Season 2 - Part 1

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Note: I DO NOT own My Hero Academia or One Punch Man so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

After the attack at the USJ, class was canceled the next day in order for students to recover, both physically and mentally.

Kirishima: Man, I still can't get what happened at the USJ out of my head.

Akiyama: Me neither.

Ida: While I agree, I believe we must try not to dwell on it and move forward.

Uraraka: So, any idea on who'll be teaching?

Izuku: No idea. Considering Mr. Aizawa's injuries, I doubt he'll be able to teach for awhile.

He says before the classroom door opens to reveal Hellish Blizzard.

Izuku: Fubu?!

Fubuki: Good morning, Class 1-A.

Asui: You're our substitute, Ms. Midoriya?

Fubuki: Please, just refer to me as Ms. Blizzard. And yes, I'll be your substitute teacher until Aizawa fully heals. He actually insisted on teaching regardless of his injuries, hence why I volunteered as a substitute.

She sighed.

Fubuki: Honestly, how does he expect to recover by pushing himself?

She murmured that last part to herself.

Fubuki: And let me make on thing clear. Just because Izuku is my brother doesn't mean I'll be giving him special treatment. As your temporary teacher, you are all to be seen as equals.

Kaminari: Man, I still can't believe Midoriya's related to such a hottie~

Mineta: Yeah, I never thought I'd get to see Hellish Blizzard's giant boobs with my own eyes~

They said, checking out the Pro Hero, only for a chill to run down their spines as Izuku glares at them.

Meanwhile, Tatsumaki was out in the city, using her psychokinesis to restrain a group of villains.

The police were handling them in order to escort them to jail, only for Tatsumaki to sneeze.

Police Officer: Are you sick, Ms. Tornado?

Tatsumaki: I'm fine. But someone's got a death wish ogling at my sister.

Back at 1-A, Kaminari and Mineta were frozen in fear before being lifted up out of their seats and into the ceiling by Izuku's quirk.

Kaminari: We're sorry, Midoriya!!

Mineta: Please forgive us!!

They pleaded.

Fubuki: Put them down, Izuku. It's fine. I'm used to this sort of thing. Trust me.

She says with a huge anime sweat drop on the side of her head.

Izuku calms down a bit before lowering 1-A's perverts back into their seats.

Fubuki: Kaminari, Mineta, I hope for your academic sakes that you don't distract yourselves too much staring at your substitute teacher. Otherwise, I'll be giving you extra homework. Understood?

Kaminari & Mineta: Yes ma'am . . .

Fubuki: Good. Anyway, I should start by informing you all that your fight isn't over yet.

She said, bringing confusion, concern and even fear into the class as they couldn't handle the suspense.

Fubuki: The UA Sports Festival is currently under development.

She said as the students talked amongst themselves.

Kaminari: Wait a minute!

Jiro: Is it really a good idea to hold the Sports Festival so soon after the villain attack?

Ojiro: Yeah, they could attack once we're all in the same place.

Fubuki: The administration thinks it's a good idea to show the public that the threat has been handled and that our school is safer than ever. Not to mention they're increasing security compared to previous years. So we should have nothing to worry about. This event is a huge opportunity for all students in UA. It's not something we can cancel just because of a few villains.

Mineta: Uh, I'm sorry, but why not? It's just a sports festival.

Fubuki: JUST a Sports Festival!!?

She yelled, slamming her fists onto the podium.

Fubuki: The UA Sports Festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world! In the past, everyone obsessed over the Olympic Games! But then quirks started appearing, and now the Olympics have been drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership! For anyone who cares about competition, the UA Sports Festival is the only one that matters!

Yaoyorozu: She's right. And top heroes everywhere will be watching. This is where you get scouted.

Mineta: Sure, unless you're dead.

Izuku: She's right, Mineta. After graduation, people join pro hero agencies and become sidekicks.

Fubuki: You are correct, Yaoyorozu and Izuku! Joining a famous hero agency can garner you greater experience and popularity! That's why the sports festival matters, Mineta! If you wanna go pro one day, then this event could open the path for you! One chance a year! Three chances in a lifetime! No aspiring hero can afford to miss the festival! That means none of you are to slack off on your training!!

Class 1-A: Yes, ma'am!

They said as Fubuki caught her breath.

Fubuki: Apologies, students. I guess I got caught up in the moment. As a UA graduate myself, I'm quite passionate about the Sports Festival. Anyway, class dismissed.

Sometime would pass as the bell rang for lunch, Fubuki leaving the classroom while everyone was talking about the upcoming Sports Festival.

Izuku let out a smile.

Izuku: Everyone's pretty excited.

Ida: Of course we are, we enrolled in UA to become heroes. So it's only natural that everyone's fired up.

Kirishima: Not to mention that awesome speech your big sis gave the whole class! I can't wait for the Sports Festival!!

Akiyama: Careful, Kirishima. There is such thing as getting overexcited.

Uraraka: Midoriya!

Izuku: Huh? Yes, Uraraka?

Uraraka: Let's do our best!

She says, earning a smile from the esper.

Izuku: Yeah!

He says, giving her a high five.

Izuku and the others then began to make their way to the cafeteria only to pause upon hearing laughter around the corner.

All Might: Young Uraraka and Midoriya are here!!

He says, catching everyone by surprise.

Izuku: All Might?! What're you doing here?!

All Might: Lunch, of course! Would you two like to eat with me?

He says while holding up a bento.

Uraraka: You're like a schoolgirl!!

She says, trying her best not to laugh at her predecessor.

The two then followed All Might to an empty room, sitting in chairs opposite to All Might across a table as he sat on a couch.

Izuku & Uraraka: Fifty minutes?!

They said as a now deflated All Might poured some tea for the students.

All Might: Yeah. That's my current limit, and it'll keep getting shorter over time. At the moment I can manage my muscle form for an hour or maybe an hour and a half if I push hard enough.

He said as Izuku and Uraraka had their heads down.

Uraraka: We're sorry, All Might.

All Might: Neither of you need to apologize! We're very similar, the three of us!

He laughs while coughing up blood.

All Might: But more importantly, let's talk about the Sports Festival. As it stands, you, young Uraraka, still haven't adjusted to One For All's power. So what are we gonna do about it?

Uraraka: I . . . don't really know. Any ideas, Midoriya?

Izuku: Well . . . if you don't mind me asking, how do you use One For All exactly?

Uraraka: Well, I pretty much just channel the power into my arms and legs and just . . . do it.

Izuku: Hmmm . . . have you tried channeling One For All throughout your entire body?

Uraraka: Huh? My body?

Izuku: Yes. By channeling your power through your limbs, you're at risk of breaking them. But by distributing it throughout your whole body, it'll be much less strain on your limbs and less likely to break them.

Uraraka: Oh, wow! I never even thought about that! You're a genius, Midoriya!

Izuku: Oh, uh . . . it's not that big of a deal, Uraraka.

All Might: Nonsense, young Midoriya! I couldn't have said it better myself! It's no wonder you placed first on the written portion of the entrance exams.

He says before clearing his throat.

All Might: Anyway, before the sports festival arrives, young Uraraka and I will be sure to practice your idea. To be blunt, I don't have a lot of time left as the Symbol of Peace. Once I'm gone, villains everywhere will use that to their advantage to rise from the shadows. The reason I granted you my power, young Uraraka, is so you can inherit my mantle. The UA Sports Festival is an important event that the entire country will be watching. I want you, young Uraraka, the next Symbol of Peace, to announce the world that you are here!

He said as Uraraka was stunned for a moment before speaking up.

Uraraka: I . . . I'll do my best, All Might!

All Might: I know you will. I expect the same from you as well, young Midoriya. And though, as your teacher, I shouldn't be playing favorites . . . I'm sure you understand that I need to cheer for my successor.

Izuku: I understand, All Might. But . . .

He says before clenching his fist.

Izuku: I don't plan on losing!

He says before All Might wishes them well as they left for the cafeteria.

Some time would pass as the day had come to an end, only for Class 1-A to see a crowd of students outside the door.

Uraraka: What the heck?!

Izuku: Um, excuse me, but why are you blocking the exit? We need to go home.

Bakugou: They're here to scope out the competition, nerd. They wanna see the class that survived a villain attack and see how they'll compare in the sports festival. But it's pointless to try and beat us, so move it, extras.

He said, shocking most of 1-A with how he's speaking to their fellow students.

Shinso: Geez, are all you 1-A students this arrogant? If so, consider me disappointed. There are a lot of us who wind up in General Studies or other courses due to scoring below the top forty in the entrance exams. I bet you didn't know that until now.

Said a purple haired teen whose expression reminded them of Aizawa.

Shinso: And based on the results in the Sports Festival, students can be transferred to the Hero Course. And Hero Course students being transferred to another course is also a possibility.

He says before looking Bakugou in the eye.

Shinso: Scoping out the competition? That might what the rest of these guys are doing, but not me. Just know that at any given opportunity, I'll be sure to try to take your place in the hero course. Consider this a declaration of war.

He says before leaving.

Tetsutetsu: Hey, you!! I'm from Class 1-B!! I heard you guys fought villains and came to see if it was true!! But it sounds like to me that you're just a bunch of punks!! Don't embarrass the rest of us during the sports festival, you hear me!!?

He yells before Bakugou leaves without a word.

Tetsutetsu: Hey!! I'm talking to you!!

And so, two weeks would go by as Izuku and the rest of 1-A continued their academics, training in their free time.

Today was the day of the sports festival as all of 1-A were currently in a waiting room, all dawning their P.E uniforms.

Izuku: Be ready, everyone! We're going to be called out into the stadium soon!

He says before walking up to Uraraka, Kirishima, Ida, and Akiyama.

Todoroki: Midoriya.

Izuku turns upon hearing Todoroki calling his name.

Izuku: Did you need something, Todoroki?

He said as the entire class had their eyes on them.

Todoroki: From what I've seen in the battle trial, I believed you and I were equals. But that changed when you tore out the roof of the USJ. I admit, you are stronger than me. You're the younger brother of the Number Fifteen Hero, Hellish Blizzard and the Number Two Hero, Terrible Tornado. But regardless . . . I still plan to beat you.

Izuku: I hope so, Todoroki. Because I plan to win too.

We now take a look at the 1st Year's stage with Present Mic and Aizawa as the commentators.

Present Mic: I hope everyone's ready! Cuz the first year students are making their entry right now!!

He yelled enthusiastically into the mic as Classes 1-A to 1-K made their way to the center of the stadium as the audience cheered.

As Izuku walked alongside his classmates, he could a couple of familiar voices, looking towards the stands to Fubuki and his parents.

Fubuki: You can win this, Izuku!

Inko: Do your best, sweetie!

They cheered as Hisashi waved to his son, patting Inko and Fubuki on the backs to make sure they don't cry and cause a scene.

Izuku also looked up into the stands where some pro heroes sat, pausing as he saw his eldest sister, Tatsumaki, sitting a couple seats away from All Might.

All Might: Tatsumaki! You look well! You must be excited to see your little brother's first sports festival!

Tatsumaki: . . . Yeah.

She says with hesitation, not looking All Might in the eye and even looking away from Izuku's gaze.

Izuku was saddened by this as he refocused on the task at hand.

Once all the students were gathered at the stadium's center, a stage appeared with the R-Rated Hero, Midnight standing as this year's umpire.

Midnight: Let's start with a speech from the First Year's representative, Izuku Midoriya!

She said, to which Izuku walks toward the stage.

Akiyama: So Midoriya's representing us first years, huh?

Kirishima: Makes sense. He did get first place in the entrance exams.

Bakugou: Tch!

Izuku is now on stage with Midnight, the R-Rated Hero handing him a microphone, to which Izuku taps it a couple times before speaking.

Izuku: Well . . . first, I'd like to say that I'm glad to be here. Attending UA and here at the Sports Festival is both exciting and terrifying. I hope that everyone here does their best in the festival, and that everyone in the audience enjoys what we do and see exactly what we're capable of. Thank you.

He says, handing the mic back to Midnight as the students and crowd cheered for the young esper.

Midnight: An excellent speech from our first year representative! Now then, let's see what the first event will be!

She said as a giant screen began to repeatedly change into several events before coming to a stop.

Midnight: Looks like we're going to start off with an Obstacle Race! The rules are simple, every student must race around four kilometers around the stadium and back! The starting point being at this gate!

She said as a large metal gate opened with three red lights on top.

Midnight: You are free to do anything so long as you remain within the course! The only exception being the use of excess violence on a fellow racer, which will result in disqualification. Now get ready!

She said as the students made their way to the gate, ready for the race.

But Izuku decided to stay in the back where it's least crowded as the red lights turned yellow while emitting a beeping sound.

Midnight: On your marks . . . get set . . . go!

She yelled as all the students in the front ended up pushing and shoving one another just to try to get to the other side of the hall.

Izuku knew this would happen, hence why he stayed in the back.

Izuku then got a running start before jumping as high as he can, using his psychokinesis quirk, surrounding himself in a green aura before propelling himself through the hallway above the other students and out the other side in just one second.

Izuku was now in first place, deactivating his quirk as he started running upon reaching a good distance.

Izuku's eyes then widened, stopping in his tracks as he was confronted by several, smaller, but still large, versions of the zero pointer robot from the entrance exams.

-To be continued-

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If any of you have any ideas for a story you'd like me to write, feel free to let me know in the comments or in my DM.

With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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