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Thank you so much for the suggestion RandomGoGirl101
If you want to leave some write up suggestions and go right ahead.

Most statistics mentioned are estimated and have been taken from the internet. Links will be at the end.
The statistics are taken from pre-COVID

This chapter will contact pictures of graphs so do keep your net on for this one.

The following write up talks about suicide including statistics and the reasons. For anyone who wants to skip them, there will be a separate section where I write a normal write up about the topic.

Please do read the authors note. I know they are random but I like talking to you guys and I take time writing them. So please do.


People die everyday.

People die every hour.

People die every minute.

People die every second.

According to 2017 data, nearly 150,000 people die every day. If you do the calculations, then a bit more than 54 million (taking 148,000 into consideration and excluding the leap year) people die every year. And every year 800,000 people die due to suicide. Which is someone dying every 40 seconds. Through further calculations we find out that 15% of the people dying every year is because of suicide (taking 54 million as the bigger value.)

Normally, people would think that's suicide would be among the younger generation. But that's far from the case. According the the data of 2019, suicide was higher among adults. Around ages from 45 to 54 the rate was 19.6 per 100,000. From 55 to 64 it was 19.41 per 100,000. And it was the worst for ages 85+, 20.12 per 100,000.

In the US, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death. In 2019, it was estimated that's around 47,000 (47,511 exactly) Americans died by suicide attempts.

An estimated value of 1.38 million suicide attempts were made in 2019. Most of it was between middle aged white men. Men died by suicide 3.63X more often than females and there were 130 suicides per day on average.

Young ages having consistently lower suicide rates than adults. Ages around 15-24 years had a rate of 13.95. American Indians or Alaska Native Students were reported of having highest rate of suicide attempts (25.5%) to white students (7.9%)

Based on a survey from 2019, the youth from grades 9-12, reported that they had made at least one suicide attempt. Female students did it twice as much as men (11% to 6.6%)

In 2015, approximately 575,000 people were admitted to the hospital because of self harm.

There isn't just one reason that would make someone take their life. It's more like a complete kind of game which tests your patience and your mental and emotional strength.

There's mental illness, traumatic stress and loss or fear of loss which included academic failure, being arrested, imprisonment, bullying, shaming, humiliation etc.

Then there's having financial issues, being jobless and losing social status. Additionally, reasons such as being broken, feeling hopeless or having a romantic or any close friendship coming to an end be the reason for your demise.

This isn't where it ends.

There's chronic pain and illness to consider. These may include diabetes, Epilepsy, AIDs, HIV, heart disease, high blood pressure, migraine and heart failure.

Also the feeling of being a burden to others and isolation may cause it. A simple complex cry for help. A dangerous way of showing others that you aren't okay.

Shockingly, there's something called 'Accidental Suicide.' It's where tens play games to prove themselves. Games such as 'The Choking Game' , 'Pass-out Challenge' , 'Flatliner' and 'Space Monkey.'
Where teens strangle themselves to achieve a high-like sensation and examples of suicide suffocation. Others may include unintentional overdose and firearm and poisoning suicide.

I think we all can agree that life isn't easy. It's never easy. But still most of us make it. Today I've written about this. Some other day I may do something else. Life goes on and struggles keep coming. There is no end.

But I want you all to know that you are loved.

You are wanted.

You are needed.

Suicide is not an option. Suicide is NEVER an option. You may think that you have an option of ending your life whenever. But you're not. The religion I follow, suicide is forbidden. You're taking your fate into your own hands and that's wrong.

Challenges come and go but you're never given a challenge you can't handle. There's always a way. I know you people will read the causes of suicide. And you may be thinking.... I go through that.

I want you to know. Don't even dare think about suicide. Don't think about it. It may not seem like it but people care about you more than you think. If you're unimportant in someone's life, you may be the light to someone else's.

People show their feelings differently. And it's natural to have certain needs and wants despite your age. I've gone or go through most of them too. And it's alright. It's a phase. Random mood swings when you hate everyone and everything. You become depressed and saying that there's nothing to look forward to.

What if I told you... that it's okay.

You're okay.

If it's not okay right now. Then it will be okay later on.

There's always a way in life for those who look for it.

You aren't the problem. You never were the problem.
Society is.

Will you let society win? Or will you do everything in your power to prove everyone wrong?

People will call you weak. You're not weak. People don't care.

If they call you dumb. Follow your passion and prove them wrong.

If you call you fat. Ignore it and if YOU want, only then work-out to make yourself better.

Society doesn't care. But they do everything in their power to point out every tiny mistake of yours. Because they want society to be perfect. If you've studied sociology, then there's a term for it. It's called, functionalism. These people want society to be functional. They want it to be perfect without flaws. People to excel in school and do well in life. That's how it is.

But that's not reality and it's okay.

Source: Thy Brain and


Before I say anything else. I want you all to promise me.

Promise me that none of you will even THINK about suicide. At all. Please don't. I love each and every one of you and if something happened...i don't know what I'll feel. So please promise me this one thing.

All of you always have that one friend who you are 100% positive about that no matter what they won't leave. No matter how much you complain they don't leave. And if you don't have that... then you have me. I'm here. I'm always here.

I may take time to reply but I do reply. You can contact me on Wattpad or me email or insta or Twitter (usernames in bio)

This entire thing is self explanatory and I don't think I have to explain anything and I think I've given the warnings.

I love you all so much.

If you want to send it in your stories then go right ahead. And yup, I've run out of ideas. Do hell this child out.

If you haven't read my story then make sure you do.

This has been your author, as always.

I'll see you all in the next write up.


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