Meeting Jai

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I open the door to the office and see the chair facing the window.

He knows that I'm here, but waiting for me to say something.

I clear my throat to get his attention.

He spins his chair around and I come face to face with the hottest guy I've ever seen. He has dark hair and brown eyes. He has a few stubbles on his face from not shaving. He stares at me like I'm his prey.

I fold my arms across my chest. "Are you done?" I ask, schooling my expression.

He shakes his head. "Nah, I get to look at you. Since, you were the one that blew into my club like a fire cracker."

I'm not a fire cracker. I just really need a job to pay for my sisters medical bills.

He crosses his arms over the desk and says. "What can I do for you?"

I move closer to his desk. "I want a job."

His mouth drops slightly for a moment and then his face takes on a blank expression. There's no way for me to tell what he's thinking. "Why should I give you a job after the stunt you pulled?"

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. "I'm desperate. That's why I did it. Please, can you give me a shot? I'll show you that I'm the right person for the job."

He looks at me. Taking in my whole appearance. He can tell that something is taking a toll on me as I have bags under my eyes and my puffy eyes from all the crying I've been doing lately.

Just the thought of my sister dying is taking a lot out of me.

He looks at the table and then back at me. "I'll give you the job. What time can you start? I need someone to help me close the bar every night."

"I can be here from four until close. What time do you close?"

"Sunday through to Wednesday we close at 10pm. Thursday to Saturday 6am. I'll need you until 2am on the late nights."

"I'll do it." I tell him.

He moves towards me. "Why are you desperate for a job?"

"I have bills to pay. I can't live without a job." I look at the ground and then add. "No one is hiring."

"Max, the guy behind the bar will train you tomorrow. Be here by 4:30. The club starts to get packed by seven on Wednesday's." he points to the door. "You can leave now."

I can't leave without getting his name.

I walk towards the door. Before I open it I say. "What's your name?"

"Jai Marshall."

"Shit!" I whisper.

I just walked into the bar of one of the most dangerous men in the City and demanded a job.

The colour drains from my face. "I'm sorry for charging in here like a bull."

He rises from his chair and moves over to me. "I hope you don't believe everything you've heard about me. I don't like being judged from what's written in magazines. You seem the type of woman that would buy into gossip."

He doesn't know me and he thinks I believe everything I read. The truth is I don't believe everything that's written in a gossip column.

He towers over me trying to intimidate me and it doesn't work.

I choose that moment to rise to my full height. Shaking my head I say. "I don't like reading magazines. Most of the time it's lies or stuff some idiot reporter made up to make some extra money. It's pathetic if you ask me."

He pulls his tie off. "You can't tell anyone you work for me. While you work here you can't date any of my employees, as I don't want any problems in the work place. I'll let you flirt with the customers, but I don't want to see anything go further than that. Tomorrow I want you to wear a skirt and singlet top. Also, put your hair up and wear some make-up. Don't go over the top with it. I'd tell you to wear heels, but my ex told me how uncomfortable they are to wear for hours on end. So, just wear something comfortable." He leans forward and asks. "What's your name?"

"Chloe Knight." With that said, I open the door. As I walk out of the room I hear him whisper. "It's a beautiful name for a beautiful woman."

My face heats up.

I can't wait to start work here tomorrow.

I wave at him before closing the door. I walk down the stairs and head over to the bar.

At the bar I order a Jim Beam. I turn towards the camera behind me and raise the glass. I mouth 'Thanks.' I tip the drink back. I put the glass on the bar and then leave the club the same way I came in. I feel eyes on me as I climb into my car. I look up at the window and see Jai standing there.

His eyes bore into mine.

Taking my eyes off him I start the car and pull away.

When I turn onto the main street I see a black car following me. I turn through different streets trying to lose it.

Eventually, I do and then I drive to the hospital. I look in the rear view mirror and double check that no one is following me. I pull into the parking lot of the hospital and look for a spot to park. I find one at the other end of the parking lot. I grab my hand bag and head in the direction of the main entrance.

When I get to Aleysa's room I see that she's sharing a room with a girl around her age. I move over to the bed and she sits up.

Aleysa smiles. "Hey, Chloe. Did you get a job?"

I nod. "I did. I won't be here until after 10.30pm during the week and on the weekends 2.30am."

Aleysa takes my hand. "That's alright." She looks at the door. "You don't have to stay at the hospital with me. You could go home."

I touch her face. "I'm not going to leave you here on your own. Until you come home, I won't be going there."

"I love you, Chloe. Tomorrow you need to go home and have a shower before you go to work. Give Nate money to catch the bus or his friends can pick him up."

Nate enters the room at the moment. "Josh is picking me up. I'm spending the night at his. His Mom is alright with me staying with them until Aleysa comes home."

"Can I have the phone number of Josh's Mom?"

Josh and his mother enter the room.

She walks over to me. "I'm Gillian Jarrett. I've heard a lot about you from Nate. It's remarkable that a young woman like yourself uprooted her life to take care of her siblings."

I look at my brother and sister. "I'd do anything for my siblings. So, uprooting my life wasn't a big deal. I didn't want to take them away from their friends after everything that's happened. I was afraid that they wouldn't cope with a change like that."

Gillian sits next to me. "If you need anything you can call me."

I smile. "Thank you for showing me kindness. If I ever need help I'll give you a call, Gillian."

Josh looks at his Mom. "Can we go home now? I have homework that I still need to do."

"Nate, did you complete your homework?" I ask.

See, I'm being responsible when it comes to my brother.

He nods. "I did it after you left."

"I'll see you tomorrow at 4, Nate."

Nate hugs Aleysa and I. "Bye," he walks out the door with his friend and Gillian.

I open the backpack that's on the floor and pull out Aleysa's favourite stuffed teddy bear. "Look at what I packed earlier?"

She takes it from. "Ted. Thank you, Chloe." She kisses the bear. Aleysa yawns and she lies back on the bed. "I'm tired."

I kiss her cheek. "Good night, Aleysa." I pull the covers over her and she closes her eyes.

A nurse enters the room and she checks the machines with fluid and other things for my sister. She looks at me. "Are you staying the night?"

"Yes, I am."

"I'll get someone to bring in a bed for you." She takes Aleysa's temperature and writes it in the chart. She puts the chart back on the bed and then moves over to the other patient.

I move my chair close to the bed and pull out my laptop. I put a DVD in and I lean back in the chair and watch the movie.

Halfway through the movie a nurse walks into the room with the bed. She looks at me. "Is this for you?"

I nod.

She sets up the bed for me. Before, she leaves the room she asks. "Do you need anything before I leave?"

"No, thank you." I climb on the bed with my laptop and finish off watching the movie. When the movie is over I charge my laptop.

Aleysa opens her eyes and looks at me. "Can I have some water?" I climb out of bed and pour her a cup of water. I give it to her and she drinks. "Thanks." She holds on tight to Mr Ted and falls back to sleep.

I climb into bed with my phone. I check it and there's a message from Nate.

Nate: Don't forget to call Coach tomorrow.

Me: I won't. I have a reminder set on my phone.

Nate: Thank you. Goodnight, sis.

Me: Goodnight, bro. I love you. X

Nate: Me, too. X

I turn my phone on vibrate and pull the blankets around my body.

As I begin to close my eyes I see a guy leaning against the door. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and he starts writing something. He moves away from the door and puts the phone to his ear.

Climbing out of bed I move over to the door and see the guy round the corner where the nurse's station is and I follow him.

He's too busy on his phone to notice that I'm not too far from him.

I overhear the conversation.

Guy: She's in the hospital.

A pause as someone on the other end says something.

Guy: I know.

He takes a deep breath.

Guy: They need to know they still have family around. It's not fair that we're watching from a distance. We should be helping them. She needs us.

The guy throws his phone on the ground.

As I take a closer look at him he looks similar to Dad with his light brown hair that has a tinge of blonde to it.

He looks up like he can feel my eyes on him.

Lowering myself to the ground I make my way back to the room. I close the door and climb into bed.

As soon as my head hits the pillow I fall asleep.

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