Part Eighteen

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Author's Note: In honor of Kenobi, I thought I would update this book finally! It's very special to me, as a prequel fan, and a dream come true! So here goes. I hope you enjoy this! I almost forgot how to write them and format them (so if there are differences here, that's why). I hope some of you are still here along for the ride!


Ashoka: You're finally getting your own show, Master Kenobi!!! – feeling excited with Anakin Skywalker and 501 others *1,015 likes* Comments (5)

Obi-Wan Kenobi: It has been a long time coming.

- Replies:

Ahsoka: Can you spoil anything for us?

Ewan McGregor: Of course, he can't! We've been keeping it very tight-lipped on this, you know.

Anakin Skywalker: Does anybody else think it's odd having both Obi-Wan and his actor here at the same time?

Hayden Christensen: Don't ask.

Boba Fett is holding a launch party with 104 others *2 likes* Comments (2)

Aura Sing: Here's to hoping Obi-Wan will be more in his show than you were in yours, Boba.

Boba Fett: That's it. We're dueling. *Anakin Skywalker and Kanan Jarus like this*

Boba Fett Challenges Aura Sing to a duel *60,074 likes* Comments (13)

Aura Sing: I accept. See if you still got it, kid.

Boba Fett: I'm not a kid anymore!

Aura Sing: You know, saying it only makes you sound more immature

Boba Fett: *grumbles*

Boba Fett: I'll sic my rancor on you!

Aura Sing: *eyeroll* yeah, yeah, kid. You're only digging yourself a hole and sounding more immature by the second.

Boba Fett: I'm not a kid!

Joffery: I am the king!

Anakin Skywalker: Who's he?

Joffery: I am the king!

Anakin Skywalker...

Darth Maul: I challenge Lord Sidious to a duel!

Darth Sidious: *force chokes Maul*

Boba Fett: Bet you won't call me kid any more, Aura Sing – feeling like a winner *50,459 likes* Comments (2)

Anakin Skywalker: Does that mean you won, Boba?

Boba Fett: Indeed

Anakin Skywalker has changed his name to Darth Vader and joined the chat room: Dark Side *0 likes* Comments (4)

Luke Skywalker: Noooooooo! I redeemed you, remember?

Darth Vader: That happens later. I'm getting into character.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: This doesn't bode well...

R2-D2: beeeep! Bop!

Darth Vader: I will find you, Obi-Wan! We will encounter each other again and it will be the rematch of the century! *1,459 likes* Comments (7)

Obi-Wan Kenobi: You do realize I can just best you again, right, Anakin?

Darth Vader: I am Darth Vader now. Anakin Skywalker is dead!

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Perhaps, from a certain point of view...

Luke Skywalker: I'm not sure that logic makes sense, Ben.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: From a certain point of view it does

Darth Vader: Enough! Do you accept my duel?

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Not quite yet, Darth.

Obi-Wan Kenobi has changed his name to Ben Kenobi – feeling sad and broken *1 like* Comments (3)

Darth Vader: Now, do you accept my duel?

Ben Kenobi: I will do what I must.

Darth Vader: You will try!

Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader are dueling *1,493,937,272 likes* Comments (18)

Ahsoka: Shouldn't we try to stop them?

Luke Skywalker: I don't know.

Jar Jar Binks: Mesa can't look

R2:D2: Beeeep! Bop, beep-beep!

C-3P0: Oh, dear

Padme: Anakin, you're breaking my heart! Don't do this!

Darth Vader: It's already been done, Padme.

Lord Sidious: *force chokes Padme*

Darth Vader: Whaaaaat? You've betrayed me Sidious!

Lord Sidious: What? I thought you were busy dueling Kenobi, not reading comments.... Uh, oops.

Lord Sidious: *deletes his earlier comment*

Darth Vader: *breathes* I've already read it, Sidious.

Ahsoka: Luke, say something!

Luke Skywalker: Right, that's my cue. You were once Anakin Skywalker, my father.I know there is good in you!

Darth Vader: You're... right. What am I doing? How could I do this?

Darth Vader: *throws Sidious down a shaft*

Darth Vader: How do you like that, Sidious?

Boba Fett: Well, this escalated quickly.

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