Calm Before the Storm.

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Ahsoka wasn't the most conventional type of girl, she was snippy, sarcastic and brutal when she wanted to be. But she did have a softer side, one her friends loved.

But it was very rare for Ahsoka to be nervous or not sure of herself. No one could blame her really, every bride would be nervous on their wedding day.

Ahsoka was elated when Lux had proposed to her, after all, they had been together for years. But Ahsoka was head strong and reckless, she had no idea how Lux had put up with her for all those years, let alone the fact he wanted to spend more years with her. She wasn't a girl who was easily tied down so as the wedding came ever closer she grew in anxiety.

She had all her friends around her of course. It seemed like only yesterday attachments were banned and she could technically not have friends. But there she was, standing in Padmé's and Anakin's apartment, getting ready.

The ceremony would take place on the roof of the senate building and all her friends had been invited.

Padmé and Leia were with her, giving the last finishing touches to Ahsoka's outfit. Ahsoka wasn't used to long and over the top dresses so she went for something which wasn't the traditional. She wore a short red dress which hung just below her knees. She knew it was not much of a diversion from her usual Jedi clothes but she was comfortable. Her headdress was not her usual either. Instead of a wedding ring, Lux had given her an addition to her headdress, something which was apparently the norm for torgutas.

Making her way to the roof, she found Anakin waiting for her. She smiled up at her big brother before he gave her a tight hug. As she didn't have any biological family she knew of, Anakin took her arm as he would be walking her down the isle.

Everyone she had ever loved was there for the ceremony. It was short but sweet as the two exchanged vows in front of everyone. Ahsoka's nerves finally tumbled down the second the vows flowed. Ahsoka never knew she would end up loving someone as kind or sweet as Lux.


The twins were in their late teens and that year, the whole Skywalker Family had taken some time of leave for what was essentially a holiday on Naboo.

They were staying at the same beach side villa Padmé and Anakin had stayed at all those years ago before the war, when he was assigned to protect her and of course, the same villa they had been married at.

Anakin found it hard to believe this was where it all started, back when both him and Padmé were coming to terms with their feeling for one another. And yet here they were nearly two decades later with Luke and Leia.

Of course, the two had taken the twins to Naboo on many occasions to this villa. It was their home away from home. But this holiday visit seemed different somehow.

It was probably because Anakin was worried about the growing threat in the outter rim. It seemed that everyday, Maul gained more ground. Though the war was long since over, the Republic couldn't ignore the threat Maul posed. Chancellor Bail Organa had already briefed the Jedi Council on all the information they knew concerning Maul's whereabouts.

Anakin and many of the other Jedi Council members could somehow sense Maul's gain of power by the minute. They could somehow feel the scales slowly being tipped in his favour.

Anakin wanted to spend as much time with his family as he could before the scales tipped and they would be forced back into the action, away from domesticity. Maul's power would soon prove a threat to the Republic and he had no doubt the council would send him and the twins into the fray, but until then, he wanted some peace.

That evening, after dinner, Anakin found himself standing on the balcony, overlooking the beaches. He could see Luke and Leia running through their regular drills with their lightsabers, it seed like only yesterday since he and Padmé had taken them to Naboo for the first time.

"This is where it all began,"

Anakin didn't even need to look behind him to know Padmé had appeared behind him. Whilst most things in the galaxy had the tendency to be anxiety enducing, Padmé had always been a calming presence.

"Do you remember?" She asked softly, gliding over next to him on the balcony where he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"How could I forget?" Anakin chuckled lightly, an embarrassed blush forming on his cheek at the awkward memory of their ill-fated first kiss, "It was one of our more un-orthodox kisses."

"And to think, here we are," Padmé mused with a chuckle as she gestured to Luke and Leia down on the beach, "All these years later and that kiss somehow paid off."

"You say that like there was doubt," Anakin scoffed in mock offence.

"Let's just say, it was quite clear that flirting wasn't on your Jedi curriculum," she mused cheekily.


With Maul's return now an inevitability, Lady Bo-Katan was rightfully anxious for the safety of her planet. After all, Maul had ransacked Mandalore and turned it into a war zone as his tenure as ruler. She feared he might yet come back to Mandalore and try to pry it from her grasp again.

Mandalore had recovered from the civil war and Bo-Katan was determined to keep it intact.

Minister Korkie was equally as anxious for the return of Darth Maul, after all, the sith lord had killed his mother in cold blood.

Obi-Wan always bore the burden that he hadn't killed Maul properly all those years ago. Though he masked his feelings well, he couldn't help but feel responsible for the carnage Maul had reeked on the galaxy.

The day Obi-Wan was forced to see Satine ripped from him by Maul, a part of him seemed to die with her. And the knowledge that he could have prevented it plagued him constantly.

Obi-Wan had spent his whole life trying to uphold Jedi tradition and ideals which included the no attachments rule (back when it was enforced). But even he was put to the challenge when he met Satine.

He had loved her deeply and for the first time in his life, Obi-Wan had found himself second guessing the Jedi Code. In the weeks leading up to his departure from Mandalore all those years ago, he was in two minds. Part of him wanted to stay with Satine forever and the other part was trying to slap some sense into the other half, telling him the Jedi Order was his life and his duty.

In the end, the latter half of his mind turned out to be the victor. For years he regretted his decision to leave and that regret resurfaced when he met Satine again and he ended up admitting his love for her. That regret only deepened when Korkie came forward as his son.

Maul had taken Satine from him and was a clear that to Mandalore, a world Satine has spent so many years trying to keep safe.

With that in mind, Obi-Wan had promised that should Lady Bo-Katan or Minister Korkie ever uncounted Maul or be threatened by him, Obi-Wan would be there for them. After all, they all had a vendetta against Maul.

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