Season 1 - Part 2

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Note: I DO NOT own My Hero Academia or One Punch Man so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

We continue our story with Tatsumaki flying in the air at great speeds while carrying Izuku in the psychokinetic bubble before landing in front of the Midoriya residence.

Izuku: Tatsu-?

Tatsumaki: Get inside.

She says, shoving her younger brother inside to be greeted by his mother and other sister.

Inko & Fubuki: IZUKU!! ARE YOU OKAY?!

They yelled, squeezing him tight with tears in their eyes.

Izuku: I'm fine! Please don't crush my spine!

He pleaded, convincing them to release him.

Izuku: But what are you two doing here?

Fubuki: Tatsu and I came to visit, but then she sensed that you were in danger.

Inko: I'm so glad you're safe!

Tatsumaki: What the hell were you thinking, Izuku!? Charging head on towards a villain!? You're quirkless! You could've gotten yourself killed!

Izuku: I couldn't just let him hurt Kacchan!

Tatsumaki: That Bakugou kid!? Are you kidding me!? Izuku, he's been bullying you for years! Why do you still consider him your friend!?

Izuku: W-Well, I . . . um . . . wait! That's not important right now!

He says, shaking his head.

Izuku: When I faced the villain, my quirk manifested!

He said, rendering the Midoriya women silent for a moment.

Inko: Are you sure, sweetie?

Izuku: Yes, just look!

He says, looking towards the sofa, extending his hand out and lifting it off the living room floor.

Fubuki: Izuku, that's . . . that's amazing! You really were just a late bloomer!

She said, pulling Izuku into a tight hug.

Izuku: Fubu, please stop!

Fubuki: I can't! I'm just so happy for you! Now you can become a hero like you always dreamed of!

Tatsumaki: A hero? You serious right now, Fubuki?

The short esper asked as everyone looks at her confused.

Tatsumaki: Even if Izuku has a quirk, the hero academies' entrance exams are ten months away.

Izuku: What does that matter?

Tatsumaki: Because you won't have time to get the hang of your quirk, Izuku! All the examinees will have years of experience with their quirks! You won't be able to keep up!

Izuku: That's not true, Tatsu! I'll just work even harder than everyone else!

Tatsumaki: What good is it to work hard when you end up failing anyway!

Izuku: Tatsu . . . you know I always wanted to be a hero . . .

Tatsumaki: Just dream of something else, Izuku! You can't become a hero!

Fubuki: Tatsu!

Inko: Tatsumaki Midoriya! Don't you dare think you can take that tone with your brother just because your father's at work!!

Tatsumaki: It's the truth! Izuku won't make it in the world of heroes!

Izuku: All Might doesn't believe that!

Fubuki: Huh? All Might?

Tatsumaki: What're you talking about, Izuku?

Izuku: I met All Might earlier today! He saved me, gave me an autograph and told me that I CAN become a hero even as a late bloomer!

Tatsumaki: Tch! He probably only told you that so he wouldn't hurt your feelings! But the truth is, Izuku, that you can't be a hero!

She yelled, her words hurting Izuku as he felt his heartbeat pounding faster, his muscles tightening, and tears welling up in his eyes.

Izuku: Tatsu . . . I . . . I . . . !

He says before running out of the house with tears in his eyes.

Fubuki: Izuku, wait!

Inko: My baby!

They yelled, trying to go after him while Tatsumaki stood in the living room in silence.

Fubuki used her psychokinesis quirk to try and catch up with Izuku, but the teen used his own psychokinesis quirk to jet himself away like a bullet.

Fubuki: Izuku!

She yelled, but it was too late as she lost sight of him.

Some time would pass as Izuku ended up in an alleyway, drying his tears.

Izuku: Dammit, Tatsu . . . why would you say that?

All Might: I am here!

Izuku: Huh?! All Might?! What are you doing here?!

All Might: Hahahahaha! After you disappeared, I've been trying to find you!

Izuku: What? You were looking for me?

All Might: Indeed, young Midoriya! There's something I wish to speak to you about!

Izuku: R-Really? What is it?

All Might: Well, first things first, why did Terrible Tornado take you away? What kind of relationship do you have with her?

Izuku: Oh, um . . . well, she's my older sister.

All Might: Huh?! Your sister?!

Izuku: Yeah. And same thing with Hellish Blizzard, I'm their little brother.

All Might: That's . . . a lot to take in! I had no idea those two were sisters, let alone related to you.

Izuku: Yeah . . .

All Might: But, again, why did Terrible Tornado take you away?

Izuku: It's . . . a family matter . . .

All Might: Oh. Forget I asked, then! Anyway, mind if we talk in private?

He says as steam began to emit from his body again, catching Izuku off guard as he raised an eyebrow.

Izuku: Are you okay-?

All Might: Right now, please!

He begged, grabbing the teen and leaping into the air before landing at an empty parking lot.

Izuku was very concerned for All Might's well being as he was basically becoming a living sauna with all that steam.

Izuku: All Might, what's going on?!

All Might: Don't worry, young Midoriya . . . this is normal for me . . .

He says before deflating into his true form, a skinny, skeleton looking man, earning a scream from Izuku.

Izuku: What happened to you?! Are you really All Might?!

Toshinori: I can assure you, I really am All Might.

He says before coughing blood, earning another scream from the teen.

All Might: I know this is rather shocking, but allow me to explain.

He says, lifting up his shirt to reveal a scar on his chest.

All Might: Five years ago, I received this injury from a villain. My respiratory system was nearly destroyed, and I had my stomach removed. Since then I've been slowly deteriorating due to the after-effects of my surgeries. I can only do hero work about three hours a day now.

Izuku: Five years ago? Was that when you fought Toxic Chainsaw?

All Might: No, it wasn't him. My fight with the villain that did this to me was kept hidden from the public on my behalf. If the people found out the Symbol of Peace was growing weaker, they'll start to lose hope. I'm running out of time, sooner or later I'll have no choice but to retire altogether. And so . . . I'm in need of a successor.

Izuku: Huh? A successor?

All Might: Yes, my quirk's name is One For All. My power has been passed down from generation to generation, this very power is what made me the hero you know me as.

Izuku: A quirk that can be passed down to others? Is that really possible?

All Might: It is, and I want you to be my successor, young Midoriya.

Izuku: Me? Why? I'm nothing special.

All Might: That's not true at all. You ran in to save that boy from the villain earlier because your body moved on its own, right?

Izuku: Well . . . yeah, that's exactly what happened.

All Might: Springing into action without thinking, I believe, is the sign of a great hero. One For All needs a new holder like you. So I ask you, young Midoriya, will you inherit my quirk?

He asked, to which Izuku thought about it only briefly before giving his idol an answer.

Izuku: I . . . I'm gonna have to refuse your offer, All Might. I appreciate it, don't get me wrong, but . . . I just got my quirk. I have only ten months to prepare myself for the UA entrance exams, so training myself for two quirks will be harder to manage than just focusing on my own quirk. Besides, I'm sure you can find someone else who has similar traits to me that can be worthy of inheriting your quirk.

All Might: Are you sure?

Izuku: Yes, sir.

Toshinori: Hmm . . . very well, then. Please be sure not to tell anyone of my secret.

Izuku: I won't say a word, I promise.

Toshinori: Okay then. Be sure to study and train your quirk for the exams. You have a nice day now.

He says before walking away, leaving Izuku alone.

Ten months had gone by as Izuku continued with his Junior High studies as well as physical, mental and quirk training in his free time.

Izuku was going to prove everyone wrong and All Might right, being more determined to fulfill his dream than he ever had before.

Within that time, his parents supported him unconditionally, Fubuki even offered to train him but Izuku declined.

As for Tatsumaki, well . . . she hasn't visited since their last meeting.

And in school, people stopped bullying him since he wasn't quirkless anymore. Even Bakugou kept his distance.

Currently, Izuku stood before the entrance to UA High School on the day of the entrance exams.

He was confident, this was his chance to show everyone what he can as a late bloomer, marching inside for the written exam.

Once that was over with, Izuku made his way to an assembly room for the practical exam, taking a seat among hundreds of other examinees.

The Pro Hero, Present Mic, appeared on stage to give everyone a rundown on the practical exams, including different types of robots and how points said types are worth as well as there being a time limit.

Present Mic: That'll be all from me, my listeners! Remember to Go Beyond, Plus Ultra! Break a leg, everyone!

He says before Izuku makes his way test site A, which he had been assigned, waiting patiently for the exam to start when suddenly . . .

Present Mic: What're you guys waiting for?! There no count downs here! Go! Go! Go!

He yelled, ushering the students to run off into the simulated city.

Izuku then immediately used his quirk, levitating himself off the ground and speeding past the other examinees, much to their shock.

Once he was far enough, Izuku stopped using his quirk as he began to run towards a three pointer robot.

He extended his hand out, using his psychokinesis on a lamp post, impaling the machine with it.

He then kept running upon seeing a one and two pointer up ahead, using his quirk to slam them into each other, crushing them into a ball before pushing them towards a dozen other robots like a bowling ball.

A few minutes would pass as Izuku racked up a lot of points, counting them up along the way.

Izuku: A hundred points, guess I overdid a bit. I should let the other examinees take the rest of the robots. I got more than enough to pass.

He says before the ground began to shake, he was confused by this before looking into the distance with wide eyes upon seeing the massive zero pointer robot.

All the examinees then started running out of fear of being crushed, Izuku decided that it'd be best for him to leave as well.

Just as he took a few steps, he heard yelling coming from the direction of the zero pointer.

He then turned around to see a muscular red haired boy trying to outrun the colossal machine.

Izuku then watched in horror upon seeing the zero pointer's massive foot going down, about to crush him.

In a panic, Izuku used his quirk at full power, just freezing the zero pointer in place with its foot mere inches away from the muscular teen.

Both were shocked by this, not knowing what was happening before noticing Izuku in the distance.

Izuku: Go! . . . Get out of there!

He screamed as he pushes himself to his limit.

Red haired boy: Thanks!

The boy called out as he ran past the green haired teen.

Izuku kept the zero pointer in place to try and let the other two escape, but the zero pointer was beginning to break free as its foot now hit the ground.

The shockwave almost made Izuku fall, but he kept at it to make sure it wouldn't move.

Unfortunately, Izuku's nose began to bleed as he was beginning to overuse his quirk.

The red haired boy noticed this, turning around and stopping dead in his tracks as more blood spilled from Izuku's nostrils.

Eventually, Izuku couldn't take it anymore as he yells out in pain, breaking his hold on the zero pointer and falling to the ground.

Izuku then looked up to see the giant robot approaching him, only to get picked up by the same red haired boy he had just saved.

Red haired boy: Hey! You okay?!

Izuku: Quirk overuse . . . I'll be fine . . .

Red haired boy: Well, that's good! I'm Eijiro Kirishima, by the way! What's your name?!

Izuku: Uh . . . Izuku Midoriya . . .

Kirishima: Midoriya, huh?! Nice to meet you!

Izuku: You didn't have to . . . come back for me . . .

Kirishima: And leave you behind?! No way! That is super unmanly! Besides, you saved me first! Might as well return the favor, you know?!

They said as the red haired boy continued carrying Izuku on his back with the zero pointer closing in behind them.

Kirishima: Crap! It's getting closer! I don't know what to do!

He yelled before Izuku noticed someone ahead of them, a girl who jumped straight into the air towards the zero pointer.

It all happened so fast, but Izuku never kept his eyes off the girl as she punched the zero pointer so hard that it fell on its back.

Kirishima: Woah! Did you see that?!

He yelled, amazed by this feat.

Izuku was amazed by this girl, the way she leaped, the power behind her attack, could this girl actually be All Might's successor?

His amazement, however, soon turned into fear upon seeing the girl falling from well over a hundred feet in the air, screaming with a broken arm and even her legs.

Kirishima: Oh crap!

He yelled before Izuku managed to raise an arm, using his quirk to stop the girl from falling.

The girl was shocked by this as she slowly opened her eyes and saw Izuku, blood dripping from his mouth before coughing up blood and passing out.

But not before putting her down gently, with Kirishima looking at him with wide eyes.

Kirishima: Midoriya!! You all right!!?

He said, putting him down and trying to wake up the green haired teen.

The next thing Izuku knew, he woke up in the nurse's office with a serious headache.

Izuku: Ugh . . .

Fubuki: Izu!

Inko: My baby!

The two Midoriya women yelled upon seeing he was awake, hugging him tight.

Izuku: Mom . . . Fubu . . . !

Hisashi: All right, you two, let him breathe.

He said breaking them up from the teen as Izuku took a deep breath.

Izuku: Thanks, dad.

Hisashi: You feeling okay, son?

Izuku: Yeah, I'm fine.

He said, looking towards a clock.

Izuku: Wha?! I was out for three hours?!

Fubuki: Don't worry about it, Izu. What matters is your well-being.

Hisashi: The nurse said it'd be fine to take you home once you woke up. If you've got the energy for it.

Izuku: Yeah, I can do it.

He says, getting up from the bed and heading home with his family.

A week had gone by since the entrance exams as Izuku waited for his results.

Inko: Izuku! It's a letter from UA!

Izuku: Finally!

He says with a smile on his face, taking the letter and heading up to his room.

The teen then opens the letter to find a small object which then turns on as a projection of All Might appears.

All Might: Greetings! I am here to congratulate you on passing the U.A entrance exams with a hundred villain points! While that is more than enough to pass, the practical is more than just taking down villains. Therefore, the judges have also rated you with rescue points. And so, you gained forty five rescue points and an additional twenty points from saving two of your fellow examinees, pushing yourself to the limit for their sakes. Giving you a total of a hundred and sixty five points overall! Congratulations, Izuku Midoriya! You are now officially a student of U.A High School, we hope to see you there soon! Have a nice day!

He says before the message came to an end.

Inko was pacing outside Izuku's room for what felt like an eternity when Hisashi stopped her.

Hisashi: Relax, honey. I'm sure our little green bean passed with flying colors, you'll see.

He says, earning a smile from his wife before Izuku opened the door, looking at his parents with a smile on his face.

Izuku: I passed, you guys.

Hisashi: I knew you could do it. Just like your sisters.

Inko: Izuku . . .

She said with tears in her eyes before crying hysterically, hugging Izuku tightly as fountains of tears burst from her eyes.

Izuku: M-Mom! It's okay! Please don't cry!

Inko: I can't help it! My baby boy's going to be a hero!

Hisashi: Try not to flood the house again, dear.

He said with a huge sweat drop on the side of his head as Inko continued to cry tears of joy.

-To be continued-

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If any of you have any ideas for a story you'd like me to write, feel free to let me know in the comments or in my DM.

With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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