Pennywise vs Pennywise

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Requested by coldkenshiq8

Tim Curry vs Bill Skarsgard, two amazing actors who have successfully pulled off playing the Stephen King character Pennywise goes out to see which Entity is better


Trapping souls within the Deadlights


Most commonly into Pennywise the Dancing Clown, but can also assume other forms such as wolves, leeches, sharks, piranhas, giant spiders or a primordial ooze.


Can fire beams of light.

Can use a light named the Deadlights to drug or even kill people.

Weather Control

Most prominently to cast hurricanes or conjure thunderstorms.

Illusion Casting

E.g. organs, his face appearing on the moon, soundwaves, armies of balloons, the smell of popcorn, sentient photographs, etc.


With exceptions, Pennywise is normally only visible to its victims unless it has other plans.


Can create streams of blood.

Can grant life to inanimate objects




Mind Control

Regeneration (regenerated from a shot in the head)

Plant, water and electricity manipulation


Killed numerous people for over centuries, literally getting away with murder.

Arrived on Earth in such a cataclysmic meteor impact, it nearly destroyed the planet.

Created a hurricane that almost wrecked all of Derry.


Extremely arrogant and underestimates humans.

Blew off many opportunities to kill the Losers Club, before and after they became a threat to it.

Though immortal and able to regenerate from a shot to the head, It is bound by universal law to have the weaknesses of whatever form the creature assumes.


Trapping souls within the Deadlights


Most commonly into Pennywise the Dancing Clown, but can also assume other forms such as wolves, leeches, sharks, piranhas, giant spiders or a primordial ooze.


Can fire beams of light.

Can use a light named the Deadlights to drug or even kill people.

Weather Control

Most prominently to cast hurricanes or conjure thunderstorms.

Illusion Casting

E.g. organs, his face appearing on the moon, soundwaves, armies of balloons, the smell of popcorn, sentient photographs, etc.


With exceptions, Pennywise is normally only visible to its victims unless it has other plans.


Can create streams of blood.

Can grant life to inanimate objects




Mind Control

Regeneration (regenerated from a shot in the head)

Plant, water and electricity manipulation


Killed numerous people for over centuries, literally getting away with murder.

Arrived on Earth in such a cataclysmic meteor impact, it nearly destroyed the planet.

Created a hurricane that almost wrecked all of Derry.


Extremely arrogant and underestimates humans.

Blew off many opportunities to kill the Losers Club, before and after they became a threat to it.

Though immortal and able to regenerate from a shot to the head, It is bound by universal law to have the weaknesses of whatever form the creature assumes.



Deep in the dark wet tunnel of the sewers, IT swam across the black murky water, staring at the floating corpses surrounding it.


However, IT knew it wasn't alone.


Right at that moment, IT senses something swimming towards it, causing it's head to rise.


IT morphs it's body, shaping itself into a lanky humanoid body.

The form shifts and contorts, morphing into that of a clown cladded in a white circus outfit.

IT has formed into Pennywise!

Pennywise: Beep beep! Come out come out wherever you are.


Almost immediately, the intruder rose out of the water, it's body twisting and contorting.

Like IT, the creature too shifts it's body into that of a humanoid, morphing into a clown cladded in a yellow circus outfit.

IT has formed into Pennywise too!

Pennywise cackles out and he snarls.

Pennywise: Neat trick.

Pennywise: Ha ha thanks.

Pennywise: Listen here buddy, I'm the true ruler of this world, you play no part in this.

Pennywise: Oh yeah? You and what army?


Pennywise swung his arm outwards, forming it into a long razor sharp blade.

Pennywise licks his lips and he growls.

Pennywise: Then I guess you're on the menu tonight.


Pennywise lunges forward and he swings his blade arm downwards.

However, Pennywise raises up his arm, forming into a large armoured claw, blocking the attack.


Pennywise: Hn?

Pennywise threw a punch forward, striking Pennywise right in the face.


Pennywise however, leers back at Pennywise and he swings his claw across, cutting Pennywise right in the cheek.


Pennywise looks back and he clenches his fist.


Right at the moment, Pennywise forms a large tendril and he shot it outwards.



Pennywise: WHAAAA!!!

Pennywise roars out in agony as he felt the sharp tip of the tendrip impaling him right in the gut.


Pennywise felt his body flying forward, heading right towards Pennywise.

Pennywise opens his jaws, baring his long sharps fangs.

However, just as he closes in, Pennywise quickly opens up his jaw, stretching itself outwards.


The jaw stretches further and further, revealing a massive array of fangs within it.

Pennywise: Wha?!

Pennywise exclaims out in shock just as a bright light shines within the maw of the beast.

Pennywise has no idea why, he does not understand how, but somehow, the light seems to.......enchant him.

Just as Pennywise leans his head closer, Pennywise slams his jaws shut over his head.


Pennywise: Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!

Pennywise cackles out in delight, rearing back his head just as the decapitated body of Pennywise staggers back.

Pennywise's mouth twists into a smile and he opens his jaws.


A massive array of black humanoid arms stretches out of Pennywise's maw, extending towards Pennywise's headless body.

The arms wraps around Pennywise's body, pulling it closer.

Pennywise: Yes yes!'ll float too!

However, to his horror, Pennywise's body began shifting.


Pennywise: Huh?

Without warning, a massive jaw shot outwards, slamming right over Pennywise's arms.


Pennywise: WHHHAAAAAA!!!

Pennywise screams out in agony, staggering backwards from the attack.

Pennywise's body twists and contorts, expanding outwards as his body grows larger.


Long insectoid legs extends out of Pennywise's body as his entire body grew several sharp spikes around his body.

Pennywise widens his eyes in sheer terror as he found himself staring right at IT, now resembling that of a giant arachnid.

IT looks down and it spread open it's jaw, leaning down towards Pennywise.

Pennywise: AAAHHHHHHHH!!!

Pennywise screams out in terror as IT slams it's jaws shut.


Just as IT swallows Pennywise down it's gullet, IT rears back it's head, letting out a loud roar in triumph.



The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages


Evenly matches

Has shown his actual true form


Evenly matched

Has yet to show his true power

Victory quote:

Pennywise: I'm every nightmare you've ever had. I'm your worst dream come true. I'm everything you ever were afraid of.

Up Next

Katniss Everdeen vs Percy Jackson

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