1: The Night

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Marcy struggled as she opened and closed the box. "Come on, come on!!!" She screamed, trying to keep the glowing portal open.

This was probably the most wild ride she had ever been on. She had dreamed of being a hero, fighting in another world of fantasy and adventure...but this? This was going too far. She realized that now. It was time to go home.

Andrias roared as he smashed the floor. "NO!"

Then? Captain Grime, wielding Barrel's Warhammer and Sasha wielding her red and silver swords. Sasha looked at Anne and The Plantars. "ME AND GRIME WILL HOLD HIM!!! JUST GO!!!"

Anne nodded, beginning to run towards the portal along with her found family.

Marcy quickly ushered them. "QUICK! INTO THE PORTAL, EVERYONE! HURRY!"

Andrias slashed his flame sword, and then smashed the ground with his fist. Grime attempted to hit him with the warhammer, but was swatted away by The Newt King. Sasha lunged at him, but was whipped away by Andrias' tail. "THE BOX!!!!"

"MARCY, HURRY!!!" Anne screamed as she and her family went into the portal.

"I JUST NEED TO-" Then? The young girl's eyes widened and she began to choke on air. She looked down and saw the blazing blade of Andrias' sword had penetrated her chest.

Andrias had stabbed her through the back. He gritted his fangs, growling lowly. "NOW LOOK WHAT YOU'VE MADE ME DO..."

Marcy couldn't process everything...she felt herself drifting...she felt blood leak onto her chestplate and her shirt. She looked at Anne...she was so far away...she wanted to be with her friend...in this wonderful world...but now...?

She was alone...Anne hated her, didn't she?

"I...I'm sorry...for everything." Marcy told Anne and The Plantars as she began to fall off the blade, her eyes slowly closing.

"MARCY!!!!" Anne screamed...and that was the last thing she heard.

A stab THROUGH the chest. Surely, NO ONE came back from that...at least. In the Human World, no one comes back through that.

Andrias dropped Marcy's body into the chamber, watching her lifeless body splash into the water. He then closed it as the tendrils and life support began to forcibly attach itself to the suit Marcy was now wearing. It was similar to some kind of aquatic suit.

The Newt King grinned before looking at the Heart Monitor...and then seeing it began to beep. Marcy was alive. But she wouldn't wake up...not for a long time.

"It is done, my lord..." Andrias said to the empty and dark room. "As you requested." He said, getting on his knees and taking off his crown.

And then? From behind the chamber...13 glowing orange eyes opened wide. There was a deep and low chuckle.

"LEAVE US...CONTINUE THE MISSION..." The creature said.

Andrias stood and then took his crown. "Of course, my lord." He then left the room.

The creature stared at Marcy inside the chamber and cackled a low and deep laugh. "ONE OF THE STARS OF CALAMITY...MUCH SMALLER...THAN I THOUGHT..."

The creature then closed all of his eyes and began to enter the mind of Marcy Wu.

Marcy groaned as she held her head. She then gasped, eyes wide. "What happened!? Anne!? Anne!? Where am I!?!?"

She looked around. She was in a completely black space. She looked at her hands and chest, but it was protected by some kind of swimsuit with the style of an Amphibian and sea diver.

Marcy breathed heavily. "What...happened...? I...I can't remember...this is just like in Shadow The Hedgehog, where he gets amnesia for literally no reason-"

"HELLO, MARCY WU." A voice cackled. "HAVE A NICE NAP?"

Marcy shrieked at the top of her lungs for a few seconds before whipping around. And that's when she realized...she was floating in this void of darkness. "W-WHO'S THERE!? WHERE AM I!?"

"Behind you." The voice said again.

Marcy slowly turned and then screamed again thanks to what she saw...but more out of shock than horror.

There...stood herself. A complete reflection...but with some differences. Their eyes were a bright orange and they wore a terrifying smile across their face. And finally? Their hair was completely green, and glowing bright as it waved around, like they were in space and they didn't need air to playfully float around.

"A...Are you my evil dobbleganger...?" Marcy whispered, trying to back up. "T-This is so c-cool...AND KINDA TERRIFYING..."

The fake Marcy hummed, scratching their chin. "Interesting. You have a much more calmer head than the others I've brought into the mindscape...then again, you DID just die."

Marcy's eyes widened, and it all came back. Andrias, Sasha, Anne, the portal...she was killed.

"I-I'M DEAD!?! IS T-THIS PURGATORY...? H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEYSTICKS!?" Marcy screamed, looking around the void.

"Jeez, you're loud! I'm right here." The fake Marcy hissed, still wearing their giant grin. "Now, be a good girl and be...SILENT."

Suddenly, Marcy's mouth was glued shut. She gasped with a muffle, trying her hardest to open her mouth, but to no avail.

"Wow, I could watch this for a while." The fake Marcy said, summing popcorn into their hand and then taking a bite.

Marcy's mouth was then freed and she gasped. "W...Why did you-?"

"Do that? You were getting loud...but now? I bet you're curious as to how you're alive despite being stabbed in the heart, yes?"

Marcy nodded slowly, still trying to process everything. "I...I...yeah...how did I...? And...who are you?"

"Andrias put you in a...revitalizing chamber." The fake Marcy said. "And as for who I am? I...am The Night."

"The...Night?" Marcy asked. "Wait...I read about you! You were mentioned in ONE reading, and only ONE! Three stars were meant to expel you or...something."

"Oh! You are the smart one!" The Night laughed.

"Y...Yeah!" Marcy said before blinking, and then screaming, because The Night had appeared right in her face.

The Night snorted and began to laugh. "PRICELESS!!! HA!!!" He then had his eyes glow even brighter. "Now...Marcy Wu...anymore questions before beginning your eternal suffering?"

"W-What!?" Marcy screamed.

"Sidenote: You get 3 questions. You just used one."

"That's not fair!" Marcy cried, grunting before she quickly thought up of one. "Why would Andrias keep me...alive?"

"I asked him to bring you to me. He follows my orders after all." The Night said.

"He does- Wait, wait. Only 1 more question...why do you look like me?"

"I take a form similar to the one I bring into the mindscape." The Night explained. "In this case? YOU."

The Night then hovered above her. "NOW...SHALL WE BEGIN...?"

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