CHAPTER NINE, skipping homecoming

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The next day at school, Hollyn noticed all the football player's lockers were decorated for homecoming. It was a tradition here that their lockers would get decorated and she grimaced, wondering how Cole was feeling. Football was everything to him until he had that injury. Now, it was just a reminder that he'd never be able to play again. She was walking down the hallway with Areli and Elsie when they passed Cole's locker.

"He's got gonna be happy about that." Hollyn sighed, her eyes scanning the locker. There was a sign that read 'we still love you, cole!' on his locker.

"He's gonna have a field day." Areli snickered.

"Areli!" Elsie hissed, hitting her arm.

"What? I'm just saying." Areli shrugged.

"Hey, what's going on?" They heard a familiar voice ask. The three girls turned around and saw Cole walking up to them, his hands in the pockets of his varsity jacket. His face fell as he noticed his locker and the one by it. Dylan, one of his close friends, was now the quarterback and his locker by his was decorated completely. "What's this?"

"Your locker and Dylan's." Areli replied, smirking.

"That's not funny, A." Cole glares at her, clenching his jaw. "Why didn't someone tell me?"

"Cole, they weren't doing it on purpose. They're just celebrating." Hollyn speaks up, stepping forward. "And everyone is still supporting you."

"I don't want their support." Cole shakes his head, glaring at the lockers. "It's bs." 

"Cole, calm down." Hollyn put her hand on his shoulder, her fingers brushing against his neck. His skin burned underneath her touch, making his heart skip a beat. Cole let out a sigh, relaxing a little. "Everyone is just excited about the homecoming game. No one is trying to hurt your feelings or anything."

"Yeah, you should be proud." Elsie added, a smile appearing on her face.

"Proud?" Cole raises his eyebrows, a scowl appearing on his face. "What would I have to be proud of? I can't even play anymore." He spat, a bitter tone in his voice.

"You're still on the team." Hollyn points out, her voice soft and gentle. "Just because you can't play anymore, doesn't mean you're not on the team."

"Whatever." Cole mumbles, shaking his head. "I can't stand this. I can't be here right now." He pushed past the girls, heading down the hallway and away from his locker.

"Coley..." Hollyn frowned, watching him.

"Let him go, Holly." Areli tells her. "He's pissed and upset, give him time."

"But I just..." Hollyn trails off, letting out a heavy sigh. "He shouldn't be alone. He shouldn't have to deal with this alone."

"He'll come around, Holl." Elsie reassures her, giving her a small smile. "You know how he gets."

"Yeah, but he's not dealing with it well." Hollyn said, a worried look in her eyes.

"You know what helps cheer him up, don't you?" Areli smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Areli..." Hollyn groaned, her face turning red.

"What?" Areli chuckles and shrugs. "I'm just saying."

"You know what, I have to go to class." Hollyn said, quickly leaving the two. She knew what Areli was insinuating and it wasn't happening. She wasn't having sex with Cole just to cheer him up. Not that she didn't want to. But this wasn't the right time or situation for that. Plus they were best friends. She didn't want to ruin that. Despite her growing feelings for him.


Later that day, she was hanging out at the tree house. She was working on homework, but her mind was elsewhere. She kept thinking about what Areli and Elsie were teasing her about and it made her nervous. How would she ever be able to tell Cole how she felt about him? Especially since they've known each other since they were little and he's always seen her as just his best friend. She didn't want to risk their friendship by telling him her feelings. But the thought of losing him and not telling him her feelings scared her.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the ladder creaking. She looked over and saw Cole climbing up the ladder, a backpack slung over his shoulder. She smiled softly and closed her textbook, setting it down next to her.

"Hey." Cole greeted her, climbing into the tree house and setting his bag down.

"Hey." Hollyn smiles, leaning back against the couch. "How was work?"

"Eh, fine." Cole shrugs, sitting down next to her. He sighs. "I ran into Miss Jacobs on my way to work. She's really persistent about making an appointment with her about my grades."

"You know, I don't mind tutoring you, Coley." Hollyn suggested, offering a supportive smile.

"I know, but I don't want to have to rely on you." Cole shakes his head. "I just...I want to be able to handle it on my own."

Hollyn nods understandingly and smiles. "I get it, Cole. But just know, I'm here for you, whether it's tutoring or just someone to talk to."

"Thanks, Holls. I appreciate that," He said with a small smile, his eyes meeting hers. The atmosphere felt comfortable, yet there was an underlying tension that lingered between them.

As they sat in the treehouse, the sun dipping below the horizon, Hollyn couldn't shake off the earlier incident in the hallway. She decided to bring it up, hesitant but concerned. "Hey, about earlier, with your locker and Dylan's... Are you okay?"

Cole sighs, his shoulders slumping a bit. "It just sucks, you know? I used to love football, I mean, I still do. But now it's a constant reminder of what I can't do anymore."

Hollyn reaches out, placing a hand on his arm and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I know it's hard, Cole. But everyone decorating the lockers, they're not trying to hurt you. They still care about you, and they want to show support in their own way."

"Yeah, but it's not the same," He admits, looking down at his lap with a frown. "I appreciate their support, but it's just a painful reminder of what I've lost."

Hollyn nods, understanding the depth of his frustration. She smiles softly at him. "You're still part of the team, Cole, and you're not alone in this. We all care about you, not just for your football skills. You're more than that."

Cole glances at her, a mix of gratitude and sadness in his eyes. "Thanks, Holls. That means a lot. You always know what to say to make me feel better."

Hollyn feels her cheeks grow warm, and she gives him a small smile. She wants to tell him that it's because she cares about him and has feelings for him, but she keeps those words to herself, not wanting to ruin the moment. "Of course, Coley. I'm always here for you."

Cole leans over and wraps his arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug. Hollyn hugs him back, relishing in the closeness and comfort of his embrace. She rests her chin on his shoulder and closes her eyes, enjoying the moment. "Thank you, Holly Berry. For everything." Cole murmured, his voice quiet.

Hollyn pulls back slightly, looking up at him with a soft smile. "Of course, Cole. Always."

"I'm sorry about earlier." Cole apologizes as they pull away from each other. "I was kinda a jerk."

"You don't have to apologize. You have a right to feel that way. You got something you love taken away from you." Hollyn shakes her head, her expression sympathetic. "'re not useless. And you're not a failure." She told him, taking his hand in hers. She knew that he often thought that way about himself. Ever since his leg injury, he'd been feeling that way. But he wasn't. He was far from a failure.

"I know. But sometimes I feel like I am." Cole admits, his eyes falling. "I mean, I'm not smart. I can't do football now. Getting a scholarship for football was my one chance to college and so what's the point of going to college?"

Hollyn's eyes widen slightly at hearing this. Him possibly not going to college was news to her. "What? Why wouldn't you go to college?" She questioned, looking at him.

"Why would I? I'm not smart, like I said. I don't know if you noticed, but my grades are not good at all. Can't play any sports because of this stupid leg." Cole sighs, his voice bitter. "My only chance was football and it got taken away from me."

"Cole, there are other ways to get into college. And you're a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for, Coley. Your grades may not be good right now, but that doesn't mean they can't be." Hollyn tells him. "And, I know this isn't what you want to hear, but it's not the end of the world if you can't play football. You can still live a full life."

"Not like this, I can't." Cole mutters, a frown appearing on his face. He pulls his hand away from hers, crossing his arms. "And it doesn't help that homecoming is tomorrow. The whole day will be about football."

"Then maybe we should just skip it." Hollyn suggests, smiling at him. "We can go hang out somewhere, just the two of us. No football or homecoming."

Cole looks at her, raising an eyebrow. "Seriously? You're willing to skip homecoming? You love homecoming." He's surprised she would even suggest to skip it. She loved the homecoming huddle and she loved going to the game and helping out with the art club fundraiser.

"I know. But I don't want you to have to go and see everyone celebrating and have it make you feel bad." Hollyn told him, giving him a sympathetic smile. "If you want to skip, then we can." Her eyes lit up as she thought of an idea. "Oh, we could go camping up to Cherry Creek. You love that place. We could stay up late and look at the stars. Like we did when we were little."

Cole's heart warmed at her words and at her suggestion. She always knew how to cheer him up and she knew him better than anyone. They'd known each other practically their whole lives. And she was his best friend. And he knew her better than anyone. So, he could tell when she wasn't being completely honest. And he knew she loved homecoming, but he could see it in her eyes, she didn't want to go for him. She didn't want him to have to endure all the celebration and the football and be reminded that he couldn't play anymore.

"Holls, I know you love homecoming. And the football game. We don't have to skip." Cole shakes his head, giving her a soft smile. "It's okay. I'll be fine. I'll suck it up and just deal with it."

"Cole, I want to skip with you." Hollyn tells him, a smile appearing on her face. "You're more important than homecoming." She admitted, her cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. She didn't regret telling him that, though. It was the truth. He was more important than some high school dance or football game.

Cole looked at her, his expression softening. He could feel his heart swell with gratitude and a warmth spread through him. He never expected Hollyn to suggest skipping homecoming, especially knowing how much she loved it. But her willingness to prioritize his feelings over the event meant the world to him. "Thank you, Holls. That means a lot." He smiled, his hand reaching over and resting on her thigh, squeezing it gently.

The touch sent a jolt of electricity through Hollyn's body and she bit her lip. She tried not to focus on the warmth radiating from his hand and instead, gave him a smile. "Anytime, Coley."

They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, enjoying each other's company. But the air felt thick with anticipation, the unspoken feelings lingering between them. Cole broke the silence. "I know you said I was more important than homecoming and I appreciate that, but...You love it, Holls. You've always been involved in it and you help out a lot. Are you sure you want to skip?"

Hollyn hesitated before answering, debating what the best thing was. She hated seeing him hurting, but she didn't want him to feel like he had to suffer through it. And besides there would be other homecomings she could go to. "I'm sure. Let's skip it. We could leave tomorrow after breakfast." She grinned, placing her hand on his that was still on her thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Cole's eyes softens as he looks at her, appreciating her willingness to sacrifice something she loved for his sake. He couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and warmth toward Hollyn. "You're amazing, you know that?" He murmured, his thumb gently tracing circles on the back of her hand.

Hollyn felt her heart skip a beat, and she smiled softly. "Thanks, Coley. You're pretty amazing yourself." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. She couldn't help but feel hopeful about their future and their relationship, but she knew they had to take it one step at a time.

Cole smiled at her words, his gaze lingering on hers for a few moments before he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her cheek, his lips soft and warm against her skin. Hollyn felt a shiver run down her spine at the contact and she bit her lip, suppressing a smile while butterflies swarm in her stomach. The intimacy of the moment lingered, and Hollyn's heart raced. She couldn't deny the feelings that were bubbling to the surface. But she was determined to keep them under control, not wanting to ruin the moment.

Cole pulls back slightly, his eyes meeting hers. He had a soft smile on his face and his eyes were full of warmth and affection. "So, tomorrow then?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Tomorrow." Hollyn nods, smiling softly. "Speaking of that, we should probably leave so we can pack and be well rested." She suggested, standing up. She knew she was avoiding staying with him any longer, but she needed a breather and a clear head. She couldn't stop thinking about his lips and how close he was to her. It was overwhelming.

"You're right, as always." Cole replies, a hint of teasing to his voice as he stands up. "Let's head back." He went over to the ladder and climbed down first. He went over to Athena to untie her reins. He glanced back over at Hollyn, watching with slight concern as she made her way down the ladder. He knew it made her nervous climbing up and down the ladder.

"Need some help?" He offered, holding his hands out.

"No, I got it." Hollyn shook her head, carefully making her way down the ladder. She appreciated his help, but she knew she could do this on her own...Or at least she hoped she could. Cole nodded, letting his hand drop back to his side as he watched her. He admired her determination and confidence, and he was glad to see her trying to do something she was afraid of.

"There you go." He smiled as she reached the bottom, his hand reaching out and squeezing her shoulder reassuringly. She took a deep breath as her feet met the solid ground, exhaling slowly. She couldn't help the grin that spread across her face, and she gave Cole a triumphant smile.

"Told you I could do it." She teased, nudging him playfully.

Cole chuckles, shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah, I know." He climbed on Custard while Hollyn untied Apollo and mounted him.

"Alright, let's head back." Hollyn announced, leading the way as they began their trek back. 

She couldn't stop the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach and her heart felt like it was doing flips. Hollyn's mind was racing. She couldn't believe she had agreed to skip homecoming and was actually going camping. It wasn't that she didn't want to, quite the opposite. She was excited and looking forward to it. But a part of her was nervous. Being alone with Cole and spending time with him was what she wanted. But would it lead to something more?

Cole could feel his own nerves bubbling up. He was excited to spend the weekend with Hollyn, but he was also nervous. Would things be different between them? Would they get closer or further apart? He wasn't sure, but he was determined to make the most of the weekend and enjoy their time together.

"You excited?" He asked, breaking the silence that had fallen between them.

"Definitely." Hollyn smiles, glancing at him. "I haven't been camping in forever. Plus, it'll be nice to get away from everything and just relax."

Cole grins. "Yeah, it's been a while for me too. And spending some quality time away from all the noise sounds perfect."

Hollyn nods in agreement, smiling at him. "Exactly. Just us and nature."

As they rode, their thoughts consumed them, both excited and nervous for what the weekend would bring. The rest of the ride was spent in a comfortable silence, neither of them saying anything. They didn't have to. Just being around each other was enough. They arrived back at the stables, dismounting their horses and bringing them to their stalls. As they finished taking care of the horses, Hollyn couldn't shake off the lingering warmth from Cole's kiss on her cheek. It was a small gesture, but it held a significance that echoed through her thoughts.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Hollyn said, a smile forming on her face. "Meeting up around nine sound good to you?" She suggested, raising her eyebrows.

Cole grins, nodding his head. "Perfect."

"Great. Then I'll see you tomorrow." Hollyn smiled, her heart fluttering with anticipation. Cole returned the smile, and they exchange a lingering gaze before parting ways for the evening.


That night, as Hollyn packed for their camping trip, her mind kept wandering back to the unspoken feelings between her and Cole. She knew there was something more than friendship growing, but the fear of jeopardizing their longtime bond held her back. Yet, the warmth of his embrace and the tenderness in his eyes lingered, creating a swirl of emotions within her. The uncertainty and conflict raged within her as she packed her belongings, but the excitement for their upcoming adventure helped to calm her nerves.

While she was packing, she had a record playing and Lottie was curled up on her bed that was in her room while chewing on a bone. Hollyn didn't realize her mom had came in to check on her until she heard a voice behind her.

"Going somewhere?" Carolyn questioned, leaning against the doorframe. Lottie had perked up at seeing her, her tail wagging but she stayed where she was and kept chewing on her bone.

Hollyn jumps, startled by the sudden voice. She turns around, relaxing when she sees her mom. "Oh, hi, mom. You scared me."

"Sorry, sweetheart." Carolyn chuckles, walking over to and glancing at the backpack on her bed. "Where are you going?" She asked softly, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Uh, just a little camping trip. With Cole." Hollyn answers sheepishly, feeling her face warm up as she went back to packing. "Is that okay?" She adds, glancing back at her nervously. "I mean, I just suggested we could go camping because I know how awful tomorrow would be for him."

Carolyn's expression softens her eyes filled with sympathy. "Of course it's okay, honey. I think it's very sweet that you would do that for him. Just text me when you get there and if you need anything, let me know."

"I will, mom." Hollyn smiles, her shoulders sagging with relief. She was grateful her mom understood. "Thanks."

"Just...Be careful, okay?" Carolyn cautioned, giving her a look.

Hollyn's eyes widen, understanding why her mom was looking at her like that. "We're not...We're just best friends, mom. You know that." She stammered, trying not to blush.

Carolyn raises an eyebrow, crossing her arms. "Mhmm."

"Mom, it's not like that." Hollyn shakes her head, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. "You know Cole and I are best friends."

"And I know that you are starting to fall for him." Carolyn adds, a knowing smile forming on her face. "Don't give me that look, sweetheart." She chuckles after seeing the look on her daughter's face. "I'm your mother. I can tell. You have that look in your eye whenever he's around. And when you talk about him, it's different than how you talk about other people."

Hollyn blushes, biting her lip. "I...He's my best friend. Of course it's different." She tries to defend, but even to her own ears, her voice didn't sound convincing.

Carolyn laughs, shaking her head. "Sure, honey. But just be careful, okay? Don't get hurt. I know Cole and you have been best friends since forever and that's why I'm trusting you. Just be careful and take care of each other. Sometimes, feelings can get complicated, and I just want you both to be happy." 

 Hollyn nods, appreciating her mother's concern and advice. "I will, mom. Thanks for understanding." 

 "Of course. Be safe and have fun. And if anything happens, you know you can always talk to me, right?" Carolyn said softly, smiling warmly at her daughter. 

Hollyn smiled at her mom, feeling comforted by her words. "I know, Mom. Thank you. I'll text you when we get there."

Carolyn gave her a warm hug, holding her tightly for a moment before pulling back. "Now, finish packing and have a great time. And don't forget to text me when you arrive and when you guys are coming back. I love you."

"I love you too, mom." Hollyn sighs, smiling slightly. "I'll be sure to let you know that I'm not getting murdered." She joked.

Carolyn lets out a chuckle, shaking her head. "Oh, I have no doubt that Cole would never let anything happen to you. I bet you there's nothing that boy would let hurt you." Carolyn finished with a knowing smile.

Hollyn felt a warmth in her chest at her mother's words. She knew Cole would protect her no matter what, just as she would protect him. The reassurance from her mother only solidified her resolve to make this trip special for him. With that, Carolyn left the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't deny the truth behind her words, though. She sighed, turning back to her bed and continued packing. She needed to clear her head and get some rest. Tomorrow was going to be a big day.

She could feel her heart racing at the thought of spending the weekend with Cole, and the butterflies that had been present in her stomach all day fluttered in excitement. She just hoped that this camping trip would bring them even closer and maybe, just maybe, they could explore the unspoken feelings between them.

A/N cole & hollyn are so cute, I love them guys, they deserve all the love.

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