CHAPTER EIGHTEEN, a not so great thanksgiving

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After dinner and once everything was cleaned up, Hollyn found herself in the living room with her cousins, watching a movie while her parents and her aunt and uncle talked in the dining room. She pulled her phone out of her pocket when she had gotten a text from Cole. He was asking if she was free to go meet up at their tree house, like they usually did after dinner. She had been wanting to do that, but she couldn't find a time to leave with her family there. She didn't want to make things awkward by ditching them and going out. She glanced at her cousins, noticing they had passed out by her. They had a sugar crash and were snoring away. Maybe she could sneak out for a few minutes. She replied back to Cole, letting him know she would be there soon before she stood quietly. She grabbed a nearby blanket, placing it over the twins and then she walked over to the dining room, pausing when she heard her name being spoken.

"I think Hollyn should know the truth." Her aunt's voice spoke.

"Not yet. Not until we know more." Her dad responded.

"What's going on?" Hollyn interrupted, concern lacing her voice as she walked into the dining room. She didn't mean to listen in, but she was curious. Plus she hated it when she felt like something was kept from her.

Everyone stopped talking, and they looked over at her. Her parents and her aunt and uncle exchanged glances, unsure what to say. Finally, her dad spoke up, his tone serious.

"Nothing, sweetheart. We're just talking. Everything's fine." He assured her.

"Oh..." Hollyn mumbles, looking at the four of them. Her mom still had a sad look in her eyes, her aunt and uncle had looks of worry. And her dad's face was unreadable. Everything wasn't fine, but she didn't bring that up. "Okay, uh, would it be alright if I went to the tree house with Cole? Like we usually do after dinner? The twins are asleep and I was wondering if it's okay if I go."

Her parents share a look, silently debating what to say. Finally, her mom gives her a small smile. "Sure, sweetheart. Just be careful and don't be out too late."

Hollyn gave a grateful smile and a nod before she excused herself, walking out the back door after putting her boots on and getting bundled up. The weather had gotten colder, there was snow on the ground as well. There wasn't much yet, but enough to crunch underneath her boots as she walked.

She didn't mind the cold. She liked the quiet that came with it. And she liked the way the air smelled, clean and crisp. She always felt calmer outside, the fresh air and nature making her feel at peace. It was a much-needed break from the chaos inside. She went to the barn to get her horse, Apollo, and then rode him the rest of the way. When they got there, Cole was already waiting for her, sitting on the bottom of the ladder. She got off Apollo and tied him next to Custard, his horse. Then, she went over to Cole, giving him a smile as she sat down beside him.

"Hey, you. How was dinner?" Cole asked, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as he gave her a smile.

"It was alright. Chaotic as always when the twins are there." She chuckles, leaning into his side. "They convinced us to make some brownies and they ended up eating the whole bowl. Then they crashed and passed out. So, I took that opportunity to sneak out."

Cole laughs and shakes his head. "They're crazy, those two. Reminds me of someone I know." He teased, glancing at her.

"Hey! I am not like that!" Hollyn scoffed, playfully smacking his arm.

"Yes, you are. Did you forget that you jumped in a freezing cold lake when you were tipsy at Dylan's lake house? That was pretty crazy, Holls." He pointed out, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, yeah, alright. Fine, I'm a little crazy." She relented, rolling her eyes as a smile tugged at her lips.

Cole grins and presses a kiss to her cheek. "I like that you're a little crazy."

"You're just as crazy." Hollyn teased, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach when he kissed her cheek.

"Guilty as charged." Cole chuckles. "But seriously, are you okay? You've been pretty stressed lately." He asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I'm just worried about my mom." Hollyn admits, letting out a sigh. She leans her head on his shoulder, her arms wrapped around herself. "I know something's going on, but they won't tell me. I just want to know what's wrong, you know? I hate it when they keep things from me."

"I get that. But maybe they're just trying to protect you." Cole suggests, rubbing her arm gently to comfort her and help provide some warmth. It was cold enough that their breath was visible in the air. "I'm sure everything will be okay, Holls. Your mom's strong, and so are you. If anyone can get through this, it's you guys."

Hollyn hums and gives a small nod. "Yeah, you're right. I guess I'm just scared." She murmurs, letting out a shaky breath. "But it's okay, I'm just overthinking things. As always."

"No surprise there." Cole chuckles lightly, leaning over to kiss the side of her head. "I'll always be here for you, Holls. You can always talk to me, you know that, right?" He murmured, his voice soft and reassuring.

Hollyn nods, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at Cole's words. "Yeah, I know. Thanks, Coley," She replies, turning her head to press a gentle kiss to his cheek. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Cole's heart flutters and he smiles. "Probably go insane." He teased, earning a playful smack from Hollyn which caused him to laugh.

"Hey!" Hollyn protests, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. "I'm not that bad." She muttered, crossing her arms over her chest.

Cole laughs again, a light, cheerful sound that made Hollyn's heart skip a beat. "You're not. You're just perfect the way you are." He said sincerely, his eyes full of love and adoration.

Hollyn felt her cheeks flush even more at Cole's words, and she couldn't help but smile shyly at him. She had to admit, despite all the confusion and chaos in her life, moments like these with Cole made everything feel a little bit brighter.

"Thank you, Cole," She mumbles, feeling a warmth spreading through her chest. "You always know how to make me feel better." She shivers as a sudden cold breeze passes through, the temperature was dropping. They probably should head up inside the tree house. It wasn't super warm, but much warmer than being outside like they were now. "Let's go up. It's getting cold."

Cole nods and stands up, offering her his hand to help her stand. "After you." He grinned, gesturing to the ladder.

Hollyn returned his grin, her heart racing a bit at how close they were. She took a deep breath before climbing up the ladder, Cole following closely behind. Once they were both in the treehouse, Cole closed the hatch and moved to sit on one of the bean bag chairs as Hollyn opened the trunk under the hammock. She pulled out two blankets, handing one to him before sitting down beside him. They covered themselves with the blankets and scooted closer to each other, the warmth of their bodies making the blankets feel like a furnace.

"Thanks," Hollyn said, smiling as she wrapped the blanket tighter around herself. "For tonight. It was just what I needed."

"Of course. Anything for you." Cole murmured, a soft smile tugging at his lips. He was glad he could help her, and he always enjoyed their time together. He looked over at her, his eyes scanning over her features. She was beautiful, even with her hair slightly messy and her cheeks flushed from the cold. She was always beautiful to him.

Hollyn was lost in thought, her eyes gazing out the window at the night sky. Snow was falling slowly, the moonlight casting a soft glow over everything. It was peaceful, and it made her feel at ease. She realized a strand of her hair had fallen in front of her face and she tried to blow it out of the way, but it wouldn't budge. She let out a frustrated huff, annoyed at her uncooperative hair. Cole noticed and chuckled, reaching up to brush the strand away from her face. His touch was gentle, his fingers brushing against her cheek as he tucked the strand behind her ear. Hollyn's breath caught in her throat and she felt her heart race. His hand lingered for a moment before he pulled away, his gaze meeting hers. She could see the affection in his eyes, the tenderness in his smile.

"Better?" He asked, his voice soft and low.

"Much." She whispered, her cheeks flushing. Her stomach was filled with butterflies and her pulse quickened. It was taking every ounce of her willpower not to kiss him right then and there. She had been fighting her feelings for him for a while now, but it was getting harder and harder to resist. She wanted nothing more than to give in, to surrender to her desires. But she knew she couldn't. Not when there was so much at stake. She couldn't risk ruining their friendship, or losing him altogether. She would rather have him in her life as a best friend than not have him at all.

Cole could sense her conflict and he could see the desire in her eyes. But he didn't want to push her, so he did his best to keep his emotions in check. He didn't want to do anything she wasn't ready for. He cared about her too much to rush things. He wanted her to be sure, and he would wait however long it took. So, he leaned forward to kiss her cheek and smiled.

"Good. I'm glad." He murmurs, his eyes never leaving hers. He was trying to hide his emotions, but it was hard when she looked at him like that. Like he was the only thing in the world that mattered. It made him feel like his heart would burst out of his chest. He clears his throat and pulls away, hoping to gain some control over himself. "We should probably head back." He looks over to the window, noticing the snowfall was heavier now. "The snow's getting worse. Plus it's getting late."

Hollyn nods, reluctantly pulling away from his gaze. "Yeah, you're right." She mumbles, letting out a sigh. "We can't stay here forever, as much as I'd like to." She admitted, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of red. She felt silly, but she didn't care. She couldn't help it. Cole had a way of making her feel things she had never felt before, things she didn't even know she was capable of feeling.

Cole smiles fondly at her, his eyes full of understanding as he stands up, folding the blanket and setting it aside. He offers her a hand, helping her up. She folds the blanket she used and grabs his, putting them both back in the trunk before following him outside. The snow is falling faster and heavier now, the wind blowing through the trees causing a rustling sound. They quickly make their way over to their horses to untie them and start their way back.

The ride home was a silent one, each of them lost in their own thoughts. But it was a comfortable silence, the kind that only two people who know each other well can share. The air was cold, and the wind was howling, but neither of them cared. They were content to just be together. When they got to the Bellwood ranch, they said good night to each other and parted ways. Cole went back to his ranch next door and Hollyn went to put Apollo up in the barn.

Once the horses were taken care of and all the animals were fed, she headed back to the house, eager to get warm. She didn't realize how cold she was until she stepped inside and was greeted by the warm air. She took her boots and jacket off, hanging them up before walking into the living room. Her aunt and uncle were sitting on the couch, her cousins asleep at the end of the couch, just like she left them. The dogs were curled up on their beds and Kiwi was sat by her cousins, sleeping peacefully. She smiled at the scene, her heart swelling with affection for her family. They were a chaotic bunch, but she loved them. But she furrowed her eyebrows when she didn't see her parents, a sense of worry washing over her.

"Where are my parents?" She asked, trying to keep the panic out of her voice.

Her aunt and uncle exchange a look, a sense of concern and hesitation in their eyes. "They're upstairs. In your parents' room." Her aunt finally replied, her tone soft and reassuring.

"Oh, okay," Hollyn replied, relieved. "I'm gonna go say goodnight."

Her aunt gave a nod, her gaze following Hollyn as she walked out of the room and upstairs.

She walks into her parents' room and sees them sitting on the bed. Her dad is holding her mom's hand and rubbing soothing circles on her back. Her mom's eyes are red and puffy, her face stained with tears. Her dad is doing his best to comfort her, but Hollyn can tell he's hurting too.

"Mom?" She spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her parents looked up, their expressions immediately shifting when they saw her standing there. They shared a look, their gazes silently communicating before they turned their attention back to Hollyn.

"Sweetheart, come sit," Her mom said, her voice soft and gentle. "There's something we need to talk to you about."

"What's wrong?" Hollyn asks, her heart racing and a feeling of dread settling in the pit of her stomach. "Is everything okay?" She asked, her mind already starting to race with possibilities. Was someone hurt? Sick? Dying? Her parents exchanged a glance, and her dad patted the spot on the bed beside him, indicating for her to come closer. Hollyn's heart pounded in her chest as she slowly made her way over to them, her mind racing with worry and anticipation. She sat on the bed, her eyes never leaving her parents. Her mom and dad shared a look, their faces etched with concern. They seemed to be having an internal debate about something. Finally, her mom spoke up.

"Sweetheart, we've been keeping something from you," Her mom began, her voice shaky and unsure. "Something very important. And we didn't tell you sooner because we didn't want to worry you and until we knew more ourselves. But now, we think it's time you knew the truth. The whole truth."

Hollyn's breath caught in her throat and a feeling of anxiety washed over her. "Okay... What is it?" She asked hesitantly, her mind still racing with possibilities.

Her parents exchanged another glance, her mom biting her lip nervously and her dad squeezing her mom's hand reassuringly. Her dad took a deep breath and turned to face her, his expression serious and his eyes filled with sorrow.

"Hollyn, your mom has cancer." He says, his voice barely above a whisper.

Hollyn's entire world stopped. Hollyn stared at her dad, her mouth agape and her eyes wide. She didn't know what to say, what to think. She felt numb, like her whole body was made of stone. She could barely breathe, barely think. All she could do was stare.

"W-What?" She finally stuttered, her voice hoarse and broken. She didn't want it to be true. She wanted to wake up from this nightmare. But it wasn't a dream, and her parents weren't going to suddenly tell her it was all a big joke. Her mom has cancer. And nothing would ever be the same again.

Her mom's bottom lip quivers and fresh tears spill down her cheeks. Her dad pulls her close and she cries into his shoulder, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears. Hollyn felt tears sting her eyes and her throat tightened, a sob threatening to escape. But she didn't want to cry, didn't want to make this any worse than it already was. She needed to be strong. For her mom. For her dad. For herself. She took a deep, shaky breath, trying to keep her composure.

"How long have you known?" She asked, her voice quiet and strained.

"About a month," Her dad replies softly as he comforted his wife, his eyes filled with sadness and regret. "We didn't want to tell you sooner because we didn't have much information. We were waiting to hear back from the doctor and the oncologist."

Hollyn's heart broke. Her mom had been suffering alone for a month. A whole month. And she didn't even know. The tears finally began to fall, the weight of everything crushing her. She felt guilty, selfish, stupid. She should've seen the signs, should've been there for her mom. But she was so caught up in her own problems, in her own life, that she didn't even notice. And now her mom was dying.

"But the doctor said she's going to start treatment next week," Her dad continues, his voice hopeful. "And she has a really good chance of beating this." He added, giving her a reassuring smile.

Hollyn's heart clenched, relief washing over her. She clung to that hope, that reassurance. Her mom was going to be okay. She had to be. She would fight this. She would get through it.

"Does anyone else know?" Hollyn asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"My sister and brother in law knows. That's it." James responds, referring to her aunt and uncle down stairs. "And now you. Your mom didn't want anyone else to know yet. She didn't want to worry you and the others, especially with the holidays and all." He explains, his voice soft and gentle. "But we felt like you needed to know, especially since treatment is starting soon."

Hollyn nodded, her mind still reeling from the news. She couldn't believe this was happening. It felt like a nightmare she couldn't wake up from. But she knew she had to be strong for her mom, for her family. She couldn't let them see her fall apart, not when they needed her the most.

"Okay," Hollyn said, her voice firm despite the turmoil raging inside of her. "Okay, I understand." She repeats, her eyes shining with tears. "I'm here for you, both of you. Whatever you need, I'll be here."

Her mom pulls away from her dad and turns to her, her eyes red and puffy from crying. "Oh sweetheart, you have no idea how much that means to us." She murmured, pulling Hollyn into a tight hug.

Hollyn hugged her mom tightly, trying her best to hold back her tears. She didn't want her mom to see her cry, didn't want her to worry about her. She had too much to deal with already, and Hollyn didn't want to add to it. So she hugged her mom as tightly as she could, trying her best to stay strong for her.

Her mom pulled away, cupping Hollyn's cheeks gently. "You are so brave, and so strong. I'm so proud of you, honey. And I know your father is too." She said softly, her voice trembling. "But I also don't want you to put your life on hold for me. You still have school, your friends, your passions. You have so much ahead of you. I don't want you to miss out on anything because of me. Do you understand?"

Hollyn nodded, unable to find her voice. She wanted to argue, to tell her mom she would put everything on hold if it meant spending more time with her, but she knew her mom wouldn't let her. So she stayed silent, her heart aching.

Her mom gave her a watery smile, her eyes filled with love 

and sorrow. "Good. Now, it's late. You should get some sleep. I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too, mom." Hollyn whispers, her voice choked with emotion. She hugs her mom one last time before pulling away and walking over to her dad. "I love you too, dad." She muttered as she hugged him.

"I love you too, pumpkin." Her dad murmured, kissing the top of her head.

Hollyn walked out of the room, her heart heavy and her mind reeling. She felt like she was drowning, like the world was closing in on her. She went to her room and closed the door behind her. She leaned against the door, tears streaming down her cheeks. She sank to the floor, her body shaking with sobs. She wrapped her arms around her knees, hugging them close to her chest as she cried. She had never felt so lost, so scared, so helpless. She grabbed her phone and pulled up Cole's contact, hoping he was still awake. She blinked away the tears that blurred her vision, her hands shaking as she typed out a message.

Hey, I need to talk to you. Are you awake?

She hit send, her heart racing. She needed him, more than ever. Her phone buzzed and she looked down, relieved when she saw his response.

Yeah, I'm awake. Is everything okay?

No, not really. Can you come over?

Of course. I'll be right there. I'll be there soon.

She let out a sigh of relief, her heart feeling a little lighter. At least she would have Cole to help her through this, to be her rock when she felt like she was crumbling.

She stood up, wiping her tears away and taking a deep breath. She tried to calm herself as she walked over to unlock her window. It was still snowing, the night sky clear and full of stars. The snow was falling slowly, the moonlight casting a soft glow over everything. The air was cold and crisp, but Hollyn barely noticed. She was too lost in her thoughts, her mind still reeling from the revelation. She went to get ready for bed as she waited for Cole, knowing he would be there soon.

She changed into her pajamas, her mind a jumbled mess. She couldn't stop thinking about her mom, couldn't stop the tears that spilled down her cheeks. She sat on her bed, her mind racing and her heart aching. She couldn't believe this was happening. Her mom was sick, and she didn't know how to help her. Just as she was spiraling, there was a knock on her window. She looked up and saw Cole, his eyes filled with concern. She quickly got up and opened the window, letting him in, not caring that he had snow on him.

"Are you okay? What's going on?" He asked, his voice laced with worry. His heart ached at seeing her expression, knowing something was wrong. Her lower lip was trembling, and her eyes were shining with unshed tears. She didn't look at him, couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze. She just shook her head, unable to find the words to tell him. He didn't say anything else as he stepped closer to her, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace. She melted into his touch, the warmth and familiarity of him calming her. He held her close, his hand rubbing her back soothingly.

"Talk to me," He whispers, his voice low and soft. "Tell me what's going on."

"My mom... She..." Hollyn trails off, her throat closing up. The words were stuck in her throat, the tears threatening to spill. But Cole didn't push her. He waited patiently, holding her close. He let her take her time, let her process whatever was going through her mind. "She has cancer." Hollyn finally whispered, her voice hoarse and broken. It felt surreal saying the words aloud. She didn't want it to be true, didn't want to believe it. But it was real, and she had to face it.

Cole's eyes widens, his grip on her tightening. He didn't say anything, didn't know what to say. How do you respond to something like that? He held her tighter, offering his silent support. He knew there were no words he could say to make everything better, but he hoped that his presence alone would bring her some comfort.

Hollyn continues, the tears falling freely now as she finally let herself cry. "They just told me tonight. They knew for about a month...Well, they didn't really know, they were still figuring things out, but they knew something was wrong." She explains, her voice shaking. "And now she starts treatment next week." She finished, her voice barely above a whisper.

The weight of it all crashed into her. She had only just learned the news and already it was suffocating her. She had never felt so powerless, so afraid. But Cole was there, his presence a comfort. He held her tightly, letting her cry, not saying anything. He knew there was nothing he could say that would make it better, that would take away the pain. So he just held her, letting her know she wasn't alone. He felt his own tears brim his eyes, the thought of Hollyn losing her mom unbearable. Carolyn had become like a second mom to him, someone who always supported him and was there for him when he needed her. And now, he didn't know how to feel. Sad? Angry? Scared? He settled on just being there for Hollyn, knowing she needed him more than ever.

Hollyn's tears eventually subsided, leaving her feeling drained and empty. She leaned into Cole's embrace, finding solace in his presence. He stayed with her, offering silent support as they sat together in her room. The weight of the news lingered in the air, casting a somber atmosphere over them. But Cole was there, and that's all Hollyn could ask for right now.

He gently kisses the top of her head. "I'm here. You're not alone, okay? I'll be here for you no matter what." He whispers, his voice soft and soothing. "I'm not going anywhere."

She lets his words wash over her, taking comfort in his presence. "Thank you," She murmurs, her voice hoarse and quiet. She pulls away, meeting his gaze. Her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were stained with tears. He wipes the tears from her cheek, his thumb gentle and tender. "For everything." She added, her voice cracking.

He offers her a small smile, his gaze filled with love and compassion. "Always." He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

They stay like that for a while, the silence enveloping them. Hollyn leans her head on his shoulder, taking in his warmth and familiarity. She felt emotionally drained, the weight of everything crashing into her. But Cole was there, and that's all she could ask for right now.

He eventually looks at the time and sighs. "We should get some sleep. It's late."

"Yeah," Hollyn agrees, her voice barely above a whisper. She pauses before asking, "Can you stay with me? Just for tonight."

He smiles, his eyes shining with affection. "I didn't plan on leaving anyway." He let go of her after kissing the top of her head again and he closed the window and locked it. Then, he climbed into her bed, scooting over to give her room.

Hollyn crawled in after him, her heart feeling a little less heavy. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close so that her back was against his chest. He held her tightly, offering her comfort and security. She felt safe in his arms, protected from the storm raging outside and the turmoil within. She closed her eyes, letting herself drift off into a restless sleep, knowing that no matter what tomorrow brought, she wouldn't have to face it alone. Cole was there, and he wasn't going anywhere. 

A/N could you guys guess what was going on with carolyn? or did it surprise you? anyway, hollyn & cole are just so adorable, i love them so much.

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