Part 3

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When the creepypastas woke up the first thing anyone said was....Well Jeff was the first on up so he screamed "Candy". The little pasta monsters tumbled down stairs curious on why Jeff screamed candy and woke them up. The sight they found delighted the little killers. Jeff found a HUGE stash of candy and was eating it. Everyone grabbed some candy and started eating it happily. Slender was trying to tell the  hildren to stop eating the candy so they won't get sick. About two hours later everyone was screaming and runninb around the house.

Lydia's P.O.V

   I had a crunch bar in one hand and a controller in the other. "Beeennnnnn stop winning" I cry and continue to slame my tiny fingers on the button. "Then stop loskng then" Ben says beating me for the 8th time. We were playing Mario Cart 4. take a bite of my crunch bar as ben chows on some mini m&m's. I was wearing his hat at the moment. Ben glanced over at me and smiled. I took this as my chance I drove my car past his and beat him. "What! How-" Ben screams but then realizes his mistake. I laugh and he chases me outside. I run and dive into the lake.  Ben dives in after me. I climb out of the water and Ben pulls me back in. I laugh and splash at the little blond boy. I climb on Ben's back and say "wanna see something cool".  Ben nods and I dunk Ben under water. Ben screams "hey!". We get outmof the water and run around playing shotgun. We go inside for lunch which was grilled cheese. Jeff was running around acting like a bird while Lui chased him screaming "lire". Lj was singing a sing and dancing around the house.  EJ was coloring some picture that I couldn't see cause he was covering it with his hand. "Lets go color with Jackyyyy" I say dragging Ben to the table. We color and once we finish we show each other our art work. Ben drew a butterfly,  Jack drew some flowers inside a vase, and I drew a casket with purple and red flowers surrounding it. I think Ben is a good drawer. Eventually we end up falling asleep right before dinner.

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