What is life

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A wise snake once told me that it doesn't matter the content, and to make an art book anyway

So here I am

What am I doing with my life

Okay, so I'm going to lay down my rules:
-You can swear. I will swear. You can swear. I don't really care.
-blood/gore/sad things will be present.
-No hate, honestly. If you hate it, then why would you look at the art? It makes no sense, right? So if you hate out, you wouldn't look at it, which means you won't have to venture into the comments section
-Please comment, comments are good, I love comments. If you want to, just comment
-Umm,, no art thieves but that goes without saying
-um, I guess that's it? I don't know, I might come back and add new ones

Okay have fun

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