Believe (part 2)

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"You can do it! Believe in yourself!"

"Pfft, what is she/he trying to prove. What a show-off"

What does it mean to believe? Believe in someone close to you. Believe in someone you just know.

To believe in someone means that you know that they can do it. You know that no matter what happens, they will be able to pull it off. Because you believed in them.

Though along with people who believe in you, there will always be people who mock you, laugh at you, scoff and snicker at you. Don't let them get to you.

What if I told you... those kind of people don't care.

It gets on their nerve that someone can do something they can't. So they try to pull you down by any means. The world is filled with people like them. So can't let every negative word get to you. Use that negativity into something positive. And no matter what people say, always follow your heart.

It's the same thing with what Jace Norman said after he won his first Kid's Choice Awards.

"Have the courage to follow you heart and intuition, they someone already know what you want to become. And if somebody says that your dreams are too big or too out there. And you can't to them. Just remember this, what they're really saying is, they can't."

Don't let your dreams go to waste. You got them for a reason, use it.

There is a bridge between you and your goal. It's a bridge of dedication and motivation. On that bridge there are hardships, but it's nothing you can't conquer with the dedication and motivation you possess.

When people make fun of your dream, you end up having doubts. Those doubts make your bridge weak. When it weakens, it's starts to break. Every taunt, scoff or laugh is going to make a small piece fall off. If you let the reactions get to you, then your bridge will shatter into nothing and your dream will be long forgotten. Those who don't let the words get to them are the ones who become successful.

If you let your bridge break, later in the future, quitting a job won't be scary. But the thought of what could've happened. The matter of if. What would've happened if you chased your dreams?

Life is short, and you only live once. Live you're life ok your account. Make sure that with every decision, in the end it is you who is happy. It's your life so make sure that you are the one who lives it.

People will believe in you with time. But the one person who matters the most in believing when it comes to your life.

Is yourself.

Source: My trusty Brain


Yup, again with the pretty text dividers.
I hope you all liked this chapter. Once again this one is close to heart. Coming from a traditional family is hard to have girls follow their dream and passion.

Follow your heart because it knows. Even if your brain doesn't, your heart knows what it wants. Just because I said that you live by your life, doesn't mean you start disrespecting your parents. Listen to them, but it's no harm is telling them what you want. They're your parents so they will understand. At the end of the day they only want the best for you.

Once again if you wish to send in your stories, do send them on my email.
Email: [email protected]

I will be posting the prologue of the new story on my Instagram story, which would be a side project just for me until I'm finished with 'Broken and Broke.' Please do not take any screen shorting the prologue or sharing it with others. I put it on my Instagram story for a reason. Please respect that.

If you haven't read my story, be sure to check it out. I'm hopefully going to be starting chapter 17 today.

As always this has been your author. And see you all in the next write up.


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