CHAPTER FOURTEEN, truth or dare with a twist

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Cole had been cutting some wood for the fire when he noticed Hollyn stumbling towards him. He stops and raises his eyebrows with surprise. He never seen her like this. She was giggling, holding a red plastic cup in her hand. "Hollyn, are you drunk?"

Hollyn blinks at him, surprised by his question. "What? No, I'm not." She says, although her words are slurred. "I'm...Fine." She giggled again, her balance swaying.

"Uh-huh. Clearly." Cole deadpans as he set the axe down and reaches out to steady her before she tripped over a log. "Easy there. I think you've had enough for one night." He murmurs, taking the cup from her which earned a pout from her. "What even is this?" He asked, looking down at the dark liquid inside.

"I dunno. But it tastes really good." Hollyn grins, her eyes slightly glassy. "I've had lots of them. I forgot what Erin said it was called," She admits. "I tried a strawberry daiquiri earlier, that's my favorite so far. Erin made it."

Cole furrows his brows at her words. Erin made this? Since when did she and Erin become friends again? That was news to him. He couldn't believe that they were hanging out. He couldn't wrap his head around it. "Since when are you and Erin friends?"

"Oh, well, she apologized for being mean to me. And we talked it out. So we're gonna try and be friends again." Hollyn explains, a slight grin on her face. She looks back at the cup in his hands with a frown. "Hey, gimme that back. I wasn't finished." She pouted and tried to reach for it, but Cole holds it out of her reach.

"I don't think so." He shakes his head and downs the rest of the drink before tossing the empty cup. He didn't know what was in it, but it was strong. "Let's get you inside and get some water into you."

"But I don't want water." Hollyn whines, her lower lip jutting out in a childish manner. "I want more of that yummy drink." She grins as she thought of another drink. "Or maybe another strawberry daiquiri..."

Cole sighs and gently grabs her arm, tugging her towards the house. "Come on, short stuff. Let's go."

"But weren't you making wood for the fire or something?" She questions, looking back over at the axe in the stump. "You were really hot when you were chopping the wood, by the way." She added, grinning at him.

Cole feels his face flush at her words. He wasn't expecting her to say something like that. He clears his throat, trying to ignore the way his heart was hammering in his chest. Why was he acting like this when she said something like that? She was clearly drunk, she never would've said something like that when she was sober. "I can finish the wood later. You're more important." He muttered, leading her towards the house.

"Awe, so sweet." Hollyn smiles, leaning her head against his shoulder. "You're the best, Cole."

Cole couldn't help but smile, feeling his heart flutter at her words. Despite her drunken state, he appreciated the sentiment. "Thanks, short stuff." Hollyn giggled as they made their way inside, Cole gently guiding her through the door and towards the kitchen. Once there, he helped her sit down at the table before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and handing it to her.

She pouts at it, not looking pleased. "I don't want this."

"I don't care." He tells her as he opens the bottle and gives it to her. "Drink up. You need it. Don't make me force you." He warned.

Hollyn sighs and reluctantly takes a sip. She wrinkles her nose, not a fan of the taste. "Ugh, this is gross. It has no flavor." She whined, setting the bottle down.

"It's water, it's not supposed to have flavor." Cole retorts, giving her a pointed look. "Now drink up. I'm not kidding, I will force you to drink it if I have to."

Hollyn narrows her eyes at him. "You wouldn't."

"Try me." Cole challenges, arching a brow. He was prepared to hold her down and force her to drink the water, he wasn't messing around.

Hollyn looks like she's debating on whether or not to accept his challenge, and he knows she's a stubborn one. So he decides to play dirty and uses his size to his advantage. He quickly leans over her, bracing one hand on the table next to her and using his other hand to cup her cheek, tilting her head up. Her eyes widen and her face flushes as he looks down at her, his gaze intense. "Please drink the water, Hollyn. For me?" He murmured, his voice low and husky. He knows the effect he's having on her, and he doesn't care. He wants her to listen to him and take care of herself.

Hollyn swallows thickly, her eyes darting down to his lips for a split second. She can't deny the effect he's having on her, her skin burning under his touch. But she's not going to give in that easily. "Make me." She challenged, her eyes locking with his.

As Cole looked into Hollyn's eyes, he could see the playful defiance there, but also a hint of vulnerability. He knew she was trying to maintain her stubborn façade, but he could sense that she might be relenting, even if just a little. He holds her gaze, his hand reaching out to cup her face, his thumb gently brushing against her cheek as he speaks softly, "I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to do, Hollyn. But I also know you'll feel better later. Please, just drink the water."

Hollyn feels a swirl of emotions coursing through her, mixed with the intoxicating effect of the alcohol and the proximity of Cole's presence. She knows he's right, and she doesn't want to push him too far. With a sigh, she relents, nodding slightly as she reaches for the bottle of water. "Okay, okay. I'll drink it."

Cole leans back with a satisfied smirk, trying to ignore the way his heart had fluttered at the close contact. "Thank you, Holly Berry." He sat across from her, watching her with concern. "Feeling better yet?"

"Maybe a little." Hollyn mumbles. She had to admit it she was starting to feel a little more clear-headed. She still felt a bit tipsy, but not as bad as before. The cool water was helping, and the effects of the alcohol were starting to wear off. "Thanks for looking out for me, Cole. I appreciate it."

"Always." He smiles. He then frowns and shakes his head, "So, about Erin. How did that happen? Are you guys friends now?"

"Well, she apologized for bullying me." Hollyn explains, suddenly finding the water bottle she held interesting. She doesn't want to look at Cole's reaction to the news. "She said she wanted to be friends again, and I was willing to give her a chance."

"Just like that?" Cole asks, raising his eyebrows. He was surprised, to say the least. He hadn't expected Hollyn to forgive Erin so easily, or for Erin to even apologize in the first place. "I'm not going to lie, I'm impressed. That's a pretty big gesture on her part. And I'm happy you decided to forgive her."

"Yeah, well, it felt good." She confesses. "Being around her, and not having her hate me...It's a nice feeling." She shrugs. "It made me realize I missed her. She was my best friend once, and I miss that."

Cole smiles, his heart swelling with pride. "You're amazing, Hollyn. You know that, right?"

"I dunno about that." She chuckles, rubbing the back of her neck. "I'm just trying to do the right thing, that's all."

Cole couldn't help but chuckle at her modesty. "Well, it's true. You're a good person, Hollyn. And you deserve to be happy."

"Thanks, Cole." Hollyn smiles. "That means a lot, coming from you." She's still feeling the effects of the alcohol, but she feels a warm buzz of happiness, mixed with the lingering emotions from the intensity of the moment with Cole earlier.

Cole couldn't help but smile at her. "You ready to head back out there? Or do you wanna call it a night?"

"I'm ready to go back out." She nods as she got up. "Thanks again for the water, and for looking out for me."

"Anytime." He grins, giving her a small wink as he held the door open for her. "After you, short stuff."

She rolls her eyes and chuckles. "Since when have you been calling me short stuff?"

"I dunno. Since I figured it fits." Cole snickers, closing the door behind them. "You're pretty short, Holls."

"Oh, shut up." Hollyn laughs and shakes her head. "I'm not that short."

"Uh-huh. Sure, whatever you say." He smirked, teasing her.

The two head back over to the group just as they overheard they were going to play Truth or Dare. Hollyn furrows her eyebrows, not understanding why they were so excited to play that game. "What's so exciting about Truth or Dare?" She questioned.

"Hey, you're back!" Areli smiles at her. "And got sobered up I see, I'm glad you're okay, but also glad you had your fun. Anyway, the way we play Truth or Dare is a bit more...Different than regular Truth or Dare is."

"Yeah, it's Truth or Dare with a twist." Lachlan grins. "You wanna play?"

Hollyn hesitates, glancing at her friends nervously. She had a feeling she wouldn't have much of a choice in the matter. "I guess?" She shrugged.

"Great." Erin smiles at her and then glances at Ruby. "Ruby, truth or dare."

"Truth." Ruby replied.

"What do you really think of Paige?" Erin questioned. Ruby chuckled and turned to her left, pulling Dylan in for a heated kiss. 

Hollyn furrows her eyebrows with confusion. "Uh, what just happened?" She asked.

Areli chuckles. "In our Truth or Dare, if you want to pass you have to kiss the person on your left." She explained.

Hollyn's eyes widen with surprise. "Oh, that's....Interesting." She stammered. She never played Truth or Dare like this before, and she wasn't sure if she was okay with it. She was starting to regret to play it because she realized she was standing by Cole's left side.

Soon it was Olivia's turn. "Okay, my turn." She looks around before her gaze lands on Cole. "Cole. What do you really think about Dylan stealing your spot and number?"

Cole tenses, not expecting that question. He had paused drinking the beer can he held and he takes a deep breath. "I'm actually done with this game. I quit."

"Not surprising." Erin murmurs, causing Cole to stop from walking away. "Quitting things is kind of your MO these day."

Cole exhales sharply, feeling the anger bubbling inside him. He side glances at Hollyn, causing Erin's eyes to widen slightly as she realized what he was going to do. She then narrows her eyes at him, anger flashing in them. "You wouldn't." She growled.

"Oh, wouldn't I?" He smirked and he turned to look down at Hollyn, who was looking at him with wide eyes and a red face. He leaned down, cupping her cheek and tilting her face up towards his. His gaze flickers down to her lips before back to her eyes. Time seemed to slow down as he leaned down to close the gap between their lips. But before their lips could touch, Hollyn quickly pulled back, her face bright red as she pushed him away.

"I-I'm sorry, I gotta go." She mumbled and she quickly turned and ran off.

Cole sighed, his heart aching. How did he always manage to screw everything up? He glanced back at the group, seeing Erin's glare, Areli's and Lachlan's sympathetic expression one. Olivia looked surprise along with the others. He quickly turned and walked away, heading towards the woods. He needed some time alone.

"Hollyn!" Erin calls out, watching her friend flee. She was worried about her. "I'll be back." She told the others and went to chase after her friend. Areli and Lachlan shared a look, surprised she was going after Hollyn. They still couldn't believe the fact that the two were friends again. 

Hollyn kept running, not caring where she was going. She was embarrassed and upset, and she needed to get away. She didn't mean to push Cole away, but she panicked. She was caught off guard and she didn't want him to kiss her, not like that. She wasn't drunk anymore, and she wasn't about to let him kiss her without knowing how she really felt about him. She finally stops running once she reaches the shore of the lake. She walked over to the dock and sat down, staring out at the water. She knew the water was freezing, but maybe the cold would help numb her thoughts.

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. When nothing seemed to work, she took a deep breath and mutters, "I can't believe I'm doing this."

She took her phone out of her pocket and set it on the ground before she jumped into the water. Her body tenses, the shock of the cold hitting her like a slap in the face. She grits her teeth and starts swimming, the frigid water numbing her senses. The swim was refreshing and invigorating, and it helped clear her head. She finally felt like she could breathe again. She swam back to the shore and emerged from the water, shivering. She was soaked to the bone and her clothes clung to her skin.

"There you are." Erin speaks, causing her to jump. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

Hollyn turns and saw Erin standing there, looking worried. "Sorry, I just needed some time alone."

"No worries, I get it." Erin replies, her eyes widen as she noticed Hollyn was soaking wet. "Hollyn, what the h** were you thinking? You're soaked and it's freezing."

"I needed to clear my head." Hollyn tells her. "The cold helped, actually." She admits, shivering as she crossed her arms, trying to keep warm. "I'm sorry, by the way. For what Cole tried to do."

"I appreciate you not kissing him." Erin murmurs, sending her a small smile. "I can't deny that I'm a little pissed at him though." She mutters. "Okay, really pissed at him. I know he was just going to kiss you to make me jealous, but still..." She shakes her head. "Though I guess I asked for it since I provoked him..." Her voice trails off as she noticed the way Hollyn was shaking. "Hollyn, let's go inside, we'll get you warmed up and dry, yeah?"

"O-Okay." Hollyn stutters, her teeth chattering. "Sounds like a great idea. I didn't really think that idea through...Probably 'cause I'm a little tipsy still."

"I think you're more than a little tipsy." Erin snickers, wrapping an arm around her to help warm her up as they walk back to the house. "I'm impressed you were able to swim in this state. I couldn't do it, not sober anyway."

"Neither could I, actually." Hollyn admits, her lips curving into a small smile. "But it helped."

"Good, I guess." Erin smiled back and chuckled as she helped Hollyn back to the house. The two girls make their way inside the house, finding Cole in the kitchen.

He was leaning against the counter, his expression unreadable. His eyes widen slightly when he saw Hollyn, her hair damp and her clothes soaked. "Hollyn, what the-"

"Don't worry, she's fine." Erin assures him, cutting him off. "Just a little cold and tipsy." She explained, earning a playful shove from Hollyn.

"Shut up." She pouted, her cheeks reddening.

Cole sighed, his expression softening. He felt bad for what he tried to do earlier, and he wanted to make it up to her. He wanted to be a better friend to her. "Look, Erin-"

"Just make sure she gets home safe. That's all I care about right now." Erin cut him off again, her voice stern. She didn't want to talk about it. Cole nodded in understanding. 

"Alright." He agreed.

Everyone soon gathered their things and decided to head back. They all said their goodbyes and parted ways. Cole had helped her in the back seat, letting her use his jacket as a blanket. She had passed out right when her head hit the window. He smiled softly, her peaceful face making his heart flutter. He glanced at Erin through the rear view mirror. He had seen the hurt in her eyes earlier, and it pained him. He knew she still cared for him, and he didn't want to hurt her. But he couldn't deny the feelings he had for Hollyn. He sighed and leaned his head against the window as Danny drove them home.

This was going to be a long night.


Hollyn is shook awake and groans, not wanting to wake up yet. She swats away the hand on her shoulder and pulls the jacket closer to her. "Leave me alone." She mumbled.

"Holls, you gotta get up." A familiar voice spoke and her eyes snapped open, her eyes landing on the blue ones in front of her. "We're at your place." Cole leaned over and unbuckled her seatbelt and helped her out.

"Thanks." She mutters, still a bit sleepy. "I think I can take it from here." She assured him as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Cole's letterman jacket was draped over her shoulders, the warmth still radiating off of it.

"I know, but I wanna make sure you get inside okay." Cole told her as he led her to her front door after wrapping an arm around her shoulders to help keep her steady and provide extra warmth. Hollyn didn't even argue, simply too tired to fight him. She leaned her head against his shoulder, the faint scent of his cologne filling her nose. She smiled softly, the familiar smell soothing her.

"Thanks, Cole." She whispered as they approached her door.

"No problem, Holls." He smiles softly. He pulls away, pausing before adding, "Are we still good? After earlier, I mean."

Hollyn's lips curve into a tired smile, nodding slightly. "Of course." She assures him. "I'm sorry I freaked out on you...I just wasn't expecting it. It caught me off guard. I didn't want you to kiss me to make Erin jealous or whatever you were trying to do."

"Yeah, I figured." Cole sighs, looking regretful. "I'm sorry, Holls. I shouldn't have done that. It was a stupid and reckless thing to do. Though it was the rules in the game." He added with a smirk.

"Oh, shut up." Hollyn snorted, punching him in the arm playfully.

Cole couldn't help but chuckle. Even when she was tired and a little drunk, she was adorable. Well, she was always adorable. But more so when she was sleepy.

"Get some rest, Holls." He smiled fondly at her.

"Will do, captain." Hollyn giggles and gave him a mock salute and she opens the door when she unlocked it. "Night, Cole."

"Goodnight, Hollyn." Cole smiled and watched as she walked inside and closed the door behind her. 

Hollyn enters the house, closing the door behind her with a sigh. She flinches when she heard a voice, glancing up to see her mother sitting on the couch. She hadn't even noticed her mom was there. "Hey, mom." She greeted her.

"Hi, sweetie." Carolyn frowns at her, standing up to walk over to her. "Why are you soaking wet? And why did I get a call from school that you ditched the rest of the day?" She questioned.

Hollyn sighs, knowing there was no way out of this. She was screwed. "Mom, I can explain..."

"You better start talking." Carolyn crossed her arms and gave her a stern look. Hollyn knew she was in trouble, but it was worth it. She had a great time with her friends, and it was the most fun she had in awhile. And it didn't hurt that her best friend was there with her. Even though things were complicated, and confusing, she wouldn't have traded the night for anything. 

A/N surprise! hollyn & erin are friends again :) 

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