chapter one what the hell's going on

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Real quick we're going to Lincoln is 13 years old you guys already had his backstory in the description so I'm not going to bother making any more backstory for him.

Lincoln had a normal day of school he was walking in the Halls at this point the bad luck incident already happened and Lincoln just had about enough for was bulshit Lincoln is on the verge of cracking and losing all his s*** this is when his his middle school bully /he does not have a name the story so just saying that right now we're going to call Andrew/
This is when Andrew gets a very bad idea he decides to trip Lincoln and then punch you in the face in front of everyone Lincoln's point of view I was walking in the hallway going to my class after I got my books I saw Andrew he had his leg out I just I didn't see him but I didn't see his leg out and I tripped on it and he contacted me and punched in the face inside I got so mad the blood running down my nose got on the ground and I got so mad I stuck I punch you in the face almost knocking them out cuz I got so angry at that point Lincoln starts going into a blind rage punching the face and on Instinct Lincoln bites his finger and your Splat blonde his face and then snaps his fingers this making Andrew have permanent fourth-degree Burns almost like to the center of his face where the bonus showing it would basically be like how you would see salad horse scars.

I then started freak out as his face started to burn he was screaming for me to stop and I didn't know what to do so I grabbed a water bucket that was in the hallway and splashed on his face put out the fire it worked but you was knocked out cold because of the excruciating pain I then got sent to the principal's office and got expelled because of hurting a student with something that I don't even know what what what it was I didn't really care at that point I was feeling classes anyway I've been depressed for about a year now I also do smoke at some I do smoke sometimes because I am really done with life I couldn't give a s*** less but honestly doesn't even hurt me I just don't really give a s*** I also noticed I have a regeneration factor which really shocked me but I didn't think much of it but at that point I was really confused on why he had burns on his face cuz it was in a blind rage so I didn't really know what was going on when I got home I was told by my mom and dad and this is when they made or said a terrible thing he said we should have left you on the street where you were when you were a baby I pause I look at them and then look at myself I say what did you say did you just say I am am I adopted is that why is that why you don't even care when you threw me out what the f*** is wrong with you people I'm adopted this is when Reta and Lynn sr
Both cover their mouths and look at each other and shock of what they just said Lincoln is crying he's mad angry confused emotional his know what to think of his family anymore she's so mad and filled with rage that he wasn't told this earlier did he had to suffer three months out in the freaking cold just for all this just to have been told that your adopted that you're not there actual son Reta tries to go up to Lincoln and come down Lincoln pushes her away and says I hate you I hate you cuz you made me suffer for three months out in the cold or I could have died know what I'm glad I'm not your biological son cuz I won't even be able to say this ice f****** hate you and I will never accept you as a real character what you said today this is when his parents or adopted parents look at him shocked and they start to cry to Lincoln Ben runs up to his room saying I hate you I hate you and it keeps on running up there his sister Lyndhurst to stop him but he pushes her out of the way and heads to his room he then barricaded with his bed so enraged and angry he goes to his dresser and starts to pack all his clothes money Food Supplies whatever he had in there he then Isis finger and creates a whole or a circle and then he snaps his fingers and the whole the Silas house is burning these snap from again and it disappears Lincoln jumped out the window or though the giant hole that he made and he runs away this causing Reta and Lynn sr to cry in each other's arms the sisters are confused and worried about what happened to their brother and why they're crying and why he ran away with all those things and was a giant hole in the wall explain to them that Lincoln was adopted when he was younger and they dyed his hair making it look like Tim and Lucy were related like they're like actual brother and sister because Lucy was born with black hair this causing Lucy in the older sister to get so mad their parents that they disowned them as parents until they find Lincoln they're not going to forgive them for what they did to him we see Lincoln getting on a bus and heading towards New York City he used all of his spending money and all of his account money that but he's been saving up to go to college to get his college diploma but now it serves him a different purpose to get as far away from his family as possible Lincoln ends of renting the apartment that Spider-Man had in no way home after the end of the movie it's quite small it's livable and he'll have a lot of stuff anyway Lincoln decided he's going to become a vigilante in New York City known as the Crimson killer or also known as cremation hive Lincoln creates a suit based off of what Dobby used to wear

And and that is why I'm going to be leaving it off on chapter one of what the hell is going on/ what if Lincoln had a blood cremation quirk I will post another part tomorrow it is 10 at night for me right now.

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