Supergirl and Batgirl vs Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn

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Requested by Blue_Ice_neko

When both female pairs goes up against each other, it's finally time for them to settle their rivalry once and for all


Heat vision

Super Strength

Healing Factor

Artic breath


Graduated from Stanhope College

Has an internship at CatCo Worldwide Media.

Punched Superman on two occasions

Made Wonder Woman bleed from a punch

Able sustain an internal body temperature of 2400 degrees Fehrenheit.

Managed to blitz the Flash twice despite him holding back.

Vaporizes a tidal wave with a Red blast

Can read DNA

Served with the Red Lanterns

Survived taking a Red Lantern ring off

Super-Breath must be at least 124.8 mph, which means it's force is that of about 40 psf

Heat Vision has nuclear capabilities

Saved Lex Luthor's life (though Lex tried to shoot her in retaliation; despite her clearly being bulletproof)


Relatively weaker than Superman due to not having the same time of sunlight exposure or experience as he has.

Can be prejudiced towards others like Superboy and Mon-El, though she eventually overcomes that flaw.

Vulnerable to Kryptonite and all other Kryptonian weaknesses.

Briefly brainwashed by Darkseid

Prone to the attitude of a teenage girl.


Martial Arts Skills

Peak Human Endurance

Expert Gymnast

Expert Hacker


Smoke bombs


Shocking gloves




Hacked the GCPD database at the age of twelve.

Has the potential to be a Blue Lantern.

In one possible future, Barbara becomes the new commissioner of the GCPD

Gets back up from smashing into a cab

Knocks out someone with a Batarang

Held her own against the Mirror despite suffering broken ribs

Founded the Birds of Prey

Threw a man around fifteen feet away without her suit


Paralyzed by Joker, Barbara was forced to retire from crime fighting until she managed to regain the feeling in her legs.

Headstrong; a determination to prove herself can make her sloppy

Poison Ivy

As a Biochemist, Ivy frequently concocts poisons, toxins, and serums designed to kill, transform, or protect, depending on her purpose and needs. She is also a uniquely skilled plant geneticist, able to create large and semi-sentient plant creatures that act as her primary henchmen. In a fight, Ivy is a skilled gymnast and martial artist with also carries a miniature repeating crossbow on her right wrist that she typically uses as a last resort.

Human/Plant Hybrid: While her lips and finger tips are poisonous, her kiss being instant death, Ivy gained a hyper immunity that allows her to resist any form of poison. She also has the ability to exude potent pheromones to control anyone who gets a whiff. In most cases, the effect makes her appear irresistible to men who would do her bidding. Her plant biology also makes her immune to most poisons.


Artificially created human/plant hybrids: The first being a trial series of male clones of her therapist as a font followed by a decoy clone of herself to cover her escape from the county. She later perfected the process to create her Sporeling "daughters" Rose and Hazel.

Defeated a Black Lantern Black Mask by trapping it in a permanent Death Scenario

Controlled Krypto the Dog, Superman, and Superboy on various occasions using her poisons (sometimes mixed with kryptonite)

Defeated John Stewart, Green Lantern

Turned a dry barren island into a thriving paradise

Beaten Batman in multiple occasions


Little to no superhuman strength, speed or endurance makes Ivy easy to defeat if someone can bypass her plants. Relatively dependent on her plant monsters during a fight.

Obsessed with plants

Many of Ivy's friends are annoyed by the fact that Ivy likes plants more than people

Can suffer mental breakdowns if her plants are harmed or killed

Even her largest plant monsters are still weak to fire

Strong-minded people like Batman, or those like Mr. Freeze who are coldhearted, are immune against her pheromones.

One consequence of Ivy's transition is her inability to naturally bear children.

Harley Quinn

Olympic-level gymnast and acrobat

Above-average agility and fighting skill that makes her stronger and faster than she looked.

Occasionally is able to be on par with Batman in combat

Harley's psychology major allows her to be manipulative

Has medical experience and is a skilled surgeon and doctor.



Harley was also injected with a serum Poison Ivy devised for her and Joker has exposed Harley to chemicals that also affected her physique (though made her even more insane).

Harley is immune to certain chemicals and diseases

Enhanced her strength and stamina so she can survive normally fatal accidents.

Harley has also demonstrated impressive agility; able to anticipate and dodge gunshots and batarangs


Harley also carries an assortment of weapons. Like Joker she uses trick weapons primarily, but Harley is willing to use oversized or blunt melee weapons as well

Oversized wooden mallets and Sledgehammers

Dual .357 Revolvers or Customized Chiappa Rhino 60DS (6 cylinder magnum revolver)

Sometimes depicted with cork-like bullets.

Good Night: Personalized Baseball Bat



Oversized Boxing Glove Gun

Jack-In-A-Box Bomb

Snare Trap

Fake mustache/lockpick


A very competent gang leader in her own right, have led Joker's gang during one of his assumed deaths.

Defeated Killer Croc

Caught Batman off guard with a hammer to the head... twice

Defeated Joker on some occasions.

Held her own against Lex Luthor's aide Mercy Graves.

Beat Nightwing and freed Poison Ivy from prison.

Stole Lobo's motorcycle and got away with it (by ripping his head off)

Laughed off a session in the electric chair

Incapacitated Wonderwoman

Captured Batman and almost fed him to a pool of Piranhas, all by herself.

Escaped Hell


Has little to no superhuman abilities

Completely insane, clumsy and occasionally idiotic.

Bit off her doctor's ear when the doctor took Harley's Looney Tunes video.

When Harley attempted to return to a normal life, it took only hours for her to have a mental breakdown and devolve back into villainy.

Claims to not be a 'dumb blonde' trope because Harley confirmed that she is "not even a real blonde!"

Is often blinded by her love for the Joker. Although she occasionally sees him for the psychopath he is and leaves him, she eventually comes back.

The two have frequently fought, threatened, argued, attacked or attempted to kill each other at times [4] (even when Batman is present)

Joker is willing to abandon or harm her to get an edge.

Got bit by Man-Bat in an alternate dimension.

Defeated by Batman and his allies countless times; sometimes with little effort.

Even her strongest depictions are no match for Batman's physique.

Wanted in twelve states.


Gotham City, night

Barbara Gordon narrowed her eyes as she perused the Gotham City skyline through her high tech binoculars.

According to Bruce, something big was to happen tonight.

As Batgirl, she and Robin had been tracking a drug cartel for weeks, and only recently did Batman propose that the drugs were going to be used to make a bomb, and that the drug lords wanted to level the City Hall in order to construct a central office for themselves.

Barbara wasn't quite sure about the whole set-up; she'd tangled with her fair share of Gotham drug lords, and all of the ones capable of orchestrating an event like this were behind bars.

Still, she trusted Batman's judgment, so she carried on. Batgirl glanced below her, currently standing on the building where the bomb was supposed to be shipped out.

She lowered her binoculars, put them back into her utility belt, and looked up.

She had sent out a distress call to Metropolis a few hours earlier, using a watch that Batman had developed.

The frequency it emitted could be heard only by a certain pair of ears... Barbara scowled as she saw a blue-white blur streak towards her.

Batgirl: Why is she always late?

She wondered.

Kara Kent, aka Supergirl, landed on the rooftop lightly, despite the fact that she had most likely been traveling a terminal velocity a few seconds earlier. 

Batgirl stalked up to her friend. 

Batgirl: Where have you been? You said you'd be here 45 minutes ago...

Supergirl shrugged, her ruby lips pulling back into a smile.

Supergirl: Sorry, Bats, I had some stuff to take care of...

Batgirl's anger melted away at the sight of her friend's bubbly face. 

She pulled Supergirl into a hug. 

Batgirl: Good to have you back, Kare-Bear,

She said warmly. 

Supergirl rolled her eyes, feigning annoyance. 

Supergirl: You know I hate that name, Barbie...

Batgirl raised an eyebrow. 

Batgirl: You show up at every stakeout with your blonde hair, blue eyes and cheery smile and you think I'M the Barbie?

Supergirl giggled. 

Batgirl smiled. 

She and Supergirl had been on many adventures together, and while Supergirl was stronger, and had all of these amazing powers, she was still a bit naïve about the whole hero game, so Batgirl had been showing her the ropes. 

Over the years, she had come to think of Kara as a super-powered younger sister. 

Supergirl clapped her white gloved hands together. "

Supergirl: So, what do we have here?

Batgirl pointed directly below. 

Batgirl: There's a bomb that's supposed to be moved out of here soon, but I don't know when.

Supergirl nodded. 

Supergirl: Sounds exciting. 

???: Exciting indeed.

Both girls spun around, alarmed.

Behind them, two figures stood back, grinning at them.

Supergirl and Batgirl narrows their eyes.

The two figures are no other than Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn, members of the Gotham City Sirens.

Supergirl: Ivy.

Poison Ivy: Supergirl.

Batgirl: Harley.

Harley: Batsy.

Poison Ivy strodes towards the pair sensually, smiling as she said.

Poison Ivy: My, my, you two are looking mighty fine today.

Supergirl clenches her fist and she said to her confidently.

Supergirl: You may have bested us once Ivy, but it won't be the same this time.


Supergirl swoops towards Poison Ivy, forcing the plant woman to raise up her arms.


The building shook as several large vines grew out of the ground, coiling towards Supergirl.

Supergirl flies back, dodging the vines.

Poison Ivy shot out her arms, sending several vines shooting upwards.


Supergirl's eyes turns crimson as she unleashes a powerful heat vision stream downwards.


Almost instantly, the vines snaps into half as the heat vision slices across them cleanly.

At the same time, Harley sprints towards Batgirl, swinging her hammer right at her.

Batgirl swerves to the side, dodging the blow before throwing out a kick.


Harley: ARGHHHHHH!!!!

Harley screams out in pain as she was sent stumbling back.

Harley looks back and she throws a pie towards Batgirl.

Batgirl leaps across the rooftop, narrowingly dodging the projectile.

However, right at that moment, Poison Ivy jumps in and she throws her arms forward.


A large vine erects from the building, striking right into Batgirl.


Batgirl: ARGHHHHH!!!!

Batgirl screams out in agony as she was sent falling backwards from the attack.

Supergirl: Batgirl!

Supergirl swoops downwards, pulling her friend up.

However, right at that moment.


Supergirl spun around, only to find Harley holding up a broken bat.

Harley: Uh oh!

Harley said just as Supergirl exhales out a large breathe of wind, blowing her backwards.


Harley: WHOOAAAA!!!


Harley landed right on her back, gritting her teeth in pain.


Supergirl lands right in front of Harley, staring down at her.

Supergirl: Hm. Guess you are just too outmatched huh?

Poison Ivy: Oh I don't think so.

Supergirl spun around and before she knew it, she felt her lips touching something soth.


Poison Ivy stares at the Girl of Steel, planting a kiss right into her lips.

As she moves back, Supergirl began backing away, coughing out.

Supergirl: Cough! Cough!

Poison Ivy held up a small handheld device and she said, smiling.

Poison Ivy: Once you two are down, the whole of Gotham shall have a taste of nature's powers.

Batgirl: Oh I don't think so!

Without warning, Batgirl swung across and she throws one powerful kick.


Batgirl then throws a hook.


Batgirl then throws an uppercut.


Poison Ivy: ARGHHHHH!!!!

Poison Ivy screams out in agony as she falls right on top of Harley Quinn.

Batgirl turns to look at Supergirl and she asks her in concern.

Batgirl: Are you alright?

Supergirl: I'm fine. Poison Ivy's kiss.....wearing off......kinda like that.

Batgirl looks down at the two defeated villians and she declares out.

Batgirl: Well it's off to jail with you two.

Supergirl: Hold on Babs.

Supergirl suddenly interrupted Batgirl, causing her to freeze.

Batgirl: Now what is it?

A naughty smile twists upon Supergirl's face and she suggest.

Supergirl: Let's do something a little.....worst.

Before Batgirl could even react, Supergirl reaches down to Poison Ivy and she picks her up and bends her over.

Poison Ivy: Hey what are you....

Before Poison Ivy could finish her sentence, a loud crack cracks across the night.


Poison Ivy: Ow!!!

Poison Ivy lay slumped on the floor, clutching her sore backside in agony.

Batgirl suddenly smirks and she walks past Supergirl, stepping towards Harley.

Harley looks just as Batgirl pulls her up, questioning.

Harley: Hey! Stop! What are you doing?!

Batgirl lowers Harley down and she swung her palm downwards.


Harley: OWWW!!!


Batgirl swung her hand back and forth, striking Harley in her backside, laughing out.

Batgirl: Ha ha! This....this is kinda fun!


Batgirl then drops Harley onto the floor and she turns to Supergirl, saying.

Batgirl: Well that was fun.

Supergirl: Yeah. Hey, wanna go to my place? Alex's ordering pizza tonight.

Batgirl: Sure.

Batgirl grabs onto Supergirl's hand just as the Girl of Steel takes off into the air, flying back towards Gotham City.


The winners are

Supergirl and Batgirl

Advantages and disadvantages

Supergirl and Batgirl

Supergirl is stronger

Batgirl has a wider arsenal

Have bested stronger opponents

More impulsive

Less experienced

Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn

Have bested the two before


More experienced

Physically weaker

Have been bested by opponents physically weaker

Victory quote:

Supergirl: I don't want to change, I embrace who I truly am

Batgirl: Didn't stand a chance.

Up Next

Yamcha vs Dan

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