Old Friends Departed.

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Having already fought Mara once before, Luke already knew what to expect. She was fueled by adrenaline and was always the one to strike first, that much was evident during their last fight.

As predicted, Luke dodged out of the way as Mara's Purple saber cut through the air towards him. Knowing she would do so, Luke jumped out of the way of the saber. With her momentum not slowing down or stopped by Luke's saver she was sure he would raise, Mara was overbalanced momentarily. Taking advantage of this, Luke jumped from her side to behind her, kicking her square in the back so she stumbled forward.

"Playing rough, Skywalker?" She snarled with a smirk when she recovered and turned back to him, "You've gotten better since last we met."

"One could almost believe you just gave me a compliment, Jade." Luke mused as he poised his lightsaber up again, ready for the next attack.

"Don't get used to it, Skywalker," the redhead spat, circling the Jedi as the black and red clad soldiers gathered around the two like a gladiator ring.

Luke forced himself not to react when he saw Leia and Han sneaking towards the Falcon, unbeknown by the soldiers who were all concentrated on Luke and Mara's fight. Leia was rather hesitant to enter the safety of the ship as she didn't want to leave her brother out there even though she knew he was capable, so Han had to practically drag her along by her hand to where they stayed out of sight, looking over the scene from the ramp of the ship.

The sith apprentice leapt forward again, going to strike at Luke's side but he blocked it with his own green blade.

Their fight was cut short when the large blast doors to the hanger bay opened at the other end of the hanger and the sound of lightsaber on lightsaber filled the room.

Almost forgetting their conflict entirely, Mara and Luke separated from their locked blades to see what was going on.

"Obi-Wan!" Luke yelled in horror as he saw the older Jedi now locked in combat with Darth Maul.

"Master!" The apprentice warned, seeing him nearly take a hit from the Jedi.

The two seasoned fighters paid no attention to their younger counterparts, locked in concentration. The soldiers in the hanger ran over to other side of the hanger, abandoning Mara and Luke as they watched the fight between Maul and the older Jedi.

Luke could barely watch, he would never admit it, but Obi-Wan was getting on in years and whilst that had never impaired him before, it was obvious now that Maul had the upper hand between the two.

Spinning round to evade one of the Sith's blows, Obi-Wan saw the twins. Luke was standing there in the middle of the hanger and to the elder Jedi's relief, Leia was safe as well, watching timidly from the ramparts of the Falcon.

Though he had come out victorious in many fights greater than this one, Obi-Wan couldn't deny that age had barely any effect on Maul. There might have been a time when Obi-Wan could've killed him for good for what he did to his beloved Satine and the entire galaxy which he had plunged into yet another war. However, he already knew what he had to do.

Even if he managed to kill Maul, all the guns in the room would be pointed at him, then at the twins before they could escape. Whilst all eyes were on him, he needed to give them time to get themselves out of there.

He couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

So if this was going to be his last, then he'd make it worth while.

Obi-Wan Kenobi looked back on all he had done in his life. The overwhelming emotion that swelled to the surface was pride. Anakin, his best friend and brother had grown into a successful and skilled Jedi, eventually passing on his lessons to Ahsoka. Korkie, though he wasn't there for him early in life, had become one of the most peaceful and compassionate politician in the Senate; his mother would have been proud.

Then there were the twins, Anakin's pride and joy. Though Obi-Wan had missed his chance at love and a family, he had always been proud of the loving Skywalker family. Luke and Leia were every bit as skilled as Anakin and as level headed as Padmé. The elder Jedi's soul was at peace knowing that the galaxy was being left in capable hands.

With a swift swing of Maul's red blade, Obi-Wan barely felt it as it ripped through him; but instead of pain, he was peaceful as he gently slipped away to become one with the force...

"No!" Luke yelled as he saw the red saber cut through him but only his cloak fluttering to the ground.

"Uncle Obi-Wan!" Leia screamed, making to run out to him but Han grabbed her by the waist, not wanting her to run into the deathtrap that was the hanger.

At the twins' outburst, the soldiers turned and began their blaster onslaught. The redhead sith just stood there, a malicious look on her face as her master, Darth Maul, stomped his foot down on the empty cloak.

"Luke! Get outta there!" Han yelled out from the ramp as he shot towards the nearest criminal soldiers.

Leia used the force to pull Obi-Wan's lightsaber hilt towards her. As soon as the cold metal hit her palm, she clutched it to her chest with tears brimming her eyes, just like Luke's.

Despite the rage which boiled behind the surface, Luke was forced to retreat to the safety of the Millennium Falcon. Han was quick to the cockpit and before the Skywalker twins could even comprehend what had just happened, they were jumping to hyperspace.

Sorry it's a short chapter this time round but I promise I have big plans for this fic.

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