Season 2 - Part 4

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Note: I DO NOT own My Hero Academia or One Punch Man so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Present Mic: We're already halfway through the first rounds, folks! Now it's on to the fifth match! Denki Kaminari versus Izuku Midoriya! Ready . . . set . . . start!!

He said as the two faced one another in the ring.

Kaminari: To be honest, I doubt I can beat you, Midoriya. But that won't stop me from trying! Indiscriminate Shock 1.3 Million Volts!!

He yelled, using his full strength immediately as surges of electricity engulfed the ring, blinding everyone with its light.

When the light dissipated, it was revealed that Izuku protected himself in a psychokinetic bubble, receiving zero damage from Kaminari's quirk.

The crowd were also confused and concerned upon seeing Kaminari pacing a bit with a weird look on his face, saying "yay" while giving a double thumbs up.

Midnight: Denki Kaminari is incapacitated by his own quirk! Izuku Midoriya wins by default!

She announced while Izuku helps the short circuited teen make his way to Recovery Girl.

The sixth was Shiozaki versus Ashido, which was also a quick match with Ashido getting tied up by Shiozaki's vines.

Ashido managed to free herself by using her acid quirk, but it only delayed the inevitable as Shiozaki ended up knocking her out of bounds.

The seventh match was Kirishima versus Tetsutetsu, being the same as canon as they had a long, even fight ending with the both of them knocking each other out cold.

Midnight: It's a draw! We'll determine a winner later!

She announced before the eighth match began between Tokoyami and Bakugou.

The fight was also the same as canon with Bakugou overpowering Dark Shadow, pinning Tokoyami to the ground and forcing the bird headed teen to forfeit.

Present Mic: And that's the end of the first rounds, ladies and gentlemen! We'll be taking a short break, so don't go anywhere!

He announced, once the break was over, it was decided that Kirishima and Tetsutetsu compete in arm wrestling as a tie breaker, which was also even for a bit until Kirishima managed to win.

Uraraka was on her way to her next match before stopping as she ended up coming face to face with the Number Three Hero, Endeavor.

Endeavor: Oh, it's you. Uraraka, right?

Uraraka: Y-Yeah, but w-what're you doing here, Endeavor?

Endeavor: I was looking for you, actually.

Uraraka: Huh?

Endeavor: You've been doing quite well in the sports festival so far. And your quirk, being able to control gravity and even giving yourself great strength. The wind pressures you made with just the flick of your fingers. I dare say that your quirk is similar to All Might in raw power.

Uraraka: Uh, y-yeah, I get that a lot! Um, I should get going for my next match!

She says, walking away from the flame hero awkwardly.

Endeavor: My son, Shoto, has a duty to surpass All Might and Terrible Tornado.

He said, making Uraraka stop in her tracks as he continued.

Endeavor: His match against you will no doubt be a testament to his strength. So I'd like you to do your best against him, make him use his fire.

He said as Uraraka remembered everything Todoroki told her earlier.

Endeavor: That's all I wanted to say.

He says before walking away.

Uraraka: Endeavor.

She said, making the flame hero stop.

Uraraka: I'm not All Might. And Todoroki isn't you.

She says before walking away as Endeavor glares at her.

Present Mic: All right!! Time to start the second rounds! It's Ochako Uraraka versus Shoto Todoroki!

He said as the two stood in the ring, staring at one another.

Present Mic: Ready . . . set . . . start!!

He announced as Todoroki immediately sent waves of ice towards Uraraka.

The brunette instantly countered by using one hundred percent of one for all in one finger, creating powerful wind pressures with a flick, shattering the ice.

The pressure also sent Todoroki back and he would've fallen out of the ring had he not created a wall of ice behind him.

Uraraka groaned as she broke another finger, but she didn't have time as Todoroki immediately sent another wave of ice.

She repeated using one for all in a finger once more, breaking another one.

Todoroki tries a third time, only for Uraraka to do the same again, breaking yet another finger.

Izuku couldn't help but analyze the battle, noticing that Todoroki's using less power than he did against Sero.

Coming to the conclusion that the peppermint haired teen was trying to conserve his energy due to overdoing it early on against Sero.

Todoroki: You wanna make this an endurance match? Then I'll just end this now.

He says, sending another wave of ice which was then shattered by Uraraka's wind pressures.

Uraraka: (Dang it! All my right fingers are broken!)

She yelled in her mind as Todoroki began to close the distance.

The peppermint haired then began to make ice with his feet, prompting Uraraka to use her left hand's fingers to shatter them.

But Todoroki managed to dodge the wind pressures by leaping into the air, heading straight for Uraraka.

The brunette knew she had to try and make him weightless, jumping into the air after Todoroki with her hand stretched out.

Todoroki managed to twist his body, dodging her hand, but was touched by her other hand, making him float.

Uraraka knew she had won, but couldn't help but feel bad. Todoroki hadn't even tried his best. It wasn't fair for either of them.

So, Uraraka puts her hands together.

Uraraka: Release.

She says, deactivating her quirk as Todoroki fell to the ground, grunting in pain.

Todoroki then puts his hand on the floor, sending a wave of ice towards the brunette.

Uraraka immediately dodged to the side, only for her foot to get trapped in another ice wave.

She immediately uses another finger to create wind pressure, shattering it and freeing herself.

Todoroki: You could've won the moment you made me float. And yet, you let me go. Why?

Uraraka: Because . . . you aren't fighting me at full strength!

She yelled, angering Todoroki as he sends another wave of ice, shattered yet again by the brunette.

Todoroki then noticed that Uraraka has now broken all her fingers.

Todoroki sends another ice wave, believing she was at her limit, only to be surprised upon seeing her use one of her already broken fingers to shatter the ice.

Todoroki: Why are you going this far?!

Uraraka: You're freezing, Todoroki. Quirks can be exhausting just like any work out. There's a limit to how much we can use our quirks. Your ice is making you colder and colder by the minute. You wouldn't be if you just used your fire!

She said, shocking Todoroki.

Uraraka: Everyone's been giving it their all in the sports festival! But not you! You think you can win using half your quirk, but you haven't been able to put a scratch on me! So come at me with everything you got!!

Todoroki: Just what are you trying to do? Use my fire? Did my old man pay you off?! I'm ending this, right now!

He yelled as the two charged towards each other, Uraraka ducking as she punches Todoroki in the gut, the peppermint haired teen freezing her upper left arm before being sent flying back.

Uraraka yelled in pain as Todoroki hit the ground hard before getting back up.

The two then go back and forth with Todoroki's ice getting weaker and Uraraka to dodging it so she doesn't have to injure herself so much.

Todoroki tries once more to hit her with an ice wave, only for Uraraka to shatter it again.


Uraraka: Because I wanna live up to my goal! To become a hero!!

She yells as she charges towards Todoroki, only for the peppermint haired teen to dodge her.

Uraraka: I don't understand the full picture of what's going on with you at home! But if you think you can be number one by using half your strength, just to spite your dad, then you're wrong!! If you aren't going to give it your all, then you're just letting me win!!!

She screamed before punching Todoroki in the face, sending him flying.

Memories flooded Todoroki's mind as he lied on the ground, slowly getting up on one knee.

Todoroki: I refuse to use my father's fire . . .

Uraraka: It isn't his fire! Your quirk is your own, not his!! Do you hear me!!?

She yelled as Todoroki's mind focused on a memory of his mother when he was a child, how she told him that he can be whatever kind of hero he chooses to be.

And after a few seconds, flames emerged from Todoroki's left side, the heat being felt throughout the stadium.

Todoroki: Even though you want to win . . . you still go out of your way to help an opponent. I really don't get you, Uraraka. I too . . . want to be a hero!

He said, ignoring Endeavor's gleeful cries of "accepting his purpose."

Izuku and Uraraka couldn't help but smile upon seeing Todoroki's flames.

Todoroki: Why are you smiling? With those injuries, in this hopeless situation . . . you must be crazy. Don't blame me for what happens next.

He says before charging up his ice and fire, Uraraka doing the same as she channels one for all throughout her body.

Cementoss and Midnight prepared to use their quirks, seeing that Uraraka's body wouldn't be able to handle any more damage if they clashed.

Todoroki then sends a massive wave of ice towards Uraraka, the brunette quickly jumping over and onto it.

She then started running along the ice as she inched ever closer to her classmate.

Uraraka: (Gotta time this right! Come at me with your full power, Todoroki!!)

She thought as Todoroki began to stretch out his left hand.

Todoroki: Uraraka. Thank you.

He says, firing a huge blast of flames which Cementoss quickly created a few concrete pillars between the two as a huge explosion erupted in the stadium's center.

Everyone screamed and shielded their eyes as the wind pressure could be felt throughout the audience.

Present Mic: That was quite the blast!! But I can't see a thing with all that dust! Who won?!

He announced as the dust eventually cleared, showing Todoroki still standing with the left side of his P.E shirt having been burnt off.

Present Mic: Wait a minute!! Todoroki's still here, but . . . where's Uraraka?!!

He yelled as the brunette was nowhere to be found.

Everyone was confused by this, wondering where the zero gravity girl could have gone.

Uraraka: Release.

She says, having used zero gravity on herself and jumping straight up just as Cementoss' pillar began to rise, reaching over a thousand feet into the air in order to dodge the blast.

Uraraka's normal weight returned as she carefully calculated her fall, heading straight down to Todoroki.

Everyone then looked up in shock upon seeing Uraraka coming down like a missile.

Todoroki was exhausted, but tried to attack anyway as he raised an arm up.

But he wasn't quick enough as Uraraka clenched a fist.

Uraraka: Meteor Smaaaaaash!!

She yelled, punching Todoroki out of the ring as the attack allowed her to bounce off of him, landing safely in the ring.

Midnight: Shoto Todoroki is out of bounds! Ochako Uraraka wins!

She said as the crowd cheers for Uraraka, though she couldn't hear them as she was too focused on the pain that was in her now broken legs and right arm.

The brunette was then immediately sent to Recovery Girl due to her injuries.

Recovery Girl: Her right arm is fractured. I'll need to remove the fragments and heal her afterwards. Honestly, what she did was reckless. I hope you aren't proud of her for this.

She says before the door suddenly bursts open as Izuku, Ida, Kirishima, Akiyama, Asui & Mineta entered.

Izuku: You okay?

Kirishima: Your injuries looked pretty serious.

Uraraka: Y-Yeah . . . I'll be okay. But shouldn't you be watching the matches?

Ida: Because of the damage to the ring, they decided to break for repairs.

Mineta: That was scary, Uraraka! You might be hot, but no pro's gonna want that for the internships!

He says before Asui slaps him with her tongue.

Asui: Salt in the wound, Mineta.

Mineta: But it's true, isn't it?

He says before getting punched by Akiyama.

Akiyama: Doesn't mean it's a good time, you little pervert!

Recovery Girl: Enough with your racket! I know you're all worried, but I need to focus on surgery now.

Students: Surgery?!

Recovery Girl: Get out! Out! Out! Out!

She says, whacking them with her cane as she shuts the door on them.

Uraraka: So, my injuries . . .

She says, grabbing All Might and Recovery Girl's attention.

Uraraka: I'm guessing I won't be able to keep going?

She asks as Toshinori sighs in response.

Toshinori: No, young Uraraka. Even when Recovery Girl's healed you up, I doubt you'll have much strength to keep going. You won the match, but it's been decided that young Todoroki would advance.

Uraraka: Oh . . . I'm sorry.

Toshinori: For what?

Uraraka: For not being able to fulfill my promise to you. Showing the world that I am here. Like you wanted.

Toshinori: There's no need to apologize, young Uraraka. While it's good to do your best, taking risks as you did out there were needless. On the other hand, I am proud of what you did for young Todoroki. Meddling where you don't have to is the essence of being a hero.

Present Mic: Thank you for waiting folks, cuz the ring has just been repaired! We are ready to continue the second rounds! Our next match is Tenya Ida versus Kaya Akiyama!

Akiyama: No hard feelings, Ida?

Ida: Of course.

They said with a smile.

Present Mic: Ready . . . set . . . start!!

He announced as Ida immediately and literally ran circles around Akiyama as the buff girl had her guard up.

Ida then attacks, Akiyama blocking his kick with her arm. She goes to counter with a punch, but Ida was too agile as he dodged her attack.

He slides across the ring with Akiyama giving chase.

She goes in for a kick, which Ida dodged and returns with a kick of his own, hitting Akiyama in the head.

But Akiyama was counting on that as she grabs Ida's leg before slamming onto the floor a few times before throwing him towards the edge of the ring.

Ida managed to stop himself before he could fall out of bounds.

He then decided to give his all as his engine bursts with heat.

Ida: Recipro Burst!

He yelled, running faster than ever as he gets behind Akiyama, pushing her with all his strength.

Due to her size and bulk, it was a bit difficult pushing her, but nevertheless, he was succeeding as he was forcing Akiyama towards the edge of the ring.

Akiyama quickly elbows Ida in the face, breaking his glasses and even his nose, blood spurting from his nostrils as they both fell to the floor.

Akiyama was the first to get up, running over to Ida and grabbing him in a chokehold.

Ida tried his best to get out of her hold, but Akiyama was simply true strong for him as he was starting to lose consciousness.

Ida: I . . . I yield . . . !

Midnight: Tenya Ida forfeits! Kaya Akiyama wins!

She announced, the crowd cheering as Akiyama releases Ida from her hold.

Akiyama: Sorry about your glasses.

Ida: It's fine. I have spares. No hard feelings, remember?

He says, holding his hand out, to which Akiyama takes as the two shake.

Kirishima: So manly!

Tetsutetsu: I know, right?!

The two say while crying tears of joy.

Present Mic: We're now at the halfway point of the second rounds! Our next match is between arguably the strongest students of Class 1-A and 1-B! Izuku Midoriya versus Ibara Shiozaki!

He said as the two green haired teens entered the ring.

Present Mic: Ready . . . set . . . start!!

He announced, to which Shiozaki immediately sent her vibes straight for Izuku.

The young esper was about to put up a barrier, but he wasn't fast enough as Shiozaki snared him in her vine-like hair.

Knowing full well he'd try to escape, Shiozaki immediately went to throw Izuku out of bounds, only for her to freeze.

Izuku was hanging midair in Shiozaki's vines outside of the ring. Using his psychokinesis to paralyze the vine haired girl, he then forces Shiozaki to put him back in the ring.

Izuku then creates a barrier around himself, severing the vines that held him.

Shiozaki grunted in pain as the hair was part of her body.

She then sends more vibes towards Izuku, but the young esper was ready this, using his psychokinesis to paralyze Shiozaki once again.

He then forced Shiozaki to her knees, the girl groaning as the force of Izuku's psychokinesis felt like gravity had increased on her.

Izuku: (Come on, just forfeit.)

He thought, not wanting to overuse his quirk.

Shiozaki lasted longer than expected as she continued fighting for a few minutes.

This prompted Izuku to use more power, forcing Shiozaki to fall flat on her belly.

Shiozaki: I . . . I . . . I give up!

Midnight: Ibara Shiozaki forfeits! Izuku Midoriya is the winner!

She announced as the crowd cheered, Izuku immediately releasing his quirk on the 1-B student.

Izuku: Sorry if I overdid it. You were really strong to make me use that much power.

He says, offering her his hand. To which the vine haired girl reluctantly took, being pulled up to her feet by the young esper.

The next match would commence between Kirishima and Bakugou. It'd be the same as canon, with Kirishima putting up a good fight, but losing due to his quirk being ill-suited to long, drawn out fights.

-To be continued-

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With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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