Private Suite

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After lunch I blow out the candle that Jai put on the table and then I help him pack away everything we used for the picnic. It's been awhile since I've been on a picnic and it meant the world to me that Jai put something like that together for me.

He puts the blanket into the basket and looks at me. "Do you want to come with me to the car, so I can put all this away. I don't feel like carrying it into the hospital."

A smile spreads across my dace. "Okay, I'd rather stay out here a bit longer than going back into the cancer clinic. I didn't realise how many people would need chemo or blood transfusions."

He stops walking. "Blood transfusions?"

I nod. "A few of the older couples have blood cancer and they need extra blood put into their body."

Jai starts walking to the car. "My grandmother had that, but they couldn't pick it right away and she passed away before she could be properly diagnosed. Mom wasn't too happy with the way the doctors treated her at first."

"Are you close to your family, Jai?"

"Yes, I am. I try to visit my parent 4 times a year, but sometimes it's hard when I get phone calls from my friends that need my help and I have to cancel on them. I do however make time for The Marshall Family, bbq that you're going to accompany me to with your siblings.

I'll have to organise a day for my brother to meet Jai. I was really looking forward to holding it off as long as possible.

I lean against his black SUV. "When's the bbq?"

Jai places the basket into the trunk. "It's in a couple of weeks. I told Mom about you and she's looking forward to meeting you, but I asked her to eep it a secret from my siblings. I want to introduce you to everyone on the day."

I start walking around the car. "I've never been to a family bbq. What happens during the BBQ?"

He closes the trunk and grabs ahold of my arms. "You don't need to get yourself worked up about it, Chloe. All we do is eat and play some football. My best friend will also be there. He can give Nate some pointers when it comes to being a professional football player."

I'm glad he still has connections with the sport he loves. I wonder why he didn't do something involving being in front of a camera talking about the game he loves.

"Jai," he looks at me. "Why didn't you become a sports reporter after your accident?"

He runs his fingers through his hair and looks at the ground. "I wasn't in the right mind of frame when it came to that. My injury was what consumed me until I decided to open my first bar in New York close to my team mates. They used to drink at the bar all the time, until new dukes came in that any player caught drinking in public places could be dropped from the team. All my friends didn't like the new rule, but they complied by it and stopped drinking at my bar. During the off season they spent a lot of time there. Over the years things changed and I started to work for a powerful in New York." He starts walking towards the doors of the hospital. "If my parents knew I worked for a powerful family they would kick my ass."

A smile spreads across my face. "I know what you mean by that. My parents would have done the same thing to me if they knew I was friends with people like them." I start to lead the way to the main entrance of the hospital.

Jai follows closely behind me. "My lawyer contacted the hospital not long ago and they were told that Aleysa will be moved to the private suite later this afternoon or later tonight."

"Thank you, Jai."

He takes my hand. "You're welcome, Chloe. Now, let's check on your sister." He pulls me through the halls of the hospital. When we get to Aleysa's room he opens the door us.

Aleysa is sitting up in her bed and she has a smile on her face. "Chloe, I'm getting moved to a private suite."

"You should thank Jai for that. He's the one that organised a private room for you, Aleysa. If you want to you can do homework and keep up to date with what your friends are learning in school."

A smile spreads across her face. "I'd like that." She looks at Jai. "Thanks, for getting me a private suite, but what is Nate going to say when he sees me in a different?"

"I'll deal with him tonight."

My phone goes off and I see a message from Nate.

Nate: Practise, got cancelled.

Me: Are you coming straight to the hospital after school?

Nate: No, a group of guys and I are going to the park to train. I'll be at hospital after seven with dinner.

Me: Okay, I'll see you than.

Aleysa looks at me. "Was that Nate? Is he coming here after practise?"

"Nate, will be here after seven. He and a group of friends are heading to the park, since his practise was cancelled."

The nurse walks into the room with a wheelchair. "I'm here to move you to the private suite now, Aleysa."

"Okay," Aleysa looks at me. "I want you to push me to the room, Chloe." She moves to the chair with the help of the nurse.

The nurse leads the way to the room and I follow her with Jai. The door opens to the room and I see two leather chairs that reclines, a flat screen tv, Xbox, DVD player and Netflix.

"Wow! This room is amazing." She climbs into bed. "Nate's not going to want to leave this room when he sees the Xbox." She looks at the window. "The view from here is amazing as well."

I look out the window and see the view of city and the Hollywood sign.

Jai walks over to the recliner next to Aleysa bed and he sits on it. "This chair is comfy. I can fall asleep in this things." He pulls he recliner out and his eyes close.

"Chloe," Aleysa whispers. "I'm tired."

I walk over to her and run my hand through her hair. "You can go to sleep, sis. I'll be here when you wake up." I kiss the top of her head and she she closes her eyes. I move to the recliner on the other side of the bed and I sit in. I pull the recliner back and pull out my phone. I take a picture of both Jai and Aleysa asleep.

Grabbing the remote off the nightstand I put Netflix on and I come across a show called Jessica Jones.

When the first episode finishes Jai wakes up and he looks at his watch. "I better head to work." He pushes the seat upright. "I'll see you tomorrow, Chloe."

I stand up. "I'll walk you out." I walk with Jai out of the hospital and I wave at him as he pulls out of the parking lot of the hospital.

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