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Hello my Star Wars fans. So in honor of star wars day I'm writing a short fanfic: what if the characters of star wars had Facebook? Hope you enjoy :) 

Obi-Wan Kenobi: I've got a bad feeling about this – with Anakin Skywalker above Coruscant. *42 likes* Comments (5).

Anakin Skywalker: Oh come on, Master. I already got their shields down!

Obi-Wan Kenobi: If it were up to you, we would both be pulverized!

Chancellor Palpatine: Feel free to rescue me anytime now, Jedi. I don't pay you to stand around squabbling. 

Anakin Skywalker: Technically, you don't pay us at all. 

R2-D2: Beep, booop, BEEEEEP!

Jar-Jar Binks: Mesa so smilin' to see-in' yosa!!! – feeling happy with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. *0 likes* Comments (2)

Random citizen: Everyone hates you!

Chancellor Palpatine: Yes.... Let the hate flow through you. I can feel your anger. It gives you focus... makes you... stronger.....

Padme Amidalia: We're having twins! :) – feeling elated with Anakin Skywalker. *132 likes* Comments (10)

Obi-Wan Kenobi: You'll be expelled from the Jedi order!

Yoda: Hmmm... to a dark path this leads, yes. 


Random citizen: WRONG FANDOM!

Thor: How dare you insult a son of Odin?

Loki: tehehehehe...

Obi-Wan Kenobi: The force is strong with these strangers...

C-3P0: Oh, Milady, I'm so happy for you both.

Anakin Skywalker: I'm gonna be a daddy :')

R2-D2: beeeeep! Bop BEEP!

Chancellor Palpatine: Come to the dark side.... We have.... Cookies. *Anakin Skywalker and 500,000,000 others like this* Comments (8)

Darth Maul:I didn't get any cookies :(

Anakin Skywalker: Hmm....tempting...

Padme Amidalia: Don't even think about it!

Anakin Skywalker: But... your cookies...

Padme Amidalia: What do you mean my cookies?

Anakin Skywalker: Um.... Let's just say you're not exactly a Master yet.

Padme Amidalia: o.o

Cookie Monster: COOKIE!

Anakin Skywalker has joined the club Dark Side Rocks. *Chancellor Palpatine, Count Dooku, Darth Maul, and 150,678 others like this*. Comments (4)

Chancellor Palpatine: Welcome to the dark side... Are you surprised we lied about the cookies?

Anakin Skywalker: Nooooooo!

Obi-Wan Kenobi: You were the chosen one!

Cookie Monster: COOKIE!

Anakin Skywalker has changed his name to Darth Vader. *Count Dooku and 132,560 others like this* Comments (5)

Padme: You're going down a path I can't follow!

Obi-Wan Kenobi: It was said you would destroy the Sith, not join them!

Yoda: the boy you trained, gone he is, consumed by Darth Vader.

R2-D2: BEEEEP! Boop!

C-3P0: Oh, dear.

Padme Amidalia: You're breaking my heart! – feeling heartbroken with Darth Vader. *11 likes* Comments (5)

Darth Vader: I love you!

Padme Amidalia: You don't like my cookies!! :'(

Darth Vader: My love... you're cookies were great! With more training...

Padme Amidalia: -_- Bake your own cookies from now on!

Cookie Monster: COOKIE!

Chancellor Palpatine has invited Darth Vader and 100 others to the event "Order 66." *567,000 likes* Comments (0)

Obi-Wan Kenobi has changed his name to Ben Kenobi. *7 likes* Comments (2)


C-3P0: How rude!

Darth Vader is playing Star Wars Angry Birds. *54 likes* Comments (4)

Luke Skywalker: I love this game!

Ben Kenobi: Use the force, Luke. 

Han Solo: I already beat this game!

Luke Skywalker: -_- no one likes a bragger

Darth Vader: Curse these stupid pigs!!! – feeling angry.*5 likes* Comments (6)

 Padme Amedalia: Annie don't throw your phone!!

Luke Skywalker: o.o

Chancellor Palpatine: Yes... I can feel your... anger...

R2-D2: Beep, booooop!

Darth Vader: I am your father! – with Luke Skywalker. *653,048 likes* Comments (1)

Luke Skywalker: NOOOOOOOO!!!

Jabba the Hutt has invited Leia Organa and 400 others to the event "Party at Jabba's Palace." *134,487,038 likes* Comments (7)

Leia Organa: I am not going!

Han Solo: Why not? I can't wait to see you in your party clothes ;) 

Leia Organa: -_-

Han Solo: Not to mention watching you dance!

Leia Organa: I am not dancing again!

Darth Vader: *ignites lightsaber*

Han Solo: o.o

Leia Organa: ...

Han Solo has gone offline. *0 likes* Comment (1)

Leia Organa: Dad!

Chewbaca: WHRAAAAAA!!!

Luke Skywalker: "Baby you light up my world like nobody else!" – with Han Solo and Leia Organa. *1,000,000 likes* Comments (3)

Han Solo: Uh....?

Darth Maul: You're a directionor! Omg me to :D

Luke Skywalker: Best friends? 

Darth Maul: Yes!

Leia Organa: I think my brother has gone insane... 5 people like this comment

Luke Skywalker: I am not insane. The Force is strong with us Directioners! 150,000 people like this comment

R2-D2: Beep! Boooop, BEEEEP! *43 likes* Comments (3)

C-3P0: Well I for one am surprised you've lived this long with that attitude!

Chewbaca: ARRRRRRRRRRRR!! Han Solo likes this comment

R2-D2: Beeep!

Lando Calrissian: Well, hello there beautiful –feeling flirty with Leia Organa. *R2-D2 likes this* Comments (2)

Han Solo: She's mine! Back off!

Darth Vader: *ignites lightsaber*

Lando Calrissian and Han Solo have gone offline. *0 likes* Comments (1)

Leia Organa: ....

Chewbaca: ARRRRRR! – taking a selfie with Han Solo. *C-3P0 and Leia Organa like this* Comments (6)

Darth Vader: What is this "selflie" you speak of? 

Leia Organa: Dad... just no. Luke Skywalker likes this

Luke Skywalker: Ben Kenobi we should take a selfie!

R2-D2: Beeep C-3P0 booop!

Ben Kenobi: .....

C-3P0: Oh my! This is quite fun!

Darth Vader taking a selfie with Padme Amidalia, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Ben Kenobi, Han Solo and 12 others. *145,038,347,382,388 like this* Comments (3)

Ben Kenobi: This is ridiculous. 

Chancellor Palpatine: Don't forget to smile

Darth Vader: -_-

Leia Organa: Han, I love you

Han: I know

Padme: Oh, Anakin! I truly, deeply love you!

Darth Vader: I love you too, my beautiful wife. 

Yoda: hmm, my first selfie this is. Yes... hmmm. 

Darth Maul: Directioners unite!

Luke Skywalker: Yes!!! :D

Chewbaca: ARRRRR!

C-3P0: My, my! 


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