Do or Die.

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I hope I can appease you with this extra long chapter, this is actually going to be the penultimate chapter so there's only 1 left! I've had a blast writing this, thank you so much for reading along!

My one request for you guys is to comment like hell for the last two chapters, honestly, I want to hear everything you have to say about the end!

With the solitary guard now their captive and the codes to the door released, all that was left now of the ground team was to infiltrate the facility and take down the shield generator around Maul's war ship so the rest of the fleet could swoop in and destroy it once and for all. Preferably, they wanted to stake away from fighting for as long as possible - of course it was inevitable to end in violence considering how heavily guarded the base would be, but if they could at least sneak through at least some of the corridors before getting caught, at least they would have the element of surprise without setting off all the alarms.

Mara had given them a basic layout of the base, of course no one was going to fault her for not memorising an entire schematic of just one base of the supposed hundred Maul had built across the galaxy, she obviously was either not aware of this back door or had otherwise overlooked it - it seemed to just be a deployment door for perhaps routine checkpoint guards to mount their bikes. The original plan was to run headfirst at the main entrance which Mara assured would be heavily guarded but at least they knew a floor plan to map their way to where the generators were being held.

According to the rudimentary holomap Mara had designed before landing, there should be a guard barrack somewhere near their area which should be next to the controls for the generator. Whilst Han suggested they try to avoid the barracks altogether, Leia pointed out that they would hardly be able to sneak in, plant the charges and sneak out uninterrupted, a conflict was inevitable, they should at least do it on their terms.

They would divide into two teams, Chewie and Ahsoka would cause a distraction outside the entrance with the Ewoks. Hopefully that would draw out most of the guards and, if Leia and Hans team could disable the alarm system, most of the Maulian soldiers would believe it was just the locals riling up trouble and would not see it as much of a threat. If the distraction was taken to, then their team would only have to fight through a smaller group of soldiers before they would find themselves at the generator room. Then they could plant the charges as planned and then it was just a case of trying to flea into the woods without being captured before they pulled the detonator.

Han and Leia found themselves at the head of the group, tentatively passing through the corridors, daring to look round corners in case of soldiers coming their way. A big storage room would be close to them soon, if they could just get to that without incident and get the squad inside, their plan could go ahead.

Leia went ahead of Han, stretching out with her senses down the corridors, gesturing with her hand to the rest of the team when to stop and start again. Few holocams were set up through the corridors and though it was taxing to do so, Leia used a neat trick her father had taught her about being able to freeze the image in place on the holograms, it wasn't always successful and she had not practiced much, Anakin only really did it for fun when he was bored, test the limits of his abilities, but it was worth a shot. They had passed quite a few of the cams which Leia now all held in stasis all at the same time. She was aware that she could slip at any and their position could be comprised but they were just a few corridors away from the storage unit they could sneak inside.

They passed more corridors and narrowly avoided guards as Leia ushered their team around the base as quietly as she could whenever soldiers came close. Finally, after about half of a standard hour, the storage room showed itself. Sencing that new patrol guards would be round any minute round, Leia told Han to take half of their group ahead and get themselves in the room in time, Leia would wait behind for the guards to pass before they risked the next half following.

So far, seemed to be running smoothly. Considering she didn't hear any commotion down the corridor where she saw Han disappear, she assumed they had not been spotted by any of the soldiers and captured - Han wasn't the one to go down without a fight. She waited with the rest of her team crouched down against the wall as they heard armoured footsteps approaching. Again stretching out with the force, she subtly willed them to keep walking and not look in their direction.

With the soldiers now passed, Leia shushed the troopers around her as they stealthily found their way down the corridor and met up with the others in the storage unit.

Giving Han a quick kiss on the cheek for both luck and relief in the fact they had made it this far, she got to work, opening up the control panel on the wall which was only really used to catalogue the manifests of the items held in storage. Meanwhile, Han pulled out his com and told the other squad outside their distraction should go ahead any minute now.


Mara had been missing before on extended trips and missions gone wrong but every time she came back, things would be no different than normal. It would have once brought her comfort to know her reputation was solid enough to have no one question her words even after nearly a month standard time missing. But this time, anxiety welled up in her as she ran through every scenario in her head.

She had gone missing from her post at Jabba's Palace where no doubt people had heard of the escape of their prisoners. She did admit, it looked very dodgy, for unarmed prisoners to get past a beast, a syndicate vessel and a platoon of Maulian soldiers all without help. Mara had barely ever been unsuccessful in her missions, even when she failed to kill Jedi like Luke on her assignments, there was always some degree of success she held but she had never been so utterly defeated - perhaps when Luke had to pull her from that crash but otherwise she had never fallen so far. So it would seem like an awful coincidence she some of the most influential prisoners like the Skywalker Twins and Captain Han Solo were allowed to walk free so easily from her grasp at the time of her disappearance.

She hoped no one would tie the ends together and realise she had been the one to help save them and she was not a prisoner or stranded anywhere but instead now a turncoat for the Jedi. So far, her name still carried weight behind it as they had landed she made sure to put the fear of the force into the officer who gave her access to the landing platform. It would seem this was exactly like usual, she had just disappeared and reappeared with prisoners to compensate for her supposed capture and or failure - she had done that before to appease her master would would only tolerate failure if she could make up for it which she always did.

So far, things had gone to plan. Her commands still carried authority and weight to get her inside the facility with her 'prisoners' in tow. Their captured biker guards they had mind-tricked had secured them transport up to Maul's War Ship and after the short but ever agonising wait as they rose into orbit and approached the vessel, they now found themselves in the docking bay of the ship, in front of the connecting corridors.

Anakin and Luke followed behind Mara as the group of guards still under their influence marching around them like a security escort. Mare held her head up high and took to her usual confident and commanding stride down the hall but wavered slightly as she crossed through the doors. It was just a quick moment of hesitation, something most people would not even recognise but Luke did - he was so used to her little ticks and triggers now after seeing her go through the very rocky stage she found herself in after her breakaway from Mail - he could sense when she felt on edge or vulnerable.

Not wanting her to appear sluggish or passive in these halls where he knew she commanded respect with every stride to evoke fear - something they now needed to trick those around her to believe she had not had a chance of heart - Luke stretched out with the force and sent her a comforting notion which he hoped to ease her worries and panic he knew she was struggling to keep suppressed. To both their relief, it did. Mara took a deep breath - disguised as disgust for appearances but evidently not the case - and carried on marching down the hallways. She had spent years running and commanding this war ship of Maul's, she didn't need directing or prompting, she could have walked these corridors blindfolded so it was no surprise they soon found themselves entering the main chamber of the ship which it would seem was separate from the bridge where Mara had told them Maul liked to command from when he had other business to attend to.

The main chamber acted like a throne room of sorts for Maul - he always emphasised the idea of grandeur and looming but defensible positions for him to stay in whenever they slipped from planet to planet, ship to ship. Thrones were a sign of power he had once disclosed to her, an old-fashioned display perhaps but powerful nonetheless. They don't have to be thrones either, he had instructed, but any position of power will have a space or pedestal dedicated to them if you knew where to look - Jabba had his palace, Crimson Dawn had their yacht and the Jedi had their Council tower.

The chamber was mostly bare - it was probably designed as a large cargo bay when it was a Jedi cruise ship - except for the walls which displayed the Maulian colours. Balconied ramps stood overhead leading to doors which no doubt used for any guards he wished to call upon. Stairs led up to where Maul sat in a large command chair, surrounded by monitors which were likely connected to everything from communications to controls to the bridge. Above them, the ceiling was one huge panel of reinforced glass which gave them a perfect view of space.

"Welcome back apprentice," Maul smiled - or what could be considered a smile as his lips curled and his eyes stared down at her maliciously, "I was beginning to think perhaps you had lost your way. After all, I heard about the chaos on Tatooine.

"A slight setback," Mara replied, marching forward and though she loathed to do so, she knelt on her knees and bowed her head, still holding in the fact it burned to bow before him now she knew the whole truth, "Forgive me -"

At first, she went to call him 'Master' as she would have before, it was what she had always done to hold his respect and show her own. But what was once second nature to her now fell short of her heart. She opened her mouth to say the world but it seemed not to escape her, the title no longer rolled off the tongue the way it used to do. It was yet another momentary lapse of her confidence as it seemed the word physically wouldn't leave her. But as soon as this came about, she recovered as quick as she could to finally push out the word from her lips.

"Master..." She finally said, only a slight pause between her words which she hoped to the force would not be noticed and judging by Maul's unshaken appearance, he hopefully hadn't.

"Now tell me, my apprentice," Maul started with a stern look and a cold snarl which could be seen as almost an endearment rather than a threat but she knew better then that, "What was the purpose I gave you on Tatooine?"

"To capture and oversee executions of any Jedi that came in rescue of Captain Han Solo." She replied, standing up and backing down the stairs - not in fear but because she knew better than to upstage Maul at any time, he preferred to look.

"Then why is it that I have been reported informed of Solo's freedom along with that of the Skywalker Twins and their accomplices in tow - not to mention the murder of a crime syndicate, his personal guard and an entire battalion of our own soldiers?"

Mara kept her head bowed, her eyes on the floor as she quickly thought of what she would have said as an excuse had she still been on his side - what would she write this off as and still garter his respect and admiration in light of her failure.

"Forgive me. My failure brings pain to my heart that I was not able to carry out your orders the way you pleased," she bowed again and though she knew this was a ruse, part of her did genuinely swell in disappointment, the aftermath of an entire life trying to live up to Maul's respect, it was a feeling hard to get rid off even if she no longer even wanted that respect anymore, "As always, my Lord, it is my honour to serve you: please accept these captive gifts as compensation for my failure. I hope I do not disappoint as I present the infamous Anakin Skywalker and his son, Luke Skywalker."

With that, she nudged the two behind her with the force - she would have used the force to throw them at Maul's feet back when she was truly his apprentice but obviously that was not needed now. A simple nudge with the force and the two Skywalkers saw their que. Playing the parts of the captives, Anakin and Luke pretended to resist futility, hissing at their bonds which should be painful, as they fell to the floor as if Mara had indeed beat the fight out of them and they were now helpless. Luckily, Mara suppressed the flinch she almost displayed as Luke tumbled and almost fell face first into the stairs - which he thankfully didn't - and even though she knew it was an act, a part of her still thought perhaps he was truly hurt which she quickly squashed in favour of keeping her head in the game.

Maul looked down with a seemingly unreadable expression. At least with Maul's piecing yellow, rage-filled eyes now focused on the Jedi, Mara could regain at least a little bit of comfort back without the eyes of the beast staring directly into her soul as he had always done. She had always feared to look him in the eye before and she told herself it was because she put Maul on a pedestal, he was something to be admired and worshipped and she somehow felt she was not worthy to look him in the eye for too long or else she might proclaim herself his equal she knew she would never be. But now, as the truth revealed itself, she shyed away from his gaze for the simple matter of his corruptive evil - she feared him.

"And their lightsabers?" He asked coldly, never looking away from the two as he held out his hand to Mara who unclipped them from her belt and handed them over to him, "Ah, you have done well, my apprentice. Consider your previous infringement of your mission overlooked..."

"Thank you... Master," again she felt the well of bile in her throat at the word leaving her mouth but she tried to frame it like gratitude rather than disgust.

It had been a waiting game since they had arrived. Though Mara had known the layout of the ship down to its last detail, that didn't mean Maul wouldn't be privy to some secrscts even she didn't know. They could have tried to go into the throne chamber lightsabers blared but she had no doubt guards would be alerted within seconds. Now they were there, Mara assessed all the doors leading into the chamber and decided their time to strike would be the second Mail left his guard down which never happened often, it was just a matter of time. The ground team on Endor's surface still had to take down the shield generator and the fleet needed to take the shop down, hopefully they would have enough time to escape before then but if it was a case of going down in flames, they could at least take Maul with them.


Han listened intently at the door to the storage room. Nothing seemed to happen initially but with everyone in the room staying as quiet as possible, he could make out faint sounds like marching footsteps of patroling guards and snipits of radio transmissions. He held steady with his arm outstretched to Leia who stood at the control panel, wires in hand, waiting for the signal of the other group.

That signal came in the form of a loud commotion echoing through the halls, coming in the direction of the other side of the complex where they had infiltrated the base. The low rumble of an explosion rung through the halls and shook the building slightly, only to be followed by distant blaster shots, frantic footsteps of soldiers running towards the attack and radioed warning about the Endor natives attacking the back exit to the base.

Alarms were raised and a voice came through the internal com system advising a majority of soldier units to converge on the exitway and stem the attack of the savages. So far, that was being carried out as the noise of marching outside the cargo hold doors were anything to be note.

Leia knew that Ahsoka and the rest of the clones would be waiting in the bushes firstly. With the base now just thinking the Ewoks were the only threat (if they considered them a threat), and a majority of the soldiers would be there to flush them out, they would be ambushed by the clones and a Jedi. But they couldn't have an extra alarm raised by their presence, as far as the base was aware, it was just Ewoks they were under attack by, Jedi and clones would put the place on lockdown and alert Maul's ship. Though there was some doubt if Maul was still in ignorance of their attack, they figured it was best to play it safe than sorry.

As the soldiers voices died down as they headed towards the exit, Leia took up the wires she had pulled out from the manifest control panel and hacked into the communications. It wouldn't stop the alarms from blaring but it would stop anyone trying to relay any new messages or alerts over the system.

With that threat now subsides, all their team needed to do was make their way past the soldier barracks, find the power generators for the shields surrounding the war ship, blow them up so when their fleet arrived, it could be destroyed - she chose to ignore any doubt that pointed to the possibility that her father, brother and Mara would make it out in time, they could handle themselves, worrying herself wouldn't help.

With no time to loose, Han opened the door to the storage room as Leia lead the way at the front of the group. Using the force and her own intuition to guide her through the halls, it wasn't long until the inevitable came to pass.

"Jedi!" A soldier yelled as they entered a large open area which branched off into many soldier barracks.

A blaster bolt rocket right past Leia's face as the black and red clad guards immediately started firing upon them. Leia and Han ducked behind one of the ridges that lined the walls, it wasn't much cover but it was better than nothing. The clones came out in full force, branching off to the sides as more Maulian soldiers joined the fray.

The barracks opened up and put poured soldier after soldier trying to find out what all the ruckus was about because surely the Endor natives couldn't have made it this far into the base. Taken by surprise at first with the appearance of an entire squad of clones and a Jedi, they tried to quickly recover and shoot back but Leia barked her orders over the noise to aim for the new soldiers thrown into the fray, they would be easier as they would have the surprise advantage.

Some of the soldiers tried to duck to the sides as well to raise alarms about their ambush but found the communication systems busted.

To draw attention away from the others, Leia took her lightsaber in hand and leapt into the middle so she had the full range of movement to block and deflect Lazer bolts as they came flying towards her. All the while, the clone troopers picked off the Maulian soldiers one by one. It was an old technique Anakin and Rex had taught both the Skywalker twins, the sword and shield manuver; the Jedi stood up front for defence, deflecting blaster fire whilst the clones stood behind as the offense, taking out the enemy behind their Jedi shield.

But as more and more soldiers poured into the small and compact pace, Leia realised that perhaps being out in the open so exposed was not the best idea for her. But when she assessed her options, she didn't really have a choice. With her team now backed into a corridor, she couldn't just run headlong into the middle of danger, it would be suicide even for her. Even now she couldn't stop to think, it would only take one slip and a blaster bolt could get through her defences.

Before she could consider her next move, her dread of being overwhelmed came true as she felt a sharp burning pain stab at her left bicep, forcing her to stumble back in pain. She dropped her lightsaber - which had unfortunately been in that hand despite not being her dominant hand, she had to change it up to cover a wider range. Hissing in pain and almost falling over backwards, Leia felt momentarily panic a she thought she would be riddled with blaster holes any second now that she was exposed and weaponless but that never happened.

Han didn't need any force instinct or reflexes as he saw Leia being shot and fall back, he abandoned the fight and leapt up towards her, caught her in his arms and quickly pulled her to safety behind the minimal cover they had. Placing himself closer to the enemy so they had to fire at him to even get to her, he proped her up against the bags of explosive charges they had been carrying for the destruction of the shield generators.

"Leia!" He yelped in a panic as he went to assess the wound which did not look good.

"It's not that bad," she hissed but was obviously lying as when he tried to pry her fingers away from her arm, he saw the small flicker of tears in her eyes and the momentary bite of her lip.

"We've gotta get you outta here-" he started as he went to motion for one of the troopers but she grabbed him by the wrist.

"I said I'm fine," she assured him, flexing her other, more dominant arm, "I can still fight, medical will have to wait until after everything has settled down."

Hen was about to protest but one of the clone troopers interjected, "With all due respect commander, there's not much of a fight left, he should retreat and get more of a defendable position and get you medical attention - but it is your call, commander."

Leia looked back down the corridor to where the mass of Maulian soldiers still held their position. They couldn't retreat to another defendable position, that would be giving them more ground that they couldn't afford to loose. They needed to destroy the shield generators soon otherwise the fleet would be sitting wamp rats when they showed up to a still protected war ship. No, they couldn't stop now, they needed to get past these soldiers for the good of the galaxy.

Then it hit her, or rather, she shifted positions and felt the bags of explosive charges dig into her back. Perhaps they didn't need all of those detonators for the shield generators... They could spare one.

Leia stretched her healthy arm behind her, into the bag and dug out a round thermal detenator. Han looked at her, confused for a moment as she reached her hand to his belt and took out his blaster from his holster. Then recognition sparked in his eyes as he realised her plan and a smug smile crossed his lips.

"I love you." He smiled in an amused tone, printing her to mirror the same mischievous smile.

"I know," she whispered back before leaning out into the corridor, tossing the detenator towards the soldiers.

She watched it roll towards them as she brought up Han's blaster and kept it in her sights. Just as it reached the middle of the open chamber, surrounded by soldiers who didn't have time to react, she let a single bolt fly, hitting the explosive dead center.


"Anakin Skywalker..." Maul snarled lowly, dragging the name out like it hurt to pronounce, "I remember a time when you held the balance of the galaxy in the palm of your hand. My old Master seemed to think so..."

Anakin had always been painfully aware that he had been so close to disaster all those years ago, before his children were even born. He didn't talk about it much anymore as it seemed like a distant memory. Palpatine was long dead and Anakin had done well to keep the memory just the same. It stung him how ignorant he had been on Palpatine's influence as a young Jedi. But it was all in the past, Maul was the present.

"I suppose I should thank you," Maul mused with an amused tone, "I was willing to see a whole planet burn to lure you away from my old Master. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of a new apprentice, at least not one as powerful as I had heard you to be. Well... Seems I now owe all of my own power to you - I would not have risen so high with such competition..."

Mara stood to the side of Maul as she watched him stare down at the two Skywalkers like a predator eying up a meal, or perhaps like a butcher deciding what artery to slit first. She had long since tried to forget those looks, knowing all too well that she had received those looks on occasions she had really disappointed him. Back then, it had terrified her, that look, because it meant he was disappointed and she had failed him, now it just terrified her as not only did she see how ruthless he was, it just emphasised the truth of the matter, that being she was never special to him at all, he seemed indiscriminatory whenever he gave that look, to enemies, to allies, it didn't matter; she was no exception, there was no master, apprentice affection to spare her if she had disappointed him beyond repair.

To him, she was like a pet project. A project that started when she was a baby when he had planted that chip inside of her. For months since that chip had been removed, she wondered why Maul had done what he did and she had assumed it was just to have a second in command, she didn't like that as an answer but it would make sense, as twisted as it was. But now, as she saw him sat there now, in the flash after months apart from his influence she questioned him again. Now that her mind had been opened to the light she now sought answers for anything and everything because there needed to be an explanation, but no justification could ever explain why Maul had twisted a child into malice incarnate via torcher both physical and mental, just for a second in command. Perhaps he was just evil or perhaps he was just... Bored...

Luke and Anakin remained on the steps, looking away from Maul like they were truly defeated and scared to look up at him. It certainly wasn't like them to shy away from staring danger right in the face, so it seemed believable enough that when utterly defeated they would finally give up their pride.

"And the other gifts you have brought?" Maul sharply turned to Mara who was taken aback by the question and she could tell so we're the others.

"Other gifts?" She remained as calm as she could be given her confusion.

"Ah, perhaps they have not yet arrived." A hint of a smile could be seen on his icey face as he turned back to the two 'captive' Jedi, "It does not matter. Executions always were my favourite, perhaps that is a gift enough."

"The honour is yours, my lord- " she bowed again, gesturing to her captives only to be stopped by her former Master.

"No," he commanded firmly, giving her a sickly sweet smile which seemed so out of place on him, just adding to the uncomfortable nature of this encounter as he motioned for her to come forward, "The honour is yours."

For a moment she stood there still confused and rooted to the spot until she realised what he meant. He wanted her to kill them, right then and there... This was not like him. Of course, she would usually go on mission and execute Jedi herself but whenever they held them captive and he had them executed, he liked to do it himself and make a spectacle of it in front of syndicate leaders or the troops as an incentive to stay loyal and strong for him.

"My lord, I caught these scumrats especially for you, they are yours to-"

"Did those months away from me impact your senses? That was not a request, that was a command." He spoke sharply, making Mara almost jump at the tone of anger he used.

Luke slowly raised his head up to look at her through the droop of his hair. She could see the concern in his eyes, not for himself - yet another infuriating fact about him she loved, he was ever the most selfless being in the galaxy - he was concern for her. He knew her and he knew she was probably not at all comfortable at that moment. He wanted nothing more than to stand up, break away from his cuffs, wrap his protective arms around her and spirit her far away - she had endured enough pain for a lifetime and she didn't need any more.

Hiding the terror she was feeling deep down, she slowly decended the steps towards the other Jedi, acutely aware of Maul following her with every step. Taking her lightsaber from her belt, she ignited the purple blade and found herself standing in front of Anakin and Luke.

She didn't know how long she stood there, seconds, minutes. Purple light flickered from her blade sparkling on the faces of the Jedi in front of her. She could tell both of them were waiting for her signal for them all to strike but she seemed to be rooted on the spot and have no thought for what she would do next. She felt sick for a multitude of reasons, one of which being that she knew for a fact that only a year prior, she would not have hesitated, in fact she would have loved it in her own twisted way. But now she looked down at these Jedi, people she had until recently considered less than virmin and instead she saw Anakin, a noble, loyal warrior; he was kind and an utterly devoted father with a loving heart.

Then there was Luke. They had been rivals for years, always clashing and at each others throats. She used to consider him even lower than Jedi like a bug to be squished and no second thought about it.

And yet seeing him now, she recognised the opposite. He was the kindest person in all the galaxy, he was the best in everyone, even her. Even as she had savaged the galaxy and killed hundreds, maybe thousands, he had still the heart to drag her from her crash, share his resources with her and let her go. He had been the first and only one to trust her when she had first been brought to Coressant. After all their history, she could honestly call him her closest friend. No... It was more than that now, their kiss had proven that.

All that was left was Maul, only when he was gone and she no longer felt his red and yellow eyes glaring into the depths of her soul, would she finally be free.

She froze in place as she felt a cold hand clasp her shoulder and hear Maul's voice right next to her ear, "Are you going to disobey me, apprentice? Do you need to be taught another lesson?"

She could no longer gide the rage that had previously been bubbling below the surface. She had let it boil and stew but now she let it overflow. Mara was riddled with scars, some physical, some not, and she would be damned before she added another wound to her being. A snarl escaped her lips as she abandoned any rational thought as she raised her lightsaber in the air but instead on bringing it down upon the Jedi, she swung around to swipe at Maul, evil incarnate.

But he seemed completely unfazed by this and instead, quicker than she had anticipated, he brought his own hand up and rather than block her or draw his own saber, he swiped his hand across her face, hitting her with such force she stumbled back and lost her footing on the stairs, sending her down then until she finally slumped against the floor, writhing in pain and shock.

"Mara!" Luke yelled instinctively as he made to move after her despite the stun cuffs still restricting his movements.

Scrambling to get her balance again, she ignored the pain across her body as she looked up at Maul who threw his head back and laughed violently.

"Now now, my dear dear apprentice, Did you really think I was an ignorant fool? That I would fall for such a crude trick?" He bellowed, stalking down the steps towards her, "And yet I can't be too disappointed, after all, you've brought me so many gifts. The Skywalkers, those down on the surface and..."

He looked up through the glass ceiling to the depths of space, prompting the others around him to do the same. There was the Republic fleet, fresh out of hyperspace in all its glory.

"There's all your Republic ships..." He chuckled manically as he took out a com unit from his side and set some sort of signal.

Everything happened at once. The balconies leading to doors up above filled with red and black clad soldiers, as did the rest of the chamber, all with their blasters strained on the Jedi who were already on their feet, ready to act. But that wasn't the only bad news added to the mix, a new ship appeared above them in the depths of space.

It was Maul's third and last war ship, ready to intercept the Republic Fleet.

They were cornered on all sides with barely any chance of survival. It seemed less and less likely any of them would make it out of danger this time.

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts and feedback.

Omg there's only one chapter left, I don't really want to finish it I'm too emotionally attached to this fic 🤣

I want to see you comment on whether or not you think there's going to be a good or bad ending? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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