Spawn vs Ghost Rider

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Requested by Epona2

Rogue Employees Devils, both having sold their souls and be damned. But damned for have two of the worst superheroes movies


Superhuman Strength, 

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Durability

Composed of Necroplasm

Regeneration Healing


Can cure insanity, implant memories and trapping persons in Hellish Mindscapes



Can alter matter

Communicate with animals

Flight & Teleportation

Necroplasm Projection

Healing the sick & even resurrecting the dead

Elemental Control

Reality Warping

Leetha of the 7th House of K

Symbiotic Suit

Limited by Imagination

Can Create Chains, Spikes, Claws, Shrouds, etc.

Has a Mind of its own

Feeds off Necroplasm or Natural Evil Energies


Comparable to, or stronger than Angela, who was far above beings capable of obliterating Solar Systems, and who made half the Universe quake upon killing The Argus

Beaten God and Satan

Holds absolute control over a Universal Dimension of Hell

Has the powers of the Green World, being capable of controlling nature at will, forming forests, creating storms, tsunamis & Earthquakes, etc.


Magic Necroploasm

Holy Weapons forged in Heaven

His Dwindling amount of Necroplasm

Can only die through Beheading

Ghost Rider

Superhuman strength

Superhuman durability

Nearly immune to earthly physical damage


Can regrow limbs and even his skull in moments

Hellfire manipulation

Generate, control, and project hellfire at will

Able to project from eyes, mouth, and hands

Can channel through shotgun and motorcycle

Able to create walls of hellfire and omnidirectional explosions

Capable of bringing great pain to the Hulk

Size alteration


Mystic chain

Obeys Ghost Rider's mental commands

Capable of growing in length

Can be used as a flail, lasso or staff

Can separate into shurikens, which then form back

Can spin like a saw to cut through almost anything

Hell Cycle

Powered by and emits hellfire

Not restricted by laws of physics (can ride vertically or on a ceiling)

Obeys him even when Ghost Rider isn't riding it

Penance Stare

Causes enemy to experience all the pain they've ever inflicted

Capable of killing

Requires eye contact and a soul to even work


Boundless power with Zarathos in control, but he cannot use it in full power

Regenerated his skull with no discomfort

Used his Penance Stare on a severely weakened Galactus, to put the cosmic entity in a temporary coma (tv canon)

His pee is a flamethrower


Has lost possession of Spirit of Vengeance multiple times.

Penance Stare backfired against certain individuals; sometimes for unorthodox reasons

The blind, mentally unstable, those without souls, those bonded to symbiotes are immune to the Penace Stare

Can be harmed by weapons forged in heaven.

Knocked out when attempting to use the Penace Stare on the Punisher



At the dark depths of the night, a gangster sprints across the streets, panting.

He seems to be running away from something, or someone.

Gangster: Hurry up!

Spawn teleported in front of the gangster and with a chain he stabs right into the boy's chest, causing blood to spew everywhere.


 All of a sudden, a fire portal is open in the middle of nowhere, drawing the attention of Spawn.

A biker with a flaming skeleton cladded in black clothes appears driving his Hell Cycle.

He is Ghost Rider, the Spirit of Vengeance.

Ghost Rider said to Spawn.

Ghost Rider: The day of judgment is upon you, scum

Spawn: You don't make the rule skeleton

Spawn said as he got into a fighting stance, 

Ghost Rider engulfs his bike with hellfire and he stood up, ready to fight.

Spawn and Ghost Rider sprints forward, jumping up into the air before throwing a punch at each other.


Just by the sheer impact of the collision, Ghost Rider skids across the ground and he looks up.

Without warning, Spawn suddenly appears right in front of Ghost Rider, swinging his chain across Ghost Rider's cheek.


Ghost Rider lands on the ground with a loud thud.

As the Spirit of Vengeance is down, Spawn scales across the wall before launching his chain downwards.

However, Ghost Rider swung his arm forward, catching the chain right in his palm.

Ghost Rider: You're mine!

Ghost Rider tugs at the chain, pulling Spawn towards him.

As Spawn was sent flying towards him, Ghost Rider jumps up into the air, engulfing his fist in flames before throwing a punch.


Spawn slams back first onto the ground.

As Ghost Rider is falling, all of a sudden, Spawn suddenly disappears from sight, vanishing completely.

Without warning, Spawn reappears from behind and he brandishes a pistol before opening fire at Ghost Rider's skull.


Ghost Rider: Argh!!!

Ghost Rider screams in pain as he lands onto the ground, dazed by the attack.


Spawn lands on the ground and he said to Ghost Rider.

Spawn: Your end is near.


Spawn throws a blast of hellfire towards Ghost Rider.

However, Ghost Rider rolls across the floor, narrowingly dodging the projectile.

Ghost Rider pushes himself up and he snaps his fingers.


In a burst of flames, the blazing Hellcycle appears in the middle of the street.

Spawn narrows his eyes as Ghost Rider climbs onto the Hellcycle.

VOOM!!!! VOOM!!!!

The Hellcycle's engines roars as it sped forward, trailing Hellfire in it's wake.

Spawn brandishes a couple of uzis and he opens fire at Ghost Rider.


Ghost Rider swerves the Hellcycle left to right, dodging the bullets.

Ghost Rider whips out his chain and he tosses it forward.


The chain wraps itself around Spawn before Ghost Rider gave it a hard tug, sending Spawn flying towards him.

As Spawn closes in, Ghost Rider slams the Hellcycle right into Spawn, ramming into the demonic entity.



Spawn lands onto the ground, dazed by the attack.

Ghost Rider spun the Hellcycle around before turning up the engines, speeding towards Spawn.

However, Spawn suddenly disappears without a trace, causing Ghost Rider to widen his eyes in shock.

Without warning, Spawn suddenly appears right in front of Ghost Rider, startling the Spirit of Vengeance.

Spawn throws a punch.


Ghost Rider: Nargh!!!!

Ghost Rider screams out as he felt the sharp impact in his face, sending him flying.

Spawn launches himself up before throwing several punches at him.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!

Spawn attacks Ghost Rider with repeated punches before grabbing Ghost Rider by the sides.


Spawn erects two spikes right into Ghost Rider's sides before throwing the Spirit of Vengeance down.


Ghost Rider: Argh!!!

Spawn stares down at Ghost Rider and he loudly declares.

Spawn: Prepare to die!

Spawn spreads his arms out and almost immediately, the entire  landscape began warping, distorting into a red hellish landscape.

Within minutes, the entire of New York has transformed into the fiery pits of hell.

However, Ghost Rider remained unfazed by the warp in reality and he questions mockingly?

Ghost Rider: Die? You merely changed the location.

Spawn narrows his eyes and he growls.

Spawn: The price of your sins shall be paid.

Ghost Rider: As shall yours.

Both Ghost Rider and Spawn sprints towards each other, determined to end the fight once and for all.

Spawn throws out a barrage of chains, sending them flying towards Ghost Rider.

However, Ghost Rider throws a burst of Hellfire at the chains.


As the chains incinerate from the flames, Ghost Rider throws several Hellfire at Spawn.


Spawn immediately vanishes, teleporting himself to safety.

As Spawn teleports right behind Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider suddenly spun around and he throws a kick.


Spawn: Argh!!!

Spawn screams out as the sheer impact of the kick sends him tumbling back.


As Spawn lay sprawled onto the ground, Ghost Rider sprints forward and he sat on top of him, pinning him down.

BAM!!! WHAM!!! POW!!! SLAM!!!!

Punch after punch, each strike struck Spawn harder in the face.

Ghost Rider then grabs Spawn by the head and he slams his forehead into his.


As Spawn staggers back, Ghost Rider grabs Spawn by the head and he stares right into his emerald green eyes.

Inside Spawn's mind

Spawn's eyes flashes open as he found himself standing in the middle of a dark empty void.

Confused, Spawn stares at his hands blankly before questioning himself.

Spawn: What sorcery is this?

As Spawn looks around, all of a sudden, a sudden memory of a man shooting several armed soldiers down flashes.

Spawn widens his eyes in shock and recognition.

That's him! When he was still alive.

As Spawn stares at the memory dumbfounded, just then, another memory flashes across.

This time, it shows him killing a vampire.

As the memory flashes, Spawn felt a sharp stinging pain in his mind, causing him to let out a bloodcurling scream of agony.

Spawn: AHHHHHHHH!!!!

Spawn clutches his head tightly and his eyes closes shut, the memories of his past sins tearing right into his mind.

Then all of a sudden, a sudden burst of flame erupts and a blazing fiery skull lets out a loud roar as it shuts it's jaws around him.


As Spawn entire body fell limp, Ghost Rider wraps his fingers around Spawn's neck tightly, pulling it tightly.

Ghost Rider: It's over!

Ghost Rider shouts as he pulls his arm back.


A loud deafening shredding sound tore across the area, breaking the silence.

Drip! Drip!

Green blood drips onto the floor as Ghost Rider stood, holding up Spawn's decapitated head.

Suddenly, the entire hellish landscape began warping, changing from a red hellish landscape to a dark quiet city.

Ghost Rider tosses Spawn's decapitated head aside before turning back.

As Ghost Rider walks away, he said.

Ghost Rider: Your sins has been dealt with.


The winner is

Ghost Rider

Advantages and disadvantages


Better Regenerative Powers

More Versatile Weapons


Past sins renders him vulnerable to the Penace Stare

Ghost Rider


Better Durability

Penace Stare gaves him the edge

Less Versatile Weapons

Still vulnerable to normal means of harm

Victory quote:

Ghost Rider: Be grateful I don't take your soul as a prize

Up Next

Lara Croft vs Indiana Jones

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