Superman vs Guardians of the Galaxy

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Requested by zangetsu13

The Guardians of the Galaxy has faced all sorts of enemies, but how well can they fare against the Man of Steel himself?


Super Strength

Super Speed

Heat Vision

Arctic Breath

Healing Factor


Enhanced Intelligience


Superhuman Durability

X-Ray Vision


Lifted an entire building with people in it without breaking a sweat

Defeated Zod, Foara, Non, Jax-Ur and the other Kryptonians despite having little to no experience in fighting

Beaten Stepphenwolf and his army

Survived a nuke

Beaten Batman just by saying 'Martha'

Able to overcome many problems without the Justice League

Singlehandedly beat the Justice League

Saved millions of people worldwide

Destroyed a massive Kryptonian Superweapon capable of destroying an entire planet


Cares little about colleteral damage

Died by sacrificing himself to kill Doomsday

Lost against Batman(only because Batman cheated with Kryptonite and Superman did not want to fight at all)

Dislike killing others, preferring to find peaceful and non-violent ways to solve problems

Guardians of the Galaxy

Star Lord

Peak Human Strength

Peak Human Speed

Peak Human Endurance


Great Intelligience

Expert Martial Arts Skills

Exert Sharpshooter

Great Tactician

Expert Technician Skills

Healing Factor

Dancing Skills

Godly Powers



Protects Star Lord from extreme cold and the vacuum of space


Internal Comm System that analyses data

Improves Vision

Provides Star Lord enough oxygen in space


Jet Booster

For flight

Sony TPS-L2 Walkman Headset

Passed on from his mother

Zunes Music Player

Has over 300 songs


Element Gun

Quad Blasters

Energy Bolas

Gravity Mines


Founded the Guardians of the Galaxy

Blew away an Ariguan warship with the Element Gun's Fire

Able to fly at trans-light speed

Melted through highly advanced Meylan construct robots with Element Gun

Defeated Ronan the Accuser and Ego

Outwitted J'son

Survived holding onto an Infinity Stone


Forced Mantis to manipulate the other Guardians to join his team

Was killed by Thanos momentarily

Was imprisoned in the Kyln for galactic level genocide involving the fallen one

Has committed 350000 counts of murder

Had cyborg parts which were then removed

Lost his Godlike powers after killing Ego


As a Zehoberei, Gamora naturally possesses physical capabilities beyond that of an average human. This was enhanced further by Thanos having her altered with a cybernetic skeleton, ocular and respiratory implants that enhanced her durability, stamina, and senses with a regenerative healing factor. Thanos also had Gamora trained in numerous martial arts and weapons, though she prefers bladed weapons like swords.


Godslayer: A sword with a retractable blade that can cut through most durable of metals. It also has a detachable knife in the hilt that can be used as a melee or throwing weapon


Registered as a Galaxy-Class Killer

Once defeated a military platoon containing dozens of combat-trained men in only a few minutes.

Held her own against Ronan the Accuser

Considered by the US Military to be as dangerous as Iron Man


Prefers not to use firearms

Sometimes prefer to wear her skimpy outfit instead of proper armour

Rocket Raccoon

Great Intelligience

Excellent Marksman

Master Engineer

Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Durability

Enhanced Agility

Enhanced Senses


Twin Laser Pistols

Laser Cannon

Gas Grenade

Hadron Enforcer



As a criminal, Rocket's extensive record includes 13 counts of theft, 23 counts of escape from incarceration, 7 counts of mercenary activity, and 15 counts of arson

Destroyed robots with his bare hands

Survived getting thrown around by Starhawk

Only one who can understand Groot

Agile enough to dodge gunfire

Just as agile even while using heavy weaponry

Was stated by Star Lord to be the greatest tactical mind he has ever met

Tricked Star Lord numerous times into fetching him something he claimed to need for the team's sake.

Can make explosives powerful enough to annihilate an entire building or even destroy a moon

Singlehandedly overwhelmed Ravagers on his own, using traps, his surroundings, and his agility.

Once saved his team by using his lying skills to disrupt a cult's spaceship powered by faith.

Made a bomb that was capable of destroying an entire planet using only three batteries.

Knocked a man unconscious only by punching him multiple times

Survived touching an Infinity Gem


Vain and a chaotic pathological liar with an obsessive compulsive disorder.

Likes stealing stuff which can get him and his team into even more trouble

Can be a bit reckless and hot headed

Hates being compared to his Earth-based kind, or called "Subject: 89P13", "rodent", and "vermin".

Short reach for normal attacks.

Plans often rely on Groot for muscle.

Mostly weak in unarmed combat (although is still fast and can leap high for his size).

Obsesses over duct tape.

Drax the Destroyer

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Durability

Superhuman Stamina

Accelerated Healing Factor

Superhuman Senses


Low Level Cosmic Awareness


Twin Daggers


Destroyed a planet while fighting Thanos

Survived touching an Infinity Gem

Can shatter planets with brute strength

Can withstand supernova detonation up close


Takes metaphors he hears literally

Cannot swim

Modern versions of Drax has been depowered, thus rendering him weaker than his earlier incarnations


Great Strength

Great Intelligience

Healing Factor

Plant Control

Flame Resistant Wooden Body

Great Speed


First alien visitor to Earth in Marvel comic history.

Survived the vacuum of space unaided

Lifted and destroyed an alien tank

Survived getting tossed from orbit onto a planet surface

Moved fast enough to grab Adam Magnus, who just before had evaded and caught bullets

Genius level intellect. Can hold extremely complex conversations with telepaths like Maximus, and build/operate machinery.

Can understand the language of other plant creatures like Man-Thing.


Not very intelligent

Can be easily destroyed

Higher level of speech limits his vocabulary to only 'I' and 'am' and 'Groot'


Alien Planet

In a dark depths of space, a tall lone figure soars across the air, monitoring the activities below.

So far so good, everything seems to be under control.

Superman smiles to himself as he lowers himself down, assured that there are no abnormalies on the planet.

Superman stares deep across the black night sky, pondering to himself.

It has been years since he has last seen Lois. 

Superman has longed to see the face of his fiance, and the longing face of his mother and to see the beautiful glowing sunset once again.


However, the sound of a engine turning causes him to look up, interupting his train of thought, pulling him out of his feeling of homesickness.

Superman stood up and he narrows his eyes as the ships door slides open.


Five figures of different shapes and sizes stood at the hangar, staring into the huge empty land.

Superman flies up and he questions the five figures.

Superman: Who are you? Why have you come?

One of the figures, a short raccoon cladded in a skin tight space suit brandishes a huge rifle and he loudly declares.

Rocket Raccoon: We're the Guardians of the frickin' Galaxy! And you sir are coming with us!

Surprised at the raccoon's statement, Superman questions the Guardians.

Superman: Excuse me? But may I ask? Why are you asking me to come with you?

Star Lord, a tall lean built man cladded in a space suit, answers.

Star Lord: You have been accused of destroying several alien ships across different sectors.

Superman stares down and he assumes.

Superman: Let me guest, you are here to apprehend me?

But to his surprise, Drax, a huge muscular man with pale white skin laughs out loud and he shouts.

Drax: Nah way! We ain't here to catch you!

Superman: Then why have you come?

Drax: To fight you!

The Guardians of the Galaxy brandishes theire weapons and Gamora, a tall lean green skinned female humanoid states.

Gamora: You're too powerful to be kept alive, so I'm afraid we will have to destroy you.

Feeling rather tensed at their challenge, Superman clenches his fists and he said.

Superman: I like to see you try.

Drax: AAHHHHHH!!!!!

Drax screams out in anger as he launches himself forward.

However, just as Drax swung down his fist, Superman swung up his hand, catching Drax's fist clean in his palm.

Drax widens his eyes and he cursed.

Drax: Oh crap!

Superman swung back his fist and he throws one mighty punch, striking Drax hard in the face.


Drax: AAHHHH!!!!

Drax screams out in agony as he was sent flying through the air.

The Guardians stood back and they watched as Drax falls back before crashing onto the ground.


Groot, a tall sentient tree being, spun around to face Superman, staring at the Man of Steel absent mindedly before looking down to face Rocket Raccoon.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket Raccoon  agrees with his friend.

Rocket: Yeah. You're right pal. This guy is way stronger than I thought.

Groot: I am Groot?

Rocket Raccoon: No! We' re not running away!

Rocket Raccoon charges up his plasma rifle and he shouts.

Rocket Raccoon: Let's see how blue boy handle this!

Rocket Raccoon aims his rifle and he shouts.

Rocket Raccoon: BOOYAH!!!!


A large plasma blast launches itself out of the rifle, flying straight towards Superman.

Superman however, launches himself out of the way, dodging the range of attack.


Rocket Raccoon widen his eyes in shock as Superman stares down at them before swooping downwards.

Realizing what is about to happen, Star Lord shouts to his teammates.

Star Lord: Everyone! Get out of here!

Everyone quickly jumps out of the way just as Superman slams fistfirst right into the Ravager, causing the entirety of the ship to go off in a massive explosion.


Star Lord and Gamora grunts as they lands feet first onto the ground.

Meanwhile, Groot catches Rocket Raccoon in midair with his arms, lowering them as he sets Rocket down.

Rocket Raccoon looks up and he thanked Groot.

Rocket Raccoon: Thanks buddy.

Groot nods and he replied to his friend's expression of grattitude.

Groot: I am Groot.


However, without warning, something bursts out of the smoke, causing Rocket and Groot to widen their eyes in horror.

Rocket Raccoon stares right into Superman's angry eyes and he curses.

Rocket Raccoon: Oh crap.

Superman grabs Rocket Raccoon by his throat before tossing the space rodent up into the air.

As Groot swung his arm at Superman, Superman launches himself off the ground and he throws one powerful uppercut.


Almost immediately, Rocket Raccoon's head explodes into a mess of blood and gore as Superman throws his uppercut, instantly decapitating the raccoon.

Horrified at his friend's horrible fate, Groot screams out.

Groot: I am Groot!

Superman turns to face the Guardians of the Galaxy and he challenges them.

Superman: Anyone else?


Star Lord stares at Rocket Raccoon's headless body solemnly and he said in sorrow.

Star Lord: No.....

Angered at the death of Rocket, Gamora draws out her blade and she shouts at him.

Gamora: You're gonna pay for that!

Superman looks up as Gamora launches herself.

Gamora swung her blade at Superman, ready to cut down the Man of Steel to avenge the death of her fallen friend.

However, to her horror, the blade's tip, upon making contact with Superman's neck, shatters into a million tiny shards.

Gamora gasps in shock.

As she stares at her broken sword, Gamora stammers, unable to believe Superman's power.

Gamora: No...way! What....are you?

Superman glares at her and he said to Gamora sternly.

Superman: Stand down.

Not willing to let another of his teammates die, Star Lord aims his pistol and he opens fire.


Gamora backs off as the laser struck Superman in the chest.

However, Superman stood his ground, not even flinching from the attack.

Superman launches himself forward and he throws a punch.

BOOM!!!! CRACK!!!!

Star Lord: Ahhhh!!!

Star Lord screams in agony as he was sent flying back, his helmet heavily damaged by Superman's strength.

Star Lord crashes onto the ground, his body heavily traumatized by the incredible blow he tanked.

As Star Lord lies on the ground, Gamora screams out in anger as she throws a punch, striking Superman clean in the face.

Superman: Argh!

Superman backs off as Gamora sprints forward and she throws another punch, striking Superman by the jaw.

As Gamora strikes him again, Groot encases his hand into a huge club of branches and he swung it at Superman.


Superman: Argh!!!!

Superman screams out in agony as Groot struck him by the side.

At the same time, Gamora throws a kick, kicking Superman in the stomach while Groot swung down his fists, slamming Superman down onto the ground.


Gamora bends down, grabs Superman by his suit, flips the Kryptonian over and she knelt over his body.

Gamora clenches her fists and she swung down her arm, striking Superman in the face.


Gamora throws another punch.


As Gamora continues to punch Superman, Superman's irises suddenly began glowing crimson, causing Gamora to widen her eyes in horror.

Gamora: Huh?

Without warning, Superman lets out a loud scream as he unleashes a powerful burning heat vision at Gamora, causing her to scream in pain.

Superman: YAHHHHH!!!!

Gamora: AHHHH!!!!

Gamora backs off and she writhers in pain, her body scarred from the intense heat of Superman's heat vision.

Superman grabs Groot by his arm before swinging it forward, ripping the tree being's arm clean off.


Groot: Yahh!!!! I am Groot!!!

Groot screams out in agony as he backs away.

Superman tosses Groot's arm aside before launching himself forward, slamming straight into Groot.


A huge crater forms on the ground as Groot was sent flying back.

Superman then turns back, glaring coldly at Gamora.

Gamora: Ngh!!!

As Gamora weakly pushes herself up, Superman launches himself up into the air before swooping down, slamming right onto Gamora.


Superman jumps back and he stares down at Gamora's broken body coldly.

Superman said to her solemnly.

Superman: I warned you.


Horrified at the death of his friend, Groot roars in anger and he swung his arm at Superman.


Superman: Argh!

Superman cries out in pain as he was sent flying back by the attack.

Groot sprints forward and he throws a punch, striking Superman in the gut.


Groot: I am Groot!

Groot clenches his fist and he swung down his arm, preparing to throw another punch.

However, Superman brought up his hand, catching Groot's fist in mid punch.

Superman clenches his fist and he grunts as he throws a punch, striking Groot in the face.


As Groot staggers back, Superman flies up and he punches Groot repeatly with his fists, breaking apart splinters of wood.


Groot grunts as Superman throws an uppercut, sending Groot staggering back.

Superman's eyes began glowing red before he lets out a loud bloodcurling scream, unleashing a powerful heat vision blast at Groot.


The blast struck Groot hard, setting Groot's plant body ablaze.

Groot screams out in pain as his entire body burns apart.

Groot: I.......AM......GROOT!!!!!

Groot screams as his entire body lights up in a burning inferno before letting out in a large mighty explosion.


Burning splinters of Groot rains down around Superman and the Man of Steel said.

Superman: That's a third one down.


Superman lands on the ground, facing the ground solemnly.

Just then, Superman heard a loud screaming from the distance, causing him to look up.

Drax: ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Drax the Destroyer sprints forward, holding twin daggers in his hands.

Drax screams at Superman.

Drax: I'm gonna kill you!

Superman folds his arms up and he silently hovers up into the air just as Drax slams both his blades into Superman.


The daggers snaps apart, shattered upon making contact with Superman's invulnerable hide.

Drax widens his eyes in shock and he curses.

Drax: Crap.

Superman narrows his eyes and he launches himself forward, slamming bodyfirst into Drax.


As the two muscular titans clashes, Drax and Superman screams out in anger as the two wrestles against each other.


Superman grunts as Drax throws a punch, striking him right in the face.

Drax grabs Superman by the arm before slamming the Man of Steel down onto the ground.


Drax stood over Superman and he raises both arms up, ready to strike Superman down.

However, just before he could move a single muscle, Superman lifts up both legs and he throws them up, striking Drax in the chin.


Drax: Argh!!!!

Drax screams out in agony as he was sent flying up into the air.

Superman launches himself up and he throws a punch.


As Drax was sent flying further, Superman flies closer towards his opponent and he throws another punch.


As Drax was sent flying once again, Superman flies forward and he throws a third punch, sending Drax flying.


Drax crashes backfirst into a boulder, grunting just as Superman slams right into him.


Superman grabs Drax and he throws the muscular brute down before charging up his heat vision.

Superman: AHHHHH!!!!

As Superman's eyes glows red, Superman screams as he launches another heat vision blast at Drax, striking the brute down.

Drax: ARGHHHH!!!!

Drax screams out in pain a he crashes onto the ground, causing it to go off in a massive explosion.


Superman stares down at the explosion and he said to himself.

Superman: Now there's the leader to content with.


Superman flies back towards the ravine, ready to finish off Star Lord.

However, all of a sudden, something flies up into the air, causing Superman to freeze.

As Superman spuns back, a boulder suddenly swoops forward, slamming right into Superman.


Superman grunts as he falls back, flipping in the air before regaining his footing.

Superman looks up and to his horror, he saw Star Lord flying up, glaring right at him.

The entire planet shook as Star Lord clenches his fist, causing the surrounding boulders to fly up.

Star Lord glares at Superman and he said.

Star Lord: You killed my friends. Now it's pay back time.

Star Lord launches himself forward at superspeed, striking Superman hard in the face.

Superman grunts as he was sent flying back from the blow.


Star Lord's hands began channeling energy and he launches them at Superman, striking him in the chest.


Superman: Argh!!!

Superman grunts as he flies back, injured from the blast.

Star Lord clenches his fist and he swoops downwards, ready to attack Superman.

However, Superman looks up and he fires his heat vision from his eye at Star Lord.


Star Lord: Argh!!!!

Star Lord grunts as the blast struck him in the chest, blasting him back.

Superman launches himself upwards and he throws a punch, striking Star Lord in the face.


Star Lord: Argh!!!

Star Lord screams as he was sent flying back, crashing through the levitating boulders.


Star Lord narrows his eyes and he halts in midair, facing Superman.

Star Lord clenches his fist, channelling energy within his hands.


Superman flies up and he said to Star Lord.

Superman: Give up.

As rocks began moulding onto Star Lord, encasing him in a makeshift rock armour, Star Lord shook his head.

Star Lord: Not while there's a guy like you! AAHHHHH!!!!

Superman: AHHHHHH!!!!

Both Star Lord and Superman screams out in anger as the two launches themselves towards each other.

Superman's eyes glows red and he pulls back his fist.

Star Lord on the other hand, created a perfect animated statue of Pac Man and he flies towards Superman.

Voop! Voop! Voop! Vopp! Voop!

Both Superman and Star Lord swoops towards each other before slamming headfirst, creating a massive shockwave, blasting everything back.


Rocks and debris flies everywhere as Superman and Star Lord were blasted back by the sheer impact of the collision.

Star Lord shook his head and he grabs a boulder before launching it at Superman.

However, Superman inhale a large gust of wind before exhaling out a huge ice fold air from his mouth.

As the rock made contact with Superman's Arctic Breath, the entire matter frozes over time, encasing the earth is cold blue ice.

Star Lord widens his eyes in shock as Superman lifts up his hand he he flicks his finger.


The entire frozen rock shatters into ice crystals, destroyed by Superman's strength.

Not willing to surrender, Star Lord whips out his Elemental Gun and he opens fire, blasting a stream of fire at Superman.


However, Superman simply flies through the flames, seemingly unaffected by the heat of the attack.

Star Lord: What?!

Without warning, Superman wraps his fingers around Star Lord's Elemental Gun.

Star Lord backs away in terror just as Superman tightens his fist, crushing the Elemental Gun.


Horrified, Star Lord questions in shock just as Superman swoops forward, his fingers wrapping tightly around Star Lord's neck.

Star Lord: way!

Superman's eyes glows red and Superman apologizes silently.

Superman: I'm sorry.

Before Star Lord could react, Superman fires his heat vision right into Star Lord's eyes, causing Star Lord to gasp out in pain.

Star Lord: Hurk!!!!

The Heat Vision struck Star Lord's brain, immediately severing his brain's connection with the rest of the body, thus shutting it down.

Star Lord's entire body fell limp as Superman releases his grip, watching as Star Lord crashes onto the floor below.


Superman stares down in solemn silence, deeply ashamed of his actions.

This could have been easilu solved without violence, but those Guardians chose to fight.

Superman silently sighs to himself before taking off into the air, ready to flying back into space to continue his crusade.


The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages




More powerful

Able to fly

Not experienced in fighting

Guardians of the Galaxy

Star Lord

Godly powers gave him an edge

Weaker durability


Better martial arts skills


Rocket Raccoon



Drax the Destroyer

Tough enough to tank hits from Superman



More melleable


More destructable

Victory quote:

Superman: I've got a feeling this won't be our last ride on this Merry Go Round

Up Next

Percy Jeckson vs Peter Griffin

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