Season 1 - Part 5

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Note: I DO NOT own My Hero Academia or One Punch Man so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

We continue on the bus as Class 1-A awaited their arrival to the training facility.

Asui: Uraraka, you mind if I just speak my mind about you?

Uraraka: Huh? Oh, um . . . sure, Asui.

Asui: Call me Tsu. Anyway, I saw you during the entrance exam. Doesn't your quirk resemble All Might's?

She asked as Uraraka was sweating bullets, Izuku being the only one who knew why.

Uraraka: R-Really? I never noticed, h-hahaha . . .

Ashido: Oh yeah, that's right. I was there when you took down the zero pointer. How come you didn't use that power in our classes?

Izuku: Uraraka can manipulate her own gravity, giving herself super strength, like in the entrance exam. But her body isn't able to handle the recoil, so using can cause her self harm.

Uraraka: Yeah, that's right!

She said, thanking Izuku with a nervous, grateful smile.

Kirishima: Midoriya's right, Asui. All Might doesn't hurt himself like Uraraka does. But Uraraka's gravity quirk is pretty awesome, you can do a lot of cool stuff with it. Not like my hardening though. It's good in a fight, but not very flashy.

He says, raising an arm and using his hardening quirk on it.

Izuku: I don't think so, Kirishima. Your quirk is amazing, it'd definitely be more than enough to make you a great pro hero.

Akiyama: He's right. You sure did give me a hard time in our battle training.

She says, to which the class grew silent while looking at her.

Akiyama: No pun intended.

She says with a sheepish smile and a huge sweat drop on the side of her head.

Kirishima: Thanks you guys.

Kaminari: But don't forget that heroes also have to worry about popular appeal.

Aoyama: My Naval Laser has both panache and strength.

Ashido: But minus points when you get a stomachache.

Kirishima: You guys wanna talk about strong and cool quirks? That'd be Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugou.

Asui: But Bakugou's always angry, so I don't think he'll be very popular.

Bakugou: What'd you say, you damned frog!!? I'll kick your ass!!

Asui: See?

Izuku: All right, that's enough everyone. Kacchan, please calm down.

Bakugou: Don't you tell me what to do you damned nerd!!

Some time would pass as they finally made it to their destination.

Aizawa: Look sharp.

Class 1-A: Yes, sir!

They said before entering the facility, marveling at the interior.

Kirishima: Holy crap! It looks like an amusement park!

Thirteen: A shipwreck, landslide, fire, storm, mountain, ruins and flood zones. I created this training facility to prepare you for many types of disasters. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short.

Class 1-A: (Just like Universal Studios Japan.)

They all thought as Aizawa approached Thirteen.

Aizawa: Hey, shouldn't All Might be here already?

He asked as Thirteen whispered something to him.

Aizawa: . . . That man is the height of irresponsibility.

He pauses for a moment before continuing.

Aizawa: Clock's ticking. We should get started.

Thirteen: Excellent. Before we begin I have a few things to say. I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful quirk, called Black Hole.

Izuku: Yeah, you've used your quirk for many rescue operations.

Thirteen: That's true, but my quirk could also be easily used to kill. Much like a real black hole, anyone or anything that gets sucked in it will be turned to dust. Some of you also have potentially dangerous quirks. In our superhuman society, all quirks are certified and stringently regulated. So we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus, or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly. Even if you're trying to rescue someone.

Thirteen said as the class listened.

Thirteen: Thanks to Aizawa's fitness tests, you have a solid idea of your Quirk's potential. And because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against other people. Carry those lessons over to this class. Today, you're going to learn how to use your quirks to save lives. You won't be using your powers to fight enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that's what being a hero is all about. Ensuring the safety of others.

Izuku: (Thirteen's so cool.)

He thinks with a fanboy smile on his face.

Thirteen: That's all I have to say. Thank you so much for listening.

Aizawa: Right. Now that that's over . . .

He says before the USJ lights began to flicker, the water fountain in the central plaza began to act up as an ominous looking portal appears.

Aizawa and Thirteen became on edge as dozens of people began to emerge from this portal into the central plaza.

Akiyama: Who're they?

Aizawa: Stay back!! Those are villains!!

He said, shocking the class.

Kirishima: What? Real villains? No way. How could so many of 'em get into a UA facility this secure?

Yaoyorozu: And why aren't the alarms going off?

Thirteen: Good question.

Todoroki: Is the entire campus under attack? Or is the USJ their only target? Either way, if the alarms sensors aren't being triggered, then one of these villains must have a quirk that's masking their presence here.

Izuku: I agree. They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught. They've definitely thought this through.

Aizawa: Thirteen, get them out of here. And alert the main campus. If they're blocking the alarm sensors, chances are they're blocking our communications, too.

Izuku: What are you going to do? You can't fight them on your own! Your fighting style's best for stealth and one on one fights not against multiple opponents.

Aizawa: You can't be a pro if you only have one trick. I'll leave it to you, Thirteen.

He says before leaping into the central plaza, taking down many villains down there single handedly.

Thirteen: Follow me, students!

Thirteen said as all of Class 1-A followed, making their way towards the exit.

But then a portal appears in between them and the exit as a villain with a body of smoke appears.

Kurogiri: It is a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we've decided to invite ourselves in to say hello. And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the Symbol of Peace, to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here today and yet I see no sign of him. There must have been a change in plans we could not have foreseen. Oh well, in the end I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play.

He says before Kirishima and Bakugou rush in to attack the villain, Bakugou hitting the portal villain with an explosion.

Kirishima: We're not just gonna stand here and let you do what you want!!

He yells before the smoke dissipates and they realized that their attacks were ineffective.

Kurogiri: You live up to your school's reputation. But you should be more careful, children. Otherwise, someone might get hurt.

Thirteen: You two, get out of the way, right now!!

The hero yells, ready to use Black Hole.

Kurogiri: I shall scatter you across the facility to meet my comrades and your deaths!

He says as he surrounds everyone in his smoke body.

Izuku's eyes widened upon realizing that he was in the Ruins Zone along with Kirishima, Akiyama and Bakugou.

Meanwhile, Uraraka screamed as she found herself falling into a body of water.

Uraraka: (The flood zone! Did I hear that villain right? They want to kill All Might?!)

Shark Villain: There you are!

He says, Uraraka's eyes widening.

Shark Villain: Nothing personal, kid. Now say goodbye!

He says, opening his mouth wide to reveal sharp teeth.

Uraraka was panicking, unsure of what to do until Asui came in, kicking the shark villain in the head.

Asui: Uraraka!

She says, stretching her tongue out, wrapping it around Uraraka's waist before swimming as fast as she could with Mineta in one arm.

She then made it to the surface at the edge of a boat, using her tongue to put Uraraka on the boat.

Mineta: For a frog, you sure got some nice boobs. Perfect floaties.

He says, Asui slamming the pervert onto the ship with a loud thud.

Uraraka: Thanks for the save, Tsu.

She says as Asui climbs onto the ship.

Asui: No problem. But we seem to be in trouble here.

Uraraka: I know. It's like the villains knew our schedule. Remember when the press broke into the school? I bet they caused it so they can get our schedule. It's just like Midoriya said, they came here prepared. And what's worse, they're here to kill All Might.

Mineta: But . . . come on, there's no way they could ever pull that off! Once he gets here, these villains won't know what hit them!

Asui: Mineta, they must've figured out a way to kill him. Otherwise, why come here just to get beaten? I wouldn't put it past them. That one villain said we'd die too. Who says we can even hold out until All Might gets here? Even when he does show up, who says he won't be killed?

Uraraka: Don't talk like that, Tsu! There's no way All Might would lose to these villains! He's the number one hero! He-!

Shark Villain: That brat!! I'll kill her!!

The shark villain yelled, surfacing from the water as he and others surrounded the boat.

Mineta: There's more of them!

He yelled as Uraraka thought about the day she met All Might.


Uraraka was a junior high school student, walking home along a sidewalk after a long day at school.

Not too far from her was a skeleton-like man named Toshinori Yagi, currently on a walk in search of a successor.

After Izuku declined his offer, Toshinori took the green haired teen's words to heart, searching for anyone with similar traits to the boy.

In the distance, a car was going past the speed limit and swerving.

The driver was drunk out of his mind, speeding towards a little girl crossing the street.

Toshinori: (The child!)

He thought, ready to transform and act only to see Uraraka running towards the child.

Uraraka: Look out!!

She screamed, leaping towards the little girl, tackling her out of the way as the car nearly hits them both.

With everyone shocked and distracted by this, Toshinori turns into his muscle from, stopping the vehicle with his bare hands.

The police arrived and arrested the drunk, All Might being surrounded by fans and reporters.

He couldn't help but look towards Uraraka speaking to the little girl and her parents.

Uraraka: You shouldn't wander off like that. Always stay close to your mommy and daddy, okay?

Little Girl: Okay . . .

Woman: Thank you so much for saving her!

Man: How can we ever repay you?!

Uraraka: Don't worry about it. I plan on becoming a hero, helping people is all I ever wanted.

She says as the parents bowed to her, thanking her repeatedly for saving their daughter.

Several minutes would pass as Uraraka was on her way home again, when . . .

All Might: I am here!

The number one hero said, dashing out of nowhere.

Uraraka: All Might?!

All Might: Yes, it is I! Tell me, what is your name, young lady?

Uraraka: O-Oh! Um . . . Ochako Uraraka!

All Might: Young Uraraka, I'm sure you have places to be, but could I have a moment of your time?

He asked, to which Uraraka accepted.

Much like with Izuku, All Might revealed his true form to the brunette as well as One For All and his search for a successor.

Similar to Izuku, Uraraka's body moved on its own to save that child. An admirable quality for a future hero.

All Might: So, young Uraraka . . . will you be my successor?

He asks as Uraraka stares at him in astonishment before answering.

Uraraka: Yes!

-End of Flashback-

All Might was an amazing hero and person, she couldn't help but wonder why anyone would want to kill him.

Despite this, Uraraka's expression became a serious one.

Uraraka: Guys . . . if they . . . if there's even a chance that they have a way to kill All Might . . . then we have to fight!

She says with confidence, determined to protect her predecessor.

Mineta: How can we possibly fight back?!! Our only hope is to hide somewhere until the pros show up!!

He yells only for Asui to slap him across the face with her tongue.

Asui: Get ahold of yourself, Mineta.

Uraraka: All the villains down there seem to have quirks useful for water. But then they brought Tsu here to the flood zone.

Mineta: What's your point?!

Uraraka: My point is that I don't think they know about our quirks. If they did, they would've sent Tsu to the fire zone or something.

Asui: That would explain why they're not trying to get on board. Let's talk quirks. Mine is Frog. I can jump really high, stick to walls, my tongue can stretch out to twenty meters. I can also spit up my stomach to clean it and secrete a poisonous fluid, but that it really only stings a little, so those two aren't very useful.

Uraraka: My quirk's Zero Gravity. I can make anything I touch weightless and turn the gravity back to normal when I choose to. And like Midoriya said on the bus I can manipulate my own gravity to give myself super strength, but hurting myself when using it.

Mineta: My quirk is Pop Off. My hair is basically a bunch of sticky balls I can just take off from my head.

He says, taking one ball and sticking it to a wall.

Mineta: Depending on my emotions they can stick all day. A new one will grow in place of the old one, but if I take too many too quickly my head'll start bleeding. I also bounce off my balls and can't stick myself to them.

He said as Uraraka and Asui stared at him, to which tears started to form in the grape themed teen's eyes.

Mineta: Like I said, we just gotta wait to be reached! My quirk's terrible for fighting!

Uraraka: Hey, come on! Don't cry! We just gotta figure how to use our quirks against the villains!

She said trying to comfort him, only for one of the villains to split the ship in two.

Asui: That's not good.

She said as the ship began to sink.

Mineta: We're all gonna die!!!

Uraraka: No we're not! I have an idea!

She said, the three huddling up as the brunette told them her plan.

Shark Villain: That boat's the gonna finish sinking any minute now. Once they're in the water, they're dead.

Uraraka: You guys ready?

She asks, to which Asui nods with Mineta still being scared out of his mind.

Uraraka: All right . . . let's go!!

She yelled, leaping off the side of the ship, aiming a hand at the water.

She then uses one hundred percent of one for all in one finger, flicking it and creating a shockwave that made a large whirlpool.

The villains screamed as they were pulled in.

Uraraka: Now!!

She yelled as Asui leaps off the ship with Mineta on her back, wrapping her tongue around Uraraka.

Mineta then started throwing a bunch of his sticky balls at the villains to help restrain them while Asui leaps above and over the whirlpool, landing in the water at a safe distance.

Asui: Looks like we beat them. Good job you two.

She said, as Uraraka smiled while Mineta was crying tears of joy.

A few minutes would pass as Uraraka, Asui & Mineta made it to the edge of the water, reaching the central plaza.

From a distance they can see Aizawa taking down villains one by one.

They continued to watch as a grey haired villain rushed towards their teacher with his hand extended out.

Aizawa managed to elbow the villain in the gut, but this is what the hand villain wanted as he grabbed Aizawa's elbow.

Shigaraki: It was hard to see with you jumping around, but I've found your tell. It's your hair. When it drops, it means you've stopped using your quirk. You're having to blink more often.

He said as he uses his quirk on Aizawa's elbow, the hero's sleeve disintegrating as the villain stares at him.

Shigaraki: Don't push yourself too hard, now. You might just fall apart.

He said as he disintegrates Aizawa's skin, cracking apart as his flesh was exposed.

Aizawa quickly punches Shigaraki to the ground and gains some distance, but there were still a few villains left as he fights them off with only one arm.

Shigaraki: That annoying quirk of yours isn't suited to drawn out fights against big groups, is it? Don't you think you're out of your element here, Eraser Head? You're much better at working stealthily. You're best known for surprise attacks, not head to head fights.

He said as it was clear that Aizawa was getting tired.

Shigaraki: But despite knowing that, you didn't hesitate to jump into the middle of this fight. To put your students at ease.

He said as Aizawa continued to fight off the remaining villains.

Shigaraki: And look at you, you're still standing! You really are so cool! Oh, by the way, hero . . .

He says before Aizawa turns to see a villain with a beak-like mouth full of sharp teeth and an exposed brain towering over him.

Shigaraki: I'm not the final boss.

He said as the large villain punches Aizawa, spilling blood as his googles were sent flying.

-To be continued-

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With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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