Forced into Truce.

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Though Luke knew his own wounds - especially his burns - needed tending to, he knew that Jade's were more dire and so were his first priority. With the light from the cave's entrance getting dimmer by the second with the storm now in full force, Luke took out the light generator from his pack of supplies and put it in the middle of the cave, it wasn't much but at least he could see properly now. He only had a few hours with this cell of power before he would have to change it, he only had four spares and he didn't know when or if they would be saved, so he would have to work quickly whilst he had the light.

With only five healing stims in the medical kit, Luke shuffled over to the unconscious dark side user and stuck it to the arm with the most burns. It wouldn't entirely heal the arm but it would at least stop it from getting worse and keep it stable for the time being. Carefully tearing away the sleeve of her black robes, he made sure the burns were no longer enflamed before he moved on.

Her broken leg would be the most challenging as it was stuck at an odd angle which he knew was painful from the way her force signature seemed to scream in pain despite her unconscious state. He knew that if he didn't make some sort of splint for the leg, it might not be salvageable within a few hours.

Not having anything to make a splint from, Luke sighed as he got up and walked over to the cave entrance and shivered when the cold air hit him full force. Bracing against the rocks, Luke focused on where he saw the remains of Jade's fighter that wasn't that far away. All he needed was some scrap metal so he lifted his hand and reached out with the force.

Pulling the metal through the turmoil of the storm was tricker than he had thought as he tried his best to cut through the wind but it was taking a lot of his will power to keep the metal from flying off into the storm.

Eventually, Luke sighed in relief when he wasn't back into the relative safety of the cave, dragging sheets of scrap metal to the side.

Igniting his green lightsaber, he began cutting through the metal which he would eventually fashion into a makeshift splint.

Without warning, the redhead sith jerked awake sharply with a cry of shock and pain. Her head whipped around frantically as she tried to gather her barings of where she was and why she was in pain. Looking up she saw Skywalker standing over her, his green saber at his side.

Panic flooded her entire being as she desperately shuffled backwards but found nothing but stone behind her. She called to her purple saber but as she searched her belt, it wasn't there and in doing so she realised how painful it was to move her arms which she realised were burnt and bare.

Defenceless and wounded, Mara felt anger well up inside of her to join the pain. She hated being vulnerable, weakness was not tolerated by her Master and she would rather die than show pain.

But the agony that crawled its way up from her leg was unbearable to the point she drew her gaze away from Skywalker to find her leg limp, evidently broken. With no hopes of outrunning the Jedi now, it took all the willpower she had not to cry though her eyes filled with tears.

"Hey, be still - calm! I'm not going to hurt you- stop moving!" Luke ushered in hurried tones as the sith was in a state of complete hysteria.

"Get away from me Jedi!" She growled as she tried to use the force to push him up against the wall opposite but in her delerious state, she couldn't muster up the energy to uproot Luke.

"I'm trying to help!" He shot back but backed away even so, not out of fear but in hopes of calming her, "I pulled you from your ship."

"Of course you are you scug! Lightsabers don't lie Skywalker, you wished to strike me down whilst I was asleep, and here I thought you had some sort of honour-"

"I'm building you a splint for your broken leg!" Luke interjected, his voice rising in volume as he showed her the metal he had been cutting, "But if you'd rather I had left you to die on your ship, I will glad put you back there!"

Mara scanned the cave they were in, indeed she didn't remember how she got there. She saw some ration packs and supplies over the other side of the cave but right next to her, was a medical kit. Her arm, which given its rather seveer looking burn should be in a multitude of pain, was relatively numb. She noticed an empty healing stim on the ground besides her and concluded that was probably why her arm didn't feel like it was on fire anymore.

Looking up at the Jedi, she noticed he too was wounded. A burn ran down his side which looked painful and his weight seemed to avoid shifting to a certain foot, so it was probably twisted or dislocated. Like her, he seemed battered and bruised. Rage rolled through her as she saw her own lightsaber hanging from his belt.

"And what do you call that?" She spat, ignoring the fact she may have been wrong to assume he had not been helping her, "A trophy?"

"I call it staying alive. I knew you'd react like this so in order to save both our lives, I took it from you."

"Oh yeah, and how exactly is that saving both our lives?" Mara spat as she glared up at the Jedi.

"Well without your lightsaber you can't kill me and if I was dead, your wounds would fester and worsen probably ending in death some way or another."

Both force users were at a standstill now with Mara still backed up against the wall and Luke stood opposite her. Mara hated to admit defeat but now that her momentary burst of anger was subsiding, her head felt light and dizzy.

Since she didn't remember getting to the cave, she was forced to conclude he had carried her there and since she didn't remember using that healing stim on herself, she had no choice but to acknowledge that he must have been the one to do so. Though she didn't understand why, he had helped her.

"The longer we delay with that splint, the more risk there is that your leg may never recover - could have to be amputated if we ever get off this rock of a planet." Luke cut through the silence as he gingerly took a step forward and though the sith recoiled, she didn't shout out at him in protest, at least that was a start of a somewhat trust.

Luke took up the scrap metal again and began cutting it, using the molten hot sections to stick to other piece of metal. After a few more minutes of work and he finally had a makeshift splint cage for her leg. Hopefully, if they could get the limb inside and set the bone, it would start to heal, but even with a healing stim, moving a broken bone would be painful.

Mara hated that he was helping, of all the people in the galaxy, he was the last one - perhaps besides her master - she wanted to show vulnerability to. They had fought many times now and though she admired his abilities, she hated him, he was a Jedi.

But right now, he was her only hope of recovering. Despite detesting weakness, Mara could not stand this pain much longer and if she had to endure anymore, tears would spill over her cheeks. So desperate for help, she had no choice but trust the Jedi before her, even if it was a very rocky truce.


"Oh, where is R2 when I need him!" Leia grumbled as she hit the side of the monitor which kept blinking on and off.

Han was crouched down to the side of the monitor, fiddling with the wires and cables which he was rifling through. Their earlier awkward interaction had been forgotten, or at least they both seemed to mutually agree to never speak of it again and they knew the Falcon's repairs were their first priority, they could discuss things later.

"Aha!" Leia exclaimed suddenly, "The power coupling on the negative axis has been polarized, we'll have to replace it."

Han looked at her in disbelief as he stood up, forgetting the wires, and came to her side to check the monitor and confirm her diagnosis. Realising she was right, Han didn't really know how to reply. Things between them had been awkward ever since Hoth and all she had ever been towards him was cold.

"Well of course I'll have to replace it." He scoffed, shrugging it off as though it was a fact everyone knew and her discovery was unimportant.

Leia's almost proud smile was quickly replaced with disappointment which Han immediately regretted making her feel as he turned to Chewie who was in the ceiling ducks doing repaires.

"Here, and Chewie," Han yelled, handing him some wires before he ended in something just about a whisper as his co-pilot listened closely, "I think we'd better replace the negative power coupling."

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