Near Freedom.

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The second the Jedi Cruiser touched down upon Coressant's surface with Maul's captured War Ship in tow, technicians immediately set about extracting the flight data and pin pointing Maul's exact location. They would have to act fast if they wanted to catch Maul unawares, but in the meantime, it was to be decided what would happen to the ex-sith, Mara Jade.

Many Jedi and Senators were understandably skeptical at placing their trust in the so called 'former' apprentice of Maul, most believed that this was all nothing more than an act, but they couldn't deny the evidence that was put to them. They now knew all about the effects the inhibitor chip that Maul had planted within her. The entire Skywalker family had an impeccable reputation and Luke was no exception, so there had been no reason to doubt him when he had defended the ex-sith, but now there was no denying it, she had been the key to capturing one of Maul's war ships and potentially putting them in a position to end the war within the week.

Despite the fact their mission had been tiring and Luke probably should be resting as they could be called to arms again any minute now, but when they got back to Coressant, Luke stayed with Mara as she was transported to the Senate which had been called so late in the evening to not only discuss the mission to Oba Diah, but also to come to a final judgement on Mara's future. Whilst Anakin went to he Jedi Council to debrief them on all that had happened, Leia and Han went home, tired beyond belief; Leia had offered to accompany her brother but he insisted she should rest because they were likely to be on the move again the next day and they needed all the sleep they could get.

Padmé and the Chancellor, Bail Organa, greeted Luke and the troopers which were transferring Mara as they came down towards the Senate complex. They were escorted through the halls by senate guards as Padmé wen up and hugged her son - no matter how many times she told herself that her husband and children were capable warriors, that didn't mean she didn't worry about them.

Mara was greatful for Luke's company. Just as he had insisted his sister to get some sleep, Mara had asked the same of him but he refused to leave her side and in the end, she had no complaints. Even though she now probably had more support around her than before, given her help in the Oba Diah mission, she still saw Luke as her saving grace, the one friendly face in the galaxy. The other Skywalkers, the ex-smugglar and the Torguta Jedi, they all seemed to trust her at least, along with the troops she had instructed at Oba Diah, but all in all, Mara owed Luke a lot.

He had been the first to trust her and he had never given up faith in her, even before she stopped trying to kill him. He was the reason she was still alive right now and now executed by the Republic or still living in ignorance by Maul's side. To think that only a years previously, they had been at each other's throat and now she welcomed his presence like welcoming an old friend - which was also strange and alien to her considering she had never really had friends before.

As she was secured on the platform, Luke sat himself beside her and the group of guards overseeing her.

As the evidence was presented to the Senate piece by piece, from her inhibitor chip to the unmistakable fact that she had played a major roll in capturing one of Maul's infamous War Ships, Luke sat and listened to the Senators debating Mara's fate. To his delight, most were convinced by her redemption and called for her release. But whenever some Senator went rogue and tried to fear monger the Senate into keeping the ex-sith captive, Luke would extend his mind to hers, silently consoling her whenever she felt panicked.

Mara was again greatful for his presence as it helped her keep calm, she never thought she would see the day when she turned to Luke Skywalker of all people for solace, but she swallowed her pride.

When finally the Senate was voting on their decision, Mara turned to Luke with a weak smile. Although Luke had assured her all was well, she couldn't help the panic at the uncertainty of their decision.

"Mara Jade," Bail Organa announced from his Chancellor's podium, "The Senate has finalized their decision. From now on, you are a free citizen of the Republic, all charges against you will be dropped and you will be free to do with your life what you wish."

Not containing the smile that spread across her face, Mara turned to the guards with her arms outstretched. Luke joined her side as the troopers released the handcuffs she wore around her wrists. Some of the senators clapped as their podium lowered down to the exits.

Mara doubted she had smiled so genuinely in all her life, she was free.

As the guards departed them, Luke and Mara wandered absently through the halls of the Senate. Most of the senators, having already been called so late in the evening, readied to go home immediately; Padmé was about to find Luke and ask him about their latest mission out of motherly concern but she figured that could wait, she didn't need the force to know that it probably wasn't her place to intrude. Anakin may be protective of the twins, and though she couldn't fault him for that because she was as well, Padmé knew when she was and wasn't wanted.

The two found themselves at the landing pad next to the senate building. She was free but for the time being, she didn't really know what to do or where to go. Having spent the latter half of the last few weeks entertaining the idea that perhaps she could become a free citizen, she didn't really know what to do now that she was one.

"What do I do now?" She mused quietly, breaking the comfortable silence which had blanketed over them.

"That's for you to decide." Luke replied nonchalantly, as though it was something simple, "You want to try and join the Jedi Order, that's great. You want to ditch that life altogether and start anew, that's fine too... It's up to you..."

"I've never had that choice before..." She sighed in acceptance, turning to him and avoiding eye contact like she was ashamed of sonething, "And the worst thing about it was that I didn't know that I didn't have a choice in the first place. I thought I was doing everything of my own free will, I thought the dark side was all I had and... That I liked it... I didn't know any better but looking back on it, I was so naive..."

"No," Luke stopped her, grabbing her shoulder softly but firmly so she had to look at him as he gave her a warm and reassuring look, "It wasn't your fault. You had no choice, you said so yourself. Yes you've done terrible things in the name of the dark side and of Maul, but you chose to do the right thing in the end. You could have captured me when we parted ways on that stolen Maulian ship, but you chose not to. You chose to switch sides and come into the light. You chose to help the Republic and help us win this oppressive war. You're not a bad person, Mara, not to me..."

Luke didn't know if she would except his ridiculously serious speech - she had always been the sarcastic type - but he plowed through nonetheless, only periodically allowing eye contact as it was his turn to feel embarrassed and shy. Every word he had said was true and he was relived when she stood silently and soaked it all up without a joking quip or retort in response. Luke had always been an optimist and he had seen Nara go from a blood thirsty sith to a victim of Maul to a woman with a fresh start in the light - he didn't want to see her doubt herself now.

"I tried to kill you more times than I can count," Mara chuckled slightly, loosening the uneasiness between them as she placed her hand over Luke's which was still on her shoulder - it was a soft gesture she wouldn't even had thought about when she was so hell bent on showing no vulnerabilities, "And yet here you are. Thanks to you, I am better than I was..."

"I can't take all the credit," Luke chuckled back with a warm smile, "You're the one who got rid of Maul in your life."

"But I haven't..." She pulled her hand away from his sharply, "Maul is still alive. My inhibitor chip may have been taken out but that doesn't mean I've cut him off. Maul must be cut out root and stem, and I want to be there when he dies, I need to know he's truly gone..."

She stood back from him slightly, looking off into the skyline of the Coressant night. Some saw the city as either a shining and beautiful and others saw it robbed of nature, but Mara just saw it as a new life for her. This could be her new home, if she wanted it to be, but she would never be truly free until Maul was destroyed.

"Could you... Could you take me to the Jedi Council? I want to ask them if I could accompany you on the mission to kill Maul. I don't think I can go alone, it would feel like intruding." Mara sighed softly under her breath as she took Luke's hand again and looked down as their fingers intertwined, "I trust in the force... I could never give that up, which is why I will also ask to join the ranks of the Jedi Order."

With that, Mara allowed herself another act of vulnerability which she would usually have rather died than enact on; she shuffled slightly closer and raised her lips to Luke's cheek, giving him a small but meaningly chase kiss.

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts and feedback.

Also, Luke and Mara, awwwwwww!

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