Rushuna Tendo vs Revy

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Requested by DevilNorthStar13

It's high noon between two beautiful girls with guns. 

Rushuna Tendo

Skilled Tactician

Excellent Marksman

Experienced Traveller




Able to discern her opponents' weaknesses in the heat of battle and adjust accordingly to exploit them with the tools at her disposal.

Rushuna earns the title of "Grenadier, the smiling Senshi" from Tenshi

Beaten Setsuna

Visits her homeland and marries Yajirou

Rivals her older sister in skills


Love taking hot baths a lot

Doesn't love fighting

Prefer to disarm rather than kill

Tends to get jealous when she sees Yajirou with other girls

Tends to hug opponents who are difficult to negotiate with to her chest in order to pacify them.


Expert gunslinger

Proficient with any firearm

Near-superhuman agility

Cunning Improvisor

Skilled hand-to-hand combatant

Skilled scuba diver


Duel Custom Berretta 92FS Inox Pistols

PM63 Rak Sub-machine Gun

APS Underwater Rifle

M79 Grenade Launcher

RPG-7 Rocket Launcher


Casually takes out a dozen armed Neo-Nazis

Dodges a baseball swing

Evades a flamethrower

Fights Roberta, someone who is strong enough to kill a normal person with a single punch, to a standstill

Avoids knives thrown by Shenhua

Takes a direct explosion from a 40mm grenade launcher and all it did was knock her out

Singlehandedly takes out five gunboats all occupied by armed thugs without suffering as much as a scratch

Can dodge gunfire from multiple assailants at once

Took out two Jeeps along with its occupants that were pursuing her

Endured being stabbed in the knee by a sword


Is violently unstable

Incredibly impulsive

Has the same weaknesses as any normal human

Extremely competitive

While a capable hand-to-hand combatant at best, she prefers fighting from a distance with firearms

Suffers from a lot of mental and physical abuse from her childhood, giving her trust issues

Will violently lash out at anyone who admits they understand her pain

Will go into what is called "Whitman Fever", by indiscriminately killing anyone in her path even innocent bystanders



Carson City, 11.50 am

It's a scorching hot Monday morning in the Wild West.

People in Victorian Style clothing saunters around the streets, talking amongst themselves.

Horses: NEIGH!!!!

A couple of horses neighs out as they came to a halt, stopping in front of a saloon.

The horseman turns back, facing the interior of the carriage and he said.

Horseman: Here we are ma'am. Carson City.

???: Thank you.


The woman drops a couple of dollar notes into the horseman's palms and she pushes open the door.


As the door slides open, a tall young busty woman with blonde hair, a fedora and a pink and white dress steps out of the chariot.

She is Rushuna Tendo, the Smiling Senshi.


The woman's feet touches the ground as she looks around the town.

The streets of Carson City is bustling with activities.

As Rushuna walks along the streets, she turns to a cowbow named Erron Black and she greets him pleasantly.

Rushuna: Howdy partner.

However, Erron stares at her coldly, not returning the greeting.

Rushuna then turns to a sheriff named Jonah Hex and she greets him.

Rushuna: Howdy partner.

Like Erron Black, Jonah Hex stares at her coldly, not returning the greeting.

Rushuna's smiles falters as she thought to herself.

Rushuna: Not much of talkers aren't they? Oh well, time for a drink.

Rushuna then steps into a saloon to get herself a drink to refresh herself from the journey.

Not far away

Revy stares at several Wanted Posters, a cigarrette placed in her mouth.

Aa she browses through, Revy said to herself.

Revy: Deadshot's out. Mccree's out. The Punisher's out. I wonder who should I target next?

Just as Revy turns, a poster suddenly caught her eye.


Revy pulls out the poster and she takes a closer look.

On the poster, a young smiling woman's face is dispicted on the poster.

Revy: Rushuna Tento? Huh. She doesn't look that tough. Why is there a bounty for her anyway?

Revy spun around and she said to herself as she walks towards the bar.

Revy: Ah. Might as well get a drink before finding that girl.


Revy pushes the saloon door open and she suddenly froze in her tracks.

Sitting on a table is Rushuna Tento!

Revy pulls out the poster to confirm her sighting.

To her delight, the picture matches perfectly with her intended target.

Excited to get her bounty, Revy pulls out her handgun.


People began backing away in fear just as Revy shouts at Rushuna.

Revy: Alright bitch! You're comin' with me!

Rushuna widena her eyes in shock, flabbergasted at Revy's words.

Rushuna: Um I'm sorry miss but why am I going with you?

Revy: Don't play dumb! There's a huge bounty on you and your @ss is mine!

Upon hearing the word bounty, several mecenaries began standing up, glaring at Revy.

Revy: Oops.

Revy thought to herself as the bounty hunters began shouting amongst themselves.

Bergamo: That girl is mine!

Widowmaker: Step back! She's my prey!

Boba Fett: No. She's mine!

Krabb: Mine!

Echidna: Enough!

Echidna, a tall busty elegant elfen woman with green hair and a snake wrapped around her crotch area stood up and she declares.

Echidna: We'll fight it out. Whoever's the last one standing, gets her.

And in a matter of seconds, the patrons began engaging in a massive bar room brawl.

Upbeat cantina music began playing out as Deadpool and Pinkie Pie sat on the piano, playing the song in the midst of all the fighting.


Bergamo throws a punch, striking into Krabb.


Cad Bane throws a kick, striking into a randon pirate.


A cowbow throws a hook across a Spartan's face.


Items began flying across the room as the patrons wrestles against each other.

Rushuna stares wide in eye in shock just as Revy jumps towards her, throwing a punch right into Widowmaker.


Just as Bergamo closes in, Revy whips out her handgun and she points at him without looking before opening fire.


Bergamo: AHHHH!!!!

Bergamo screams out as he falls face flat onto the ground.


Rushuna then stood up, drawing out her revolver as Revy said to her.

Revy: Last chance bitch. Either follow me or I'll bring you in dead.

Rushuna points her revolver at Revy and she declines.

Rushuna: Nuh uh! I'm not coming with you.


As Rushuna opens fire, Revy swerves her head to the side casually, dodging the bullet.

The bullet flies past Revy, striking into Combustion Man instead.


Combustion Man grits his teeth as he falls back onto the ground.


Revy stares at the corpse and she compliments her.

Revy: Decent shot! But....

Revy points her handgun and she shouts.

Revy: You're goin' down!

Both women points their guns at each other before pressing their fingers down onto the trigger.


Multiple gunshots booms across the bar as barrages of bullets from both sides flies across the room.


Mercenary: ARGHH!!!

Bandit: AHHHH!!!

Multiple mercenaries and bandits screams out in agony as the bullets struck them in the midst of the crossfire


Revy kicks up the table and she hid behind it.


Rushuna hid behind a pillar and she fires multiple shots at Revy.


Holes riddled through the table as the bullets tore through the table's wooden structure.

Revy peers out from her hiding spot and she opens fire at her opponent.



The bullet tore across the pillar, causing Rushuna to jump back in shock.

Revy then jumps out as she dashes towards Rushuna.

Rushuna then peers out, her eyes scanning through Revy's body for potential weak spots.

As Revy closes in, Rushuna opens fire at her.


The bullet flies right towards Revy, flying right towards her leg.

However at that moment, Revy jumps up into the air, dodging the bullet.

Revy flips into the air before landing feet first onto the ground.


Rushuna: Crap!

Rushuna cursed out as Revy points her gun at her, saying to her coldly.

Revy: Any last words?

Rushuna: Um....there's only one thing I can give you....

Revy raises an eye brow and she questions.

Revy: And that is?

Without warning, Rushuna opens up her arms, wrapping it right around Revy.

Revy: Hey what are you....omph!!!

Before she knew what was happening, Revy felt her face shoving right into Rushuna's chest.

Revy felt her cheeks redden as she struggles to pull hersekf free.

Rushuna held the gunwoman in her embrace and she pleads.

Rushuna: Ooh darling. Can you please leave me in peace? I just want a drink.

However, Revy simply said.

Revy: Go to hell.


Rushuna: OUGHHH!!!!

Rushuna coughs out as she felt something hard strike her in the gut.

Revy smirks to herself.

As Rushuna was busy holding Revy in a tight embrace, Revy has slammed her knee right into Rushuna's gut.

As Rushuna backs away, Revy throws a punch across her face, striking right into her cheek.


Rushuna: AHHH!!!

Rushuna cries out in pain as Revy slams her gun across her cheek.


Rushuna: AHHHH!!!

Rushuna screams out as she staggers back from the attack.

At that moment, Rushuna looks up and her heart froze.

The tip on Revy's handgun places right into Rushuna's forehead, causing her blood to run cold.

Revy held her gun into her head, staring down into hef target.

Rushuna looks up and she begs.

Rushuna: Please. Don't kill me.

Revy: Sorry....


A loud gunshot rings across the bar as Revy pulls down her trigged.


Blood spews out from the wound as the bullet flies out of Rushuna's skull.

Rushuna falls back before landing backfirst onto the ground.


Revy stares down at her target in silence before bending down.

Revy wraps her fingers around Rushuna's leg and she pulls her out of the bar.


As Revy pulls Rushuna out of the saloon, she pulls out a grenade and she bites down onto the muzzle.


Revy pulls out the muzzle and she throws the grenade right into the bar.

As the mercenaries are still locked in their riot, none of them notices the detonating grenade below them.

At that moment, the grenade went off in a massive explosion.


The entire bar exploded on a mass of fire and smoke, burning everything and everyone inside into nothingness.


Revy lights up her lighter and she pulls it close to her cigarrette.

As the cigarrette lights up, Revy exhales out a gust of smoke and she concludes her sentence.

Revy:....not sorry.

Revy then grabs Rushuna's leg and she began pulling her towards the nearby sheriff office.


The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages

Rushuna Tendo


Not as impulsive


Not good in hand to hand combat

Has little experience in fighting




Better skills

Not very strategic

Very impulsive

Victory quote:

Revy: Don't be stupid. This is more entertaining than Hollywood is ever gonna be!

Up Next

Raven vs Mewtwo

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