Pearl vs Gamora

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Requested by tyler3214

When two space swordwomen clashes in battle, there can only be one victor


As a Zehoberei, Gamora naturally possesses physical capabilities beyond that of an average human. This was enhanced further by Thanos having her altered with a cybernetic skeleton, ocular and respiratory implants that enhanced her durability, stamina, and senses with a regenerative healing factor. Thanos also had Gamora trained in numerous martial arts and weapons, though she prefers bladed weapons like swords.


Godslayer: A sword with a retractable blade that can cut through most durable of metals. It also has a detachable knife in the hilt that can be used as a melee or throwing weapon


Registered as a Galaxy-Class Killer

Once defeated a military platoon containing dozens of combat-trained men in only a few minutes.

Held her own against Ronan the Accuser

Considered by the US Military to be as dangerous as Iron Man


Prefers not to use firearms

Sometimes prefer to wear her skimpy outfit instead of proper armour


Gem abilities: In a battle, Pearl can create up to two pearlescent short spears as her usual weapons, using a combination of swordsmanship, spearsmanship, and elegance in melee skirmishes. She can also shot arrow-like fireballs from the tip of her spear. Pearl also displayed a ability to manipulate a small amount of sand and clouds, use her gem core as a flashlight, and walk on water.

Holo-Pearls: Pearl can create hard-light holograms of herself that are independent of their creator and serve as training dummies that act on a combat level setting.

Fusion Forms: Rainbow Quartz (with Rose Quartz), Opal (with Amethyst), Sardonyx (with Garnet), Alexandrite (with Amethyst and Garnet)

Weapon Collection: Pearl collected weapons over the years, usually swords. She even owns a battle axe.

Giant Robot: A robot Pearl made during a contest with Peridot.


Her body can adapt to any planetary body's gravity.

Standing apart from her fellow Pearl-type Gem sisters with her personal achievements.

Trained Connie to use a sword.

Defeated Sugilite on her own, despite being badly out-matched in strength and durability.

Endured being blasted by Amethyst's whips.

Strong enough to injure Peridot (The same Peridot who can endure So much Damage that Its practically toon force).

Built a rocket from scraps from a Barn, though ultimately unsucessive

Punched Amethyst over 180 meters into the air.

Is the most experienced Crystal gem currently.


Has a bit of an inferiority complex from being dependent on others for approval, but eventually overcame it.

By far the most fragile Crystal Gem, having been easily lost her physical form via a simple stab to the chest.

Can becomes obsessed with her goals.

Condescending towards many humans, though she gradually outgrew that part of herself.


Battle Nexus

Pearl gulped nervously as she stares outside the arena.

Earlier on, a boy and a giant dinosaur-like creature were killed by horde of smaller dinosaurs.

Pearl thought to herself.

Pearl: I sure hope I can make it through this.

The announcer steps up and he announces.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for our next match! First up, we have Pearl of the Crystal Gems!

The door slides open and Pearl widens her eyes in shock as she heard the crowd cheering for her.

Pearl steps outside and she waves and she nervously smiles to the crowd.

Pearl: Uh...hi.

The announcer began announcing Pearl's opponent.

Announcer: And on my right, we have the daughter of Thanos herself! Gamora of the Guardians of the Galaxy!

There was a mixture of cheers and boos as a tall green woman steps out.

Pearl gulps nervously as she faces Gamora.

Gamora draws her sword and she got into a battle stance.

Pearl draws out her spear and she readies herself.

The announcer then announces the start of the match.

Announcer: Let the battle begin!


The priest hits the gong, signalling the start of the match.

Both alien women charges forward and the two began clashing with their weapons.

Gamora swung her blade at Pearl.

But Pearl gracefully dodges the blows and she swings back at Gamora.

Gamora parries the blow and she delivered a kick, knocking Pearl back.

Pearl growls in anger and she fires fireball from her spear.

Gamora deflects two of them before the third one struck her.

Gamora recovers and she charges forward.

Pearl blocks just as Gamora slams her sword down on her.

As Gamora struggles, Pearl parries Gamora's attack and she countered with a kick, knocking Gamora back.

Gamora whips out two pistols and she fires them at Pearl.

Pearl deflects the lasers with her spear before launching herself towards the green woman.

But Gamora drops backfirst onto the ground and she thrusts her legs up, kicking Pearl in the stomach.

As Pearl grunts in pain, Gamora slashes at her twice before delivering a kick to the face, knocking Pearl back.

Gamora questions Pearl.

Gamora: Had enough?

Pearl coughs out and she said.

Pearl: I won't let you beat me!

Pearl began creating a holo-dummy of herself and she signals it to attack.

Both Pearl and her duplicate attacks Gamora by swinging their spears at her.

But Gamora deflects the blows with her sword before kicking them back.

Pearl fires a fireball at Gamora, causing her to scream in pain.

At the same time, the Pearl-dummy sprints forward and it swings it's spear at Gamora, knocking her down.

But Gamora swung her foot across the ground, tripping the dummy.

As the dummy falls onto the ground, Gamora jumps up and she brought down her blade, shattering the dummy.

Gamora pants in anger before turning around to face Pearl.

Gamora: You're next!

Gamora retracts a throwing knofe from inside her hilt and she throws it at Pearl.

Pearl dodges the projectile before launching another fireball at Gamora.

Gamora jumps over the fireball and both women continues to trade blows.

As Gamora swung her sword, Pearl began creating a cloud out of thin air, creating a smoke screen across the arena.

Gamora growls and she looks around.

Pearl charges forward with her spear ready.

But Gamora ducks and she thrusts her legs up, kicking Pearl in the stomach.

Gamora kicks the spear out of Pearl's arm and she slashes the Crystal Gem with her sword.

Pearl screams in pain as Gamora slashes her sword across her.

Gamora: You're done.

Pearl: I don't think so!

Without warning, Pearl throws one powerful punch into Gamora's face, sending her flying backwards.

As Gamora grunts in pain, Pearl charges forward and she punches Gamora repeatly in the face.

Gamora strikes Pearl across her cheek, but Pearl kicks Gamora in the shin before throwing her across her shoulder.

As Gamora slams backfirst into the ground, Pearl grabs her and she punches Gamora repeatly in the face before delivering an uppercut, sending Gamora flying up.

As Gamora falls back down, all of a sudden, Gamora screams in pain as she felt something sharp and hot went through her stomach.

As it turns out, Pearl has whipped out her sword and she used it to stab Gamora by the back.

As she drops Gamora down, Pearl whips out a battle axe and she swung it across Gamora's neck, instantly decapitating her.

Pearl gasps in horror upon realizing what she had done.

But as Gamora's head rolls across the floor, the announcer began announcing the winner.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!

The crowd went wild as they cheered for Pearl, the victor of the match.

Pearl stood up and she smiles sheepishely as she thanked the audience.

Pearl: Ah...thank you.


The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages



More durable

Able to counter Pearl's attacks

Physically weaker

Not as experienced




More experienced

Not very durable

Not very confident of herself

Victory quote:

Pearl: There are....different ways of being strong

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Wolf Predator vs Berserker Predator

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