AU Airy Content House

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Hiya Edgelings!!!

This is going to be a fairly short chapter, just a little thing I did for fun! It's inspired by the content house fics that I read on AO3. I'm just excited to throw all my AUs together!!! And there's a special surprise for you at the end!!

The AU versions of Airy I'm including are...

Aaron from the Dying Sanity AU.

Airy and Lantern from the ONE Lost Soul AU.

Airy Coleman from the Foster AU.

Airy from the Crime Boss AU. (If you don't recognize this one, it's because this AU is from the part I wrote for my second M.A.P. You can read it on my separate M.A.P. book.)


A white room. Just a blank white room. White walls, white floor, white ceiling. No windows, not even a door. Honestly, it looks like a psych ward room. And it's completely empty.

Until it's not.

In the blink of an eye, five figures appeared in the room, most of them asleep. But the bright fluorescent lighting quickly fixed that. Slowly, they all began to wake up.

But one, who had already been awake, was blinking, trying to comprehend the sudden disappearance of the apartment that had surrounded him moments before. Once he truly realized what happened, his eyes narrowed, and his grip on the child sleeping in his lap tightened.

Said child was gradually waking up, squinting in the sudden white light, "...Airy?... Where... are we...?" he asked, looking around him at the blank walls.

"I don't know, Lantern," The massively tall golden lantern mumbled, eyeing the other inhabitants of the room with a mixture of confusion and suspicion.

The next to awaken instantly sat up at the sight of the unfamiliar room, his wide, terrified eyes darted around the room in panic. He began to tremble and murmur to himself, rocking back and forth while he cradled his knees to his chest. "Notrealnotrealnotrealnotrealnotreal..."

The next to awaken simply looked around in confusion, adjusting the bandage wrapped around the left side of his face as he did so. His gaze froze on the giant golden lantern who was glaring at him suspiciously.

One of his massive detached hands floated over to the bandaged lantern, who backed away in shock and fear, "What the-"

The last occupant's eyes snapped open, and he instinctively jumped to his feet, pulling his pistol out and gazing at the rest of the people in the room with a narrowed gaze. Much like the bandaged lantern, the left half of his face was broken, minus the bandage. His broken glass was out in plain view.

"What the **** is going on?!?!" He yelled, gripping the trigger of his gun with a steady hand.

Now that the five were all awake, an air of silence settled over them as they stared at each other in frozen shock. A stalemate of staring where none moved.

"Why do... they look like... me?" The child in the giant golden lantern's lap asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

With an abrupt popping sound, five name tags appeared near the ceiling and slowly drifted down, each settling in front of one of the lanterns.

The bandaged lantern sighed in relief as the huge detached hand floated away from him to pick up the two name tags that had landed in front of him. "Golden (OLSAU)... and Tiny (OLSAU)... What the heck does OLSAU mean???"

The bandaged lantern bent down and picked up his name tag, reading it curiously, "Coleman (FAU)... that's just my name..."

The lantern with the gun eyed the paper suspiciously, before cautiously picking it up, "H.A.P. (Has A Pistol) (CBAU)... the actual ****?"

The only one who wasn't reading their name tag was the guy who was still curled up in the corner, shaking and ignoring everything around him.

"Is... he ok?" Coleman asked, eyeing him with concern.

"**** if I know." Hap shrugged.

Coleman slowly approached the guy, picking up his name tag for him, "Aaron (DSAU)... here's your uh... thing." he held out the piece of paper to Aaron.

Aaron looked up at his near identical copy, fear shining in his eyes. "W-w-where... am I...?"

Coleman looked down and sighed, "I don't... I don't know..."

"Why d-d-do you... l-l-look like... m-m-me?"

Coleman shrugged, "I really don't know... this is about the weirdest thing I've seen..."

"I think we are all from different universes," Golden suggested calmly, earning a very confused look from the rest.

"And how the **** do you know that? Are you the one who brought us here? You are the only one who doesn't look like the rest of us." Hap accused, eyes narrowed as his adjusted his grip on his gun.

Golden narrowed his eyes right back, glaring at Hap, "No. Trust me if I were to go anywhere in the multiverse, I wouldn't choose this weird white room."

"Multiverse...?" Coleman asked, clearly struggling to keep up.

Golden rolled his eyes, "Yeah, duh, are you an imbecile?"

"I just... I don't understand..." Coleman sighed.

Clearly aggravated by this answer, Golden responded in an irritated tone, "It's really not that hard to understand. Multiple... Universes... There. Did I say it slow enough for you?"

Coleman scoffed, "I get that... but... how...?"

Golden facepalmed with one of his massive, semi-transparent hands, "You're really dense aren't you?"

"Hey... Airy?" Tiny asked, instantly drawing everyone's attention, because of course... that was all their name... Even Aaron's gaze snapped up. It had been a while since he heard his old name.

"How do you know my name, kid?" Hap asked, eyes narrowed.

"That's... my name too..." Coleman mumbled, his expression distant as he tried to comprehend what the heck was going on.

Now even Golden looked confused, "Wait... so you are all called Airy??"

Aaron spoke up for once, his voice quiet and shaky, "I-i-it was my... old n-n-name... I'm Aaron n-n-now... I th-th-think..." His expression suddenly became conflicted and he resumed staring at the floor.

"You think?" Hap asked in a harsh tone, his single eyebrow raised.

"Just... leave the guy alone..." Coleman defended, sympathizing with whatever Aaron was going through.

Golden seemed lost in thought, "So... you all look similar... and have the same name..." he snapped his fingers as his face lit up in revelation, "I bet our universes are pretty close together!"

"...what?" Coleman questioned, not understanding.

Golden sighed, "You really don't know? The closer universes are together, the more similar they are. That's why the one I originally came from was so empty. It was on the edge of the multiverse."

"Of course I don't know!" Coleman exclaimed, clearly aggravated by Golden, "You act like this is just common knowledge!! It's not!"

"Hey... Airy?" Tiny tried to get Golden's attention again.

"Oh right..." Golden realized, looking down tenderly at the child in his arms, "What do you need Lantern?"

"Can we... go back now...?" Lantern asked, yawning.

"Of course..." Golden agreed, shutting his eyes in concentration. After several seconds of awkward silence, his eyes flew back open, a perplexed and perturbed expression falling upon him. "I... I can't feel anything..."

"What do you mean? What are you trying to do?" Hap interrogated.

"I... I was trying to warp back into our dimension... but... I can't feel it... I can't feel any of it... It's like something is blocking me." Golden explained, looking very unsettled by this new revelation.

"You can travel across dimensions???" Coleman exclaimed.

"It's... it's not that hard..." Aaron suddenly commented, earning a surprised glance from Coleman, "You just... need to use the radio..."

"Oh yeah... I remember that..." Tiny smiled.

"What the... what radio?!" Coleman huffed in frustration. Nothing made sense!!!

"The one you go to... when you die..." Tiny explained nonchalantly.

"You've died?" Hap asked doubtfully.

"Yeah... I... got hit by a car... I think... the first time anyways..." Tiny answered, a look of concentration on his face as he tried to make sure he was remembering correctly.

"And you've died too?" Hap turned to Aaron, whose gaze was spacy and unfocused. Aaron nodded slowly, and began to tremble uncontrollably again.

"Look I have no idea what's going on, but I just need to get back to my kids as quickly as possible," Coleman sighed worriedly, beginning to pace.

"You have kids?" Hap asked in surprise.

"Yes, and I need to make sure nothing happened to them..." Coleman huffed in agitation.

"Where's... the door?" Aaron asked abruptly.

Suddenly everyone's eyes were drawn to the walls... and the complete lack of an exit.

"Oh ****," Hap swore.

"Will you please stop swearing?!" Coleman snapped.

"I'll say whatever I ****ing please, thank you very much." Hap sneered, narrowing his eyes and making sure his pistol was visible.

Coleman's eyes widened in shock and fear, only just now realizing he had a pistol, "Oh my gosh you have a gun!"

"Did you not pay any attention to the nametag?" Hap chuckled, amused by Coleman's response.

"I...I..." Coleman stuttered, but quickly snapped out of it, "Whatever, can we just focus on getting out of here?"

"There's no way out... Th-th-there's no w-w-way out... n-n-no w-w-way out..." Aaron began to panic, rocking back and forth with wide eyes, "He did this... I know he did... he wasn't done with me... not done yet..."

"What the **** are you on about? Do you know who's responsible for this??" Hap demanded.

"Gonna k-k-kill me... k-k-kill m-m-me... again and againandagainandagainangagain..." Aaron ignored Hap, his voice steadily rising into a hysterical screeching as tears poured down his face and red flashed across his vision.

"Hey... hey now... calm down..." Coleman said, slowly approaching the terrified lantern and laying a gentle hand on his shoulder, "You're fine... it's going to be fine... no one's going to hurt you..."

Aaron desperately grasped on Coleman's wrist, gazing up at him with pleading eyes, "P-p-promise?"

"I promise... you're going to be ok..." Coleman smiled in what he hoped was a reassuring way.

Aaron's shaking slowly calmed down, and he fell silent, still clinging to Coleman's wrist.

Meanwhile, Golden had set Tiny down so that he could inspect the walls of their prison. Tiny simply stood still, watching everything silently, unsure how to feel about everything that was happening. He didn't like the sudden change... but at least Airy was here with him...

"Imma need a cigar..." Hap murmured to himself, pulling out his pack and turning his back knob, lighting the flame in his broken head. He stuck the cigar inside his head to light it, then brought it to his mouth, turning his flame back off.

"Are you really doing that in this tiny room with no ventilation?? Are you trying to waste oxygen???" Coleman protested, watching Hap in disgust.

"It's either the cigar or the pistol... which do you prefer me use, cuz I'm getting sick of your whining." Hap snarled, blowing out a puff of smoke as he did so.

Coleman looked away with a sigh, and didn't say anything after that, simply standing by Aaron, who refused to let go of his arm.

"There's no hidden door..." Golden finally commented after finishing his inspection of the walls, floor and ceiling.

"So... how do we get out...?" Tiny asked, a hint of fear in his eyes.

"I'm sure we'll find a way..." Coleman reassured him with a kind smile, his heart going out to the child version of himself.

"Yeah, I can just..." Golden began, suddenly a giant spike of rock appearing in his hand. He hurled the rock at the wall, and instantly a giant hole was smashed through it. " that... you're welcome."

Everyone except Tiny looked at him in wide eyed shock. "How...? You know what, nevermind..." Coleman sighed, finally giving up trying to understand.

"Well, let's see where it goes then," Hap nodded, taking mental notes on Golden's power.

Coleman helped pull Aaron to his feet, Golden picked Tiny up again and set him in his lap, and the group of lanterns was ready to explore wherever the hole in the wall led.


In another white room, far away from the first...

Four green backpacks suddenly appeared.


Goshdangit this is going to get chaotic...

But in a good way lol.

This won't affect the other chapters by the way. It will be its own separate thing.

Edgy out!

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