CHAPTER SIXTEEN, confusing feelings & a cozy winter night

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The next day, Julien picked Hollyn up as promised, and the two had a great time at the coffee shop. They laughed and talked, and it felt so natural and comfortable. Hollyn was definitely starting to fall for him, and it seemed like he was falling for her, too. After the coffee shop, they headed to school. Julien walked her to her locker and said goodbye, kissing her cheek before he left which caused her to duck her head shyly as her face heated up.

"You and the new kid seem cozy." A teasing voice speaks up from behind her and she turns to see Erin smirking at her. "He's kinda hot." She comments, watching as Julien walked down the hallway, greeting some of the art club members he knew thanks to Hollyn. "How do you two know each other?"

"We met at the art school I went to in France. He showed me around and we became friends." Hollyn shrugs, smiling a little. "Kinda funny 'cause now since he moved here, I'm showing him around now."

"You two look pretty close." Erin raises an eyebrow, her tone suggestive. "Are you sure there's nothing going on between you two?"

Hollyn feels a knot form in her stomach at Erin's questioning, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. She didn't want to lie to Erin, but she also didn't want to complicate things further by revealing her true feelings for both Cole and Julien. "We're just friends, Erin." Hollyn replies, trying to keep her tone casual despite the unease churning within her. "Nothing more."

Erin shrugs, a sly smile on her face. "If you say so." She hums. "But for what it's worth, Shortcake, you two would make a cute couple." She added, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Hollyn's face flushes pink, her stomach fluttering with nervous butterflies. "Thanks, Erin." She mumbled, trying to ignore the fluttering sensation. ""But I just don't wanna hook up with him. I like him, and I don't wanna ruin that by having a fling." She sighs, closing her locker after getting the books that she needed. "I wanna have a real relationship, not a one night stand."

"Hey, I get that, trust me." Erin says, her tone sincere. "But you should at least give him a chance. Who knows, you might actually work out." She suggests, a small smile forming on her lips. "Just think about it, Shortcake. I know you and I know you haven't had a boyfriend before...You deserve to be happy, and he makes you happy. Why not give it a try?"

Hollyn pauses, chewing on her lower lip when she noticed Cole at his locker, talking to some of his friends. He looked really good, as always. But seeing him reminded her of the previous night during the storm. When she dared him to kiss her, when he started to lean in, when his lips almost touched hers. Her heart raced as the memory replayed in her mind.

"Hollyn?" Erin asks, seeing her stare at Cole. She follows her gaze, smirking when she realized who she was looking at. "Who would've thought that his best friend would be effected by the Cole Effect." She said teasingly, nudging her shoulder against Hollyn's. "I thought you were immune to it, being his best friend and all."

"I don't know." Hollyn murmurs, glancing at her. "Last night during the storm, something...Happened." She confesses, her cheeks turning red. "But it doesn't matter, nothing will come of it. He's your ex and my best friend, and I don't wanna ruin anything. Besides, I like Julien. I like him a lot." She confessed, but she couldn't help but glance back over at Cole. Her heart skipped a beat when she found out he was staring at her, too. He gave her a soft smile and a wave, and she couldn't help but smile back and wave.

Erin smirks, noticing the way they looked at each other. "Uh huh. I know you like Julien a lot, that's obvious. But it's also obvious that you like Cole, too." She tells her, a teasing grin forming on her lips. "I think you would be good with him or Julien. But it's up to you. It's your choice."

Hollyn looks at her with surprise. "So you would be okay if Cole and I did get together?" She asked, feeling a mix of hope and uncertainty swirling within her.

Erin shrugs nonchalantly, her expression thoughtful. "Honestly, Hollyn, as long as you're happy, I'm happy," She replies sincerely. "Though we both know the type of guy Cole is." She adds softly. "And while I know he's different with you, I just don't want you to get hurt."

Hollyn nods, understanding her concern. "I know." She replies softly. "And I appreciate that, Erin. I really do. But I can take care of myself. I can handle Cole."

"Oh, I know." Erin smirks, bumping her shoulder against Hollyn's. "I have no doubt you can handle him." She grins, earning a playful shove from Hollyn. "But seriously, whatever happens, you have my support. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters."

Hollyn smiles warmly, wrapping an arm around her in a hug. "Thanks, Erin. You're the best. I'm glad we're friends again."

"Best friends." Erin corrects, hugging her back. "Me too. I missed you." She smiles, pulling away and looking at her. "Now, enough about this mushy stuff. We gotta get to class. Come on, Shortcake." She linked her arm with Hollyn's as the bell rang, leading them to their first class of the day.

Hollyn smiled as she let Erin drag her to their first class, her mind still reeling from their conversation. She couldn't believe Erin would be so supportive of her and her feelings, especially since she was Cole's ex. But she was glad that she was, because she needed all the support she could get. Especially as she continued to navigate her complicated love life.


After school, Hollyn and Julien hung out together again, this time going to the local arcade. Hollyn had a blast at the arcade with Julien. They played various games, from classic pinball to competitive racing games. Julien's infectious laughter and playful banter kept Hollyn entertained, and she found herself enjoying his company more and more with each passing moment. As they were leaving the arcade, Hollyn couldn't help but feel conflicted. She had such a great time with Julien, but thoughts of Cole still lingered in her mind. She tried to push them aside, focusing on the present moment with Julien.

"Hey, Holly, you seemed a bit distracted today. Everything okay?" Julien asked, a hint of concern in his voice as they walked down the street.

Hollyn sighs, running a hand through her hair. "Yeah, sorry about that. I guess I just have a lot on my mind lately."

Julien stops walking, turning to face her with a gentle expression. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right? I'm here for you, Holly."

Hollyn smiles gratefully at him, butterflies swarming in her stomach at how sweet he was. "Thanks, Jules. I appreciate that. Same goes for you." She told him, gently bumping his shoulder with hers.

Julien smiles warmly, bumping his shoulder with hers. "Thank you, ma cherie." He said, his voice softening as he gazed at her.

Her heart flutters at the nickname, her cheeks turning pink. Why did he have to be so cute? "Of course." She smiles, trying to ignore the swarm of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She continues walking with him to his car where it was parked. She didn't want to end the day yet though. "How about we get some ice cream before you take me home? I could use a sugar boost." She offered, a playful smirk tugging at her lips.

Julien grins, nodding in agreement. "That sounds perfect." He replies, smiling at her. "Do you have any place in mind?"

Hollyn smiles, thinking of the perfect spot. "Actually, I know a place. Let me take you there." She told him, leading him towards the local ice cream parlor. It was one of her favorite places to go, and she was excited to share it with Julien.

As they walked to the ice cream parlor, Hollyn couldn't shake the feeling of guilt gnawing at her. She enjoyed spending time with Julien, but thoughts of Cole continued to linger in the back of her mind. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt toward him, especially after their close moment the night before. She forced herself to push the thoughts away. She shouldn't be thinking of Cole while hanging out with Julien. But her traitorous mind wouldn't stop wandering.

The two arrive at the ice cream parlor and place their order. Julien insists on paying, despite Hollyn's protests. "Jules, I can pay for myself."

"I know, but I wanted to treat you." Julien replies, his eyes shining with warmth. "I mean, you've been showing me around town lately. The least I can do is buy you ice cream, ma cherie."

Hollyn can't help but smile, her heart fluttering. How was she supposed to resist his charm? "Well, in that case, thank you. But I'm paying next time."

"Deal." Julien grins, bumping his shoulder against hers. They grab their ice cream and sit down at a table. "So, Holly, I'm curious. Which place do you like more? France or Silver Falls? Be honest."

Hollyn contemplates his question, taking a bite of her ice cream. "It's a tough decision, honestly. But I think I prefer Silver Falls. It's just home, y'know?"

"Yeah, I understand that. Silver Falls is a special place." Julien nods in agreement, a thoughtful expression on his face. "But I have to say, I'm glad I ended up here. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to spend more time with my favorite American." He smiled, winking playfully.

Hollyn laughs, a light blush tinting her cheeks. "You're such a flirt, Jules." She teases, nudging his foot with hers. "But I'm glad you're here too. You've really made a positive impact on the art club. We're lucky to have you."

Ever since Julien had moved to Silver Falls and after Hollyn introduced him to the art club, he fit right in with the group and was even interested in joining. And now he had been a part of the club for awhile and he was loving it. Hollyn was happy that he was finding his place in the school and making friends. She had been worried at first, that he would be lonely or miss his friends back in France.

Julien grins, his cheeks turning pink. "It's been great. Thanks to you, Holly. You were the one who brought me into the art club. And the one who showed me around...I'd be lost without you. Literally." He added as he chuckled and continued to eat his ice cream.

Hollyn smiles warmly at Julien, ignoring her cheeks heating up. "Well, I'm glad I could help," She replies, her voice soft. "You've been a great addition to the club, and it's been fun showing you around. And don't worry, I won't let you get lost." She teased.

Julien chuckles, leaning back in his chair and looking at her with admiration. "I appreciate that, ma cherie. You're a lifesaver." He nudged her foot with his, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.

Hollyn blushes, rolling her eyes playfully at his antics. But she couldn't help the way her heart skipped a beat, nor could she stop the butterflies swarming in her stomach. Julien was such a charmer, and he had no idea what effect he had on her. Or maybe he did and that's why he was so flirty. Either way, Hollyn couldn't help but melt under his gaze.

Soon enough they finished their ice cream and he took her home. They were now at her family's ranch, and Julien parked the car in front of her house. They sat in silence for a moment, neither of them making a move to get out of the car.

"Thanks for today, Julien," Hollyn said softly, breaking the silence. "I had a really great time." She unbuckled her seatbelt, reluctantly getting ready to leave.

Julien smiles warmly at her, his eyes shining with sincerity. "The pleasure was all mine, ma cherie," He replies. "I always have a great time when I'm with you."

Hollyn can't help but return his smile, her cheeks warming at his words. He was so charming, and she felt a swarm of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Definitely." Julien nods, watching as Hollyn exited his car. "Goodnight, Holly." He said, his voice soft and his gaze tender.

Hollyn smiles at him, her heart racing. "Goodnight, Jules." She said softly, waving goodbye before turning and walking towards her front door. Her heart was still racing, and her thoughts were racing a mile a minute. As she got to the front porch, she glanced back at Julien, her heart skipping a beat when he waved at her with a grin. She felt her cheeks warm and she waved back at him while she smiled. She watched him pull out of the driveway and drive off before entering the house. She had an amazing day with him, but a small part of her couldn't help but think about Cole. She groaned, mentally scolding herself for allowing her thoughts to drift back to Cole again. She shook her head, trying to push those thoughts aside as she entered her house.


The next couple of weeks, Hollyn found herself hanging out with Julien more and more. The more time Hollyn spent with Julien, the more she was falling for him. His kindness, his humor, his passion for art and music — it all made her heart race. She loved spending time with him, and their chemistry was undeniable. But despite her growing feelings for Julien, she couldn't ignore the feelings she had for Cole. They had been best friends for so long, and their bond was stronger than ever. But there was a tension between them that hadn't been there before, and it was impossible to deny.

Though she felt awful that she had been spending more time with Julien than Cole the past few weeks. She had been showing Julien around Silver Falls and helping him get settled in since he had recently moved here. She had been enjoying showing him around the town and teaching him all about the history of the place. She had even brought him to her favorite ice cream shop, where they had shared a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream - something they both loved. But despite the fun times she had with Julien, she couldn't help but feel guilty for not spending much time with Cole. They still hung out, but not as much. She didn't mean to make it seem like she was ignoring him or avoiding him, but it felt like that's exactly what was happening. And that was the last thing she wanted.

One night she found herself at the tree house she and Cole used to always go to after dinner. Though since she had been so busy lately, she hadn't had much time to do their tradition and she felt awful about it. She was always too tired to go after dinner or she would be busy doing something else. Now here she was, laying on the hammock in the familiar tree house. Her horse, Apollo, was tied to a nearby tree. The moonlight filtered in through the open window, casting a soft glow over the wooden walls. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves outside, creating a calming ambience. Hollyn had managed to climb up the ladder by herself and she was proud of herself for doing that. She was getting better with her fear of heights each day. She just wished it was that easy with dealing with her complicated feelings she had towards Cole and Julien.

Sighing, Hollyn closes her eyes, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. The sound of footsteps startled her and she nearly fell off the hammock. She looked over and saw Cole standing by the entrance, a slight smirk on his face. He looked amused and it made her cheeks turn red.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Cole chuckles, stepping closer to her. "You climb up here by yourself?" He asks with surprise, smiling softly when she nodded in response. "I'm proud of you, Holly Berry, you've come a long way." He praised, causing her heart to skip a beat.

"Thanks." She said quietly, looking away as her cheeks flushed. She had never been able to get over the butterflies she felt whenever he was around. She sat up straighter on the hammock, letting him sit by her. "So, what are you doing here?" She asked curiously, trying not to think about how close they were.

"I haven't been here in a while. Thought I would come check it out." Cole replies with a shrug. "Plus I missed coming here with you...I was hoping you would be here." He admitted sheepishly, his cheeks tinged pink.

Hollyn couldn't stop the butterflies in her stomach from fluttering at his words. She had missed this too, and it felt good to be back in the tree house with him. The familiarity of it all was comforting. She was surprised when she noticed a slight blush on his face. Was she seeing things?

"Me too." She said quietly, unable to meet his gaze. She had missed him, and it was clear that he had missed her too. But her conflicting feelings for him and Julien were still present, and she wasn't sure how to proceed. She felt Cole's gaze on her, and she couldn't stop her heart from racing. The tension between them was palpable, and she didn't know what to do. "I'm sorry." She apologizes. "I didn't mean for it to seem like I'm ignoring you or ditching you for Julien...I was just trying to help him settle in and show him around. Help him feel comfortable in new place." She explained, finally meeting his gaze.

"Hey, it's okay." Cole reassures her, reaching out to touch her hand gently and he gently squeezes it. "I get it, Hollyn. He's new here and you're just trying to be a good friend. I understand. You have nothing to apologize for, okay?" He told her with a sincere smile.

Butterflies swarm in her stomach when Cole held her hand, and she can't stop herself from smiling back. He was always so understanding and supportive, and it meant the world to her. But despite his reassurance, she still felt guilty for not spending more time with him. "I'm still sorry, though. We haven't hung out in a while, I wanna change that. It feels like I've been neglecting our friendship because of Julien and I hate it." She frowns. "I love spending time with Julien, he's a really great guy and we have a lot of fun together. But I also love hanging out with you, and I don't want to lose that."

Cole's expression softens, and he squeezes her hand reassuringly. "You won't lose me, Holls. I'm not going anywhere." He promises, a small smile tugging at his lips. "You can hang out with whoever you want. It's your life, and you should be able to do what makes you happy. If Julien makes you happy, then that's great. And if you and I don't hang out as much, that's okay too. Our friendship is stronger than that." He reminded her.

Hollyn felt a sense of relief wash over her, and she couldn't help but hug him tightly. Cole wrapped his arms around her in response, pulling her close. Her heart raced, and she tried to ignore the way her body tingled. They hadn't hugged like this in a while, and she had forgotten how safe and secure she felt in his arms. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, and he let out a content sigh. He missed her and her hugs. They stayed like that for a while, both relishing in the comfort and closeness.

"Thank you, Cole." She said sincerely, pulling away slightly to look up at him. Her heart skipped a beat when their eyes met, and the tension between them returned.

"Of course, Holly Berry." Cole replies softly, his gaze flickering down to her lips. He wanted to kiss her, badly, but he wasn't sure if she would welcome it. Instead, he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, causing her cheeks to flush. "I'm here for you, always." He whispered, his breath tickling her skin.

The moment was so tender and intimate, and Hollyn couldn't deny the spark between them. But she couldn't act on her feelings, not yet. So instead, she leaned her head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. She sighed, feeling conflicted once more. She didn't want to ruin their friendship, but the more time she spent with him, the harder it was to ignore her feelings. And the more time she spent with him, the more time she wanted to spend with him.

They laid there together for a while, enjoying the peacefulness and closeness of their friendship. Hollyn opened her eyes, glancing over to the window and her eyes lit up when she saw snowflakes beginning to fall. The weather had been getting colder lately and it was supposed to snow in the upcoming weeks. It was nice to see it start now. She always loved the snow and being able to watch the snowflakes drift down.

"It's snowing!" She beamed, pulling away from Cole to get up and go over to the window.

Cole couldn't help but chuckle at her excitement, following her over to the window. "Looks like it." He said with a smile, watching as she peered out the window, her eyes full of wonder and joy. He loved seeing her happy, and her enthusiasm for the snow was infectious. "Looks like a good opportunity for hot chocolate." He suggested, causing her to grin.

"Yes! Wanna come over so we can make some? My parents are working late, but they wouldn't care if you were over if they were there." She rambled, looking back at him hopefully.

Cole laughs at her excitement, nodding in agreement. "Sure, I'd love to." He smiled, his heart skipping a beat when she beamed at him again.

"Great! Let's go, then." Hollyn said eagerly, heading towards the ladder.

They headed down the ladder, with Cole leading the way. Hollyn followed him down, her heart racing as she got closer to the bottom. Though her foot suddenly slipped, causing her to yelp with surprise. Before she knew it, she was falling backwards. Panic and fear gripped her and she closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable impact. But she didn't hit the ground, instead she felt strong arms wrap around her, and she opened her eyes to see Cole's concerned face staring back at her.

"You okay?" He asked, his voice full of concern as he held her. Was she okay? Physically, yes, but emotionally and mentally? Not so much.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for catching me." Hollyn breathed out, trying to ignore the way her heart raced.

Cole slowly lowers her to the ground, his gaze never leaving hers. He was relieved that she was alright, and he couldn't deny the warmth he felt when he held her. He didn't want to let her go, but he knew he had to. Reluctantly, he releases her, stepping back slightly. "Of course, always." He smiled softly.

She couldn't help but smile back, her cheeks flushing. They stared at each other for a moment before she finally turned and went to untie Apollo. Cole did the same with Custard, and began the short ride back to Hollyn's house. The snowfall had picked up, and the gentle breeze was chilly, but neither of them minded. Hollyn loved the breathtaking sight of the snow falling, and Cole was content to watch her enjoy it. They arrived at her house soon enough, and put the horses in the stable before heading inside.

Hollyn went to the kitchen, setting up the ingredients for hot chocolate while Cole helped by grabbing some mugs from the cupboard. They worked together in comfortable silence, the warmth of the kitchen and the aroma of chocolate filling the air. Hollyn couldn't help but steal glances at Cole as he moved around the kitchen, and the domestic scene made her heart flutter. It felt so natural and right, and she couldn't deny the spark between them. But once again, she tried to ignore her feelings, instead focusing on making the hot chocolate.

After everything was prepared, they took their steaming mugs of hot chocolate and went to sit in the living room where her family's dogs and cat were at. Kiwi was perched at her usual seat on the window sill, and the dogs, Ace, Goldie, and Lottie were curled up on their beds. Hollyn set her mug on the coffee table down before turning on the fireplace, the warm flames flickering as they settled into their seats.

"Ahh, nothing like some hot chocolate and a fire on a cold winter night." Hollyn sighed contently, taking a sip of her hot chocolate and sighing happily. The hot chocolate recipe was one of her favorites, and she was grateful her mom had made a fresh batch of the cocoa powder the other day.

"Mm, definitely." Cole agrees, savoring the sweet and rich taste of the hot chocolate. "Your mom's hot chocolate is the best."

The cozy atmosphere of Hollyn's living room, combined with the warmth of the fire and the comforting presence of her pets, made for a perfect evening. As they sat together, sipping their hot chocolate, Hollyn couldn't shake the feeling of contentment that washed over her. Despite the complexities of her feelings for both Julien and Cole, she found solace in moments like these.

Cole's presence beside her felt comforting, familiar, and she cherished their friendship more than ever. Yet, there was an undeniable tension lingering between them, a tension she couldn't quite ignore. She stole glances at him, admiring his profile in the soft glow of the firelight, and couldn't help but wonder what could be if they crossed that line from friendship to something more. She didn't know he had done the same, stealing glances at her and admiring her beauty in the warm light. He longed to be closer to her, to hold her in his arms and never let her go. But he was hesitant to act on his feelings, unsure if she felt the same way.

As the night wore on, they talked about everything and anything. Sharing stories and jokes, laughing together, and enjoying each other's company. It felt good to spend time together, just the two of them. They missed hanging out like this, and neither of them wanted the night to end. But eventually, the late hour caught up to them and they reluctantly decided to call it a night.

"Thanks for hanging out with me tonight." Cole said sincerely as they walked out of the house, their breath visible in the chilly air.

"Thank you, too. It's been a while since we've done that, and I missed it." Hollyn smiles softly, wrapping her coat tighter around her when she shivered. "We should do it again sometime, I had a lot of fun."

"I'd love that." Cole grins, his heart skipping a beat. "Goodnight, Holly Berry." He leaned forward to kiss her forehead before heading to the barn to get Custard. And on his way home, he had waved back at her when she had waved goodbye to him.

"Goodnight." Hollyn sighed, a smile tugging at her lips. She watched him until he was out of sight, and she headed inside to get ready for bed. She cleaned things up and took care of the animals before she went up to her room to do her nightly routine.

That night, as she lay in bed, she couldn't stop thinking about Cole and their time together. The spark between them was undeniable, but she didn't know what to do. Part of her wanted to explore her feelings and see where it went, but the other part of her was afraid of losing their friendship. Then she was reminded of her feelings for Julien, and she groaned, burying her face in her pillow. Why did her feelings have to be so complicated?

She didn't know what to do, or how to handle the situation, but one thing was certain: her feelings for both boys were getting stronger by the day. She was going to have to decide between them eventually, but for now, she pushed those thoughts away, choosing to focus on the wonderful night she had shared with Cole. She drifted off to sleep, dreaming of what could be, and wondering if she would ever find the courage to take the next step.

A/N i love hollyn & julien so much though I love hollyn & cole too !! you guys team julien or team conrad?? 

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