The Truth Out.

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In the month following Palpatine's death, tensions had been high throughout the galaxy. With General Grievous also gone, killed by General Kenobi, the Separatist Government no longer had influential military leaders for their fight. But if course, one both the Republic and the Separatists were informed that both sides had been lead by the same corrupt leader, both sides had agreed to a truce, at least for the time being.

The Republic was in uproar at the turn of events. Many wanted to vote immediately on selecting a new, just, Chancellor. Others were scaremongering minor parties, calling for the wars to continue and the conflict to start again. But then there were the politicians who followed in Senator Amidala's footsteps, calling for an official peace treaty to be made immediately before diplomacy resumes and the Senate could recover from its wounds.

Whilst some Jedi and their clone troops were off world, trying to keep the peace on individual planets, many of the Jedi were relieved that the fighting was over.

Anakin was probably the most greatfull for the end of the war. With Pamdé only a few months for giving birth, he wanted nothing more than for their child to grow up away from war.

Padmé had wanted to have their child on Naboo, away from the fighting and away from politics, where they could spend time together with their child in secret. But since the commotion in the Senate had escalated, they now had come to terms with the fact they likely wouldn't be able to have their child on Naboo, not when the Senate needed Senator Amidala in it.

Though it was a shame that the first thing their child would see, wouldn't be the lush fields or beautiful waterfalls of Naboo, Anakin knew it would probably be more practical for Padmé to be on Coresant. Not only did the Senate need her, Anakin wouldn't drawn attention to them by timing his meditative leave with the exact time Padmé left for Naboo. This being the case, Pamdé's handmaidens prepared one of the guest rooms as the baby's room.

The galaxy seemed much more simpler now. The war was over, the Sith were gone. The council trusted Anakin and many had been calling for his assention to the rank of Master. Ahsoka was back on Coresant and was liaisoning for the Jedi.

And soon, Anakin would be a father. He admitted, that when he had initially found out about his wife's pregnancy, he was both terrified and overjoyed.

He had so much on his mind already at the time that he thought perhaps a baby would be their undoing.

But more and more, as the galaxy returned to normality, he began to focus more on the overjoyed part, truly embracing his excitement at having a little one running around.

Obi-Wan had returned to Coresant a few rotations after the Chancellor's death. Ahsoka had delivered Darth Maul to the Republic within a force-proof cage but his trial was pushed back due to the Senate already occupied with other things.

Obi-Wan was back with him, Ahsoka was back with him, Padmé was safe and sound. He felt complete.


Padmé stired in her sleep as she reached a hand out to the other side of the bed, hoping to wrap am arm around her husband. When instead she found herself clutching empty sheets, she yawned softly as she opened her eyes to find Anakin gone.

Pulling on her most comfortable gown, Padmé pulled herself to her feet, placing one hand on her baby bump before she exited the room, hoping to find Anakin sat on the sofa by the balcony like he usually did when he had bad dreams.

To her puzzlement, he wasn't there but it didn't take her long to realise where he might be.

Hobbling down the hallway, her suspicions were proven right when she entered the baby's room and found him sat down in a chair next to the crib.

"The nightmares again?" She asked softly, moving over to him and placing her hands on his shoulders.

"No," he chuckled lightly, standing up to carefully place a hand on her stomach, "This wasn't a bad dream, far from it. This one was good, the happiest I've had in a long time."

"What was it about?" She mused, wrapping an arm around him and nuzzling her face in his neck.

"You and me, raising our beautiful and gifted child on Naboo." He replied, kissing her on the forehead, "My nightmares have long since passed, you don't need to worry about me anymore."

"Ani, I always worry about you," she smirked up at him, "For the last three years you've been shot at on a daily basis, everyday that went past, there was always a possibility you wouldn't come home. So yes, I worry about you but it is hardly an overreaction."

"The war is over now. Things can go back to how they should be."


It was early in the morning when the door notified them of someone's presence.

Anakin was dressed and readying to leave for the Jedi Temple when he heard the noise.

One of the security guards went to open the door, he one of Padmé personal guards who turned a blind eye to the Jedi sneaking in every night. While he went to the door, Anakin slipped into the next room, hoping the guest wouldn't be too long because he didn't want to be discovered.

"Can I help you, Madam?" The guard asked as the doors opened.

"Um, this might be a strange question, but I don't suppose Anakin is around?"

He knew that voice. It wasn't hard to forget especially when she was always giving him an earful on missions. Ahsoka.

"Um... I don't know what you mean, Miss," the guard tried to shrug away the question though it was obvious he knew the answer.

Knowing there was no way to avoid this any longer, Anakin sighed in defeat and walked out from his hiding spot. It had been a long time coming now that sooner or later, he wouldn't be able to keep this from those closest to him.

"It's ok, Captain," Anakin informed the guard, "Let her in."

Ahsoka wasn't even surprised when she saw her former Master immerge from the corridor. Having spent more than three years around him and Senator Amidala, she had her suspicions of course, only now was it proving to be right.

"Good morning, Master," she greeted, bowing her head slightly as the guard left them.

"Why come look for me here?" He asked weakly, though he knew his cover was blown.

"Anakin," Ahsoka chuckled lightly, "Ask anyone in the Temple where to find you and they immediately point to the Senate Apartments."

Though he felt embarrassed and rather exposed, he couldn't help but let a smile cross his lips. At least Ahsoka was still her snippy self.

"You wanted to speak with me?" He mused, trying to change the subject.

"Yes..." She said hesitantly as she sat herself down on the sofa, Anakin sitting next to her, "I've been considering giving the Jedi Order another chance... They've been blind for so long by Sidious, we weren't the only ones to be fooled. Perhaps things with them will be different with them now."

"I don't believe it!" Anakin exclaimed happily, "You're seriously? This is great, it's so great to have you back 'Soka!"

Pulling her in for a brotherly hug, Ahsoka couldn't contain her laughter at her Master's outburst of joy. She knew she had hurt him when she left the Order so returning back to normal would likely heal them both.


Ahsoka knew Senator Amidala's voice well and with her emotions already running high, she couldn't wait to see Padmé again.

She bounded to her feet and turned to look behind them where her voice came from. But she stopped abruptly, just as fast as she had started.

There stood Padmé, just as elegant and radiant as ever. She seemed a little startled by Ahsoka's presence, no doubt because she was worried their secret was in jeopardy.

And she was pregnant.

"Wha....?" Ahsoka's jaw dropped at the sight before her, trying to process this.

"This is um... Unexpected..." Padmé admitted shyly, dread filling her every second.

After a few awkward moments of silence, Ahsoka looked back at Anakin who was just as flushed as Padmé. Then she looked back at the Senator, then back at Anakin before repeating.

"Unexpected is putting it mildly," Ahsoka finally spoke, "Am I right in assuming the baby is Anakin's?"

"You assume correctly."

"As her husband, I would be concerned if it wasn't." Anakin mused as he got up from the sofa and wrapped an arm around Padmé.

"Husband? Wait, you're married?" Ahsoka blurted out loudly.

"I thought you said you knew," Anakin  inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"I knew you and Padmé were hiding some sort of relationship but I didn't think it was something so long-term like marriage or starting a family!" Ahsoka retorted, confused and a little overwhelmed.

"Are you going to turn Anakin over to the Council?" Padmé finally plucked up the courage to ask the question she didn't know if she wanted the answer to.

"Of course not." Ahsoka sighed, shaking her head, "Anakin is a brother to me, I couldn't do that to him, or to you, Padmé."

"Thank you, Ahsoka," Padmé sighed in relief, one of her hands draped over her stomach delicately, "We've taken a big risk, yes, but I'm glad there is one less person we have to lie to."

"What about Obi-Wan?" She asked, figuring that if anyone deserved to know it should be him, "Surely he has his suspicions like I did."

"He often comes round to check up on me and ask about Anakin, so I have no doubt he drew his own conclusions from there..." Padmé admitted, "Though we've kept him out of the loop thus far."

"Master Kenobi has known you longer than I have," Ahsoka spoke directly to Anakin, "If I chose not to hand you over to the Jedi Council, what do you think he will choose?"

"I know he would be disappointed in me breaking the Jedi Code," Anakin mused, "But then again, he would cool off just as quickly as you did."

"What will you do if the Council finds out though? Like I said, ask any Jedi where to find you and they immediately point to Senator Amidala's apartment." Ahsoka pointed out, "And what if your child is force sensitive?"

"I hadn't considered that..." Padmé bit her lip as she looked down in thought.

"I'm no expert but I'm sure force sensitivity is passed down the genes. Don't you think it would convenient if the child of a renowned Senator was powerful with the force while there is already gossip and rumours about her affair with a power Jedi? Do you seriously think the Council will just think it a coincidence?"

"I know..." Anakin sighed, "I doubt we could keep it under wraps for long but   we're doing our best, Snips. I'd just be greatfull and happy for the time I have before I am inevitably expelled from the Jedi Order."

"Don't talk like that, Anakin," Padmé sighed, taking his and and giving it a comfortable squeeze.


Obi-Wan was pleasantly surprised when he received a message from Senator Amidala on his com link. He was aquatinted with the Senator of course and would even call her a close friend considering her 'friendship' with Anakin. He had been to check up on her a few times in the past months because he had been worried about Anakin and she may have been the only person besides himself who knew his former Padawan best.

But this was the first time she had contacted him to invite him round. He wondered if something was wrong or worse, something had happened to her child.

Luckily, he had no meetings or briefings that day which was a relief because it seemed that was all he did since killing Grievous.

It wasn't long before he found himself outside Senator Amidala's door.

Once a guard had let him enter, Obi-Wan was at a loss as he saw two extra people he didn't know would be there.

Ahsoka sat on the sofa opposite the other sofa where Anakin and Padmé sat. To his curiosity, Anakin had his arm draped around her middle, openly showing affection which Obi-Wan thought was odd.

"This is a surprise." He stated bluntly before he went to sit by Ahsoka's side, looking over at his former Padawan and the Senator, sat so close and familiar, "Is this an appropriate time to point out that you two seem close?"

"They're more than close..." Ahsoka smirked quietly, stifling a laugh at Obi-Wan's comment.

"Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like what I hear?" Obi-Wan sighed, it dawning on him the nature of this meet up.

"We thought it an appropriate time to come clean," Padmé started, absently stroking her baby bump softly, "To tell you the true nature of our relationship..."

"And that is?" Master Kenobi inquired, though he was certain he knew most of it.

"They're actually married and the baby is Anakin's." Ahsoka blurted out before they had a chance to, loving the reaction she received at the mention of marriage.

"Subtle, Ahsoka, subtle." Padmé chuckled as Anakin hid his face in embarrassment as his former Master stared at him.

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So who's here for Auntie 'Soka?

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