as Moira's head exploded from the attack.

Mercy stood back and she watches as Moira's headless body collapses onto the ground.


As Mercy watches in solemn silence, just then, Pharah flies downwards and she said.

Pharah: Angela.

Mercy turns back and she greets the Armoured Egyptian.

Mercy: Ah, good to see you Fareeha, is everything okay?

Pharah: Yes. I just took out Doomfist. He won't be returning ever again.

Mercy: That's comforting to hear.

Mercy smiles as she looks at Pharah.

Pharah smiles back and she said.

Pharah: Come on Angela, there are wounded for you to tend to.

Mercy: Right!

Mercy and Pharah took off into the air and they fly into the building to tend to the wounded.

As the two women disappears, Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu watches from a distance and Dr. Gero curses.

Dr. Gero: Damn it! Our top agents have failed to get the documents.

Dr. Myuu: Oh you don't have to worry Dr. Gero. I already got it.

Dr. Myuu held up a file of papers, causing Dr. Gero to widen his eyes in shock.

Dr. Gero: What?! But how?

Dr. Myuu: While those Overwatch buffoons are busy battling Blackwatch, I sent that pink gooey alien to retrieve the documents in the midst of the chaos.

Dr. Myuu held up the documents and he loudly declares.

Dr. Myuu: And now with the documents in our grasp, our warriors will be unstoppable!

Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu then bursts into a fit of evil laughter as the two leaves the district.

Inside the lab, Mercy held up her manga and she said.

Mercy: Ah. Still in one piece.


Mercy planted a kiss on the manga and she flips open the book to continue reading.


The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages


Better healing powers

Better weapons

Able to fly

Ultimate enables her to heal while taking damage

Physically weaker

Lacks martial arts skills



Better martial arts skills

Physically stronger

Ultimate is more damaging

Weaker healing powers

A big risk taker

Cannot fly

Can still be damaged by Mercy's attacks

Not very strategic

Victory quote:

Mercy: Heroes never die!

Up Next

Godzilla vs Mega-Kaiju

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