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Jai's POV

As we walk into Lusive I say to Chloe. "Before you start work I need to see you in my office." My hand remains on her back as we make our way to the office.

When we get to the stairs I remove my hand as she climbs the stairs. A few people look at us as we stand in front of the office. I open the door and wait for her to enter first.

Chloe makes her way over to a chair. She sees the yellow envelope with her name on it. I turn to him. "What's this?"

I move over to my chair and then push myself over to her side of the table. "That's a proposal I have drawn up for you. Open it, let me know if I need to change anything on it."

She opens the envelope and looks at the details on it.

Name: Chloe Knight

DOB: June 28th, 1990

Her phone number and address are on the piece of paper. She scrolls further down the page and comes across the proposal near the bottom of the page.

1. Jai Marshall will pay for Aleysa Knight's hospital cost and private room.

2. Chloe Knight will be Jai Marshall's Girlfriend. She will be presented in front of his family at the family reunion and afterwards to the press.

3. Chloe Knight will not reveal the proposal to the press. If she does she will have to pay Jai Marshall two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

4. Chloe Knight will continue to work at Lusive until both parties have agreed that it's no longer possible for them to work together.

Chloe looks at me. "You're doing all that for me and all you're asking for in return is for me to be your girlfriend?" She shakes her head. "I thought that you would add something extra to this proposal."

I place my arm around her. "I have everything that I need, Chloe. I'm not going to force a whole heap of things onto you. I'm not that type of guy. I would like to have a family someday, but that's something I can't force onto you in a proposal. It will be unfair for both of us if we're not in love."

She rises. "I hope you don't regret this proposal with me." She picks up the pen and signs the document." She puts her hand on my arm and whispers. "You don't have to worry about me telling the world about the proposal. Just put it in the right people's hands. If you don't it will get out and I will be the one to face the consequences of a shit storm."

I shake my head. "I won't let anything happen to your family and you."

She moves over to the door and opens it. "I better get to work. I don't want the boss to fire me because I'm tardy." She winks at me.

I laugh. "He wouldn't fire you. If I didn't have you working for me I wouldn't be getting extra money from the customers. Having you here has made more guys drop by."

"Maybe, you should let the lower class join the rich guys. Then you'd get more money. Or hire more woman. Then we can go coyote ugly for the crowd."

I laugh at what she's said.

I'm afraid to admit this, but I did see the movie a couple of time and would have loved to re-enact that scene at my bar. I just think the males will appreciate it as much if there's more men than woman going coyote ugly.

I shake my head. "There's no way you'll be doing that. However, I might consider hiring more woman."

Chloe walks out of my office and down the stairs. She shakes hands with the bar manager and she looks at the camera.

She knows that I'm keep an eye on things from my office.

I watch as a guy slips his number to her. She puts the money in the till and leaves the phone number on the counter. She serves another customer and this time I see a wrapper on the money.

I'm going to kill that guy. He shouldn't be giving her stuff like that.

I push out of my seat and run down the stairs.

Chloe steps in my way. "Jai, let it go."

I shake my head. "That guy needs to learn a lesson."

"Not, tonight. Go to your office. I'm fine here." She whispers. "You don't need to go all caveman."

I'm not acting like a caveman.

Chloe pulls me towards the stairs. "Don't come down for the rest of the night. I'll bring you a JD as soon as the bar slows down with customers."

I reluctantly walk up the stairs and turn towards her when I'm half way up and say. "If someone else harasses you I'm going to throw them out of my club. I don't like seeing that sort of stuff happen to you." I climb the remaining stairs and slam the door behind me.

In my office I start pacing around the room. I look down at the bar and see how busy it is.

It's going to be a while before I get my drink.

I walk over to the couch and lie on it.

Chloe opens the door and enters my office and she see me lying on the couch, with my legs hanging over the arm rest.

I look at her. "Thanks for the drink, Chloe."

"You're welcome, Jai." She places it on the table. "I'll see you before I leave." She walk out of the office and heads back to work.

I sit up and grab the glass off the table. I throw it back and stand up.

Looking into the club I see a group of men in suits walk in. A holster is visible from where I'm standing.

I hope there's no trouble about to happen.

I pick up the two way radio and press the button. "Alex, there's a group of men heading towards the bar. They have guns on them. Find out who they are. I don't want any trouble here."

"Yes, boss." I see Alex walk towards them and they say a few words to him. He pulls the radio up to his mouth and says. "These guys work for Knox and they want to have a few words with you."

"Send them up." I pull my phone out of my pocket and quickly call Knox.

Knox answers on the first ring.

Knox: Hello, this is Knox.

Me: Did you send a few guys to my club tonight?

Knox: No, why?

Me: A few guys claiming to be your men are here.

Knox: I'll be there shortly. You should get someone to take the girl out of the club in case whatever's going down in the bar won't affect the girl you like.

Me: Okay, thanks Knox.

Knox hangs up the phone.

Picking up the two way radio I say. "Alex, I need you to escort Chloe out. Please, take her to the hospital. She left her car with her brother and I drove her here today."

"Yes, boss."

I watch as Alex walks over to Chloe and he whispers something to her.

She quickly grabs her things and walks out from behind the bar. She looks at the window where she knows I'm standing and mouths. "Is everything alright?"

I nod.

She doesn't look convinced, but she lets Alex take her through the crowd and out of the club.

I walk over to my desk and pull out the colt that I keep there for emergencies. This time seems like an emergency.

Closing the drawer and locking I make my way over to the stairs.

The guys in suits wave me over and I make my way down the stairs.

A grey haired guy that's overweight with bold patch looks at me. "So, you're the guy that has his foot in two Mafia family's business."

Looking at them I say. "I'm not in either of their business. I'm just a mutual friend to both families."

He shakes his head. "You can't be a mutual friend to both. You have to make a decision. New York Mafia or Los Angeles? I would choose the later, because you have a better chance at survival being with us."

My hand touches the colt that I have in the back of my pants. "I'm not going to choose. Who are you to make sure that I comply by your rules? None of you are the boss."

The old guy laughs. "We're going to over throw the kid. He doesn't deserve to be the head of the family."

Knox walks into the bar at that moment with a group of men. He tells them to take the old guy and his friends. "You're not going to take over. If anyone else thinks about over throwing me I'll be waiting for them." He looks at me. "Thanks, man. I owe you."

"Don't worry about it, Knox." I watch as Knox and his men lead the guys out of the club.

I hope that Knox gets this under control before this city has a war on their hands.

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