Sam Winchester vs Buffy Summers

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Requested by ShadowNathan777

These two young adults goes around hunting the supernatural to save the world

Sam Winchester

Peak Human Strength

Peak Human Speed

Peak Human Endurance

Expert Martial Artist

Skilled Marksman

Supernatural Senses



Complete Immunity to demonic powers and even other special children

Capable of detecting and torturing demons

Capable of destroying demons


Summoning Spells

Tracking Spells

Banishing Spell


Hand Gun

Demon Killing Knife

Angel Blade


Overpowers possession of Lucifer

Briefly endured Lucifer's possession, endured months of torture from Lucifer

Has more knowledge of the Supernatural than his brother Dean

Has in-depth knowledge in how police, fire departments and various government agencies operate

Capable of evading the police and government agencies

Survived beatings from numerous Supernatural beings

Defeated many Supernatural beings in his adventure

Tortured many demons

Worthy of wielding Mjonir


Just a normal human

Little to no superhuman strength and abilities

Has been tortured by Lucifer

His powers depends on Demon-Blood Drinking

Many of the women he loves always dies

Buffy Summers

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Endurance

Able to sense demons


Expert Martial Artist

Excellent Strategist

Peak Human Durability

Great Intelligence


Reality warping


Brought a house down along with Spike

Took hits from Glory, who brought down a large part of a warehouse by stomping on the floor, gets thrown through walls with no lasting damage

Casually lifts steel girders and once heaved up a metal portcullis single-handedly

She and Spike were only slightly bruised after bringing a house down

Was only shaken up after getting hit with a lethal jolt of electricity

Manages to outrun a bullet, even after giving it a head start

Sends the soldier Riley, flying across the room only for Buffy to say she was holding back on him

With eyes closed, blocks sword from Angelus

Got hit in the back by a sledgehammer (also stabbed in stomach), and getting up just fine moments later, and she was able to keep up with a speeding bus despite being stabbed in the gut.

Getting sent flying by the Goddess Glory after she got her ass whooped, get's up moments later just fine

Defeated multiple reality warping Gods, demons and vampires

Caused the tears in several different realities

Can send large opponents flying and punch into them


Despite her regeneration, Buffy is not invulnerable and she can still be harmed by bullets

Can die from excessive wounds

Poor resistance to spells

Cannot use guns



Buffy Summers, a tall young woman with long lush blonde hair stood leaning on a fence when she suddenly senses two demonic presence not far from where she is.

Determined to find it, Buffy races into the cemetery.

As she enters, all of a sudden, she heard a scream.

Curious, Buffy races towards the source.

As she reaches the area of the scream, her eyes widens in shock.

A young woman knelt on the ground, cowering in fear as a tall young man stood over her.

Not willing to let the man lay a hand on her, Buffy shouts.

Buffy: Hey @sshole!

The man turns and he said.

???: Stay out of this lady! This is my business!

Buffy scoffs and she questions.

Buffy: Huh! And let you hurt this woman? Sorry pal, but I can't let you do that.

The man said to her.

???: Lady listen, she's not just a woman.

However, Buffy insisted.

Buffy: How are you so sure? I saw through her and there is no demonic energy inside her.

The man brandishes his knife, causing the woman to scream in fear.

The man said.

???: I don't care. The Winchesters will not be fooled that easily.

However, before he could strike her down, Buffy sprints forward and she slams her shoulder into him, knocking him down.

Sam Winchester stood up and he said.

Sam: I'm sorry but I will not let you get in my way!

Sam sprints forward and he swung his Angel Blade at Buffy.

Buffy dodges before throwing a kick right into Sam's chest.

The impact of the kick shook Sam's entire body, shaking his ribs before sending him flying backwards.

Sam screams in pain as he smashes into a tombstone.

As Sam pushes himself up, he coughs out in pain and he questions himself in disbelief.

Sam: What?! But how? She's not a demon or an angel but how is she this strong?

Buffy looks down at Sam, places a hand on her hip and she questions.

Buffy: Are you done?

Sam carefully reaches out for his hand gun and he said.

Sam: No.....just getting started.

Without warning, Sam whips out his hand gun and he opens fire at her.

Buffy swerves through the air, dodging every bullet before reaching down towards Sam.

Buffy grabs Sam by the shirt, strikes him in the face before pulling him up.

Buffy screams as she throws him over her shoulder, slamming him onto the ground.

Sam winces in pain as he lands on the ground with a thud.

Buffy turns back to the woman and she shouts to her.

Buffy: Go! Get out of here!

The woman nods and she runs off.

Sam pushes himself up and he cocks his gun.

However, before he could open fire, Buffy kicks Sam in the hand, knocking the gun out.

Outraged, Sam angrily shouts at her.

Sam: What are you doing?! She's getting away!

Buffy: Yeah, from you!

Sam stares at Buffy as if she were unintelligent and he questions.

Sam: Don't you get it? She's an angel and you're letting her get away.

Buffy said.

Buffy: Look mister, angel or not, I will not let you harm her.

Sam stood up and he said.

Sam: Very well, I'll just have to beat you to it.

Sam began throwing multiple punches at Buffy.

However, Buffy blocks every strike before spinning forward and throwing a kick, staggering Sam.

Buffy strikes Sam twice in the face before throwing a hook, knocking him back.

Sam brandishes his Demonic Blade and he swung it at her.

Buffy moves back, dodging every swing from Sam.

Buffy reaches forward and she throws a punch.

However, Sam slaps her hand aside before spinning back and slamming his elbow into her face.

As Buffy screams in pain, Sam slashes her with his Demonic Blade before stabbing it into her chest.

Buffy narrows her eyes and she throws an uppercut, sending Sam flying back.

As Sam pushes himself up, Buffy pulls the blade out of her chest and she tosses it onto the ground.

Sam looks up and his eyes widens in horror.

Buffy's wounds began closing itself, seemingly healing up the damage he had done on her.

Horrified, Sam questions.

Sam: What are you?

Buffy throws a kick, knocking Sam down.

As Sam groans in pain, Buffy picks him up by his shirt and she pulls him closer before he answers.

Buffy: I'm Buffy Summers. The Vampire Slayer.

Buffy then throws one powerful punch into Sam's face, instantly knocking him out.

As Sam crumbles onto the ground, Buffy stood up and stares at him.

Buffy: You really disappoint me.

However, the fight is still far from over.

All of a sudden, a magic aura began swirling around Sam, causing Buffy to widen her eyes in shock.

Buffy: What?!

Sam eyes snapped open and Sam lets out a loud scream, creating a massive explosive wave.

Buffy screams as the impact of the blast sends her crashing back.

Buffy grunts as she slams backfirst into a tomb before crumbling onto the floor.

Sam stood up, now completely powered with the magic he had acquired from drinking demonic blood earlier.

Sam opens up his hand and he said.

Sam: I'm gonna banish you to hell.

Sam began creating a magic portal, watching as the portal began sucking Buffy into it.

Buffy grunts as she scratches onto the ground, struggling to hold on.

Sam whips out his hand gun and he said.

Sam: Goodbye.

A loud gunshot rings across the night as a bullet flies at hypersonic speed.

Time seems to slow as the bullet flies closer to Buffy.

But just as the bullet is about to hit her, all of a sudden, Buffy snaps open her eyes and she stares at the bullet intendly.

Sam widens his eyes in shock as the bullet suddenly dissolves into dust.

Sam: What?!

Buffy pushes herself up and she glares at Sam.

The banishing portal closes and Buffy said to Sam.

Buffy: You're done!

Buffy waves her hand, causing the entire landscape to warp and twist.

Sam screams as he fell down.

Sam uses his telekinesis to pick up his Demonic Blade and he sends it flying towards Buffy.

However, Buffy simply taps the edge of the knife with her finger, causing the blade to dissolve.

Horrified, Sam questions.

Sam: But how? How is this possible?!

Buffy waves her hand, tearing a portal in the landscape before speeding towards Sam.

Sam chokes in shock as Buffy wrapped her hands around his throat tightly.

As Sam gasps and wheezes, Buffy said to him.

Buffy: You want to send me to hell huh? Sorry. But you can go there yourself.

Buffy throws Sam into the portal, listening as Sam screams in fear.

The portal closes and the night immediately returns to it's dark tranquility.

Buffy sighs to herself and she remarks.

Buffy: Man. I could use a drink.

With that, Buffy left the the cemetery to find a bar.


The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages

Sam Winchester

Magic is able to harm Buffy



Lacks durability

Has never faced reality warpers like Buffy

Buffy Summers




Able to heal from her wounds

Not as smart

Can still be harmed by magic

Victory quote:

Buffy: What can I say? I flunked the written.

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Pikachu vs Blanka

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