Seeing Chloe

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Jai's POV

I walk into the hospital and see Chloe's family around her bed. "How is she?"

Mrs Knight looks at me. "Still sleeping. They told us that the swelling in her brain is going down and that she could wake up soon." She turns her attention back to her son. "Is there a chance that you can take Nate somewhere? Maybe, give him some pointers in his game?"

A smile spreads across my face. "Sure, what about Aleysa? It can't be fun for her to sit around here with her big sister in a coma."

Aleysa stands up and walks over to me. "Can I come with you? I don't like seeing Chloe like this."

Mr Knight nods. "Take them. We'll see you at three?"

"Yes, Sir."

Nate stands up with his phone. "I'll message some friends. They can meet us at the park. Do you think you'll be able to play old man?" he asks as we walk out the room.

I laugh. "I'm not old. I may not be able to play like I used to, but I still have skills on the field."

"Yeah, right. I think the skills you have belong on a Paralympic track."

I slap the back of his head. "Don't be rude. Besides, if you keep that up I won't contact a friend to meet us at the field."

Nate pauses and looks at me. "You still have friends that play ball?"

"Of course. I'm not that old and you might play alongside them one day. First you should go to college and get and education. That way if you hurt yourself you'll have something to fall back on."

He nods. "What did you do after you blew your knee?"

"I started my own club. It's for the wealthy people. I don't want to have club run by riff-raffs and drug dealers. That's why I only let a small group of people into my bar. Besides, they're the best kind of people to sell alcohol to." I lead the way to the car.

"Did you study business management?" Nate asks me.

"Yes, I did. It was the best course that I could take. I was able to sell stuff to people as well, but being the football player I was everyone bought my products and recommended it to other people. I tried the product once and ended up throwing it in the bin. People were just being kind. I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted until they got to there dorm room to throw it in the bin."

At the car I hit the alarm and the locks open. I open the back door for Aleysa and she climbs in. I wait for her to buckle up before closing the door. Pulling my phone out of my pocket. I put it on loudspeaker to talk to my best friend.

Jeremiah: Hello, this Jeremy.

Me: Hey, man. Are you up to meet a group of kids?

Jeremiah: Why do you always pull this shit on me, Jai? You know how I like to spend the day after a win.

Me: I know, but you'd be doing me a favor. You still owe me.

Jeremiah: Fine, but this is the last one I'm owing you. Send the details to me and I'll be there shortly.

He hangs up the phone.

Nate look at me. "Was that Jeremiah Collins? The number one football player in Los Angeles?"

"The one and only." I turn towards Nate a see a smile spread across his face. "My friends are going to go crazy when they meet him. Do you think he can come to practice one day and talk to the coach?"

I pull the car out of the parking spot and head to the park. Looking at him I say. "I don't think that's possible. He's got enough stuff on his plate, but I could talk him into coming to the park on the weekend though."

"That sounds good." He types a message in my phone to Jeremiah.

I pull the car into the parking lot of the park and look for a free spot. I see something at the end and drive towards it. I reverse into the parking spot and then climb out of the car. Opening the door for Aleysa. I wait for her to step out before shutting the door.

She looks at me. "Can I play at the park?"

"Sure, stay in sight at all time and if you have enough playing come over to me and I'll keep you company."

A smile spreads across her face. "Okay," she runs across the field to the park and I watch her climb onto a swing.

Nate hits my back. "Are you ready to show us your moves old man?" he starts running and I chase after him.

I tackle him and he rolls on the ground. "I told you to watch your mouth around me, Nate."

A group of guys stand above us and I recognize them as Nate's teammates. I stand up and look at them. "I'm glad you all could join us. Today, I have invited someone to teach you some moves on the field."

"Really?" One of the guys says. "Who could teach us something you haven't?"

At that moment Jeremiah steps next to me. "I can teach you." He claps me on the back. "My friend here thought I would have fun meeting you boys and seeing what you've got." He walks around the group. "First off I want you to run from here to the goal post and back." He yells. "GO!"

The boys take off running and Nate seems to be the one leading the boys. It doesn't take long before he's standing in front of us.

A smile spreads across Jeremiah's face as he looks at Nate. "You remind me of me when I was your age. I can see you playing ball in the future. What's your name?"

"Nate Knight, Sir."

Jeremiah laughs. "Don't call me that. You can call me Jeremy. I see why my friend called me to come out. How do you know, Jai?"

Nate looks at me and I nod, letting him know it's alright for him to tell Jeremy. "Do you remember the accident on I-15?"

He nods. "Yeah, I drove past it after having an away game."

"My sister was in one of the car that were hit and there was this guy who pulled her out of the car." Nate looks at me. "His name was Jai Marshall and he's been visiting her since she was brought in."

Jeremiah whistles. "Damn, your sister is one lucky woman. When she wakes up she's going to fall for my boy here."

"Jai," Aleysa yells, running over to me. She has sand covering her arms and legs. Tears are falling down her face. "Those boys pushed me." she wraps her arms around me.

Nate's hands form fists and he makes his way over to the boys.

"Nate," I yell. He ignores me and continues walking over there. Looking at Aleysa I say.
"Stay with, Jeremiah, while I get your brother. I run over to Nate and place my hand on his chest. "Leave them alone."

"They're bullies. They need to be taught a lesson."

"Not by you. Walk away now." He sends a dirty look their way before going back to Jeremiah and his teammates.

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