Love but not Love

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What is love?

With reference to your everyday dictionary, love is great liking or affection. To feel love for a person or thing.

Now, what are the actions which show love?

Staying by their side. Being protective, even overprotective. Putting them before yourself. Doing things that would be better for them.

What if I told you that instead of protective, they become possessive. Would that still be considered as love? Probably not. In fear that your loved one might get hurt, they don't send you anywhere; anywhere far away from them. They don't send you to hang out with their friends alone. Despite how old you are, they refuse to let go.

And then they wonder why are you so antisocial? Why do you refuse to spend time with people? Why do you always prefer to be alone?

Here's another example, forcing them to do things they don't like. Forcing them to take subjects they despise. Disregarding your interests, and forcing theirs onto you. They might've done well in them, but that doesn't mean you will too. Because everyone in this world is different.

Ignoring your accomplishments, and focusing on your weaknesses. Making your small accomplishments seem like nothing. This isn't love.

But what is love, is when they hug you, and kiss you. When they make you laugh until your stomach hurt. When they tell you that it's going to be okay, in the toughest of times. When they're with you till their final breath. When they cook you your favourite meal, and dress your wounds. When they ignore your mood swings, and only wish the best for you. When they are with you, when the whole world isn't. When they hold you close, refusing to let go. When they put their priorities after yours, and pray for you.  When they smile at everything you do. That is love. And that's what it means to be loved.

Source: My brain

This is your author speaking. This write up is not something that you should abide by. People love you, and would do anything to protect you.

Yes, they might go over board, but you have to remember that they are human. And humans make mistakes, no one is perfect. No matter how angry you are at them, learn to forgive. Life is short, so don't hold grudges against anyone.

I repeat. YOU MUST NOT ABIDE BY THIS WRITE UP. It's just there to have something to read, something that understands your pain, but also opens your eyes. So don't use this against your loved ones. Trust me, they love you more than anything in this world.

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If you haven't read my other story make sure to check it out

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