Twins Reunited.

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"Leia?" Han questioned absently, looking over at the Jedi who looked as if Life Day had just come early.

"My sister!" Luke explained joyfully, relief deep in his voice at learning she wasn't dead, "She's alive and on this ship!"

"Okay...?" Han dragged out, bored by the conversation already.

"She's being held in detention block AA-23." Luke mused as he read over the file her name was attached to on the monitor, "She's being scheduled for termination- No! We've gotta do something!"

"What are you talking about?" Han protested as he made his way over to Luke who stood his ground.

"She's my sister! I can't just leave her here! We gotta help her!" Luke said with a note of anger at Han's reluctance.

"Now look, don't get any funny ideas. The old man wants us to wait here so I'm not going to risk my life to save some Jedi girl!"

"Obi-Wan didn't know she was here, he'd want us to save her, he knows we'd do the same for him," Luke shot back as Han sat himself down again and Luke went back to the computer, "If we can just find a way into the detention block..."

"I'm not going anywhere." Han announced unceremoniously as he rest his legs back on the desk.

"They're going to execute her! I need some help to free her- please! Look a few minutes ago, you said you didn't want to just wait here to be captured, now all you want to do is stay?"

"Marching into the detention area is not what I had in mind!"

"But they're gonna kill her!"

"Better her than me!"

Luke couldn't help the anger which boiled behind his eyes as he glared at the back of Han's head. That was his sister he was willing to abandon and Luke didn't appreciate how little the smuggler cared for the lives of others. Luke considered trying to using the force to trick Han into helping him but despite the popular opinion on smugglers, Han was anything but weak-willed.

"We can make you rich."

That seemed to get his attention. Even Chewie growled his contentment at the prospect of money. Even though Han was anything but predictable, he was still a criminal after all, and Luke knew everything in the outter rim revolved around money regardless of morals.

"Rich?" Han questioned, turning back to Luke, trying to hide his spontaneous change of heart.

"Mm-hmm," Luke nodded, "Our mother is a Senator in the Republic and our father is higher up in the Jedi Order. Listen, if you were to rescue her, the reward would be..."

"What?" Han questioned, eager now laced in his voice.

"Well more wealth than you can imagine!"

"I don't know. I can imagine quite a bit." Han mused smugly as he turned his chair so he was directly facing Luke.

"You'll get it."

"I better!" Han retorted stubbornly.

"You will! I promise."

"All right, kid. You better be right about this." Han sighed in defeat.

"All right," Luke said in relief as he backed off from Han to try and formulate a plan.

"What's your plan?" The smuggler asked skeptically.

Luke scanned the room, looking for anything which could help them get to the cell blocks without being caught. They couldn't just waltz up and take a prisoner without question. And how would they explain Chewie? Wookies weren't exactly known to blend in.

Finding the jackpot, Luke picked up a discarded pair of binders which lay beside in of the bodies of Maul's crew.

"Now," Luke explained as he walked up to Chewie, "I'm gonna put these on you."

When the wookie protested and tried to shove Luke away, the Jedi backed off slightly. Despite the holochess incident earlier, Luke didn't hate Chewie. Some people thought wookies were vicious and deadly but that's only if you got on their bad side, Chewie, other than a few times, was loveable and was actually really kind. Knowing Chewie didn't like the look of those binders, Luke thought it would be best if Han did the honours as Chewies obviously trusted him.

"Ok, Han, you put those on him."

"Don't worry, Chewie." Han huffed in amusement as he stood up, took the binders and approached the wookie who was much calmer with his best friend in front of him, "I think I know what he has in mind."


Though both the smuggler and the Jedi knew that their plan could come apart at any moment, they kept calm as they walked through the long winding halls which made up Maul's war ship.

Passing many menacing officers and soldiers, they kept their head down and kept walking through the maze of corridors which Luke had memorised from the monitor. The uniforms they wore in Maul's signature black and red, were less than uncomfortable and even Luke admitted it was difficult to see anything with the helmet on but he couldn't take it off as that would not only bring attention to themselves, but they would be captured immediately.

When finally they reach the lift which would take them up to the detention blocks of the ship, Han waited for the doors to close before he turned on Luke.

"This is not gonna work," he remarked somberly as he gestured to Chewie's binders which were loose and unconvincing.

"Why didn't you say so before?"

"I did say so before!"

Ignoring him because the fate of his sister was on the line, Luke turned as the lift door opened up again, revealing the control center for the cells. A few officers sat around, only half of them actually paying attention to the monitors.

"Where are you taking that wookie?" The one who looked like he was in charge asked.

"Incoming prisoner in need of cell location." Luke explained, extending the force slightly, hoping to sway the officer's mind into believing him.

"Really?" The officer seemed skeptical but otherwise didn't question it, "There's a free cell down this corridor."

Surprised at how easily that had worked, Han followed Luke and Chewie down the corridor towards the empty cell. But that's when the plan fell flat. They couldn't just steal her without the soldiers noticing.

"Plan B?" Han mused.

"Plan B." Luke nodded.

Chewie started growling and thrashing as though he had broken his bonds. Going along with it, Han and Luke pretended as if Chewie was some beast which had broken free.

"Look out! He's loose!" Han yelled, prompting the guards back at the control center to spring into action, grabbing their blasters.

"He'll tear us all apart!" Luke added as he handed Chewie his blaster but made it look like it had been stolen from him.

"I'll get him!"

They shot down the unsuspecting guards before destroying the security cameras which were located around the central pannel. They knew someone would have heard those blasts so Han immediately ran up to the monitor.

"We gotta find out which one of these cells this sister of yours is in," Han said as he quickly scanned over the logs, "Here it is, you go and get her, I'll hold them here."

Switching off the alarm and with Luke running off down the corridor, Han turned on the com link, "Uh... Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal."

"What happened?" A voice came down the com link.

"Uh, had a slight weapon's malfunction but, uh, everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine, we're all fine here now. Thank you. How are you?" Han cringed at his worse bout of improvisation and hoped it would work.

"We're sending some men up."

"Uh, negative, negative!" Han tried desperately to prevent the inevitable, "We have a- a reactor leak here, uh, now. Give us a few minutes to lock it down. Uh, large leak, very dangerous."

"Who is this?"

"Uh..." Han trailed off, no more ideas coming to mind before he grabbed his blaster and shot at the com controls, "Boring conversation anyway. Luke! We're gonna have company!"

Knowing they could be overrun with soldiers any minute now, Luke hurried down the corridor until he found the cell which Han had pointed out to him.

Using the force to open the door, he hurried through it, finding Leia sat atop the bench at the far end. Her eyes lit up when her brother removed his helmet.



"You're not dead!" Leia exclaimed as she rushed up from her spot and all but launched herself into her twin's arms, hugging him tightly.

"You seem surprised," Luke chuckled, hugging his sister back, "I'm not entirely helpless without you, ya know?"

"Could've fooled me." Leia chuckled as they separated and left the cell.

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